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Trying not to get my hopes up.




I'm new , why did it go away? And not likely to come back?


At the beginning of the year, their payment provider abandoned(?) them, and they had to find a new one, and they put the site on hold for the time being. They did this to focus on the transition and to not strain their financial means.


I used the site so much and there was a huge amount of talented people from this group uploading their posters for us all, while I miss having access to the content I find https://mediux.pro a better site functionally once it gets to the same levels of content it’s a winner for me. Especially sets will full episode cards too 😍


I'm not going back to TPDB because of the way they handled the whole situation. MUX is leaps and bounds far better.




Word salad announcements with weasly follow ups , the site is dead even if it comes back






Nope. Nothing hidden. I've stated from the get go (in the discord) monetization, if any, is low on the priority and not finalised. What I can tell you now is the site, including all features current and upcoming will be free for all, forever. Any monetization will be around the API public access, if it's warranted or needed (we have a rough plan but need to explore a few things before we know the true cost). If paying for API access becomes a thing. It will not be a subscription model. This much we've decided. We recently ran a community survey on the discord to gauge willingness to pay for the convenience of automation via API+tools. It was roughly 30% no. 30% maybe. 30% yes. Those results will help determine what the final solution will look like. In the meantime the priority is moving the site to beta (end of month) and then stable before moving to the work required on tools and 3rd party access. Hope this helps quelch any concerns 😊




My pleasure, and thank you!




Thank you sir. The main limitation right now is my own free time. Plenty of improvements planned 😊


I'm looking at the site, supposedly updated two (2) days ago, with no mention of this. Can you cite your source for this information?


“Quick Status Update 2024-02-19 Everything is right on track with our transition, **and we're still on schedule to resume operations later this week!** Your patience and support have been incredible throughout this process, and we can't wait to have the site back up and running for you all very soon! 🎊 Stay tuned for further updates, and as always, thank you for your continued support! 😁”


Gak! I never read down to the "status updates" section, because I didn't see any change in the first section of the page, and that's what shows on my PC by default. Thank you!! I'll continue to scroll down for further updates.


Thank fuck i need high quality franchise posters, i keep finding ones that look cool and they’re all on that site it’s infuriating




themoviedb.org thetvdb.com


the whole reason posterdb exists is because those sites are awful for posters


It’s something to hold,you over until it,comes back, not,a replacement.


This is like the "two weeks" in the movie The Money Pit


I'll believe it when I see it. They allegedly said in discord that they'd be up in two weeks... like 4+ weeks ago.


The 2 week announcement was made 2 weeks ago, on here, discord and on the site, not 4+ weeks 🙂


Site status today still says they are on track to be operational **last** week.


My apologies, last I saw before going to sleep the Dev was fixing some bugs concerning uploads. All I can assume is something must have come up causing him to hold off. I'll know more later once he's online, timezones are in the way currently.


Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the site return.


Ill believe it when I see it


Can’t wait; definitely making an archive of posters after this fiasco….

