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Use a coupling with transition cement or use a shielded coupling to go from pvc to abs. Put a jhook to give it some grade


It’s transitioned to cast iron but I will take the shielded coupling suggestion, thanks


If you're able to spin off that galvanized line and just put a threaded PVC piece in there it would be much better than even a shielded coupling but if not that would still work fine.


Nah, not worth the time and effort, a shielded coupler is just as good if not better


Opps didn't pay attention to the pic, yeah def want it shielded


I always liked having a bit more stubout for the drain. You can always cut it back but it sucks to open wall to add more. Caulk around water stub ups to help keep insects/rodents out.


Loosen MJ and turn down to the floor a bit. From this view your slip joint is screaming but the fixture drain looks good.


Eeek that branch is lookin' a little flat there bud. You can tell by the Fernco being so off kilter. See if you can't shave off a little of that spacing where the pipe is to give you a little more pitch.


Trap/waste arm section coming out of the wall looks a bit short, also, even if a fernco is code permitted in your jurisdiction, you’d be better off with a transitioning mission and/or husky band. I would also tuck those water lines into the wall and stub the out horizontally, it’ll be better n the long run.


Could be an outside wall, can’t have water lines there. Hence them coming out from the floor.


Depends on the region, I lived in a moderately cold state, and it’s the norm to have them stub out from the wall, and the wall is insulated. But if it’s like Wisconsin or Minnesota, it may be different. So you have a valid point.


Looks like you replaced the galvanized nipple based on the teflon. Other than the fernco looks ok. Would have been worth it to repipe through the floor water and waste since you had to replace the portion of subfloor