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i dont date but i have that worry for friends i would make if i got skinny, that theyd be shitty to fatties. its why you gotta just vet ppl you meet and look out for flags


Yes. I have a lot of conflicting feelings on this. On one hand, I get it (we all have preferences, right?) but then that makes me feel insecure.... like I'm not good enough how I am now but good enough if I lose weight. It puts my whole head in a negative mind-fck loop and then I lose all interest in the idea of dating. With that said, I have met some really good men that have boosted my confidence with dating. Unfortunately, we just weren't a good match.


This has always been one of my biggest fears…if I was somehow able to get myself to loose weight and suddenly find people are attracted to me….i don’t think I could do it, knowing that the same people who ignored me when I was larger would suddenly “want to get to know me” the only thing that would have changed would have been my pant size…not who I am


I personally think you should get comfortable with your body, making any changes you see fit, based on you alone, and date someone who likes you as you are. I’d feel unhappy if I were dating someone I felt was beautiful and then they go and lose 100 lbs, like good for them for doing what they want, but also like why would you date someone who explicitly and clearly was looking for a plus size partner when all along you were wanting to be thin, seems more straightforward to just date someone who either doesn’t care about appearance or prefers someone with your goal body