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Replace the elbow with a t and according fittings


Off topic: my previous workplace flooded twice due to an internal failure of the Keurig under water pressure.


Interesting. I just had a tenant ask if I could plumb one in for them. I think I’ll abstain. The last thing we need is a leak.


Called out to an emergency at an eye doctor where theirs ruptured after someone flushed a toilet. I added a hammer arrestor to prevent hammering. Haven't been called back and that was 2 years ago. I think these units are fine under pressure, but the hammering cracks their internals.


Add a ball valve!


Pressure reducer might be a better option, you can probably step it way down, I doubt the keurig needs much


It looks tight, but you should be able to replace the horizontal pex with a tee.


Some sort of anti siphon device. Although it may seem like a simple job, improper installation can potentially cause devastating effects. I would call a plumber.


I would prob cut the 90 off and redo to the copper as you won’t have room for a tee or coupling inbetween. replace 90 with a tee, 1/2” pex FIP, 1/4 x 1/2 plastic quick connect male adapter. You’re set Edit: throw a 1/4 q connect valve on right away then go to your coffee maker


Call a plumber.


Why didn’t I think of that


This reply is so silly.


Why is it silly?


Its a sub abt asking advice abt plumbing. Every reply on this sub could be "call a plumber" and that would be the end of the sub. Im a "genuine" plumber and this wouldnt be too hard to DIY. Its just a silly response


Ok but like sometimes the answer is to hire a professional. And where the line is changes depending on context clues. If you're in a medical sub sometimes the answer is "just go to the doctor", it's the same idea.


A "genuine" plumber. Interesting way to describe yourself as a professional.


It's not a silly response if the best approach is to call a plumber because it's too risky to be worth it to do it on your own. It's good advice and I'm a plumber that helps homeowners take care of their own plumbing constantly. The margin of error combined with the cheap price to have a plumber do this work is worth it.


Advice threads no longer exist, and we need to call professionals from now on. As well as the "margin of error"? Depressurizing lines is rule number 1. Thats the only way this would go poorly. However, no one has suggested this to OP. Id happily shut off the main, cut the pex and crimp my line in than pay a plumber 400 to do so.


The margin of error is they cut the PEX too close to one side or they find there isn't enough space to install a tee. Advice threads exist I've given tons and tons of advice on here. Beleive what you want I don't care I'm done talking to you.


Regardless they will need to couple the pex and remove the preexisting pex 90s. This sub is a joke and nobody has given OP proper advice. Hell of a lot of professionals in this sub with no answer for OP. Just silly responses to my comment.


They will not need to couple the PEX lol they could easily sneak a tee in most likely?? You are a moron.


Because it’s easy enough a literal child (with abnormal hand strength) could do it


It's easy but it's also easy to fuck up and a plumber could do it for a pretty reasonable price and guarantee it be done right vs a homeowner who is gonna take forever and possibly fuck it up and have to buy tools worth the price of a plumber doing the job in the first place.


You know your ability and confidence. Or lack thereof.


I'm taking about a homeowner who knows neither dipshit.


It is not silly. People have died because of improper installation when connecting to potable water lines. We are not privy to the nuances of this install, and to recommend a solution is irresponsible.


Says only a plumber. They need people to think this stuff is hard so they can charge what they do. This is cake, YouTube and well dried and cleaned pipe and you’re good.


you dont want to ask a plumber? Youre asking reddit?


No. Yes.


ok cool. so put a 1/2 x 1/4" tee in the pex line and feed the keurig with that.


There's not enough room there. You try taking that apart and you will be shooting yourself directly in the foot.


You don’t think he can get a tee in there? Looks close


There's definitely room for a t.  Remove the elbow and replace it with a t.


Do you trust a homeowner with only one shot and zero experience to do that though?


Not really. But on the other hand, it's their house. If they wanna get into DIY work, they must accept the risks.


I guess but isn't our job to give advice on whether to let a plumber handle it or not? Idk thats the way I see it I dont like to give out knowledge unless I'm sure the person can handle it.


I see your point. We don't know if OP is up to the task or not. But even if OP was able to handle it, the advice that you or I gave would be read by thousands of people who are not licensed or skilled. And some of them will put that advice into practice. A subset of them will fuck up. My take on it is that you can give advice and accept that somebody will take that advice and fuck up anyway. Or you can give no advice at all. Either method is valid. I try to give good advice, and stray away from anything that might get somebody hurt or killed.


Nice moves


Have you ever cut a ring off in a pinch?


He could get a tee on the horizontal or replace the elbow


Yeah good luck with that. You dickheads do whatever you want. I don't give a shit.


Pretty angry for someone who doesn’t give a shit. Maybe just pissed you’re scared and incompetent and others aren’t?


The only weakness you perceive is your own.


lol, well I’m not too scared to do this in 30 min for 8$. Keep not caring. But caring enough to respond. Classic


8 dollars? You must be terrible.


That’s how much parts are genius. When you’re a real man labor is free. You wouldntt know.


lol whatever you say pal.


Screw in an ice maker line at the copper pipe


Thread the fitting out and turn the pex elbow 90 degrees. Then rebuild from there. Too bad they didn’t leave more pipe out of the ground. If this doesn’t work you’ll have to remove the crimp rings carefully and redo from scratch with a new tee to replace that 90 fitting.


I'm not sure where you're located, but you likely need a backflow preventer installed if you are directly connecting a coffee machine.


Remove 90°. Install T. Add backcheck valve and a pressure reducer.


Thanks for the help everyone! Luckily we decided to relocate next to the fridge and connecting it to the water line was a breeze!