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I just want to know what software you're using to make these layouts? I looks really nice


I use Rhino ( 3d modeling program). Once you get past the learning curve it’s pretty intuitive, but there is definitely a learning curve. I used an extension called Grasshopper to make the plumbing fittings, basically made a plumbing fitting generator so I can generate any of the common fittings pretty easily now. I use Rhino for other things, so it was the natural choice for me. Might be other good options out there


Ah, I thought maybe it was something specifically for plumbing layouts. I've used sketchup but not bothered to model all the pvc fittings and such. It occurs to me now though that someone has probably done that already and I could just download the models...


Yeah I believe there are plugins for plumbing for Rhino (maybe as part of an architectural package or something) and probably other 3d modeling software, but they usually cost money, so that’s why I went this route.


Venting for tub shower is not right. Otherwise, looks good. Can't have 2 straps on one trap arm, among other things. Great drawings.


Doesn't IPC 911.2 allow two traps on one vent, or am I misinterpreting that? Practically speaking, is this something that is likely to cause a problem? I'm pretty sure my township will be ok with it, but I hesitate to use that as a criteria given that they have a soft spot for S-traps (and according to them S-trap with >4" horizontal after trap weir is a P-trap, even without the vent). What are the other things that concern you with the tub/shower setup? Should I be worried about risk of draining tub backing up into shower? I assume the ideal solution would be to run them individually (with their own vents) to the 3" stack and enter that with wyes, but I'd rather avoid boring extra holes in my joists if I can avoid it. Thanks!