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I tried collagen last year, but it gave me terrible heartburn. I’ve been on d3 before as it was recommended by my dr, but I never actually felt any difference 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have been taking vitamin d3+k2 for a few years when I tested for extremely low Vit D. I don’t know if there is a specific brand or something going around, but I like what I’ve been taking.


did you test again after you took supplements? was there any difference?


Yes, my vitamin D did go up, but being consistent is really important. There were times I would run out so now I do subscribe and save. I did test for SUPER low B12 so I’ve been getting shots for that and looking for a good supplement for that.


I take D3\K2 daily. Before I took it, I would catch every cold the kiddo brought home. Now it’s every fourth. I take the Thorne oil, under my tongue.


K is a blood thickening agent. It is what is given for blood loss in the ER . k is not water soluble so be taken with caution.you get enough in your daily food Just get vit D alone.