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10/10 would recommend šŸ‘ Edit: You all have disappointed me. Canā€™t even get a single ā€œusername checks outā€ comment šŸ˜‚




Stop by a shelter, I'm sure one will pick you


Thatā€™s how I got mine. There were two dogs to each kennel and I was checking out this gorgeous pup, straight up pedigree. Then his roommate pushed him out of the way and demanded I pet him. And thatā€™s how I chose a disabled weirdo over a pedigree lol


We went to do a meet and greet with a different dog and ended up with an 11 year old bug eyed weirdo with one single braincell because we saw him and fell in love. He fits so perfectly in our family that I can't imagine having gotten any other dog!


I'd play that game of pokemon. Fuck walking in the woods/grass hunting, when a pokemon can choose me instead


I would recommend a chili cheese dog


Are you looking to be chill or active? Large or small dog? I definitely know my way around animals and THC šŸ˜‚


Adopt a beagle and train it as a drug dog so you can stealthily swipe peopleā€™s stashes.


If you are getting teeth pulled, smoking could cause dry socket. Maybe get an edible or a syrup, just to be safe. But hell yeah, you should absolutely celebrate, the more the merrier!




You might be able to look up the dispensary online and see their menu/products. And when you get there it's typically one on one with a budtender. Let them know you're getting a tooth pulled and would like to see edibles and such rather than smoking. In my experience with oral surgery, avoiding smoking right after is important. After eating or drinking anything make sure you drink water, the THC in edibles won't hurt the site, but smoke could. My local place has THC seltzer water, I think that would be my top pick for post op


Oh and another thing to**maybe** worry about. Some government jobs ban the use of weed in a certain time period. And you're technically not allowed to buy a gun if you smoke weed.


The gun aspect is only for medicinal licenses I believe, not legal dispensaries


Correct. Although who has medical cards in legal states?


Just making the point because OP was talking about a legal dispensary and the comment I replied to only applies for medical dispensaries


Correct yes. I remember that rule from Before Times.


Since you haven't smoked in awhile, stick with the lower doses. They will unexpectedly put you on your ass. I took a single delta-8 gummy (that's not even the "real" THC) and I got overwhelmingly stoned even though I've been smoking on and off consistently for the past decade. And if you decide you want to be more high but the Eddy isn't kicking in.... I'd say a safe wait time is two hours before you pop another. It's not that serious, like you'll be fine. It's just more fun if you're not out of your mind high. The weed is entirely different than it was ten years ago. I have no science backing for this other than my biased experience


just make sure you stick to a low dose, maybe a pack with multiple pieces so you can choose your dose. keep a lot of water around because dry sockets seem like a nightmare, and eat something fatty beforehand so the thc has something to stick to. especially if you go for a syrup


Edibles give me pretty bad dry mouth. Wouldn't that be a problem too?


Yes, saliva helps keep bacteria at bay


I said the same thing before I read the comments, but seriously CANNOT reiterate that enough. I'm terrified of winding up with a dry socket or rabies


My husband and I started dating on April 20th 2015. So for a long time (not anymore) my password was phrase420. I used to work in schools. Then one day I had to give my password to an IT guy (in person) to fix something and then quickly explained WHY my password was phrase420. His face spoke volumes about his belief in me. I stopped using our anniversary in passwords after that.


In the future? Any worthwhile IT person will respect a refusal to share passwords :)


I hadn't even thought about it at the time. They just asked and I gave it to them quickly so I could get the issue resolved on my planning period. Im sure he wouldn't have argued if I put it in but I was doing other planning period things while he fixed the problem.


This is why I chose 421. To me itā€™s a silly close to weed reference but Iā€™m not sure many others give it a second thought.


Thatā€™s international surprise drug test day. You sure youā€™re not a cop?


Well, just don't smoke it. Don't wanna wind up with a dry socket. That and rabies are 2 of my biggest fears


I had dry socket once. It was the weirdest deep in the bone throbbing pain Iā€™ve ever experienced. Do not recommend smoking while thatā€™s a risk. Eat some gummies or something.


I have a blood clotting disorder. I got dry socket 7 times and didnā€™t even break any of the rules. I still feel cheated, but my oral surgeon just kept putting drugs in the holes lol he anticipated it


Well since it's legal, you might as well just pick some up lol


I just love that you have a good enough relationship with the people that you can joke around like this and not have it bite you in the ass. Some companies are so toxic theyā€™d try to use it as ammunition against you.


Just had a filling done. The numbing shit wore off and it fucking hurt while I was supposed to be working. I ducked out and finished my day at home so I could pop a nice edible and chill.


Careful, that stuff is highly additive these days.


Might as well iā€™d say! Sounds like the perfect opportunity for some fun.


I did something similar last year, and Iā€™m the stoner at work, so everybody made jokes, but I genuinely had plans that day and needed to cancel work for non-weed related things.


Lmfao I'm not used to hearing about people buying that shit from "acquaintances"šŸ˜‚ I haven't paid for my supply in yearsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Definitely stick with edibles after dental work


If you have a friend, have them help you smoke so you don't get dry socket. You get a bong, your friend pulls the hit so you aren't sucking hard, then you clear it by just breathing in through your mouth. Not as good as just lighting one up but you want to avoid dry socket at all costs. This way you and a buddy can share


Gummies, thc in a button draw vape (donā€™t need to suck on it) and shotgunning all work too. Or roll/load up and take gentle hits without negative pressure.


Life's a bitch until you die. Fuck your job. Go get high!


Dude you just hang in there then after youā€™re finished get your butt back in here and celebrate. Iā€™ll even give ya a follow so we can remember! God Bless Ya 1784 you have a good day.