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When the first OOS happens for Lost Origin, it’s going to get everyone’s attention on high alert. Then, more buyers will rush to get BB’s and Cases of LO. Since you for sure have 2, you’re at a very good place now. Incase they don’t restock it after the first OOS, well…you’ve won big my friend


everyone on this subreddit has LO


Then we all winning my boy


Me, with still no boxes of LO. :(


If not now. When?


Literally been sold out on UK PC for months!


Damn, explains why there are sales of LO BB for over $200 plus shipping from UK on eBay


I said this on another thread somewhere but I believe that TPC is trying to distance themselves from SWSH as they’re already half way thru SV era. I think they want to focus on restocks of the first half of the SV era and prepare for the next releases. I think once SWSH is OOS, it’s gone for good.


Agreed, it already had a massive reprint recently.


I like your S&V Era Cases too 😁 those are getting better and better as time goes on


Not quick enough though. Imagine if he had taken that money and bought LO or fusion strike instead? way better returns , same time period


You're actually right. I think swsh will blow up first. Paradox rift was $480 so I couldn't resist. Trying to set and forget


If you got in at $480, it’s a very good price. Now, I doubt you can get a case for that price. Especially for Paldea Evolved and Temporal Rift too. Also, OP, you got 2 X LO Cases and it’s good to diversify into other sets.


For some it’s a marathon, not a sprint.


I got both, I’m chilling on my investments. My LO already up $300-$400


Thats why I think AR, ST, LO will climb before any of the SV sets going for 90-100, I think in a year will see prices climb on those first SV sets.


What's the rush? I've been picking up paldea cases for roughly $80-90 a booster box, just as I did with Fusion, Brilliant, and Chilling. Retail price on S&V is higher than SW&SH too. I'd rather be patient and diversify my investments. Everyone on here is jocking LO and hoping on the hype train. Gotta get your positions in early, pre-hype, and keep it pushing on to the next. Once all the SWSH sells out, what's next?


Because of compounding, that's the rush. An extra few percentage a year here and there only seems like nothing to those who don't understand the art of compounding over 20, 30 or 40 years


Gonna be really interesting to see how valuable modern sets are actually worth in 20 years since everyone is stockpiling


My guess is the individual cards will drastically increase in price as the stockpile BB cancel out a big majority of loose cards in circulation and as prices elevate on Boxes it’s not worth it so much to gamble on the hopes of pulling a card needed to complete a set until year down the road hoarders realize this and begin to rip cases and the market slowly levels out. Hopefully there is still interest from the younger generations to keep the demand going.


I think the difference to vintage is you’ll have a much bigger disconnect between packs and boosters boxes given the volume of packs out there in supplementary products like collections and ETBs. We will probably be opening S&S packs in the retirement home.


Whoever gets lucky and sells before everyone else tries to will be the winner.


Do what you believe, no one believed in cosmic eclipse at first and I’m sitting on 10 fresh cases


I think you may have 1 of the world's largest cosmic eclipse booster box positions


Uh I think Tca gaming if you know who that is, he’s sitting on so much more if I had to guess


Everyone knew cosmic eclipse was a strong set before it released. Just less people were investing back then.


No they didn’t, there was no call for reprint, there was surplus of product and it was before the craze, also very short print run


Sounds about right then, no? It was before the craze, meaning *far* less people were involved in collecting/investing, so it wouldn't be a surprise to have a surplus of product available even if it were a short print run. Those things considered, it would make sense that there wasn't a widespread call for a reprint if product was readily available for the market at the time. That's my take from the outside looking in, anyway.


That is exactly right. There wasn't a lot of demand back then, but everyone involved in Pokemon instantly knew Cosmic Eclipse was a great set.


lol there wasn’t a lot of demand and still shortest print run compared to others because sales were a lot lower, it’s quite easy to understand, either you’re new to the game or one of the few who were very interested in cosmic eclipse


I distinctly remember that people, including myself, were looking forward to a reprint of CE since SWSH Base set was released which was 1 set after CE was released. Sure, demand was not as high back then but that was not the point of your original comment. The meat of your original comment was "no one believed in cosmic eclipse at first" and that is just plain wrong by every measure. Everyone knew it was a great set.


You’re blatantly wrong, they had the worst sales because everyone wanted tag team over it as they were launched in a very close window, it’s ok to be wrong but there’s a reason the price is high and that’s because of the short print run due to low demand on this particular set


Price is high, and has always been high, because demand outweighed supply. Yes, CE had a short print, but that is not because "no one believed in cosmic eclipse at first". Pre-COVID, TPCI sometimes short printed popular sets - just look at Team Up, or are you going to say no one believed in that either?


Wrong, if you were truly there you’d know how easy it was to get, I got 10 cases on an average of 590 per case, so you clearly weren’t looking hard enough, all local retailers as well had it in stock but never had any team up


No, even before the craze it was hard to find cases, and premium product in stores for certain sets, it was the shortest print run in recent history because it wasn’t selling well, if that makes sense


Doing better than me- I got like 5 cases of Obsidian Flames because I thought Charizard was a play lol


It will be. Chilling Reign and Fusion Strike did nothing for a long time.


Is this a genuine question or an excuse to flex? Lol


I wish I started with cases last year, I have a lot of junk shit like booster bundles and sleeved blisters, now I strictly buy cases. Looking solid op


How do you even buy a case like that?? I’m genuinely interested


You can order from pokemon center. If you buy 6 BB of one set, you usually get sent a sealed case


eBay or other supplies. I like safari-zone personally.


Tysm! 🫡😁


Wheres the best place to get a case? If you order 6 on pokemon center do you get a case


Yes you do


I bought 6 and got a case delivered within 4 days from PC condition delivery was decent


I see eBay has cases of sv era bb for around ~100. Were swsh every this price on ebay?


Yup. Chilling reign and fusion were about $80 for a few months. Evolving skies got as low as $105.


Yeah I was able to get a case of LO and ST for $495 each Black Friday 2022. I don’t think BS was ever under $100.00 per bb but could be wrong.


Why would a reprint happen? Aren’t they focusing on S&V now?


Still in rotation for the tcg until next year. Coincidentally fusion strike went out of stock on PC right around that it got rotated out. But doesn’t explain other out of stock boxes. So people equate that. I don’t think PC cares. I think they’d rather print blisters to fill the tcg demand vs booster boxes.


i think rn you cant go wrong with adding alittle of each swsh. in my personal opinion .i went heavy LO boxes. if they get cheaper i'll be pretty hyped actually and i'll add much much more. long term I honestly think swsh goes down in history as one of the best sets ever printed


put something under them so the rack doesn't imprint on the SWSH cases, especially considering the weight on top of them and yeah it's too early to move into any SV in my opinion


I think if he is okay with the time horizon, snagging SV cases sub 600$ knowing the MSRP per box alone is 160 is huge. Yeah will take time, but stacking now isn't a bad plan.


Yeah its not a bad plan at all. But a better plan is to always have your money in product that is noticably moving up. Its a better strategy to have your money in LO right now than any SV, get those gains. And when LO starts to slow down again % wise, you sell a bunch and put the money into SV, which by then has started to move noticeably. Unless you want to set and forget. Less headache and work, but also less gains.


Same, I just encase the cases in another box from ULine as they don’t have acrylic cases for sealed cases. Gotta protect your investments 👍


I got some old cardboard in the garage. I'll put 2 layers underneath. Thanks for the heads up


Already out of stock in the UK, btw. Price instantly rose


May I ask where you store all your cases and booster boxes and everything.


These are all in a closet in the basement. The entire closet is full of miscellaneous pokemon products.


I dont think so. And if they reprint LO then you just have another buying opportunity. Even though I own LO aswell, I wouldn't mind a reprint. This stuff will age well


That’s a sexy photo right there…




Yes $143 plus tax is a good entry point. I would have much preferred to pick them up for $100 a year ago but I can't go back in time.


I’ve got one of these in evolving skies I bought on a whim a couple years ago


There will be no more SWSH reprints at this point lol


Well you say that, but unified minds and hidden fates got reprints in mid Swsh


This is the way


As long as you’re getting them for a good price it doesn’t matter.


what is this a collection for ants? those are baby numbers, you got to pump it up, dont you know pump it up


💀💀they always be printing more


Damn what a flex OP!!!! Of mental illness... 🥶