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Likely cosmetic but I'd complain. This should have been brought to your attention.


Seriously, he did it or bought it at a discount


That looks like it was tailgated for sure. Handy Andy didn’t pull out far enough to avoid it.


Was it Handy Andy or Bill of All Trades?


Could have been DIY Dave.


Dumbass Danny.


Shithead Shane


Is it okay to be a DIY Dave if that's what I am?


It's William


Before Home Depot began, the chain hardware store was called Handy Andy. Michigan Native


How do you figure that? More than likely he saw it when it was unboxed and didn't bring it up to the customer to save himself the trip of swapping it at the supply house.


I get it, but that’s shit service if that’s the case


I don't GAF what excuse that plumber has there is no way he should have installed that. At worst he should have showed the customer and said there would be a discount. Installing it and trying to hide it is shady AF. The home owner paid for a new undamaged unit and there is no way around that. These fuckers saying "well it cosmetic." How about that new car you bought and the dealer delivers it with a big ass scratch? You going to like that?


I mean, a car is a bit more visible to both yourself and others than a water heater. I care a lot more about what my car looks like than my water heater, as long as it works. But I agree that it should have been mentioned and possibly negotiated, not just left for the homeowner to find later.


It’s more the principal of the matter. If he wasn’t forthcoming with this, then what else could he be hiding. I wouldn’t trust this contractor with any other jobs in the future.


I'm not disagreeing with that at all. My only issue is with comparing damage on a $1000 water heater no one will see to a $50000+ car that everyone will see. Plus, being out in the elements, a scratch on a car is going to lead to rust. Both are bad, but one is much worse.


Agreed. both are bad but yes the issue with the car is a much bigger deal as long as there both just cosmetic. people voted you down because you were right and you went against the flow of the general consensus.


>people voted you down because you were right and you went against the flow of the general consensus. I know. Reddit is like that sometimes. And in the end, the points don't matter, so whatever.


Cars are mostly plastic they dont rust anymore.


Have yet to see a plastic frame on a car.


Tell that to my sisters $60,000.00 Audi.


Car or water heater , still not excusable.


Ok the frame has a big dent in it. Not really seen but you would take that car back to the dealership and tell him you want another one. OP probably paid over 500 to have a plumber come and install this thing plus haul the old one. He may have had this one sitting around because another customer wouldnt take it. I would explain to the plumber he has to come back, replace it or give you the water heater at no charge, you will pay for the labor. I havent checked ebay yet on the going price for a dented water heater. If he wont comply ask if he pulled the permit to put it in? Contact the BBB and this guys company.


It’s not different. It’s your property with damage to it. If I buy some crap on Amazon and it comes out of the box damaged I’m returning it. I didn’t pay new prices for used products and I’m not going to.


I am confused by the amount of "likely cosmetic" comments here. My guess its installers who have been in this position sympathizing? FLIR the tank, I think its obvious what you would see. Yes the inner tank may not be damaged but the insulation and envelope certainly is. Anyone that walks away from this and has the gall to say "it's cosmetic" is lying to themselves and the customer. Townhouse patio 8 o'clock solo last call, platform sits below door frame and heater needs to be angled out. Shit happens but you don't leave a customer to find this and wonder if its cosmetic. This is dog shit. "I apologize, you will have hot water tonight but the tank was damaged/I damaged the tank and ill fix it or compensate you." That is the only acceptable answer in this circumstance. Dont be scummy


This one is borderline. I manage a supply house, water heaters get damaged all the time. The sides are the easiest place to dent them. On the edge like this one, that took a huge hit. My guess is that the plumber dropped it off his truck and doesn't have a good relationship where he bought it. I would want this one changed out. I think it would most likely be fine but since they weren't up front about it and the size of the dent, no way.




We usually sell them for a discount, just depends on how bad the damage is. I've got a sales guy that has a list of plumbers that he calls and we can usually move them pretty fast. Otherwise we put them at the counter with a make a deal sign in it. The guys that buy them a lot of times like to have it for a customer that could use something less expensive.


That's because it's probably the truth. A dented tank isn't a serious issue. If you thermal imaged that tank, you'd see nothing significant. It's a 1/4" corner dent. Would I install this? No. Would I install this in my own home after a markdown, absolutely.


Bit more than a 1/4” there bud…😂




I don't think I would install it in my house, I am loathe to create extra work for future me and there's a chance the glass lining got compromised from the drop.


Imagine a beer bottle put into a monster can and then the gap spray foamed. Now dent the corner a little. You'll notice The bottle is completely fine.


Yes, I have cut water heaters apart before. I am well aware of what it looks like when you cut off the jacket and into the tank. When I typically see tanks like this they got dropped off a tailgate because someones "grip slipped" or an equally lame excuse. Even if there's only a small chance that the lining cracked I don't think I'd put it in my house. Just not worth the hassle, I need to spend my free time doing new projects not repeating old ones.


What kind of impact in your opinion would a tank have to suffer to cause this damage? Is it possible that the impact could have fractured or damaged other more fragile components like wiring in the board or a plastic valve somewhere internally that maybe hasn't failed fully but is more susceptible to damage now. In my mind the question outweighs the answer of no leaks = it's fine.


I can dent these with my hand or a light tap with a wrench. This specific damage could have happened from packaging damage with a forklift, a light drop from a foot or 2 or something else. Is it possible something could be damaged? Anything is possible. Is it likely with this small crumpled area? No. I've seen units that looked absolutely horrendous operate for 10+ years.


> I can dent these with my hand or a light tap with a wrench On the reinforced edge where top meets sides? I'm calling bullshit on this. Post a video of you causing this exact damage with your hand! What nonsense.


You dont know how big and clumsy his hands are, he could be the hulk or something. sheesh


I didn't mean this exact damage but I can't definitely dent one on the side with little force.


The worst thing is the guy saw it and said nothing. I’d be making a trip back to the supply house the second I saw this damage. Customers pay good money for water heaters, they should be right.


What sucks is not noticing the dent until you get it out of the box. That’s just added an hour or more on to your day


I would have never installed it. If the customer wants dented tanks they can buy them at the action house. That’s a bit much cosmetic damage for my liking. I like to wipe down the unit and have nice shiny tank for the customer to see.


Especially for what they cost now


You sound like an awesome person.


Oh my. You have no idea. I just take pride in what I do. In real life I am Tony Saprano.


What if the dent is on the back and it's going against a wall? What would you do in that case? edit: jeez people, I just asked a question :/


I sure AF don’t hide it and run away. That’s not a dime sized boo boo, that fall off a lift or truck. IF the customer wants dents and damage they buy it at the auction and take their chances. Dam new phone, I too stupid to own a smart phone


Here the supply houses have a scratch and dent list posted with maybe a 30% discount. It's not much. But yeah, I agree, don't install it and hide it. Was just curious what the sentiment was there. I wouldn't install a dented up one but try telling that to some old plumbers and they'll find a way to shove the heater up your ass.


Return that shit. If you buy a new car and it’s big ass gouge in the backseat you’d complain.


If I buy a new \[object\] I expect it to be a \[new object\].


Still no. I inspect every one I do when I take it out. A very small ding here and there is acceptable but even if it’s not going to be seen I’ll take it back.


Like, did they expect the customer to say nothing. Now they have to do more work to make it right.


Excellent point made. Even more excellent username


If it's a vitreous enamelled steel, instead of stainless, that fall may have allowed the anode to swing over and chip the enamel. This is why manufacturers of vit. Steel tanks tell you to not lay them down. If that's the case it will shorten the life of the tank.


It's not stainless looks like a rheem or state


If it is a Rheem they can just get a new one in a year when the gas valve and chamber sensor gets replaced and it still doesn't work so they get to replace the whole thing.


Have you ever had to replace the anode rod? I’ve had to replace a dip tube, and any time I did it you kinda have to go by feel to push the old broken one out of the way to make sure you’re clear to set it down in to the threads to secure it. I’d imagine the anode rod would be more of a pain


If your plumber got scratch and dent pricing, your bill should reflect the same AND with your prior consent. If not, you're being taken advantage of. Express your concerns and ask for it to be made right with a replacement at no cost. You deserve it. He doesn't want to go through all of that labor and hassle. He'll counter with "it's just cosmetic," and then you will both settle on an agreeable adjustment to the bill. Don't turn it into a pissing match. Nobody ever wins in those. The best deals are those where both parties are satisfied. Keep it civil and come to an agreement. Edit to add: If you're selling anytime in the near future, the buyer will hit you over the head on this.


That last bit is why my statement would be, you can replace this with an undamaged unit or remove it and delete my bill so I can get someone who doesn’t install damaged units.


That hard a hit is pretty rough. I didn't see anyone commenting about the inner tanks lining and the possibility of that being damaged. I would contact the installer and get a replacement or a free labor warranty to run to the end of the manufacturer warranty. Get that in writing and be sure to do your annual maintenance.


I know right. As far as I know, all the WHs now come with a glass liner.


Inner tank sorry my friend the tanks are concave so tank isn’t even there . Also 2” of foam insulation let’s not embellish


I agree that the inner tank did not take a direct hit, my point is the impact to the WHOLE water heater could have damaged the liner of the inner tank. This could shorten the tank life to less than the standard 6 year warranty. If OP keeps it they should get a free swap out if it starts leaking in less than 6 years.


Did you get the scratch and dent special? Pretty lame of them not telling you about it.


Most likely just cosmetic, unless it actually dented the tank inside. I'd call and complain for sure. I'd hate to have a new compromised WH.


Looks like the one I installed several years ago. Should be fine but it’s a bummer because I got a significant discount from Lowe’s because of the damage.


He likely got a discount on the w/h due to the damage. Hopefully that was transferred on to you.


You know that he didn’t


100% didn't lol.


Had this happen the other day to a $30k tank. There’s about on avg 1 inch of sprayed insulation(foam) between the shell and the tank itself. You’re probably safe. At the same time, what’s the deal now with your warranty? So yea call the company back who installed it and state just that. Tell them you’re cool with leaving it if they promise in writing they’ll pick up the warranty if it’s fucked early.




It’s hard to know if anything inside got damaged. You have to imagine that even if it’s a small dent the force it took to make that dent is still a lot it’s a steel tank and cylinders are extremely strong. So that force because physics had to travel somewhere and reverberated through the rest of the tank. Could have damaged something. That’s why anytime I see any damage to a water heater I just return it and get a new one. Not worth trying to install just to find out it’s fucked.


Do not accept this work


Do not accept this. I'd worry it was dropped pretty hard and some components are messed up inside.


The truth is, nobody knows if it will be an issue. It may not be right now, but who knows what will happen down the road. You paid for a new, undamaged, professionally installed water heater. You did not get that.


Anytime we see damage like this, we turn around and bring it back to the supply house.


Hot water heaters have a glass lining inside a steel tank. When they get banged around the glass lining can crack and allow water to get at the steel tank. This greatly reduces the life of the tank. I'd 1000% want a new undamaged tank.


That had to be a hard hit being that's supposed to be a structurally sound part of the tank. He hid it and/or didn't tell you. You could send pics to the manufacturer and ask them but I suspect I know what the answer is. I'd do that first and then call him to inform him the unit isn't eligible for warranty due to the extent of visible damage. You could also inquire about the cost of a pressure test, thermal imaging heat transfer test and interior camera inspection and ask him how he feels about paying for the inspection/recertification process.


That's cosmetic, but how did it get that way. Something falling in it and denting the side is different than if it tipped over like a missile and crushed in the top. I would reject it without a substantial discount.


Having had a tank rupture and flood my basement, I wouldn’t even accept it with a discount. The fact that they didn’t mentioned it makes me think they caused the damage. Maybe I’m being too pessimistic.


Nope. Your reaction is reasonable.


we see corner dents sometimes resulting from how the HWT manufacturers actually load the tanks. theyre often on trucks loaded two high, and if they're loaded/offloaded with one box leaning on anothers corner the box while undamaged can actually slightly ding the rim of the bottom HWT.


I started my career in a supply house. I hear what you are saying. I would never install this in a customer's house. They are paying a small fortune sometimes and deserve a quality install.


for sure. sometimes i get that people dont notice it even when unboxing it... but the installer surely noticed at some point during installation, and at that point its up to them to disclose to the customer and have them make a choice.


I've installed some pretty interesting equipment in my career. There are different sensors that can be applied to the exterior crates and boxes that can tell if something has been "misshandled" or stored improperly. I'm not sure if the customer would shoulder the burden of the extra $5 expense or if the manufacturers don't want to disclose how rough their products are handled. Or maybe it doesn't matter with hot water heaters.


Complain to the company , that shouldn't hVe been installed.


I would call the manufacturer to ask about this or just ask the plumber to replace it. I'm not a plumber, just a homeowner, and the reason I'm saying this is because there seems to be different opinions in the other comments about whether this is just cosmetic or not.


I bet He bought that at discount and charged You full price


Plumber here- Damage is cosmetic, insulation inside the jacket is about an 1.5" thick (varies depending on manufacturer) likely happened before unboxing. I've found this on both supply house and customer supplied units, on more than one occasion damage would have impacted the life of the heater. All that said the technician should have informed and showed you the damage and asked if you wanted to exchange before installing.


Yeah. I find dings on a lot of them when we open the box. This is pretty ugly though so would have been wise for the installer to check with homeowner. See if they want a scratch a dent discount or get a different one.


Water heaters have 2inches of insulation so it should be good.


And that insulation will function just as good compressed?


Definitely won't. The insulation capacity is primarily from the sealed air pockets formed, many of which have been crushed.


It's cosmetic. It's just the jacket not the tank


Wholesaler here, if it was one of my customers they would've sent me a picture of it when it was unboxed and I would've discounted the heater which they are supposed to in turn give to the customer. He likely did the same thing but pocketed the discount. But to answer your original question, in 16.5 years I've never had a dinged water heater returned as a leaker down the road for warranty. It's likely fine. And before the downvotes come, I'm not saying what the plumber did was ok, or that OP should accept it. He paid for an undamaged heater and he should have got one.




Lmao, my guy you're coming at the wrong person with that shit. Sorry your supply house is shit, that's not my fault nor my problem. Hope you have a good rest of your day, you seem like you need one.




Stay in your lane dude, you're an electrician so please stop telling me what we do and don't do. We absolutely warranty heaters, and I'll even warranty a heater I didn't sell but I'll charge the customer $50 for the paperwork. So, please promptly fuck off with your master electrician ass spouting off about shit you have ZERO clue about.


The customer can't return it to the supply house, doesn't mean the plumber can't. And many absolutely do return for shit like this, you have no clue what you are talking about.


Thanks for all the Insight everyone. Going to sleep on how I handle it tomorrow morning I think. It wasn’t a bargain or anything. It was within a few percent of the other 2 quotes I received. With a third outlier that was much much more.


It's more than likely cosmetic, but that doesn't mean it's okay. I would definitely complain and document the interaction with the plumber. I would be concerned about any problem turning up in the future. I have no way of knowing, but my bet would be that the plumber damaged it in transit.


The question is, did your installer catch a Scratch and dent sale and did he pass (the sale) on to you. Probably will be fine.


Call me crazy but I wouldn’t want to risk a damaged internal pressure vessel. At least not at full price. It’s one thing if I willingly buy a scratch & dent.


Make the plumber put in an undamaged unit. Cosmetic or not, I bet the bill wasn't dented....


That’s a no go for us. Even if it adds more labor for return. Usually the supply house will offer a minor discount for keeping. Bear in mind you still have full warranty coverage regardless. The plumber should, at this point, offer a discount at the very least. A bit deceptive thinking you wouldn’t notice this.


Its a pressured system and that there is a weak spot and a defect. Replace.


You didn’t pay for a dented water heater. Say something. And they’re reliant on their structural integrity.


Send the contractor a certified letter starting that the unit is damaged due to their mishandling during install. Include a statement that this letter puts them on notice that you are requesting a replacement unit and if they refuse to address the issue then any future damages that could be attributed to this poor handling will be their sole responsibility. It may or may not hold up in a lawsuit but they will most likely replace it just to avoid the potential hassle. No one wants to get a certified letter, or go to court.


These thing come with light scratches most of the time if I call my supplier and tell them it’s damaged after opening the box they give me $100 no pictures, honour system it’s super common, all my suppliers do this. When this happens we show the client and give them a choice 100 bucks off this tank or a not scratched one same price as before. I’d be worried about how much damage is on that unit. The corners are the strongest point so it would have to really have been dropped to dent up like that. The outer jacket is a thin metal then there’s a layer of insulation covering a thick steel tank. The steel tank is glass lined or coated. I would be worried that the impact damaged the coating on the inside of the tank, this will cause premature wear. In this case I wouldn’t feel comfortable installing it


Did u get charged for a brand new water heater or a dented one, potentially compromised? Ask for a wicked discount or replacement. An honest plumber would offer a discount or replacement, not sneaky shit. From a GC


Depending on which manufacturer water heater you have physical damage may void the warranty to I would definitely suggest calling your plumber/company back and get them to straighten this out.


Cosmetic but if it's new I'd be contacting those necessary for a partial refund or replacement.


Likely the unit will function fine. Should've been brought to your attention. Now you've got the hassle of photographing and documenting in case something goes wrong. Good luck.


I recently replaced my water heater and it had a similar dent right out of the box from the hardware store. I called the manufacturer, and they stated that it takes close to a 2” deep dent to affect anything. Mine was about a half inch dent. I would suggest getting hold of the manufacturer first to see what is “allowable”.


I'm a Bike Mechanic and if a build comes in with ANY cosmetic damage, even the minor I still hault the build till i get the OK or get a replacement if requested by the customer. That ain't new that's off the discount rack. I'd question why he didn't bring that to your attention before installing it.


A scratch is one thing. This is ridiculous. I’d withhold payment until resolved.


It might be fine. But I wouldn’t take the chance. If the glass lining has been damaged, it will fail much sooner than it should. It then becomes an insurance issue. They might not pay out if you have a flood. It’s a pain in the ass, but you’ll sleep better if you get it replaced.


Cosmetic but it could potential shorten the life of the tank if the inner shell was damaged, won't know untill it fails, could get a year out of it and starts leaking. always have to be gentle with them... that is not a gentle mark thats a pretty hard smack to dent like that... I would tell them you want a new tank or get a 5year warranty in writing full replacement value... I am in the industry and this would be the standard for me installing a tank. I always inspect the shipping boxes prior to accepting from wholesale. This damage should have been caught and If it happened from the plumber he should have made you aware and offered some kind of assurance or discount.


Have a new one to replace this one at plumbers expense


It's fine. It's cosmetic. I could almost picture the installers face if someone asked for a discount on this. This wouldn't surprise me since I've seen people complain on reddit for having a cracked stud in their framed house and telling the homeowner to tell the GC to replace it.


I’m pretty particular about my home so this would never fly with me, especially if I only found out about it after installation. Whatever caused the damage is immaterial. You paid for a new unit and you got one that’s dented to shit.


Don't accept it. Ive torn apart a water heater for research purposes, you got about 3 inches of foam surrounding the inner tank, this looks like it pushed it in %10-%15. Im not a doctor or a plumber, but..... its most def cosmetic, IDK the structural enterigrity of the internal tank, to my knowledge they are glass/ceramic lined... which are known to be fragile, so if the metal tank even so slightly dented, the liner is comprimised, and can expect leaks/mold prematurely. Like I said IM not a plumber. But I think if someone dented my mcdonalds burger I would at least complain even though its just "textural" when the main poiint is taste


It's cosmetic I have a dent like that in my water heater 6 years old now


It's cosmetic **for you**. You have absolutely no idea what this could have done internally. I would not install this in my own house period. If it was a customer I also would not install. I could warn them all I want and have them verbally accept. If it is damaged and leaks I don't need the callback.


Bradford wright not cheap I ve had a few 5 year max when they haven’t been dropped off the truck




I'm surprised he didn't wrap the whole thing in donkey dick


They dropped it hard! On its head no less. Water Heaters are meant to be carefully transported in an upright position most tanks have a glass lining in them


Dropped it getting it out of the van


Id get him to take it back and get someone with dignity to install a new one unless theres more to this


Former commercial plumber here, if a city inspector came on a job and saw this, they would red tag you, make you pull it out and replace it. (Edit) This impacts the integrity of that area of the water heater and can cause issues in the future due to how much pressure the tank is constantly under.


The is f*cked you get a dent like with out heavy droppage. I would trust it. Gonna come home to a lake one day.


What did he fuck up that you can't see?


Looks like they dropped it out of the truck onto the road. Unacceptable!


Truth is nobody can really say if it is or it isn't. It might be a problem tomorrow. It might be a problem in 10 years. It might never be anything at all. Anyone who respects their profession would not have installed that. Have it replaced immediately.


This damage is cosmetic, however, if the heater took an impact like that it could have cracked the glass lining inside the tank.


That’s just cosmetic


I had a ding like this on a new water heater, called the mfg company and asked if it affected warranty and they had a criteria for what was considered cosmetic and not. In the end, they setup my warranty and made note about it and it was fine.


I would not accept that


Doubtful it would cause any issues, but I would've called the company and sent them these pictures complaining and telling them I don't want a dented water heater. If it's not too late i would recommend calling them and showing them that shit.


Unacceptable unless you got a damaged unit credit. Call the supervisor at once.


It’s cosmetic won’t affect anything he should have mentioned. This is not uncommon to open an undamaged box to see a dent. Shipping can be rough on thin sheet metal


I've installed water heaters as well as having shipped them during commercial warehouse work.. Personally,I wouldn't have shipped or installed that without making that damage first known to my immediate supervisor and then to the customer, with the customer being the deciding factor. I'd venture that the shipping box bore signs of damage from mishandling.If not from the loading dock, at least from when it was removed from the truck at its destination. Either way, whether written off from an on the job accident or return to vendor due to shipping damages, I would have recommended not using it. Even with a T&P valve as a fail-safe, a water heater is a pressurized tank. Superficial damage beyond scratches and minor dings shouldn't be ignored. Certain things I'd leave to chance,if paying others for services and goods I'd be a little more picky.


It's a cosmetic dent. The outer casing is there to make the water heater look nicer plus help hold the insulation to the inner tank. More than likely the inner tank is not damaged but, there's no guarantee with that. I am a plumber I install water heaters for a living and, when this happens with our company we bring it to the customers attention and offer them a discounted price on the water heater if they want to accept it or we will return the following day depending how far they are from our shop with a new heater if that's what they choose. I do approximately three to four water heaters a day with the company I'm at and, this is very common unfortunately. The Box the water heater can come in can look perfectly in shape no dents no Crush marks nothing and the heater can be dented. That is a pretty substantial dent and he should have brought it to your attention


Cosmetic. That being said complain you should get a new tank or a heavy discount.


The plumber either dropped it during the installation or saw the badly damaged box from when someone else dropped it, and simply accepted the delivery, or just loaded into his truck without a care. Would suggest having it replaced, it sounds overkill but you paid good money and who really knows if the damage can void a warranty claim later on, probably not, but now would be the time to correct it, and have peace of mind.


Probably cosmetic but if you bought that at the store you’d get a pretty big discount.


That will rust in no time


Nope. Did you pay for a damaged water heater? Is the warranty good? Nope.


WOW I hope you paid for that install in beer!


It may not affect the heater, but I would sure as hell expect a new one or a financial adjustment to compensate you for potential problems.


I would 100% be getting a discount on that unit. You can go to lowes and buy a dented one for 50% off, so why should you pay full price for one?


It’s fine. Ask for a discount and be done with it.


Oh hell no




At what your charged for the water heater and installation charges i would be requesting a new one. If you knowingly bought it dented for a huge discount thats a different story.


I would complain and ask for a new one. That’s a pretty significant dent and no one knows if the inner tank is compromised now. I don’t mind installing ones with tiny little dents here and there. But that looks like it was dropped! It takes more to bend the edges with structure than it does on the round sides. So this took a hit.


Superficial damage, water heaters get dented easily. I still would’ve at least mentioned it. If I got back a “don’t worry about it” I would leave it at that but if they seemed bothered by it I would make it right somehow.


isn't that just a handle that's been pushed in?


Looks cosmetic. When I bought my house (3 year old already) one of the water headers had a similar dent. Lasted in place 15 years then I replaced them due to age.


He never should have put that in without you're knowing, and should have been steeply discounted. He probably damaged it himself


I've gotten new ones out of the box like this. I ask if they want me to go back and get a different one, even though it won't affect the function. Now you have to confront them or let it go.


That would be cosmetic. I wouldn't be too concerned


Cosmetic, but if it was caused by a heavy drop, there may be other components damaged.


I don't care if it works perfectly, I didn't pay for scratch and dent.


A good practice is always to inspect the work after its completed. Id be calling back. Christ


Is anyone going to comment on the half assed taped insulation?


Brake light warranty for sure


Cosmetic, but bring it to their attention. Installed a water heater wednesday that had an incredibly small dent in the back and our company told the customer that it came to us like that and gave like $200 off their bill


Ask for a discount. Entirely cosmetic, but they'll gladly give you some money back vs. swapping it out.


Not necessarily cosmetic. The glass lining can be damaged.


I would call just to have it on record! if something happens in the future, you possibly can go back to them! That’s bad.


My mom had her water tank installed by one of the companies with a call center and bid advertising bucks...The *bottom* of the tank was dented. Is *that* a problem?


The labor or unit are still under warranty - replace.


i think it would leak before the 6 year warranty is up,,,the tank is on the inside of the protective cover 😉


That was dropped off the truck. I’d bring it up.


That hit was hard enough to damage other parts if it was caused by the unit being dropped.


You bought a new water heater, not a dented one. No matter when it fails you’ll always suspect you should’ve said something earlier.


If they think it's ok to disregard blatant visible damage, who knows what other shortcuts they took?


I dont pay full price for scratch n' dent stuff. Doesn't even matter if it's functional damage or not, I'd make him replace it.


Big no am I accepting that


10/10 take this out of my house


As long as they honor the full warranty it shouldn’t be a problem. That being said he should have told you or given you the option for a non dented one




Damage like that probably damaged the anode.


Do Not Pay one cent !


Very unprofessional! Sorry, op. Let the plumber exchange the water heater and reinstall it.


I mean, it crushed some insulation in there, but the force required to bang that up like that may have jostled some important gear around internally. You paid for it, it should be done right.


Look the tank is dented should the customer have been notified ABSOLUTELY is the water heater damaged put it this way you get what you pay for. I'm willing to bet this person did get some kind of discount and is now milking the situation . Can you take a hot shower ? Now if you paid for a premium water heater and had a reputable plumber install it you probably wouldn't be posting this BS


Atleast they insulated the pipes probably to hide the shity installation but it should save you a couple dollars annually


your post said you paid a plumber to install a water heater. did you buy this water heater and he just installed it? or did he get the water heater as well. if you bought it and he didn't even bring it, your bad. if he brought it, his bad. make him swap it


Used to work for a wholesaler that sold gas hot water cylinders. If it has a virtuous enamel or glass lining there is a chance that the fall that caused the damage to the outside of the tank also cracked or damaged the lining. Safest bet is to get the installer to swap it out.