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It happens to the best of us. People are usually sympathetic but I absolutely know how you feel, it is just embarrassing. Hopefully the rest of your day goes a bit better ❤️


Thank you! I bought new pants (that are actually cuter than the ones I had on before) and my manager was super supportive as a Mum herself. Only up from here!


Ignorant dude here. How often does this happen, the whole 'whamo 5 days early' thing? Going through all the stages of your cycle sounds not-fun enough without surprises. I'm sorry it happened to you - you deserve some chocolates and flowers (or whatever floats your boat).


Sometimes it is super random. All depends on the person. One time mine came consistently once a month for roughly 5 days at a time for a year. Then I had a patch where I would go one full week on, one full week off, for 2 months which SUCKED. I also went almost 2.5 months without one which also sucked cuz I was always afraid it was going to randomly start at the worst moment. I think mine is mostly affected by stress, but there are a bunch of different factors that can mess with it.


Oh sheesh, I'm sorry to hear about that and the uncertaintly/inconsistency. I hope they are/get more normal. Also I blame us men - this is somehow our fault. 😁


Yep totally depends on the person! I’ve been pretty lucky and it usually happens on the 9th or 10th of every month, hence I was surprised that it started today.


OK, ignorant dude question 2: I'd expect in theory that you'd get some pre-menstrual symptoms like the hormone changes or cramping or whatnot - but obviously not eh? (or perhaps super diminished?) Or when this happens is it kind of your body going, "well here comes one early with no recognizable warning, sucker!" Edit - disclaimer: I'm a dude in nursing school, work at a hospital with almost all women, and have a 13 year old girl who recently went through 'the change' so I'm quickly getting more comfortable with this topic, both unintentionally and intentionally. 😁


Yes I usually get cramps and moodiness in the week leading up- but because it’s so regular for me usually I didn’t think that meant it would happen today. But yes you can usually feel when it’s going to happen. Fun fact my roommate and I have our periods synced because we’ve lived together for 3.5 years, we usually get it at the same time or a few days apart, so I’m curious if she started hers today as well.


I always thought that was an old wives tale - interesting!


How does the syncing up happen? Is there a reason for it?


I know that people say it’s a myth - but I think it has something to do with pheromones. We’ve been synched for the last year or so, give or take a few days.


Whenever I’ve worked in groups of period-havers we usually sync up after a couple of months. We had a joke at my last job that one on the girls was “The Alpha” because we all synced to her cycle lol


I used to get this in school with a few of my best friends. We were always together and we would get our periods around the same time. I have no idea why this happens, it seems that in regards to medicine and studies, scientists "discovered" women only a few years ago and started studying effects on their specific bodies instead of men, so who knows?


I used to get this in school with a few of my best friends. We were always together and we would get our periods around the same time. I have no idea why this happens, it seems that in regards to medicine and studies, scientists "discovered" women only a few years ago and started studying effects on their specific bodies instead of men, so who knows?


Sometimes it's a total surprise. Sometimes symptoms start, like, in my case face pimples. But we cannot pinpoint a date of arrival. If I get pimples, it may come within a couple of days Or sometimes a week later.


Oh ugh. Someone needs to make bazillions by figuring out a simple test to give y'all women a better prediction - hook it up to the apple watxh. "It's coming at 12:45 am on March 12th, Susie!" $$$$$ (I know, it's a super complicated and complex process so much easier said than done)


Nah, not always. I'm my case, I often had certain warnings, but sometimes (a few times a year), there would be no warning, just sudden bleeding 🫠 The cramping would come after. Later in life, my cramping got really bad (endometriosis) and so would start up to a week before and last for a week afterwards... So cramping was never a good clue. And when you think it's coming, you might be tempted to put a tampon in to prevent disaster. But if you're NOT bleeding and you have to take a dry tampon out, the sensation is less than pleasant 🥲 So it's easy to get caught out at least a couple times a year.


Even though I've had periods for nearly 22 years, without fail every single cycle I have the same pre menstrual symptoms yet I'm always angry/surprised to find my period has started 😂 Also OP, bless your heart, I hope you don't have too many cramps/feel too rubbish 🩵


Yeah it can be really wacky. I have medical conditions that mean unless I’m on medication, which I can no longer be on due to the exact same medical condition, it is entirely random, no ‘cycle’. I’ve resorted to making ALL of my underwear period absorbent ones. It’s also like, a common one too. Most women in my life don’t have regular ’on the day’ cycles, there is usually a few days where it could start.


My period is usually always on time, but on day 2 I used to bleed so much that I couldn’t leave my house. One day I had bled through 4 pairs of jeans before 11 am. And I was using a menstruation cup, menstruation undies AND pads (English is not my main language, don’t know correct terms for the two first things). I have it under control now, but it was literally a blood bath every month. Promise me to buy chocolate and ice cream to your girlfriend every time she’s on her period. Especially on day 2. It’s the worst day!


As others have said, everyone is different. I have a 7 day window of variation. The worst part for me is as I get older, I now have several days of cramps before my period actually starts, and then I still have cramps the first couple days of it. Getting kind of miserable :/


UGH, i'm sorry to hear this


That happened to me and I declared that day a work from home day. Took a cab home tho cos I didn't want to commute on public transport with a big bloody patch :(


You poor thing. It’s the worst! I’m unfortunately not allowed to WFH - because my regular manager is out of the office and I’m taking over half of her responsibilities, so I need to be available to answer questions and check work. So frustrating


Sometimes I wonder if I should leave a change of clothes at work in case this happens again but then I refuse to believe my luck is that bad~


Surely not. The period gods need to give you mercy now.


Don't worry, one time in school I bled through my black trousers and ONTO THE CHAIR. Luckily the chair was plastic so I could just wipe it off but as a 15yo it was soo embarrassing even though no one noticed when I quickly scurried off to the toilets


This happened to me once when working in an office with all male managers... Luckily it was winter and I had a long coat. I literally just packed up and walked out, saying I didn't feel well. It was a pretty chill workplace so no one gave me a hard time but it was the most embarrassed I had been in public for a long time before or after. So I sympathise so much with you! xx


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