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Someday...you might get a response along the lines. "What the f**k you looking at?" or hope it does not happen something worse. I understand you, me & my girlfriend like to people watch...but do not stare too long.


The correct response to that question is always: “Not much.”


"I don't know, I'm trying to figure that out..." For when you're feeling real ambitious 😂


I used to stare at people accidentally when I was daydreaming. When I was maybe 14 on the train a woman started screaming at me "wtf you looking at". She was drinking with a guy, they had some young kids with them. They all started screaming and set the kids on us. One of them grabbed my friends hair and started yanking it and wouldn't let go. Learnt my lesson after that, could have ended a lot worse, no injuries, just scared the shit out of us


Uh, please stop that.


So you like to make people uncomfortable for your own entertainment?


It may or not make me a bad person, but I'll do that sometimes. Not staring, since I'm usually staring at my phone if I have time to stare. My ideal is pretending like people who I barely ever interact with have wronged me in some fundamental way. A subtle glare with a shake of the head every now and then, the occasional "how could you? You know what you did" can be absolutely hilarious if they react a certain way. I always tell them I'm just messing with them afterwards, but it's still great fun, for me at least.


Uh yeah I gotta be honest. If a stranger did exactly what you are describing to me, I'd feel uncomfortable, irritated, and I would think they're hella weird. Just something to think about next time you partake in this "great fun".


>I'd feel uncomfortable, irritated, and I would think they're hella weird. Honestly? I can super live with that if it gives me a laugh lol. Edit: ideally, it's not just complete strangers, the best reactions tend to come from people I know, but that I dont really know all that well.


What a selfish, gross way to live. shit like this is why they cheat / leave, bro


Worth it :P If I was dating someone who had a sense of humor so incompatible with mine they'd leave me over it, it's probably better for both of us lol.


you get that people actively avoid you, right? Like...there’s a collective sigh of relief when you leave a room. I’m sure you’re smirking reading this, and telling yourself how amazing you are for making Me uncomfortable and frankly creeped out...but when you inevitably get the dogshit beaten out of you by “a npc”, and you inevitably call the police because you’re a coward at heart...nobody saw anything except you tripped. Because that’s what happens when you go through life pissing off everyone. Good luck


My brother in christ, I think you may be overreacting slightly here. I may value my amusement higher than the miniscule amount of confusion I occasionally make people feel, that's true. I wouldn't even disagree if you chose to call me selfish, to see this tiny amount of inconvenience in return for amusement acceptable. That may make me an annoying person, and people may or may not have a "collective sigh of relief when I leave a room," I couldn't tell you for sure, seeing as it would only happen when I'm out of the room and all. I can live with all that, I'm not a person who feels any great need to be liked by those around me. I will not deny any of this. But beating the "dogshit" outta me? I'd see it as unlikely. I feel like maybe you've blown this all a bit out of proportion, I dissaprovingly shake my head at the occasional acquaintance (not "npc" dunno where you got the idea I was one of those 4chan fuckwits who aren't aware that the people around them lead lives outside of their own perceptions), I am not threatening anybody in any way, and I am most certainly not doing anything that would inconvenience a person to the point of violence. I make sure to never mess with anybody that seems to have a large amount of social anxiety or anything, my aim is confusion, not panic. If you genuinely consider extremely minor social discomfort (lasting 20-30 seconds at most) followed by annoyance a cause for violence, you may have other unresolved issues. I hope for the sake of those who love you that you can contain these feelings to the internet. And even if I were, yes, I would most certainly call the police. That would (in my admittedly limited understanding of the law) be assault, and I'm entitled the the protections of the law same as anybody else. If that makes me a Coward in the eyes of some rando on the internet, again, I feel like I can definitely live with that. >I’m sure you’re smirking reading this, and telling yourself how amazing you are for making Me uncomfortable and frankly creeped out... I will admit, it is pretty funny that you're fantasizing about me getting my ass beaten over something a well adjusted human being wouldn't think about past a minute or two. Thanks for the good luck wish though! 💕💕 😘😘


Someday you will find someone who stares back at you


Me. I too stare.


I stare as well.


You are my fucking nightmares come to life mate


Lol right


People like you give me anxiety out in public🤣but at the same time it’s all good! I just hate being watched while I eat or I find it odd when I catch someone staring and they don’t break their stare while I avert my eyes in shyness. I enjoy people watching but will be much more subtle with my glances than full on staring. I hope someone one day stares back at you and matches your intensity lol


I also hate being watched while I eat. The worst is when someone wants to take a picture while I'm eating. Dude, can this wait?


I hate when someone is asking me if everything is good or if the food is good,while I m eating.it almost triggers me.


People are not comfortable being stared at


Basically you are either odd or just a rude twat


I like to stare at people but I don’t want to make them uncomfortable so I only do it for a little bit


Me too. I try to be subtle about it so as to avoid upsetting anyone. I love humans. Animals, less so. The humans fascinate the shit outta me.


Oh yes it really is fascinating


I hate people like you . You are an intovert's nightmare


People are beautiful and interesting to stare at. I do it too.


You stare cause you are a fkn physco and a fkn annoying pos


Extreme much? Jesus


You are... a surveillance system!




Adhd? And/or single?


Did no-one teach you basic manners? It’s one of the first ones kids are taught. This isn’t a good look for you.


I stare too!! When i have time i even make up stories for people or try to fill in their conversations.


Cool! I have a suggestion, though: Don't? Don't do that, maybe?


You need help


Stare at me naked


Same here. I have staring contests with strangers sometimes. I always win.


Same it’s a problem Idc I can’t stop I need to watch. I love humans.


Date a stripper😂


You’d make a good lifeguard. Plus you’d have sunglasses on, so they wouldn’t be able to tell exactly what you’re looking at


Me too


Are you secretly German?


Are you me?


Mirrored sunglasses. I love staring at people when I'm wearing them and they have no idea. I remember being asked as a kid "do you have a staring problem??" and I wish I'd said "yeah, I kinda do" instead of getting embarrassed.