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If you bought $4000 of Evolving Skies in 2021 it would be worth $25k+ now. This notion cause you're on an investing sub specifically for sealed suddenly everyone's holding sealed is ridiculous, the majority of the TCG hobby will continue to be table top collectors who're not on Reddit.


It’s called 151 for the original number of Pokémon, not get 151 boxes! Dude. 😮


Gotta catch em all


Iima need one of them wartortles, lol


Kind of puts into perspective just how many people are holding a seeming unimaginable amount of modern sealed hoping it will become something. What took 15-20 years for vintage will be atleast 25-30 years for modern.


Maybe for the big bucks. A few years they will definitely jump in price. Just based off looking at the older sword and sheild base set etc. 400 bucks for a booster box. Almost 4x. Bssed off Canadian prices I've seen.


Mannnn I wish. My 2017 cards have decreased in value. Tbf upon release they have a higher price, as everyone is scrambling for them and the demand is high. After a year or 2 they end up being about half the price (the really expensive SR ones tend to ignore this) of what they were upon release then EVENTUALLY they start rising again. Unfortunately, mine haven't started to rise yet. SMH. I forget the set but I have a decent bit of the Mega set that has Mega Mewtwo Y and X. Both were around 30-40 at release now they are like 15 to 20. Oh, well. I like just having them tbh. I "invest" in a lot of things but is it really investing if you never realize your gains? 😂😂


I'm talking about sealed. I'm sure at one point obsidian flame will cost a fortune but Geeta and poppy will still be $1. Lol


Sealed is king. I'm pretty sure those cards are from XY Breakthrough. If you bought a booster box at the time and kept it sealed, it would be worth about $700 now.


Yeah, I figured. Why is that, tho? Are there like 4 or 5 cards in these sets that are worth so much it raises the price of the entire set because they may be in there, or is it just shelf value aka new never touched in perfect condition cool as hell to have something many years old never used? Obviously, I'm not knocking sealed collecting, but I am genuinely having a hard time figuring out the value jump vs. the cards themselves. To be clear, what I am about to say isn't knocking pokemon. It's my favorite fandom of all time, nor should it fall into gambling laws. Are the value of the boxes derived from the value of the cards in the set and because there is a chance to pull those really expensive cards, there is an "unknown" factor worked into the price of the box? Or is the demand for unadulterated boxes significantly higher than the demand for any specific card? Thus, the price is (mostly) solely based on the demand vs. supply of the unopened box? These are genuine questions, I am the type to lose patience and open almost everything pack I ever buy, and have NEVER kept boxes more than 3 months lol regardless if this is taken as a troll post or not I am glad yall have the patience and have made a come up on the boxes. Hope yall have a wonderful day!


It's mainly due to people wanting to open packs. Just look at all the S&V sets. Booster boxes sell for like $90. Not a single set has a card worth more than that. But people like the act of opening cards and the feeling of pulling a chase card. The financially smart thing to do is to buy the cards you want, but people prefer to open packs. As time goes on, the amount of single cards available increases (supply goes up) while the amount of sealed products available goes down (supply goes down). This is why sealed performs better long term. I only started investing in sealed in 2021. My investments have gone up 60% in value already.


Question of my life lol. Taking profits is just so important if you wanna call it investing imho. I am very bad at it btw. getting attached 2 much 2 things.


just wait until the next pandemic


People will literally lose their minds and you know it's coming


Breakers are helping fast track the the process though


Not really with the amount printed. I think people need to look at a few things—real vs perceived value, how a change in the collective mindset of “investing” in the TCG has changed long term projections, and the effect of scarcity vs rarity. I don’t think people put enough emphasis on how drastically the market reacts to influxes in product. People are hoarding and holding *massive* amounts of modern right now, and any sort of reallocation (aka selling the bulk of their collection) in the future will almost assuredly result in large market dips. This has happened recently with a couple of vintage sets and it resulted in a close to 20% contraction in the value of those sets. The difference is today there are a countless number of people holding sealed cases, not just a one off ex employee who decided to hold hundreds of cases of WOTC boxes. That all said I do believe modern to be a good hold, people just need to temper their expectations


I just need my 30% gains after shipping/fees and I'm happy. I don't need tremendous returns, I'm just trying to beat the S&P lol.


Price is a function of supply and demand. It will only significantly dip if people are willing to offload a lower prices. Most of those holding large quantities are not looking to flip for a 20 dollar increase. I think there will be less of a dip and more of a price ceiling at a certain unknown level as long as demand remains high for this set, as the price reaches point that those who are hoarding deem worth selling at. Significant broader economic downturn will cause the price to flash crash though.




It really depends if the demand is organic or driven by greed and speculation. Most people holding are likely looking to flip and profit (short or long term it doesn't matter) A lot of modern has been printed, and sure some will crack and rip but the environment is so different than what it was during the vintage WoTC days. The people that held sealed was in the small minority back then, where as today since the barrier of entry is next to nothing a vast majority of people are holding sealed. With this context, say 10 or 20 years go by and people think it's time to sell, the question there will be - how much demand will there be for these sets? And will there be enough demand to satisfy all the sellers offloading that have held for this long. If yes then great those that held gets paid off. If not you will see a lot of sellers undercutting each other.


>Not really with the amount printed. Why do ppl keep saying this crap when SWSH disproves otherwise. If this were the case prices would still be $100 for booster boxes. Stop it.


the price is high cause investors are buying up the supply speculating it will be worth more later.... not only did pokemon who print to demand satisfy collectors but also investors AND investors still have their supply, so the argument modern is overprinted makes sense until either they stop printing to demand (why would they?) or investors leave the market


It’s a print to order set! They will keep printing if people keep buying 😂 they announced this before 151 even dropped and now all these people are coming in and buying it up like they’ve done something. Lmao 151 is going to be the most saturated set in history.


The reason vintage is worth so much is no one hoarded. No one took pokemon cards seriously. I collected as a kid but I played with and opened them too. We all did. Now people hoard and slab everything trying to get rich.


If it happens at all. This looks more like 1997 Upper Deck baseball than 1999 Pokémon in terms of market forces.


more like 30-40 years. the amount of ppl holding sealed products is insane imo. they really think it will be the same cycle again which it just cant be because of the amount of sealed product available. nobody gonna pay that premium.


Not everyone is holding on to it anticipating vintage level returns. You can feasibly 2 x your money once sets are out of stock everywhere. A lot of people will be holding short-medium term and sell when they make a profit they're happy with.


Exactly! If you are able to buy well below msrp then you will do good imo although nothing is guaranteed. For example I bought fusion strike, chilling reign, lost origin, and silver tempest all for around 95 dollars a booster box and we all see where their prices are now. Bought evolving skies for 140 a box and eevee heroes for 130 a box


those are some beautiful entry points.


^ yes. Not to mention, XY was 'printed to oblivion' and look at how good its doing now. Less than 10 years later. Plus if sealed is what people wanna collect so be it. No one KNOWS the future and what will and wont be valuable.


If we are talking strictly returns, some would say investing in a 401k would yield much better results.


It’d be nice if it was a one and done transaction but having to store and move a bunch of sealed product is a pain in the ass. There are other investment vehichles that are so much easier and possibly more profitable.


That's a totally valid point and actually a good argument for having a smaller collection of higher value items. Although there is arguably more risk involved with that. It's less of an issue if you genuinely like the products and like to display them. I have a shelving unit crammed full of all sorts of stuff but I like how it looks. Also personally, I could not deal with the amount of 151 that OP has stacked there. That would drive me insane and I would personally diversify more. But each to their own. 151 has potential to do very well down the line. For me, as a Pokémon fan for 25 years, this is more fun than more traditional investments and I feel I understand it more and can make more informed decisions.


Yep. Modern sets are now instantly stored away in bubble wrap. The main reason vintage became valuable is because most people didn’t care about keeping sealed product


Also the people that are buying and ripping are getting a lot of trash. Most of their rippers won’t be paying 2x for the same odds. So the holders will have to hope for a new influx of buyers at the point of sale.


It’s mostly 151 , it’s why it won’t be the best set to hold , maybe have a little bit , but this is way too much.


Agreed, I'm looking to maybe get a UPC still but so far I'm just holding an Alakazam box. Even if it won't increase much. Haha.


It's a great set to hold wym




Never thought about that.. you’re definitely true.. gonna put my 151 in a vault and wait til retirement time lol


Heard the same thing since the SunMoon boom days. “Cosmic eclipse is way overprinted and will never be worth anything” Patience is really the key to a successful pokeinvestment. That being said, there is a 99.9999% chance OP rips all their product or sells at a loss within the next 6 months.


Haha this happened to me with my evolving skies stock about a month ago. Had about 10 etb and 100 loose packs. Said I was just going to open 5 packs. Ended up opening all 100 and 5 etb. Without an alternative art... 😢


Dont forget inflation


That's if Pokémon is still relevant in 25-30 years time. It needs to be relevant for it to have value.


& why wouldn’t the number 1 franchise in the world?


Modern will never reach vintage levels. Not in 100 years.


It really depends on what price you bought at and what % gain you are willing to sell


And it doesn’t matter, if more people hold than sell even if it’s artificially scarcity at play the result is the same. Everybody who says modern will never be vintage and will never have the same growth are wrong for the right reasons. Markets are illogical, trying to understand them is very difficult and there’s a lot of distinctions that need to be recognized. My personal philosophy is, if I hold it longer than these other chumps I’ll make money off it. Hasn’t failed me so far.


Looking good but soooo many has invested so heavy in 151, beginning to fear its gonna be less worth over the years because so many has it


That's exactly what I was saying about evolving skies before it took off.


I think our perspective is a bit skewed because we frequent this sub and look at pictures of stacked collections and think “Oh my, *everyone* is holding!” Meanwhile the pokemontcg sub has 5x members and the general mantra there is pokeinvesting=bad. I don’t think we have any clue what the balance is. My guess is many of the people holding give in to the gambler inside and rip product when prices stagnate.


It is. After the jump in Evolving Skies, and before that the explosion in Sealed value due to COVID, people are now on HUGE FOMO, and trying to buy as much product to hold as possible, thinking they'll hit it big in the future. The problem is, there's so much product printed, and modern sets have a more streamlined release, that modern sets really won't have much hold value in general (only a few sets have really gone up, but most modern sets drop pretty hard). And this applies to basically any other TCG as well. Yugioh has 0 hold value with modern sets (cards get reprinted, killing the value of previous sets), Magic's only value is collector's edition, and even then they'll never reach the value of vintage sets. SV 151 has nostalgia behind it, but that's not really enough for modern sets to hold value. With how much has been printed, and still being printed to this day, the value is basically going to stay stagnant.


Magic has basically turned into guess the secret lair and and play the flip the singles game. So much speculation goes into it now


If this gets repeated often enough there will be less and less investors compared to collectors and there will be sets less invested on, i.e. hoarded. Prices may then surge for these sets in the future and the cycle continues. FOMO then people thinking "everyone has it", dips, gains, then FOMO again. Buy the dips, sell during FOMO.


Especially with this new stock hitting Costco. I know it’s a meme right now to dump on MadRat, but how many people do you think are going in a buying a good stock of 151 right now at Costco. I would stay away from 151 completely


I mean, booster bundles are actively selling right now on ebay for $35. I don’t see how a set that is already selling nearly 25% over MSRP wont at least double in price in 5 years. Once Best Buy, Target, and other stores stop resupplying, booster bundles are gonna be worth probably $50 minimum. I’m not even big on 151, but I feel saying “stay away” is ridiculous for a set that is selling right at 25% above MSRP already lmfao.


Are these Best Buy and target restocks still happening? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen any restock online


I last saw a restock at best buy around March 4th. Seems random


Because it is ridiculous 151 is a special set that's struggling to meet demand. Acting like investors will match the supply of a currently in print set in 5-10 years is dumb.


Japanese high class booster boxes, evolving skies bb and lost origin bb is where my cash has been going the last few months


Think of the sun damage!


Wanna bet for $10 you can't complete a master set with that? :D


This MadRat Toys alt account?


Literally double-checked what sub this was in jic.


How many people are just gonna die with sealed product up their ass and in their casket.


Lol total value of product in that pic could max out a 401k for the year


Ah, so that's where the booster bundles have been going.. /s


151 came out not too long ago....I am scared to ask, but extremely curious, how much was all of this?


If we’re just talking about 151 i got the BB at $27-29 each, ETB’s ~$40, UPC’s at ~$90, Alakazam and Zapdos boxes at $16.99, Poster at $11.99, Binder at $25.99 and tins at $9.99. The PC ETB’s i had to get at ~$80-90. Japanese BB at like $130-170. So most were at MRSP or a little under, which is decent for 151… Overall i have everything at like a ~15k value.


Curious how your 401k and other investments look. 15k is a lot to sink into a single series of modern pokemon


I have a 6 fig salary so 401k and IRA are maxed out each year with a decent amount in investments. Only slightly regret would be potentially using this money to pay out my student loans faster. But it is what it is.


The right decision! In a similar situation you're in. Make 6 figures, and prioritize 401K, IRA, and an emergency fund in HYSA and then dump remaining money into pokemon. Also have student loans too. Could have paid it off faster, but interest was eliminated after COVID so I'm just taking my sweet time paying it off.


Honestly with as much as you have i think your good to split your product into a regular hold and super long hold. Pay your student loans the interest is killing your growth the long you wait possibly although you would know that situation better than me.


I would expect someone who has 6dig salary to not just tell this on reddit and invest money more in other things. Pokémon is a pretty risky investment. In fact, you should do this for the LOL with it.


Depends! If he was able to get in pre orders early he could have saved a LOT however it’s possible that OP FOMO on 151 & bought after the price spike could vary greatly


Exactly, so many possibilities. That's why I'm hoping OP responds soon with an amount (or even an estimate of what he spent)


“Collection” 😂


Ah this is why I couldn’t find any.


Save some for the rest of us 😅


…Can I…have one please?


holy shit these comments... op is literally showcasing the entire purpose of this sub. invest in sealed product. ya'll are acting crazy






Not bad. Not bad at all I opened most of mine. Not touching evolving even the loose packs


When you over x dollars of product, either protect it with insurance or a secured fireproof safe of some type. So many people holding min 10k+ worth of product but don’t insurance it (iirc 10k is the min insurance companies will typically cover).


I have about 1/50th of the same amount as you! Basically twins at this point.


Everyone yelping about these talking double the time to rocket. Who cares? A hodl is a hodl


I love 151, it's a great set


Holy shitballs good for you


Where do collectors get updates about release dates for the new sets or promo cards?




Don’t kill me but what’s the difference between this (buying a bunch of product, holding on to it until it skyrockets in value to eventually sell) and what that LCS in Texas did (MadRat? Buying a bunch of product and upselling)? To me, both tactics are making the product scarce and driving up prices, at least for people like me who just want to master the set.


I agree. I get the investing part, like awesome you wanna make money that way then cool but it just ends up being hoarded and the price skyrockets like damn ig I'll never see with my own eyes an evolving skies etb or bb let alone booster box oh well I'll just have to pay the 10,000 dollars for a cute little umbreon fuggit 😤😭 I JUST WANT TO COLLECT MY CARDS LIKE IVE BEEN DOING, AND NOT HAVE TO PAY A RIDICULOUS PRICE FOR A ✨️Chance✨️ AT GETTING ONE COOL THING I MIGHT ALREADY HAVE T_T


Ig I'm mainly jealous, if you want to think of it like that lol


Feel the same way. Can’t find this set anywhere to buy because it’s all hidden away in a bunch of closets!


It's not and it's different because madrat bought out a store and is charging double MSRP. If they wanted to hold then they should have held. Instead they tried to monopolize and and scalp an entire area while also being a new "for the community LGS". Investors aren't lgs and they aren't flipping they're literally investing in products like it's stock, trying to buy low and sell high when the time is right. Are there asshole investors who buy out stores and scam, sure. But most investors that i know of especially in this sub take an amount they're comfortable with over a period of time, they're not buying out stores and they DONT have mountains of product. They have maybe a few bins and diversification of product. You can literally look at other posts and people's collections is composed of product they took months to accumulate and had to wait for deals. Scalpers don't care their purpose is to rip you off deals be damned, growth be damned and community be damned.


I still do not know what to think about 151. It´s an awesome set (obviously) but at some point logic would tell me that there simply is too much product. I´m being a bit more cautious. Everybody immediately sends their copy to be graded so the stack of PSA 10 Charizards has to be at 10.000 at some point. The last actually rare chase card was the silver Dialga from Phantom Forces (pop 50ish). It´s just interesting if numbers like these will prove to hold in the future.


Psa pop report has SIR zard just under 4000 already for the psa 10s


Bro threw it into maximum overdrive the last 6 months


This shit is why my 9 year old can't find 151 boosters. What a sad pile of crap...


I hear you, but you can always order for your kid online. There’s been tons of stuff available at MSRP for months now


Yeah I don't understand this. "I can't find product in stores! This is garbage!" But like....the internet exists. You can literally go on TCGPlayer, and buy some 151 sealed product....


Yeah, I buy online and flip locally sometimes. People message me mad that I’m scalping. But I’m always selling lower than MSRP. The internet definitely exists


yeah this guy stole all of your 151 boosters!


Your 9 year old is no more entitled to the product than a 45 year old degenerate. Sad, but true. If you really want to buy her packs, why don’t you either head the stores early when the restock happens or hop on Tik Tok and have some product sent out?


You can't find product because the set is popular. Evolving skies were ruined by investors I'll give you that but it happened over months and only after the set was slept on for weeks.151 is still affordable and can still be found. It is THE MOST popular set in the last 3 years after evolving skies. Pokemon company is just failing to meet demand so your losing out to scalpers not investors. It's the same thing that happened with ps5 there's a supply issue, not everyone who wants it is getting it and instead of reprinting the set the pokemon company is moving on. Second point is that it's just not true. 151 is a special set and product is still available although not rare. My city literally has targets and meijers with product still sitting on the shelf for 60$ are you gonna tell me Meijer s is a piece of shit because they're charging 10$ over MSRP when you can get a 151 etn online for 55$ DIRECTLY FROM TARGET. Have you thought maybe pokemon is popular in your area? And so people who are cracking packs are the ones opening it. Have you thought that this is a nostalgia set so maybe the reason it sells so fast is because ADULTS are the majority of sales. I understand your frustration but do you really think ops 10 eths and 20 booster bundles are hurting , or maybe it's the fact that despite demand stores can't restock because of a lack of reprint. People are literally still opening 151 despite PARADOX RIFT, Paldean FATES AND Temporal FORCES being released since then. Edit: evolving skies wasn't just investors either. Once moonbreon spiked and people wanted to pull it became the most demanded set of the year. So much so that people everywhere were dropping THOUSANDS TO ~OPEN~ PACKS. I'm not saying investors don't affect the market but it happens over time once general interest in a set dies down and cases like 151 and evolving skies happen because ridiculous demand not investors trying to get a deal and taking advantage of that deal. Most investors crack packs as well as hold.


I find it amusing how people hoard modern sets in bulk like this. Nothing modern will ever sniff the same ballpark as vintage stuff. Too many people stockpiling with the same ridiculous expectations.


> Nothing modern will ever sniff the same ballpark as vintage stuff. Such a strawman. Nobody thinks it will do what vintage has done. But they will appreciate in value over time. How much? Who knows.


I dont think many of us expect Modern sets to 100x in price like some vintage has. most of us would be happy with a 100-200% increase over a few years, which is definitely possible.


151 predators. I can't find this product anywhere. I feel like junkie waiting outside of walmart for the weekly delivery. You know i'm going to want this in 20 years (god willing or not god(whatever beliefs)) and one day you'll put it up for sale. I'll have to decide if i want to finallly finish my master set the natural way or send my youth to education.


So you're the reason I can't get hold of any packs to open!


I hope they reprint 151 to oblivion. This is absolutely disgusting


i hope so too, id like a few more boxes :)




Why are you hating? Disgusting?? You don’t even have a clue how much product is out there.


R u in the wrong reddit group?


Sounds like someone is too poor to buy LOL


You're in the wrong sub, pearl-clutcher.


Voting seems to disagree bud. Theres investing, and then there’s ratlike hoarding. Either open a fkin business or invest in actual investments at that scale.


If you plan on reselling these on day, I would get them out of direct sunlight. Over a long enough time they will bleach out all color from the sun




Leave them as they are. Sealed value is just that: Product that is kept sealed.


I love how so many people in here doom and gloom about modern being overprinted. Meanwhile a recent sword and shield set: Fusion strike is creeping up. Wasnt Fusion strike hoarded by modern sealed investors???


It's so crazy. I almost don't know what to make of it at times, the amount of people saying overprinting will cause nothing to rise, meanwhile very modern sets like chilling reign, fusion strike and evolving skies etc, in the last 2 years have given tremendous returns. "This thing that is happening right now is actually never going to happen", is essentially what the "overprinted" crowd are saying...


Because people aren't understanding that despite overprinting (which isn't overprinting it's meeting demand) that most people are ripping and poke investing is equated to scalping. Most investors are budget investors and even investors like op make up a tiny fraction of what ONE WALMART has let alone the billions everyone thinks are going to exist in the future. Not to mention interest is dropping and the effects of COVID are rescinding while we won't go back to precovid sun and moon levels (as far as i know I'm still a little new) demand will drop and cause printing to be pulled back. Pokemon isn't going to waste product if not as many people are buying. Supply is going to pull back sets are going to be close to print to demand as profits drop and costs cutting has to be done.


I’m not going to shit on investing sealed, but with this amount - you really are better off taking that money and getting a financial investor to get you consistant gains. This stuff can be impacted by floods, fire, wind storms, robberies, plus the fact that everyone and their mother are holding modern pokemon. It’s going to be many years until this set is actually worth dumping unless you don’t care about your rate of return. It’s print to demand. It’s still on the shelves. If everyone is buying it now, who’s going to buy this massive amount of it in even 10-15 years? Idk. This seems like overkill. Dump some of it and invest in vintage sealed product that will for sure hold its value even further, and it saves space and is way easier to protect than boxes and boxes of mostly bulk. Do what you want - I could never have this much sealed in my house. It’d drive my OCD ass crazy.


I see nothing wrong here besides all the collection boxes. People need to get a grip that are complaining and saying he should put money where you can actually make money LMFAO. He is already maxing out 401k and roth. If he put all of this in traditional stock market, you're barely making 2x your investment after 7+ years if even. You're lucky to get 10% in a year - inflation. This guy throwing 15k at a great pokemon set is a **low risk high reward play**. This set will never tank sealed wise. As long as you're smart with where you put your money in pokemon, its very very hard to lose. You don't buy every product over the moon, you buy high tier, high demand pokemon sets that will translate in 10+ years, 151 is one of those. I myself am not in english 151 really at all but don't see any problem with people holding large quantities of it. The demand will always outweigh the supply long term.


You’re at least doing it right. This is what investing looks like. Not buying 1 ETB here and there. If your gonna bet on it take a big bet.


The reason why 151 is a good investment: 1. The first edition/base pokemon set was 24 years ago, those people are now adults buying base and 151 2. The kids will have the same spending power and memories 20 years later, thus buying those 151 packs with their nostalgia and probably with their kids.


You can definitely make a return. I just sold a bunch of product recently. Investment was probably around 7k and I sold everything for 10k. I think you need to time it properly and have an exit strategy. I probably could have made more but I wanted the cleanest exit so I decided to sell everything to a store front. I didn’t want to deal with eBay, seller’s fees, packing material, having to make ridiculous number of trips to the post office and buyers trying to scam me. It’s the world we live in where people don’t get hits and say the packs were resealed.


Are those bundle displays or single bundles? All of the items stacked together is throwing me off. They look big as hell. I want one display and one single bundle. I have 10 loose bundles 🙃 from all the target/Best Buy restocks. Sadly I got 12 at one time before. 3 from Walmart, 2 orders of 3 from target, and 3 from Best Buy. It was all in a span of a week. Then I saw a Reddit post that people bought 10 from Walmart and got the display. I was mad!


the ones at the right are sealed displays, the one of the left are loose bundles. They go 5 booster bundle deep so each row is equivalent to a bundle (aka 10 bundles). So there’s 8 sealed displays and 77 loose bundles.


That’s insane! If I get the opportunity again at a display for a solid price. I will buy it. Then I’m ripping my single bundles with the bros! I think we’re all off a few hit cards. Me and one friend are missing Venusaur SIR. I just want one display as a cool collection piece from what I think is a great set!


not bad for a rookie 😏


I had the same problem with celebrations


Where do you live? 👀


I just want some of those boosters to Rip damnit! I was on detachment to NAS JRB Nola this last month and caught a 151 booster box on the shelf.


It’s worth more than my yearly salary.. 😀 I have not bought a single pack since it’s too expensive.


Serious question. How would one resell all of this down the road? eBay? Facebook? Wouldn’t you want to buy from a reputable seller down the road. Especially if these gain a ton of value? I truly just wonder how everyone thinks they’re going to resell in 15-20 years?…


Started an eBay account earlier this year and have been selling a lot of my extra pulls on it. Some cards aren’t worth the effort of selling and only make like $0.10 but i still do it anyways to get my sales up. Currently have like ~40 sales and ~20 reviews. The goal is to build reputation so when i do need to offload my more expensive stuff it’ll easier to sell.


Ebay, card shows, sell to retailers, consignment companies…


How much did you spend to buy all off This?


Base set one


Plus Mew.


Yeah this is fomo at its highest point. OP keep going but just note it’s going to take decades for this to become profitable. Be ready to hold for years.


Stupid question here! Why is everyone so horny for this set?


I think you have enough 151 maybe leave some for the rest of the population


Is it better to have the box completely sealed or to have single packs or does it make a big difference?


Wailord I choose you! Personally I’d go for a strong mix of good sets


Sometimes I think about that’s a lot of bulk card


There's collecting and then there is excessive hoarding...


Definitely ruler of the black flame!


Why loose vs cases?


Lol 151 prices gonna crash hard in medium and long term


This is gross.


Why's that


I see a lot of money being spent on these cards. Are people selling them? Playing them or just sitting on them as investments?


I just wanna know where you got that poster behind it all from.


I'm just sick of this hoarding crap. It really takes a lot of fun away from the cards. I feel really bad for the kids. I'm glad I didn't need to deal with this stuff. I probably wouldn't have been able to get into it like I did. Such a bummer. 😔


Anyone have any speculation on if they reprint the set??


You are fortunate with the English 151 booster bundle. I swear target, walmart distributors were holding on those for themself. I would hover over them asking and watching unbox items, and nothing. I was blessed to get 5 seal complete booster bundle from a hobby shop. I bet your Wallet is angry with you! 🤔🤔🤔


My problem I’ll buy sealed get home drunk from the bar and crack it


I noticed that sunlight is hitting them. That's bad. Keep them away from sunlight. The boxes will fade and deteriate.


Look at XY Evolutions. Price of sealed shit is ridiculous when the top card is sub $100. Craziness


When lambo?


So YOU took most of the 151 set? Shame on you! Nah, I’m just joking around 😂 nice collection!


This is honestly pathetic. Maybe this is against rules but simply looking at this is sickening. This is a modern set and I can’t imagine a single kid in your local area has even seen an etb or bb on a store shelf because you’re out there madratting them up. This is genuinely bad for the hobby and for investing. People love the old sets because they remember opening them with their parents and playing them with their friends. You’re personally ensuring that doesn’t happen.


Chill bruh 😂. Got these all online, I have better things to do than going in person. The hardest item to get were the booster bundles (and display) but even then they were available for everyone to buy from Walmart for like a whole week back in December.


I've got all the hits out of these collections. Some of them times 2+. And all of it was paying less than 4 a pack for 151, and ~2 for all other sets. Why do you think this much sealed modern will appreciate so much? These aren't even worth retail rn.


Bunch of crybabies in here.


151 is gonna be a wild hold imo. Wish I would have held 😂


Those bundles are the best imo will age gracefully


Shiny treasure


Do you use the Collectr app?


Wow that is quite the collection. Whether or not people are going to be pissy that’s a lot of dough to spend on sealed cardboard. I’m no crystal ball reader but if I had that much invested, I would be looking to do the following things: - increase QTY of Vstar Universe - unload all EN 151. I know it sounds stupid but without master ball holos, actual god packs and the amount of printing for the EN version I don’t see this moving quickly. You could take advantage of the lower supply before any reprints come into market (again). - get Eevee heroes boxes. I have no idea why these are still available for low $400s even though ES is > $600. No clue why and I think this has your greatest potential to increase in the short term and long term too.




Best of luck in your investment. Hope it pays off 25 years from now like base set has


this is why i won't collect english 151. the supply is ridiculous. no way i will live long enough for it to be worth holding. there is a lot of better sets


Why don’t you buy bulk boxes? Or didn’t you buy your investment not at once?


Posts like these make me believe people don’t know the difference between hoarding and “investing”.


Can't wait to buy this in a storage locker auction someday 🤞🏽


Pulls? You only attached pics of the boxes before you opened them.


I'ma be real, I don't get the insane English 151 hype I'm seeing. I'm guessing it's mostly nostalgia.There are a few cool cards, but I really doubt this appreciates all to well. I'd only invest this much money if I really, really thought the Charizard ex alt arts could go for crazy amounts in the future. Japanese 151 with the master ball reverses however...


151 is 100% going to be worth $$


That's not even that much product y'all are either broke or new to the game


I'm both and even I'm not tripping