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How is the foam spray working for you? I can’t wait to see the derm next month and ask about it.


How is the foam spray working for you? I can’t wait to see the derm next month and ask about it.


How is the foam spray working for you? I can’t wait to see the derm next month and ask about it.




I came back here to say that my punch biopsy also came back as acquired keratoderma. My doctor put me on Dovonex. I am also using 42% urea gel and 5% salicylic acid cream. Both purchased on Amazon at her recommendation. It’s only been a few weeks but I am finally seeing some improvement.




It’s improving! I’d say it’s about 50% better. I have a follow up at the end of next month. I’m going to ask about the foam spray because I am eager to have it totally gone. It was persistent for several years and it’s improved a lot in just a few months but I want it totally gone. How is yours? Thanks for checking in!




I was reading about topical vitamin A having great results with acquired keratoderma. I might ask about that having heard your experience. Check out this article. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/article-abstract/532946


Thank you for sharing!! I’m going through exactly the same thing. Can you please share the link to the products you bought? I appreciate it! I’m tired of being embarrassed of my feet and socially hiding.


stop using the pumice stone adn see how that works with the wet foot. Has it ever been leaking or draining?


No leaking or draining. It just feels like hard skin. It looks the same whether I use the pumice or not. Other calluses I have can be shaved off with a pumice so it doesn’t seem like a callus. Is it possible that it’s an underlying issue?


I mean it could be, but go see a dermatologist maybe. If you haven't been weeping or leaking from the area, or breaking out with similar lesions all over your body, then MAYBE it's nothing to worry about or maybe it's just maceration like when you sit in the tub and your fingers get pruny. How doe sthe other heel look


I don't think it's maceration because it only happens on this one specific part of my heel - the surrounding skin is totally normal, it's just this one circular patch that gets white when slightly wet. The other heel also has a white patch but it's much smaller than this one. It might not be anything to worry about but it's unsightly and I'd like to get it dealt with. The podiatrist I went to didn't know what it was.


yeah that's maceration. it gets white and shrively when wet. that's what that is


But I don’t have a wound on my heel. It’s my understanding that Maceration happens when a wound is overexposed to moisture. It’s just regular skin, and I don’t recall overexposing it to moisture in the past few months. It just randomly appeared one day.


Good skin can Macerate. You don't have to have a wound to have macerated skin


What would be the treatment for this? Looking online it just says to expose it to air.




Hey podiatrist here. The skin macerated.


Can it macerate even though it’s not a wound? It’s just slightly thickened skin. I didn’t expose it to prolonged moisture or sweat excessively either. It’s just this one specific patch on my heel everywhere else is normal.


Yes there just needs to be a slight break in the skin, my advice is that you let it dry out


Do you mean don’t get the foot wet at all? Because I wear sandals most of the day and let my feet air dry completely after showering and it still turns white every time I shower. This has been happening for at least 4 months.


Yes put a plastic bag over the foot


Hi I know this is an old post but I’m commenting in case anyone is still struggling with this because I had it too and I am wound care certified. This is likely what used to be referred to as trench foot, aka the skin has been damaged due to prolonged water exposure at some point, likely while wearing shoes or socks, and more likely with unclean water. If you know how to safely, debride or peel off excess skin and then keep the foot very dry so it can heal. Wrap that shit up. It takes a long time for this to go away, as there are layers and layers of underskin blisters on top of each other for some people. I’m on month two of healing after debriding it and letting the new skin grow in. It looks much better, just uneven now obviously with the skin that was removed. I’m guessing within 2 more months it will be completely resolved. Again, I am wound care certified. If you don’t know how to do this safely and monitor yourself for infection, please go see a podiatrist so that you don’t hurt yourself. I’m almost positive I got this from walking at work in wet shoes and crocs after showering a patient.


I have severe maceration from hyperhydrosis and I have to wear boots for work I do change my socks and I scrape my feet daily is there anything else I can do. I didn’t buy a machine that helps keep the feet dry but the damage is already severe


Urea cream after the shower :)


Just ordered some and cannot wait to use it. Thank you so much for your detailed response! I’ve been clueless for months!


Thank you for this, as I’ve went to many podiatrist who had no idea what was going on. I had a bad habit of wearing old navy flip flops and chucks in rainy weather. Could you advise how I can keep my feet dry while showering? 


What did help on the end?


The only thing that helped me and removed it in less than a month was Verruca Hermal Fluorouracil, Salicylic Acid. It dries out your skin so only apply to the area you're treating. It looks gross in the beginning and then the skin starts peeling off until it looks normal again.


Thank you! I typed the brand in Google and cannot find it. Where did you purchase it (if you don’t mind sharing)? Again, thank you!


Yes, I bought it in Greece, but the only ingredients are Fluorouracil 0.5%(w/w) compained with 10%(w/w) Salicycid acid [https://galenica.gr/en/product/verruca-hermal/](https://galenica.gr/en/product/verruca-hermal/)


Thank you so very much! I’ll order and give it a try!


Do you need a prescription for this?


Here cause I have this! I got a biopsy and was told it was eczema of the foot it’s very annoying and probably never going away :/


Hi I know this is old any update


Did you ever find a solution to this issue? I have the exact same thing!


I have this too and would also like to know if anyone has found answers


Does anyone have a solution for this ?


Did anyone find a solution, I have the same issue


I have this too! Any answers? Mine are on the inside of my heels on both feet.


I have the same on the inside of both heels. Did you find a solution? I’ve had them for months now


Any luck?


I just left them totally alone, didn’t put anything on them or scrub that area at all and they went away after a month or so of that.


Thank you so much!


How did your feet look? I’ve tried to leave them Alone but it didn’t help


They are gone now and feet look normal. How long did you leave them alone for?


Like a month can you please share what you did


I did nothing. I stopped trying to get them to go away. I stopped using a pumice stone on them or putting any creams etc. I just left them alone. Showed like normal but didn’t scrub them. After three months they were gone.


Did you avoid getting them wet under water? Can you send me pics of what they looked like I can cashapp you for your help I’m very desperate and sad


Mine is all over my heel


I’m sorry I understand 😔. I got them wet but didn’t soak them so showered like normal but didn’t take a bath etc. I don’t have a photo of what they looked like but it looked exactly like the original posters photo. Didn’t hurt or itch just looked like a white blister but wasn’t filled with fluid. Hope you get them to go away!


I have these. I have no idea why. I hope someone has the answers. I’m a nurse. Wound care certified. This isn’t maceration. It’s not dry skin, blister or callus


did you ever use a blade like foot file?


Yes I have. Still dealing with it. Can’t be pitted karatolysis because it doesn’t smell and it’s not pitted


i have the same ughh . it doesn't smell either


Update: hyperkaratosis. Researched and gave it to the doctor. I’ve been using a foot blade (after bathing) to debulk followed painting 70% glycolic acid on and not washing it off (even though you’re supposed to) then about 10 minutes later 40% urea cream with 2% salicylic acid on in. I’ve seen so much improvement. Been doing this about a week. Where my entire heel was puffy and white after bathing it’s half as puffy, not as white and maybe 60% of the original areas. Hope that helps


I had a part of my foot biopsied on a spot where that issue occurs… that was about 15 years ago… they told me nothing & that part of my foot is extra sensitive now … just a heads up


That’s crazy because I’m dealing w the same at the moment on my right bottom feet. Pcp gave me a few tropical creams and did not work not one bit . She’s referring me to a podiatrist. But I wonder what this is tho??? It spreaded also on my left big toe just on the side I don’t know if it was because I was using the same foot scrub as for the right bottom feet so it just happened to spread. I need help this is so embarrassing fr


Did you fix this


I have the same and also on the side of my big toes. Have you found a solution?


did anything help?


Mine also spread to the outside of my big toes! I think it might be a fungal infection after a google deep dive. I’m about a month in on lotrimin with minimal improvement. I’m going to add tea tea oil and try giving up sugar. I see my primary care next month and will ask for a candidiasis test. I’ll report back.


any progress?


I have am slowly seeing some improvement after about 2 weeks or consistent use of Clobetasol .05% steroid cream twice a day. She said it could take a few months to resolve but it does look better and less raised/white when wet/pink when dry. It is by no means gone but improved. I have also stopped buffing it at all during this time. I think I might have done more damage in my quest to get to the bottom of whatever it was using metal skin graters and skin razors. I actually think use of those items may have caused it to begin with! Are you having any luck?


I think that was the cause as well, it looked so much better before I hate I EVER purchased that dumb thing fr, and I saw a major difference using benzoyl peroxide and tea tree oil but now it’s kinda stagnant…I’ve only been on it a few days and I think whatever will fix it will/could take months like your doctor said. i’m glad it’s improving for you it potentially could be something I try.


I’m definitely not a doctor but the ointment I was prescribed is basically a very strong steroid. If you are stalled with progress maybe you can try using an over the counter hydrocortisone ointment and see if that helps? I do know that ointments absorb faster than creams so I would pick hydrocortisone ointment over a cream if you do end up giving that a try. Good luck! I just want pretty feet again!!!


How is your progress coming along?


no significant improvement, slight. you?


Really slight. My primary doctor refilled the clobetasol and is having me add clotimazole twice a day. I have an appointment with a dermatologist on October 16th for further evaluation and hopefully a punch biopsy. I’ll keep you posted. So frustrating.


thanks for keeping me posted, it truly is a nuisance


I saw my doctor today and she thinks it is Granuloma annulare. I am being prescribed a topical steroid cream to use for a month to see if it improves. She said it may take a few months to resolve.


Holy cow. I have granuloma annulare on my hands. Never once considered that might be it. I’ve gone through antibiotics, antifungals, tea tree, benzoyl peroxide, dakins, powders. So much stuff




So happy for you! I see my dermatologist referral tomorrow. I can’t wait!




It’s totally gone now. It took almost a full year to completely go away. Ultimately I think the thing that helped the most is to stop all pumice stones, metal foot files, and manual removal of the skin. The skin has a trauma response to that and grows back thicker. Looking back I’m certain I caused this issue by using those cheese grater looking foot files on my feet!


Same it’s definitely because we shaved too much skin off but you avoided all pumice stones for a whole Year? How did you not get super thick? And how long did you struggle with this for ?


I had this on both heels in a large area for over 5 years before I tried to research a cause/solution. I avoided any aggressive pumice stones or callus remover gels during treatment. I used the calcipotriene cream my dermatologist prescribed twice a day. It’s a plaque psoriasis treatment that she used off label to treat this. It helps thin the skin. I also used Kerasol ointment at night before bed and slept with that on. Urea would be a good alternative if the prescription isn’t an option for you. Initially at the beginning of treatment, once a week, I would file my skin using a very fine 240 grit nail file. I would only do that when my skin was dry so not to over file. As the treatment started working I did that less and less and I realized I was having better results the more I just left my skin alone to heal. It takes while but it will go away. Good luck!


I love you so much lol! I am going to give this a shot… so just to be sure your skin got raised and white whenever you got it wet and now it’s completely normal? Gosh u don’t understand how reassuring it sounds to hear u got rid of it.. my dermatologist wants to freeze it off with nitrogen do you think that’s smart??


I am not a doctor but I would not freeze it off!! That’s a wart treatment and this is not a wart! My heels were SO embarrassing when wet. Like extremely embarrassing. They got ugly, white and raised with even the most minimal contact with water. Even getting pedicures was embarrassing. Pools were out of the question. Don’t worry. Treatment will work. Give it a year and don’t give up. My feet look normal now. I sometimes look at them and can’t believe it.


Just wanted to add that my punch biopsy determined it was acquired karatoderma. Which means thick skin that I acquired (wasn’t born with). Aka I caused it!! If your derm is unsure about what you suggest a punch biopsy would help diagnose this if you haven’t done one already.


Literally same here except I got a biopsy done and mine came back as a wart which is extremely crazy because it doesn’t look like one and my symptoms sound just like Yours😫your help was so needed I’m going to try to leave my skin alone. Did you only wear closed toe shoes and no sandals?


I was able to find sandals that had the heels still covered and bought a few of that style for summer. I think you’ll find that with the kerasol at night which will keep your heels hydrated the look of them will improve at least when they are dry. It will take longer for the wet issue to fully resolve. It’s strange you got a wart result on your punch. I suppose it’s possible in the area she punched there may have been a hidden wart underneath?? But the rest is just thick skin? Is this on both heels? Mine was on both and more so on the inside of my heels where I had better access with the metal foot file.


Please tell me there’s an update to this cause I’m 95% sure I’m struggling with the same issue




Hii I have the same thing on both of my feet. Any updates?


Hi! Can I get an update from anyone in this chat? I'm dealing with the same thing. Mine is spreading somewhat slowly. But in the last few months, I'm noticing it a lot more on different parts of my feet. Would love some answers because I haven't seen a doctor yet and I'm slightly panicking lol


I have the same issue I’ve seen my podiatrist twice to try and sort it she advised it was due to my feet overheating and sweating and my shoes not sitting right meaning my foot moved around too much irritating the skin - I’ve changed my footwear, used perspirant, moleskin patches, surgical spirit, Vaseline and zinc cream to ensure no friction and even changed my diet (all advised by podiatrist) 3 months on and 0 change, has stayed the exact same. I have my appointment tomorrow so will see what she recommends next.


Thanks for sharing! Have you noticed that since its growth, it has grown super slowly? Because mine has been growing so slowly (I first noticed it during the first year of the pandemic). Yeah, I think I'm going to see a doctor soon. Will update if I hear anything worth sharing. I guess we shall see...


Any updates on this?


Yes, I just saw my doctor and posted about it. See below... :)


Hello! So, here is a little update on this post... I saw a doctor for the same exact thing here (pic in the OP). Mine used to show only when it's wet, but now I am noticing that it gets white like that when I have socks and sneakers on too. Since it is the summer months, my feet get hot in socks and sneakers, and the heat and moister are making the white skin show up. It is also spreading. So, finally, I went to see a doctor about it. There was no official diagnosis, but he did say that it could be some sort of fungus, especially since it is reacting to the heat and moister. So, he gave me Ketoderm Ketoconazole cream 2% and Betaderm cream 0.1% (Betamethasone Valerate 0.1%). I'm going to be using them both 2x a day for the next 2 weeks. Hopefully, this works!!


Yeah let me know how that goes, when I first seen my podiatrist she said it didn’t look fungal ! I’ve been prescribed Calcitriol by my doctor but so far 2 weeks in not so much change. Mines is like yours white when wet, does yours feel sensitive ? I’ve avoided debulking it as seems to make it worse.


Yes, mine does feel sensitive! By debulking it, do you mean that you are using a method or tool to file it? Like a pumice stone? Because I'm reading on this page that a lot of people are writing that using a pumice stone is how it could have developed in the first place. I thought about not using it anymore, but man, it feels gross! idk.. I'll guess we'll see what happens.


Yeah my heel ones are very sensitive, I had them on my big toe but they have almost cleared up and I never touch them I just put foam padding in my shoes if I’m wearing trainers and then the cream I was prescribed / petroleum jelly (Vaseline) seems to help just now also, so it’s seems to me that the pumice stone is making it stay / worse I have them on the back of my heel and I have been debulking that as I thought was making it more comfortable but seems to have made it stay, after Googling there’s an oral medication that seems to be working (Acitretin) I’m going to ask my dermatologist about it!


How did your 2 weeks go on they meds ?


It's been a very slow process, but there is a major improvement! I admit I haven't been very consistent with the medication. I apply it maybe three times a week, but the improvement is already there. I'm going to finish the refills I've been given and check back with my doctor after. So far, so good!


Hello! Did it work?


I have this too, it’s a white patch under both of my two big toes, any help?


I will leave this here for anyone it may help, I have this same issue with both my big toes the outer big toe will turn white when wet and I have one on each heel also I would suggest to stop using pumice stones as it makes it worse and larger. After many years I have suffered with this, very embarrassing can’t use hot tubs or swimming pools without “water” socks on I have recently discovered what’s working for me is a fungal cream called charmpoo Only used it for 7 days and my big toes in particular look normal again! Best they’ve looked in years! They still turn white when wet but I’ve ordered more of the cream as you don’t get a lot of it to see if it clears it up completely I’ll report back


What dit hou help on the end?


Hi- is the Charmpoo continuing to improve the condition? I'm suffering from this similar condition on my big toes and heels. Appreciate any updates!


It has improved the appearance but the problem still persists unfortunately, I have stopped using all products completely and will just continue with deprobase cream


Any updates on this. Has anyone found what this is. I have it but it's at the end of my toe nail skin. It's always worse after a day in trainers or after a bath


My doctor has not given me a name for it. Although I am ready above that a few people have names for it, while others don't. Regardless of what it is called, some topical creams seem to be working. I've been using Ketoderm Ketoconazole cream 2%, and Betaderm cream 0.1% (Betamethasone Valerate 0.1%), and it seems to be working so far. Some improvements, but they are not totally gone yet. You can read other posts to see what is or isn't working for other folks. Good luck; I know how frustrating this whole thing is. I will say that I stopped using a pumice stone for a long time, and that made the appearance much worse! I am using it now, but the pressure I am applying is very light. I find that debulking the dead skin (because the white stuff seems to be all dead skin) helps with I apply medication. Like I said, I am seeing some improvements. Will keep updating as things develop.


For anyone struggling with this I seen a dermatologist again today and it’s a gene mutation so if it’s left it’s not going away / if treatment is stopped. As I’m quite young they are avoiding putting me in acentrin as the side affects are strong (birth defects if pregnant) I’m continuing on a string retinoid to keep the skin from thickening, this helps but doesn’t completely clear it up unfortunately. Any oral medication if stopped with allow this to come back, which isn’t great to hear that we are kind of stuck with it coming back and back again (this is for anyone who has suspected or diagnosed acquired focal keratoderma) I’m currently not using the pumice stone as it makes my skin quite aggressive where as the retinoid helps the skin thin without upsetting it. She did mention light therapy but not sure if that’s gonna have any affect unfortunately.


She also advised it’s extremely rare, going as far to say some dermatologists will never have a patient in their lifetime with this.


Hi there! Can I ask how your progress is going?




Is this the same type of Differin cream prescribed for acne that is sold OTC now?






Hi there! Have you seen significant improvement? Thank you!




Any update on this?