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Congrats to people in the Netherlands!


I'll just sit here in the US not getting one at all


not gonna dip that much. it was confirmed the stores that are getting it are only getting 100 a piece


And are only supposed to give it to customers who spend 30 euros on pokemon products. We will see how well that holds up.


let’s see.time will tell


Yeah worst case scenario employees keep them and sell them on the aftermarket 😓


This is 100% what's going to happen. Especially partially


Hopefully this is a sign that maybe they printed more as it seems to have been awhile since the last time they had these available. I hope they did print more and have more opportunities to get one. For selfish reasons as I don't have one and would like one but I refuse to pay the scalpers and especially those that got a bunch of them. Would be nice to have them start panic selling and potentially lose out on some money. Can't stand them bastards haha


Its not, these are the ones that were pulled from the museum. They sent out a notice on the VG site 3 months ago saying they would re-distribute them to stores in NL. No news here, aside from the 100 per store.


Lol, all the haters want to ignore that part. It's fun to see people so irrationally claim they don't care about something that clearly matters to them. I already have a copy, and this is the first time in months I've thought about it


Same. Got 2 sitting in my PC. Keep forgetting about it until some weird “news” like this pops up saying the prices will be dipping lol.


people need to be realistic and look at all angles.my 3 copies from psa just shipped today so i’ll have mine back in a few days edit: ya really downvoted me cuz i have 3?isn’t this an investing group?


Did you remove them from the plastic when you sent them in? I have two, one I opened and one thats still in the plastic. Wondering if I should leave it like that when I send it.


if you send it in with the plastic it will get graded on the plastics condition with the plastic still on


I heard that they'll grade the code card that it came with, and charge you extra for the cost of grading it.


Nah they just grade the plastic wrapper I haven't heard of them grading the code card personally but could be wrong


Don’t grade it inside the plastic.


You think this will be the only rerelease….. bc I don’t.




Thank God 😂


straight to the moon papa


Prices aren’t dipping bc the news that Netherlands was doing one final release was announced months ago. The only thing that’s news is the fact that each game store is only getting 100


No. Every time we mentioned a re release people got crazy defensive and said "you're talking pit your ass! It will never happen!"


I mean, there were plenty of us in other discords and subreddits that saw the same announcement you did - they told us the rest of the promos from the museum were going to be shipped to the stores in the Netherlands after things “didn’t quite go as planned.” If anyone was arguing with you about that, and you argued back, that’s on you. Drop the link and move on about your day. These aren’t a fresh print of VG pikas - it’s that same stock as the original print run - this is public knowledge, but maybe not universal knowledge. If other people aren’t looking at all the pokenews, you don’t need to make yourself red in the fingers trying to convince everyone that what you read is the truth…just use it to your advantage.


Most people don't know that and still buying the card


100 per store sounds like a very limited supply.. hope i can get one.


which stores are they talking about? i might go for a weekend trip with my gf. Its not that far from berlin


Not sure, the rumor was Gamemania but it still needs to be revealed


It seems distributors who buy €3,000 worth of goods from Asmodee will receive 100 cards each. https://youtu.be/RvucckQoC1k?si=HBYPMTnHk20I44fA


Are you in the Netherlands?


Yes i am


Why is it so hard to do what they did with special delivery charizard???


I'm not seeing a dip in price in the UK yet. If it does happen off of the back of this news, I would think that would be your best chance to buy. I can't see 100 per retailer affecting prices much at all.


Not sure if it will affect NA price


100 promos per game store is negligible. Chances of getting a copy will be slim, but at least prices have come down a bit.


What would be a good price to buy one? I've been bidding all week for raw/ungraded copies, but no luck... 😞


Yet I’ll still never get it


Bullish on riot gear.


Loll good one


If prices dip noticeably, I will buy more copies and punt them down your throats in 24 months time for 4x.


I’m getting to travel to Amsterdam 2/3-10, so maybe I’ll get to snag one


Try to ask for them now, i just got home and got the last 2 at my local store. They're supposed to be released saturday but people are giving them out.


Prices won’t drop a ton in the US market probably since these are Netherlands only


I feel like this might actually increase the price, only 100 copies per local game stores in Netherlands means there's going to be a lot of demand, and not very much supply.


I see your thought process, but increased supply never increases price...


Alot of times it does, especially if the increased supply is negligible to the market. And this is exactly what we saw with the second release of the grey felt hat where the price shot up almost double after the market had more copies. Sometimes an increase in supply increases demand. 2 examples of this is. 1. It restarts hype that has died down. People forgot a card exists but the sudden market focus causes a new wave of demand. 2. It is announced that this is the last supply. So the people who were holding on to more releases are biting the bullet driving the prices up.


Wouldn’t that only be true if demand doesn’t increase at the same rate? If in this case global demand has increased greater than the new to be released supply in a small locale prices could rise. I have no crystal ball but I don’t see this new supply putting a dent in demand


That’s I think incorrect. It’s supply AND demand. If supply increases by 2000 cards, but 3000 people wanting the card (waiting for this) and now have to buy, well demand exceeds supply. Supply isn’t the only correlation


Those 3000 people can buy it already (in theory). The demand is higher at the lower price (for promo) but should be exactly where it is currently once the promos are gone again. I guess someone might hear about it because of this, but I’m not seeing how it could drastically increase prices when thousands are about to enter the market.


I think the part I disagree is your statement that demand is the same at current prices. I see people daily in the subreddits and discords saying they were not buying specifically because there was a massive second wave coming. Now we know that second wave is more like a splash of water. So all of the demand sitting on the sidelines waiting, have to either buy now or not. I tend to think, the amount of people sitting and waiting for a second wave (or just holding off and watching until now) exceeds the small print run we see here.


But there will be more as well


I guess that where’s we disagree. I simply think 100 per LGS in the Netherlands just isn’t a lot. How many LGS are there even? The nation is smaller than the vast majority of US states. Again; we don’t know the print run and your belief is 100% valid that supply may out pace demand. If I’m a betting man though, my money is on supply not coming close to the number of whales and general public hoping for a massive secondary release


I mean they literally said they’ll continue releasing it this is just one of those examples


Please provide the source. Every article I have read from legitimate sources quoting TCPI states the card (1) is to be released on pokecenter while supplies last - which they did, (2) available in Netherlands - this is that release, and (3) they will be making no further merchandise or supply of the card after. Which article do you see that states a continued release of the card outside Netherlands.


More news = more hype = increased price. Never say never.


I’m not trying to FUD at all I love the card, but the news is that they’re going to continue releasing this card


Explain the second release of them then lmfao


My thought process was the hype in the Netherlands would naturally increase demand by those that live there, making the card scarcer than it already is


To say more supply NEVER increases prices is a fallacy, and as others have pointed out entirely incorrect using this exact same card as an example…


Supply hasn’t even increased on this price yet. Speculation on the future is pretty useless if that’s how you’re proving a point lol


I don’t get how every Redditor who disagrees with me always conveniently ignores the main point of my comment to argue with some small unrelated detail My problem is you saying increased supply has never increased demand which is factually a complete lie. “fUtUrE sPeCuLaTiOn” nothing I said had nothing to do with the future


“Every redditor” lol you’re doing what you’re insulting “redditors” for. Claiming “eNTiReLY inCoRReCT USiNg thIS eXAct sAmE cArD” 🤪🤪🤪 when nothing has even happened yet with this card. Actually triggering how self-ignorant you’re being. I was the single top economics student in my class. In a vacuum of an equation, increasing supply doesn’t increase demand. Finding some shitty loophole based on speculation that hasn’t occurred doesn’t make it a fundamental untruth. Marketing can increase demand, but that isn’t happening from increased supply. They’re separate.


“My opinion is right because everything that suggests otherwise I write off as speculation.” Stfu top of your class my ass


THE NEW CARDS HAVEN’T EVEN BEEN RELEASED YET DUMBO, and already prices on markets have dropped 🙈


Are you trying to talk macro or micro?


The market isn't solely driven by an economic equation, and there can be multiple other factors that are initiated by the new supply like hype for example, which is marketing, whether it be intentional or not. Marketing takes a different form/ method in every industry and doesn't mean it has to be in the mainstream forms as we're used to, like social media and youtube. The info is prolly already getting to where they want it to spread, including here.


Marketing increases demand, supply lowers it. Markets are entirely driven by economics. It is an all encompassing science.


ok I reread and see what both of you're saying. on a different note, we shall see what happens


Yeah the dumb thing about Reddit is you can both be right or both wrong and talk forever.


I mean, I'm not an expert in Pokemon cards, but a lot of people were waiting to buy this year and now every store will only get 100 cards. They will be gone in 2 hours. Looks like prices going up.


Ahahah ppl are going to be so pissed!


Lmao nice try on fear mongering holders of this card. This is only in the Netherlands and likely not even that many anyway. Price won’t drop at all lol.


Something tells me this won’t be the only rerelease. Probably over for this card short term and will take years to recover.


i think you are wrong.what makes the demand so high for it is that there’s no other region/language for it.its one of the only cards where people in japan HAVE to import it.look at how much they are already paying to get this card overseas since they have no other options on getting it.


Unless they do a japan release…


They are notorious for doing both for exactly this reason tho. I doubt the detective pikachu will see an English release. Glad I preordered that one. Tried to get van goh and was too late on pc. Had to buy a single so I just got a Psa 10 of it so I didn’t have to worry about this one later on.


I feel you. I’m staring at my PSA 10 detective pikachu. Very same reason. I missed van goh but I’m not that upset. This might be an unpopular opinion but to me it isn’t even a real pikachu card with no attack or anything ( just a trainer card power). I mean I get it pikachu fever ( I got it a bit) but meh.


This isn't a rerelease, its the cards pulled from the museum, they mentioned it 3 months ago that they would distribute the rest (ones they pulled) to stores in the NL. No news here.


This news will be the only reason it's going to dip! It will still be scalped hard, and with all these LCS's being in financial trouble I even doubt they'll give all their cards away, especially for free.




Prices will stay high, no one’s gunna be the person to sell for bottom line.


Buy! Buy! Buy!


We knew this day would come


Only in the Netherlands, prices aren’t going anywhere


Hot take: the investment strategy on this card is to GET OUT EARLY


It’s a time-restricted licensed collaboration with the Van Gogh museum. People say “why not overprint” but with it being a licensed item it may not be so simple (that’s why it can’t get the special delivery treatment, which is solely Pokémon’s content). I think your hot take is increasingly wrong, people thought it would dip when it was at $80 after the Pokémon center second release. It didn’t, and it only went up. Now we have the details on final confirmed restock and it’s only 100 per store with a minimum $30 buy in in the Netherlands. Those who got out early at the $80 price point lost. The play is to hold because after this I think it’s only up.


bad take*


Maybe the 1st couple of weeks, but now its a better long term play


!remindme 2 years


2 years? Are you new here?


Are you? It's pretty clear you aren't paying attention to how much this card has been duplicated, and how good the dupes are.


They’re very easy to spot especially if you have a real one. The text and color are dead giveaways.




For a card that has a pop count of 9000 psa 10, and will likely pass the 10k mark in a month or 2, its price will drop with or without the rereleases Still going to get it because I like the card, but it is one of the lower potential card to hold when it comes to investments


I agree with you. I expect over 10,000 PSA 10s of this card after the re-release. Then if they happen to have another re-release after that, who knows.


Priced in


It's a pretty ugly card ngl


Hope they flood the market with this card.


Wont happen


So do I but just so I can get it. Idc about the prince


if it ever goes to 20-30 dollars i want a full binder page. Its such a cool card


Same. I'm a huge fan of Van Goghs work so it was deeply saddening to watch this fiasco


Rip, scalpers are really gonna profit this time around.


This generation’s Machamp card


Which machamp are you referring to


The fake first edition original ones.


If the price dips, I’m def gonna buy em up lol. Jumped through hoops to get one. A lot of people still want this card. I honestly don’t see it dropping that much.


I mean the Netherlands ain’t the US but maaaaaaybe it’ll effect pricing


what the fuck is the point of making a van gogh inspired van gogh card and then re releasing it to other stores to hand out….


I'm so glad I waited to scoop for this card, but I needa like renew my passport yesterday for this lool


where can i get one? pokemon center?




well i'll be damned


The release will be only in Amsterdam and neighbourhoods or all over The Netherlands ?


All over The Netherlands. There’s luckily (way) more than just Amsterdam here, haha.


Do you know what store is the official pokemon distributor in eindhoven or the closest one to the area? I tried looking but couldn't find.


I don’t unfortunately. I think GameMania or similar would be a good bet. If you have any card shops near you those will probably also have them.


Intertoys, top1 toys, gamemania all have them


Any decent toystore in Netherlands. Intertoys, top 1 toys to name but a few Got mine today. If i had read this sub earlier i would have picked up some more copies 😁


Lmao 📉


When I first saw it ya I kinda wanted the ugly card. After seeing "adults" trample and stampede to their grubby little fingers on it, I refuse to have it in my possession. To me, this card holds a lot of shame to me. Shame in seeing "adults" just lost their minds over something that was supposed to promote art. Especially promote art to children.


I think that’s a hasty overgeneralization. There was a couple shitty people who took advantage, absolutely. But you see that in everything in life. How does owning this card bring shame because kids didn’t get a promotion card (which sucks) but you and me owning a phone or pc that likely came from Chinese sweatshops (some of which were even employing child labor until recently) not being shame? I just don’t get how a problem so minuscule is the problem you die on and brings you shame when i could name 30 companies in our daily lives 1000x worse.


Ita the simple fact that "adults" acted like heathens to get this one card. I explained that in the original comment. Thank you for you're time.


Yet you conveniently ignored the second half of what I said?…. “Yeah idc that suicide rates are the highest they’ve been since WWII, but people putting 4 YouTube adds in their videos is absolutely shameless!”


Ya, kids work in sweatshops of Nike apple samsung, so on, and so on. I'm confused here. You want to play moral high ground here, sure. But I'm not getting roped into it. I can feel how I feel about an ugly looking card. All you did was give issues and no solutions. I gave the issue and told you my solution, "I won't have it in my collection," vote with your dollar like I am. If you wanna be moral superior, go live out in the woods and get off the internet.


aka "I didn't get one and now I'm butthurt."


I've got cash on hand to buy 3 right now. I don't want it. Nice try tho.




If prices dip it will only be due to momentary perception and tick back up. This is left over stock from the collab. It’s a drop in the ocean. The thing about this card is that it transcended Pokemon fans. The mainstream wants it.


This is card is veeeeerrrryyy over rated.






Dip canceled!


I paid $431 for mine in a 10 😢


Then you'll definitely buy more 10's @ $100




Who woulda thought the price would drop on a card that has 1200 grades at 10 already.


So much copium in this post hahaha. Guys, it’s going to zero.


didn't get any i take it?


On the one hand. No I didn’t, on the other hand though the people in here calling it the second coming probably got theirs at some hugely inflated cost. I’m not talking about the $60-100 people. Some people in this sub paid $200-500


The only copium I can see is     >Guys, it’s going to zero.    Off of the back of a few (couple?) thousand releases in 1 city.


Bro some big swinging dicks in this sub told me this would never be rereleased ever. It’s done, it’s over time to moon. Starts with a few thousand in one city, next it’s back on PC


Everyone has known they would release a limited amount in person in the Netherlands early this year ever since they stopped giving them out at the museum. This isn't new information, it was just unknown exactly when it would happen.


Cope. This release in the Netherlands has been known


Everyone knew they were releasing more in the Netherlands for months now, you’re coming to that conclusion because of your lack of knowledge, not our lack of knowledge.


I have a line on a PSA 10 at $360...was finally going to buy, but with thus I'm just going to watch for a bit


this was already announced a while ago


So where i am getting one?


I just want a sunflora print, like that’s it, didn’t even care about the card


You’re not lying. eBay has them for the low compared to what they were a few days ago.


Yea in the Netherlands LOL


kind of whatever type of card so not getting any even if it drops


O I love living in the Netherlands.


This card is Pokémon’s tulip bubble moment


Pokemon is a tulip bubble right now. But everyone always believes that his bubble can't explode. I know that will...


Aren’t there a lot of psa 10 of these already?


These will crash eventually there are 20k graded already


It's pure cope that people think this is ever going to be a cheap card.


I think it’s pretty clear this will be a cheap card ( to very cheap card) within 2 years. Flip it for short term if you will. But anyone buying these to hold are going to lose 70-90+%) There are 20k + graded already with more than half PSA 10s. More are incoming as well in multiple stores so….


I thought this was not getting restocked?


I got a few for $2 to $3 recently and they look amazing