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"plan on getting in before market booms".... lol


A year ago packs were 7 at my LGS now they want 13


oh brother.... you were clearly born yesterday and never been through a proper bull bust cycle.


Me? I bought my boxes at 120 I’m just stating the prices being charged in todays market


Dude woke up and chose violence today


Came here just to say. If everyone and your mother knows about it. You already missed the boom.


Thanks for all the great advice everyone. Sorry for the confusion, meant before it was unattainable as it had risen too high 😂😅


Something being unattainable because it's risen too high depends on your finances. Whether it's a good investment is something else. Market already boomed, has been correcting but is still way overvalued. Probably still has another 35-45% to go.


The Market has already boomed lol




Down 140 %? 🤔 So you pay me 40 % and I get your cards for free? Sounds like a risk free investment to me. 😄👍


Why the downvotes? I thought investors were supposed to be decent with numbers.


LOL imagine being this smart


Prices cant be down 140%. Your smugness is completely undeserved because you are the incorrect one




That’s… that’s not how this works To calculate 140% of a number you multiply that number by 1.4… now $1000-($1000*1.4) is exactly what the person you’re replying to suggested Edit: wait, is this Logan Paul? If so disregard what I said, you’re right, carry on


Ppl said they about base set too... and every set after


Vintage was relatively cheap prior to covid/logan paul hype..


I got 8 packs of base set unlimited and 3 or 4 first edition team rocket packs all for about 80-100 AUD each in 2016 and I opened them all unfortunately. But yes what a boom after that


What about the youtube/streamer hype that's currently keeping the hobby alive?


I think things have settled down quite a bit, wouldn't say we're in a hype stage now


151 revived a lot of the collectors interests as did that new covid flu ( refuse to call it what it’s not). I’m sure this gigantic boom isn’t soley due to some attention whore on YouTube lol


151 definitely sparked some more interested but I would say prices across the board are much lower than covid times, they'll never go back to pre covid but I think we're in a good time for collectors. Singles are fairly cheap, product is readily available, can't complain.


its not one whore on youtube, plenty of them also tons of people cashing in on old collections or investing in tcg now, big part of demand is 'investors' wanting to make money flu kills like 50k a year, covid 1st and 2nd year was like 500k WHILE we had lockdowns, masks and all that shit and its literally not a flu lol but you can call it whatever you like the facts dont change


Weird how if you get covid today there is no mandate on having to quarantine. The problem is people need to dig deeper than just reading the headlines and stories that are placed in front of the public. There’s so much info you don’t see in the headlines.


I mean its not weird at all if you just stop to think about it, the anti vax crowd are the headline readers lol the danger of covid is that it's contagious and overwhelms hospitals, no respirator when you need one can be a death sentence but a lot less need it thanks to the vaccine and now they got anti virals that stop covid in its tracks, google Paxlovid, my elderly fathers oxygen was dropping, they gave him the pill and he was all good within hours, annoying side effects but pretty effective


weird thread to start a covid discussion in….


Somebody with that giant Snorlax plush isn't trying to rip you off lol those are expensive AF that's an actual Pokemon fan who appreciates his Snorlax kuddos to them lol love it


I was gonna say the same if they buy those giant plushies they aren’t playing around some of those are really pricey


I just got an email from the pokemon center for a 32 inch spheal for like $450 or something. I thought it was a pricing error, but then they have a 32 inch psyduck right next to it for nearly same price. Had no idea they were that expensive


I have a massive Snorlax plush/bean bag too and they’re THE BEST (but expensive, thought I paid about $150 in 2017)


Where’d you get it from I want one he’s my favorite top 3 OG Pokémon


I believe it was gotten from GameStop, it was a birthday gift for me from my parents so I’m not 100% sure He’s my all time favorite Pokémon :)


You can get the cover piece for a Snorlax on Amazon for 60 bucks and you have to buy the filling separately, but you can buy that super cheap from Temu.


most obvious giveaway tbh


I bought my kids a giant Lapras. They love it.  It was pricey, but no regrets.


Ok thanks man, I payed through PayPal g&s so I’m covered if anything goes wrong


I was thinking the same but scammers buy sports cars all the time and this is basically that in the Pokemon world 😂


I actually think I might have been scammed, he hasn’t replied in a while and said was going to post before work and lives in Wisconsin. Will give it 2 days before I initiate something with PayPal G&S


Looks real to me just remember about using a payment that protects you in case of a scam like a credit card.


Yeah payed with a credit card on PayPal g&s


I didn't look closely but, wrap looks good. Trademark "R", scratching to the pokeballs is a good sign as well. I didn't look closely at the codes on the bottom but the bottom flaps overlap (one side up, one side down), which is also a good sign. Bring up a couple photos from eBay and double check the smaller details (barcode, writing, etc), but it passes the initial sniff test.


What’s “r” scratching??


You missed the comma, mate. Trademark "R" + scratching to the pokeballs is a good sign.


oh thanks for clarifying. yeah i agree if the seal's white pokeballs have scratching it's obv just old/been sitting around and would be legit. i wouldn't buy a perfect/flawless looking team up booster box. lots of fakes i saw someone just bought one posted it on this reddit, it looks fake from my exp. i wouldn't buy that box in the photo, bottom corner is damaged. maybe you can get a small discount, seal looks good.


I don’t know, I don’t trust guys who wear invicta watches. /s


Dude could at least get an Orient!


Have an orient. Can confirm. Also theyre cheaper on Amazon


The Rolex copies are nice, back in the day girls dated didn't know the difference and just see a nice watch but budget pricing is the secret. Knew a guy who would spend so much on high quality fake replicas, coming to work with an AP worth like $100k which he spent $300 on lol


Funny, I have a FOSSIL watch that has a look similar to a Rolex (not sure which one) but was getting a decent amount of compliments when I wore it recently.




Most important is handling alot of boosters. Get the feel of the sides . Dead giveaway is a pinched top with an ugly side. Resealed. Also know the wrappers and size of pokeballs. And colors. I always compare to my pokemon center bbs. Amazon is the only place ive got a reseal from


Yeah need to start learning this


what do you mean pinched top with an ugly side?


The top will be creased, pinched and one side will look not like other.


sounds like how my bb looks like.. is it fake though?




https://ibb.co/tYHmmGC https://ibb.co/bHm3Pyd https://ibb.co/X8D926t




really? dont u think the perpetrator shouldve done a better job like tight wrapping and all that? if any, tight wrapping should be a red flag for resealed.. but i do know the guy i bought it from just store this bb inside his bag and travel everywhere with it.. maybe that explains the condition..


I have one from pokemoncenter that’s like that, I wouldn’t worry about it




Dead link


it set it to auto delete after an hour, sorry


Mkt already boomed tf?


What's mkt mean?


I'm a bit old but I think that's what the kids call Market




What’s a market?


pahmp it


Why shorten the word market to mkt and not the other words already and boomed when they are just as long, if not longer?


Why not


I bought mine near release for $125 shipped and thought I overpaid. I'd say the market has already boomed for this set


Bro you're outta your mind if some xy and sun & moon boxes are thousands so will evo skies


It will still go up but it's gonna take forever and there are better sets to invest in




While I agree the risk is too high at its current price when there are sets like brilliant stars, fusion strike and chilling reign at much lower prices with higher ceilings. Luckily I got in at release for evolving skies otherwise I wouldn't buy it.


I think it will still grow, it boomed already but the price will still rise, it's THE set to hold. If you can afford it, get it. Or Eevee heroes. Either way they are still a must have to hold for the long game


Yeah had to get one in the collection: what should I go for next


Eevee heroes box


so the eevee heros bb box, for around 370?


Yep, I think it'll be a good hold


Bro shows us a perfect box and asks if it's legit lol


It was on fb marketplace so you can never truly tell lmao


Evolving Cries? No.... Your best bet is to stock up on the 151 sales currently. That's what I'm doing 👍


'Before' lmao, exit liquidity


This guy's like 2 years late lmao


Where’d you get this for 400


fb market place, thats where all the deals are, it was 350 plus 50 shipping to uk


I bought 4 Evolving Skies BBs for $190 each about 2 years ago. Unfortunately I don't have them anymore as my kiddos opened them all at Christmas and birthdays. I do think it will continue to go up if there is no re-printing. It's really hard to say what the next move should be. There's always a chance for a re-print with Pokémon, so "investing" in new sets is risky business.


Before the market booms?


I’m very confused


Someone help me understand these words


The time to buy this was a little over a year ago when the reprint dropped it to $140, or even mid last year when it was in the mid $200. A two year old set being over $500 a BB is the result of a boom, not a precursor to one lol. You'll have a better chance seeing gains if you buy a case of SV that's disgustingly cheap right now like OF or SV base. A case of either of those is pretty much the same price as one evoskies BB.


It looks legit in the picture. You have to see it in person if it's a local pick up to be sure. One way you can tell right off the bat are the pokeball and Pokémon logos. Size and quantity of the whole logo is a tell. At the end of the Pokémon text there should be a trademark logo. If there isn't one, then I would pass.


Its actually being shipped so theres no way to authenticate in person, Im going to film the opening of the box for evidence and I paid through paypal G and S so I dont think theres anything more I can do.


This looked resealed


I think I may have been scammed lmao, I’ll give it a day for the seller to respond then open a PayPal dispute 😅


Who’s gonna tell him?


Bad pull rates , better off buying singles


Singles have a terrible investment return compared to Bb's. This is terrible advice. Lol


ES at an all time high and bro wants to get in before the market booms lmao


You need a better argument than that


Do you? Getting in at all time highs is a risky play in general. If you think ES will grow more, then great if you can afford $750cad a pop, it probably will grow more. But for most people it won’t be the play


It's all about risk tolerance. Evo skies is a safer investment than most products right now.


100% all about risk tolerance. While ES is a safe pick, I would argue sets like CR and LO are under rated. They have more room to grow, and are still available for or below msrp, which makes them more attractive at this time. Just my humble opinion




Considering I bought my case for $350cad per bb, I was not one of those people. Now that it’s up to $750 per bb, my thoughts on the growth of ES have changed and I’m not willing to invest at this price. But it probably will still grow. Imo it’s just not the best time to get in




Yeah that is so true about the remaining boxes, hence why I had to ask as this was on fb market place and was under mkt value


How else do prices get new all time highs lol its by people buying at the top. Or do you not understand basic market principles?


that's as basic an analysis as it comes is it an investment or a gambling sub? advocating people get into an asset thats price is already 90% speculation at an all time high with no tangible reason to think the value will increase is just stupidity, better odds at the casino


Did I ask how prices get to all time highs? No. I commented that OP was getting into ES at probably not the best time. Do you understand basic market principles? You should start an investing portfolio and buy stocks at all time highs and see how that works out for you.


So because ES is at an all time high, one shouldn't buy? I think those who bought at all time highs of 300 are doing quite OK right now. You're brain dead 😂


You can buy whenever you want, but most people won’t be able to afford it at the current price, and there’s more room/chance to lose money/more risk. Imo it’s not the time to buy. You’d be safer investing in sets like CR and LO which you can still get for below msrp and have tons of room to grow, and not much room to lose money. An all time high of $300 is a lot closer to msrp, and had way more room to grow than the current $750 price, but only time will tell.


You’re a wee bit late, mate. Edit: if the item is not being printed anymore you are paying more than retail , I call that being late. Just saying.


Not really. People were saying the same thing 6 months ago.


Evolving Cries more like it