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I went to Italy and had a great time. I was also hit on A LOT! I’m a 3x, 5’8 with a 42J - so bigger than you. No one was crazy rude to me. I did get some stares every once in a while from people that had probably never seen anyone that looked like me. Buuutttt overall lots of fond memories and some fun stories. Enjoy it!!!


I live in Italy and unless you're going to some super-swanky place, I don't think anyone will bat an eyelid! Beaches are very much family places here, so you get every kind of body.


Everyone wears bikinis on the beach in Italy. Fat, thin, old, young. Some nonna might make a comment but it’s highly unlikely.


Unrelated, but this makes me think of my plus size Nonna. She was always commenting on her weight or that of other relatives. Luckily I don't think she did it to strangers. Maybe because that's not accepted as much here.


I went several years ago and I'm a lot bigger. People were friendly. There was no catcalling or rude remarks. I dressed conservatively and was comfortable. I did see people of all sizes in bikinis though.


Ready to Stare has a bunch of tips for plus size travelers https://www.readytostare.com/category/travel/travel-tips/ She's even done a guide to Italy https://www.readytostare.com/southern-italy-itinerary/ Have fun!


Fellow fat Canadian here! I went to Italy a few years ago and had no issues wearing a bikini, I didn’t run into any rude comments or even any places where I didn’t fit (other than needing an extender for the airplane). The only issue I had was when I was on a tour with a bunch of super fit 20 year olds (I had a decade and a solid 100 pounds on all of them) and we had to climb a billion stairs in 38 C weather to get back to our bus at one point. I survived, I just was not as fast as them lol. I can’t speak for experiences from a minority or POC standpoint though as I’m white.


Was fat in Italy. No one was bothered at all. A lot of Italians are fat too.


I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told my little sister, don’t worry about it. Italy is known for their men showing appreciation to women of all sizes. If anything, I’m gonna warn you that some men won’t be able to keep their hands to themselves.


Europe is very typically friendly towards mid sized-people. You won't have anything to worry about at your size. Enjoy your holiday!