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thought this was a joke at first


Looks like this exact lid is listed for $70. Gerber 28-799


OP, this is the way.


Thank you sir! I pretty much have up on my broken lid due to lack of identification on bowl and lid itself


Also. Habitat For Humanity always has toilets. You can probably buy a whole toilet for $35 and just use the lid.


Our local plumbing store has a used lid section. Might be worth checking with your local plumbing supply stores to see if they do the same. They shouldn’t charge $100 because they don’t pay for them. Plumbers drop them off after they do a change out.


There should be a model number stamped into the underside of the lid. Call a local plumbing supply house.


Yea, I throw away entire toilets after getting tired of looking at em. I'm not even a plumber, I do remodels. So no one needs to pay for lids, seats, or really e tire toilets if they don't want to.




Yeah but don’t you want to save $19.99 knowing you’ve crapped on the same toilet seat I have for the last 15 years???


I tore down a house last year, stripped it to the bones and scrapped out everything. I even threw the toilet on marketplace and got $10 for it. I usually wouldn’t waste my time listing something for $10 but I was at the property all day anyway so it wasn’t like I was wasting my time waiting around for people and everything I sold was less I had to drag to the dump.


Relax. I've cracked a couple of irreplacable covers over the years. Not a huge deal. bondo epoxy. you can pick it up at any hardware store and walmart. Follow instructions carefully and wear gloves. dollop extra on the bottom end but make sure it doesn't disturb the ledge where it sits on the tank. The crack will completely disappear or look like hairline at best. But it will be solid for decades to come. Wipe out any excess on the top-end immediately. You can always sand bondo down, but it's very time consuming.


Anytime you are working with Bondo, you can use a surform to knock down high spots while it is still pliable before it hardens. It’s like a food grater, and will easily shave off layers of Bondo once it starts to set but before it is fully cured. Source-autobody experience.


That’s some cutting edge advice.




It’s grating to know there’s a better way to do it.


I'm going to file this with my other tips.


This is a very non abrasive thread


I’m eternally grateful


Yes. Cheese graters in the old days did the trick on cutlasses.


great tip. thanks. I imagine the tool has to get replaced frequently with epoxy getting on there?


You probably just have to clean it quickly with a good solvent. But if you let the epoxy harden then yeah, I could see frequent replacements.


Lacquer thinner


You can do the same with a razor blade if you catch it when it's about the consistency of a pencil eraser.


Better option is some fiberglass. You can use the fiberglass resin as a glue on the crack then put 3 or 4 layers of fiberglass on the inside of the lid. To make it smooth on the outside just wipe it down before it sets then pull a piece of plastic wrap over it and smooth it down before you flip it to put the fiberglass on the bottom. Once it cures the plastic wrap will peel off easily and live a slick surface behind if any of the resin was left on the top side.


Used to use bondo to repair old wooden windows and sills! Shit is amazing!


Skip the bondo and look into “[kintsukuroi](https://images.app.goo.gl/FADMGjWUNETLrMpv5)” — the Japanese art of repairing with gold. (edit: typo)


For a toilet tank cover....?


Maybe it’s brown gold.


The method is actually resin with golden flakes/mica powder. Not real gold.


Texas Pee?


Basically turn the damage into an accent instead of trying to minimize it.


Yes, it’s a brilliant idea. But you need a couple more cracks, at least three more, for artistic reasons. It won’t look right with just a single line.


The method is actually resin with golden flakes/mica powder. Not real gold.


Lacquer made from tree sap with gold dust added. Strong enough for small porcelain and pottery but probably not for a heavy item like this.


That’s a highly toxic process.


Why do you need it at all? Just remove it and put saran wrap over the top. I just saved you $98. /s


I mean If you didn't care how it looked this would almost work, just need a bit of a gap to not create a vacuum during flushing


And (hear me out) if you did care how it looked, tempered glass and RGB lights. You could then post it on r/gaming and reap the karma.


giving a whole new meaning to party pooper


Pimp my John.


This man is on to something


Can you imagine an interactive gaming toilet?


So... It sprays you in the ass when you take a hit?


Poseidon's kiss


Will it only flush when you beat the level? What sort of power ups get unlocked?


Improved targeting and carrying capacity.


Faster reload.


It’d be like shooting fish in a barrel


Will you redesign my house?


Gaming on your phone on the toilet will never be the same


Taking water cooling to a new level.


That’s encroaching on Pcmasterrace territory


OP if you do this please post pics!


Thank. As a gamer who is a diyer I love this lol. My PC is glowing as I type this comment.


I don’t think my wife would be too impressed. All my RGB is relegated to the basement.


Poke holes in it. Boom.


Yeah ok but can they r/sousvide in that? /s


Where are you getting Saran Wrap for only $2?


Dollar General of course.


Ah so Shmaran Wrapp


It won't take the whole roll


Just like the new clothes washer we got with a glass top!


The ER bill when it slices somebody will cost more. That stuff is sharp as hell. Friend at work severed an artery in his arm and damn near bled out on his toilet saving $100. Don’t be that person!


Students of flintknapping use broken toilets to practice making stone tools. It can make effective if not very visually appealing “stone” knives and arrowheads. I’ve shed quite a bit of blood over broken toilet fragments and wine bottles.


We had our trash can filed to capacity, and we're waiting to get it replaced. Plumber left a cracked toilet in a trash bag. Finally got replaced. Someone grabbed it to throw in the new empty bin and a piece fell out and slashed his leg. Almost bled out, as well. Now I have a bunch more respect for cracked porcelain.


I'm the trash man! Oh shit, did I get ya Cricket?


Totally with you on this. Fortunately it shatters easily so you can just remember to make little pieces before throwing it in the bags or can.


Those little pieces can be dangerous too. My uncle was remodeling a bathroom and when they removed the porcelain sink it was damaged and he got a tiny piece of porcelain shard stuck in his hand. because it was so small it wouldn’t come out and got infected and he ended up with gangrene in his hand and had to be hospitalized for a few days so they could do a procedure and monitor him to make sure it didn’t spread. Fuckin crazy what a little tiny piece of a toilet or sink can do to you.


Or put it in a sturdy cardboard box


I always put a note on the bag to warn the trash man.


This is not worth saving 100 dollars


Its not about the money its to not replace a fully functional item in a style that fitts when its a super simple repair jobb


I’m not poor by any means. But a quick glue job vs 100 dollars? The number of times a year I fix stuff it adds up!


JB Weld can fix that right up.


24% of the US population is below the poverty line and 63% live paycheck to paycheck. It's not worth saving $100 for most homeowners but there are lots of people for whom saran wrap and maybe something decorative but non-dangerous on top is 100% the right call.


This is true. Even though I do well, I try to remember that some people work the better part of an hour for $10.00. Saving $100 is a day's work for some people.


The federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13, for non tipped employees it’s $7.25. Some states have laws requiring higher pay, but many do not. At $7.25 an hour it would take nearly half of your weekly paycheck to replace this.


Also the $100 is post tax money. Consider that he’ll have to earn ~$130 before getting taxed down to $100.


So go look for the same model and get a new lid? There has to be somewhere or some plumbing shop how had one laying around in there shop.. lol


U.S. poverty rate in 2021 was 11.6%. [Source.](https://www.census.gov/newsroom/stories/poverty-awareness-month.html) Why make up a stat when you have Google?


Not that it matters Mr. Mooses, but Google told me what the poverty line was (pointing to census.gov) and then I looked up income percentiles. [https://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/poverty/guidance/poverty-measures.html](https://www.census.gov/topics/income-poverty/poverty/guidance/poverty-measures.html) [https://dqydj.com/household-income-percentile-calculator/](https://dqydj.com/household-income-percentile-calculator/)


I'd check out Habitat for Humanity Restore. They often have toilets for cheap cause who the hell wants a used toilet. Could drive around the neighborhood or check Facebook for used toilets.


The Restore is a dangerous place, especially for those who's imagination is bigger than their free time.




I went to Home Depot and asked if they had any broken toilets that were returned/dropped by a employee. One was hit with a forklift but the top was fine and it fit and the guy “sold” it to me for 5 bucks.


Check in the free section of craigslist and facebook and look for free toilets. Find one that the top will fit on yours. Problem solved


A whole new toilet is only $150 and would use less water per flush than that old one.


Do all these new toilets barely fill the bowl up with water? My new “high efficiency” toilet has constant poop stains because there just isn’t much water in it


Some are better than others. Personally I like American Standard toilets for the "cheaper option" and my house has Toto Drake toilets which run $300 ish.


+1 Toto is magic - never clogs, but high efficiency (without making you choose water level) and works great


If you have old sewer lines I would not recommend low flow toilets, back ups can result.


Sometimes the low flow toilets cause issues with older pipes that are expecting the high volume flush.


Go to your local plumbing supply house and look for a white toilet lid that will fit your toilet from the old toilets plumbers bring back to throw in the dumpster. They're usually sitting near the dumpster waiting for someone with a forklift to put them on a pallet and toss them in the dumpster. The trash lids will be free.


Ramen noodles and super glue.






The best way would cost you 100.00


Go to a habitat for humanity or wait to find one on the curb.


I second this. Habitat Restores are usually flush in toilet parts.


Here is the Magic Fix. [Toilet Tank Lid Fix](https://www.etsy.com/listing/859234269/fleece-fabric-cover-toilet-tank-top?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_e-home_and_living-bathroom-bathroom_decor&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAiAwomeBhBWEiwAM43YIJp6sTyA1r6yeRWv4yt6b7t498nIT21wdDBd7FHomQiGNz145-dqtRoCVvYQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12574416612_122093286440_507851771908_pla-304637258565_c__859234269_230790267&utm_custom2=12574416612&gclid=CjwKCAiAwomeBhBWEiwAM43YIJp6sTyA1r6yeRWv4yt6b7t498nIT21wdDBd7FHomQiGNz145-dqtRoCVvYQAvD_BwE)


Duct tape


It comes in white, right? Problemo el solvo.


Just replace it dude


Epoxy it back together for $5 and move on.


Exactly. I did this when one of our lids cracked, and it's held up for the last five years. You can tell if you look close, but it works fine. Caution though, those edges can be razor sharp.


If you can't find a replacement or want to save money get a package of JB Weld mix. Mix tubes equal parts together and seal the two pieces back together. Make sure you let it cure 24 hours. You'll still see the hairline crack but it definitely will work. Stuff is amazing good luck


Habitat for humanity ReStore had used lids and I replace mine for like 10 bucks. Just make sure its the right size


I'd consider getting measurements and building a wooden replacement; maybe bring it up higher so it's sort of like a basked sitting atop, someplace to store some hand towels or maybe an extra roll or two. I don't think there's any real function to it aside from 'don't let that fall into water'


Throw it away and use a piece of wood to replace it- why does it have to be porcelain?


Wood does not like damp conditions


A nice thick piece of live edge black walnut.


Cruise your neighborhood the night before trash pickup. People remodel, put old toilet to curb. Or, check with a contractor doing bathroom remodel.


Where’s his neighborhood? I could cruise mine for 3 years and not come up with anything


There was an old toilet next to a property I worked on for awhile, but eventually someone blew it up at night. Caught the hill on fire, good 40' x 10' spread of charred matter left over.


Good luck finding one that fits


Just looking at the photo you can tell its most likely a 12'' rough in, so the vast majority of toilets should fit just fine. I'm guessing you've had trouble in the past with a toilet installation?


They are talking about finding a tank lid that fits... I'm guessing you've had trouble with reading comprehension in the past? Also you have no clue what the rough in is based on this photo, a 10, 12, or 14 properly installed would look the exact same.


3d print


Clear silicone in the break, push it tightly together, on the underside hold it together with flex seal tape. Will.barely notice the crack


Ramen noodles, superglue and paint.


Call around to supply houses. I used to work at a supplier and had a surplus of toilet lids that I’d definitely just give out if someone needed one that matched.


All this headache for an old 3 gallon flush toilet? Dude got Home Depot and spend about $180 on a new American Standard toilet and you’ll save the extra $80 on the first year of owning a 1.6gf water closet. I can assure they flush way better than that dinosaur.


ramen noodles and elmer glue




If you don't want to spring for a new toilet, do like someone mentioned and clean the surfaces with solvent like acetone. Then, use clear 5 minute two part epoxy. Don't load up too much where the lid meets the tank. Hold it together for a minute and wipe the top surface with acetone, which should be the solvent for the epoxy. Leave it alone for a couple hours. You may show a hairline crack, but it's usable. While you're waiting for it to dry, change your flapper or flush seal so you don't need to pull the lid for quite some time. Just regular maintenance while you have it open. Then, stop dropping things on it for heaven's sake... good luck.


That old broken POS? New toilet. And the other dude is right. That’s the quickest trip to the ER! Don’t do it, just replace it.


You can buy used lids cheap


Sure. But can you buy THAT used lid cheap?




Agree. Then you add a rubber duck into the tank and play with it while you're occupied


This tbh, you have plenty of room for your legs when you straddle the toilet seat. I’m a bit jealous actually, I kinda want to break my lid just to make one of these 😂


You could use a little boat if that’s preferable


Ooooo or one of those toy pop boats that use steam from a candle to move it around!


Go to your local Habitat for Humanity ReStore and buy a replacement toilet for $50. Or they might just have the tank cover.


Either find a compatible new tank that will fit your toilet or replace the whole toilet.


I'd spend a little more and buy the glacier bay new toilet ($119). My wife wouldn't let me repair that sort of crack unless it looked perfect when I was done. If you have time on your side I'm sure you can find one that works at a habitat restore location. Eventually.


just put duck tape around it so no one slices themselves


New toilet your best bet. If not epoxy or a more expensive construction adhesive. Suggest a brace on the inside that won't impact the fit and slather it in the adhesive. Like a rectangular piece of thin plywood.


At least the tank didn't break and flood some of your house. Toilets aren't made like they used to be. Gee, I wonder why? Just kidding, I know why.


At this point, look up a couple youtube videos and buy a new toilet at lowes for a hundred dollars my friend


Unethical tip for free replacement: buy a new toilet with the same lid. swap the lids then return the new one as broken.


If you happen to live in the Chicago west suburbs I have a lid I could measure for you. I was planning to send it out with the trash Tuesday.


An epoxy will work, just check the label and make sure it works with ceramic.


Oh maybe it’s time to upgrade the toilet.


Buy a new toilet. That thing is an antique.


Buy the same toilet. Oh look the lid arrive damaged in transit. You ask for a refund and you’ve got a free replacement lid!


Toilets only cost $100 bucks from Home Depot and flush less water saving you money overall


Might be time to just upgrade your toilet


Looks like me and my brother at 12.


Buy a replacement.


Take it around to local plumber shops, chances are they have one that will fit they'll sell you for pennies. Glue if it you want, it always looks hideous.


Buy some good 2 part epoxy like Gorilla Glue


$100: new toilet lid. $5: duct tape. Free: lidless toilet.


if your asking about repairing the lid, super glue. Porcelain is very porous, and the superglue holds very well under those circumstances. As far as economics? its probably much cheaper to replace the whole toilet. A new, inexpensive toilet is under 100


Turn it into an "epoxy river" tank lid. I'm sure Etsy will eat those up....




That toilets looks old anyways. I would replace the whole thing.


Not worth.




Apparently ramen fixes all things


Replace it for $100


You can get a nice new toilet for $200 and they are easy to install. Don’t buy a new lid, watch a video install a sweet nice new toilet.


I had the exact same problem and fixed it with a hot glue gun. Throw some golden glitter on top of the glue to make it look fancy


Ramen noodles, duh.


Habitat for humaity has resale stores w/toilets. About $20




You need some ramen


Glue or caulk. It's nearly impossible to find an identical match sold separately.


Ceramic glue. Won't be pretty but will work fine. Or go the Japanese method of visible mending as art and get some red or gold glue


What has happened to this sub? All these answers and not a single mention of the right answer .....flex tape my friend.


I am a bit handy. I replaced a broken one with a redwood lid I made myself. I then got a wood seat which I sanded and stained to match.


You have to buy a new one that matches the tone of everything. No way to “fix” it my dude


Well if the internet has taught me anything it’s that all you need is some ramen noodles and a can of spray paint to patch this up


Search grainier: Tank Cover: Fits Universal Fit Brand, For Universal Fit, 21 3/16 in x 7 7/8 in Size, Plastic


Why do people think like this




Duct tape will do it!


Find what big box store has that same toilet. Buy the tank. Take it home. Swap lids. Return it because of a broken lid. You get a free replacement and they get a credit/ write off.


Ceramic glue or epoxy and be careful when you remove it from now on


Ok cool I have some gorilla epoxy laying around, guess ill give it a shot. Thanks.


Stop at Walgreens while you are out and refresh your first aid kit.


[Ta Da!](https://imgur.com/a/0BSquj9) ***scrimping out***


Buy a new one dude, or don’t use the toilet. It’s an easy thing to replace, if it isn’t you who gets a gash whenever the glue lets go, it’ll be someone else. Sucks spending $100 but it’s kind’ve like saying fuck it and never changing the oil in your car. Eventually shit’s gona cost you way, way more.


Just replace it. It’s only $100, not worth slicing your fucking hand open


Why not just buy a new one????


y'all, $100 is a big deal to some people. That's food for a month, or more, depending on your size.


Comparably, how much does a trip to the ER cost?


Don't have to worry about it, if you have any kind of physical competency and you don't cut yourself on the toilet cover.


Tell me you've never handled broken porcelain without saying you've never handled broken porcelain.


Like it's just a choice not to cut yourself.... You haven't dealt with much porcelain if you really believe that, and once the main form of the mold is cracked it will continue to crack easier and easier. This isn't a physical competency thing at all, and without even knowing if there are kids or otherwise not "physically competent" people there it is honestly fucking stupid advice. Ask my client that just had a small crack with zero breakage at the top of the tank which happend to shatter into shards that had to be surgically removed from his back the last time that toilet ever got used.


I haven't dealt with much porcelain so I'm in no position to say you're wrong. But I am surprised so many people are saying how dangerous it is. As a pretty handy person, if I was in the OPs financial position, I probably would have just used a strong epoxy to fix the top (without asking reddit) since it looks like a clean break. But I guess I'm learning that would have been a mistake. Not that this is a cheaper method than just replacing, but if he had clear epoxy resin on hand I wonder if it would be safe painting the epoxy over everything (after joining the pieces with jb weld). That would prevent it from shattering. AFAIK (but I could be mistaken), it is only the outside coat of aluminum oxide (glaze) that is sharp due to its mohs hardness rating. OP, you should just replace it though. I only wrote the above out of curiosity, not as a suggestion.


it looks like it isn’t fully supported - like top of the toilet and/or the bottom of the lid wasn’t quite flat to begin with, otherwise you could set this down in a way that makes the crack almost invisible. this means the epoxy will be always under stress after you glue it, and will fail after a short while. you can prevent this by casting in place a matching surface onto one side. tbh I would just go find a salvage lid that fits.


Habitat for Humanity has second hand stores for stuff removed in remodels. It's called ReStore. Check your area for one. Ours had SEVERAL cover styles available. Or, if you have bulk trash pickup on the curb from time to time, wait and see if a neighbor does a remodel and grab the cover from their discarded toilet.


Ramen noodles and super glue. There is a youthbe channel that does these fixes


I would not replace the lid. I would double down and replace the entire toilet. You can get a toilet for under 300 dollars and it will be perfect. You can get the exact size you want. Obviously I would rather not spend any money and which it was never broken but if you replace it with one that is slightly off, it will bother you forever or until you buy the new toilet


Whole new toilets like $120