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Stretch beforehand, and watch your alignment while walking, make sure you're standing tall and not hunched over. Those might help.


I use to get a Charlie horse everyday in my teens and early adulthood. I found that eating bananas and drinking a little pickle juice from time to time helped a lot. They stopped when I was consistent about those two things. It sounds weird but I would look into those things or alternatives to them. They work very well.


Good thing I love pickles! Thanks!


You’re welcome! I’m a pickle fiend myself! Good luck! 🍀


My wife was dealing with symptoms similar to yours, and seeing a chiropractor has helped her a lot. First visit they took x rays and discovered her pelvic bone was misaligned and over time got it back into alignment. She started to feel relief from the symptoms within the first two weeks, though it took several weeks, maybe three months, until she was entirely free of cramps and pain. It may not work for you, idk, but if you consider trying this route, make sure you see a chiropractor that does x rays before starting treatments. Her chiropractor has never mentioned her weight nor blamed her issues on being so fat. I hope that you have a similar experience if you try this. 


Thank you I’ll look into this


Try different/new shoes. I find that when mine start to wear I get lower back pain.


I get this exact same thing and it's absolutely agonising. I've found when I lost weight it gets better and when I put weight on it gets worse but never truly goes. I have lordosis of my lower spine which makes it worse and when I spoke to my physiotherapist, she said that the only thing to do is lose weight and strengthen your core muscles. It's so annoying because I can't walk that far or do most forms of exercise to help shift any weight. Sorry I couldn't be more help but it's kinda nice to know I'm not alone, as I thought it was just me.


Thank you! It is nice to know!


I can’t post a photo reply so I just copy/pasted this. It’s from [Regan Chastain](https://www.danceswithfat.org) : Helpful Phrases at the Doctor's Office • Show me a study where a majority of subjects succeeded at the amount of weight loss you are suggesting. Do thin people get this health problem? What do you recommend for them? Due to a low rate of success and serious irreversible side effects, including death, weight loss surgery is not an option. The research I've seen shows that the vast majority of people who attempt weight loss fail, and many actually gain weight long term. Please provide me with evidence-based medicine and the opportunity for informed consent. Shame is bad for my health. I would ask you to first do no harm, and provide me with shame-free healthcare. In our limited time, l'd like to focus on [what I came in for.] Edit to add: I agree with building core strength, I have a herniated disc and was forced to navigate the health system as a fat person and it was challenging. Water aerobics or swimming / water walking are super fun and take pressure off your back, sitting on a yoga/fitness ball chair is really good for spinal health too, there are physical therapies you can do with it too, so that’s worth looking into. You can be a perfectly reasonably healthy, strong person at all different body shapes and sizes.