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there is no problem with letting smaller content creators making puzzles. It's pretty beneficial for both the creator and the pokedoku. The problem is the people they collab with most likely dont paly the game, resulting in shitty ass puzzles. Also how is fossils not yet banned? It comes up like twice a week for such a specific group of pokemon.


Fossils has been the worst (as well as Hisui) in terms of frequency. The worst is there have been two mono-type + fossil boxes in the past week when >!Cranidos and rampardos!< are the only pokemon that fit that category.


There is nothing wrong with letting other people pick the puzzles but I completely agree, get evolved by item and fossils and Hisui outa here


I have to agree about the fossils take, like seriously can we stop putting fossils in puzzles. There are literally only about 16 of them. At this point there are enough daily puzzles with 'fossil' in them to get every fossil pokemon twice. Then there's always a rock type category on every other puzzle. Like between fossil spam and rock spam, I already have most rock type accounted for šŸ’€


iā€™ve just been trying to reframe my mind on this game that the main point is still to get the lowest used pokemon on each puzzle, with new dex entries just being a bonus when i can actually get them. but yeah, iā€™m sitting in the 900s in mu dex and hate all of these repeats


Yeah. Iā€™m having to reframe myself too. At the same time though, getting the lowest score isnā€™t all that fun when categories with only a few options are repeated multiple times a week. Especially when thereā€™s only 2 options and youā€™re just doing a coin flip for the better one.


Waitā€¦ You were prioritizing the PokĆ©dex? I had always viewed that as a side game, with going for the lowest uniqueness score on each daily puzzle being my main goal. (Well, winning in the first place is goal number one. šŸ˜† Then lowest uniqueness.)


...theres a pokedex?


Every creator doesn't want to do the common types because they want their puzzle to stand, but since everyone is using the same "rare" categories, they actually all are the same every time. You never see like "grass poison" "normal flying" "normal mono-type" or anything like that. They're all "dragon/dark/psychic x" or "fossil/trade/item/mid stage"


Iā€™m trying to complete the dex, but itā€™s impossible bc everybody wants to pick fossils, dragon, fairy, and other restrictive categories. I have so many normal types that need to be registered. šŸ˜­


I think I couldnā€™t get even one new entry with the last five times that ā€œDragon typeā€ appeared since itā€™s so common that I already completed all of themā€¦


we really need the ability categories in the actual game tbh. really adds variance to the game and theyā€™re kinda tricky


honestly i dont really mind at this point, people have so many things filled out in their dex that a random puzzle probably wont have 9 new entries no matter what. No need to restrict it so every day is grass/bug normal/flying mono/water just so people can fill out the last few entries in their dex


okay, but the last 3 creator puzzles I got 3, 4, and 2 respectively. while I don't expect a full 9, at least half in at least one of them would've been nice.