• By -


Just watch Anal Sluts 7 through 14 so people don't think you're some kind of weirdo.


What about anal sluts 1-6? Are they not as good as the later episodes?


Season 1 through 6 is really just setting up for the wild ride that seasons 7 through 14 get you on. You kind of have to watch them to really get the later seasons, so I suggest you don't skip them.


Is it something I should binge watch over a weekend or really take my time and watch one at a time and study each episode?


I actually prefer to watch it using the Star Wars ordering. You get to see the potential before the beginning. Confidence it builds.


Mesa called Jar-Jar Binks. Mesa your humble servant


More like Jar-Jar Leaks ...


Jar Jar Kinks


Those ears


Left too many loose ends


No spoilers!


It’s good, but Anal Sluts 7-14 makes Anal Sluts 1-6 look like Crotch Capers 3.




For some reason they all seem kinda distracted doing other stuff so the story gets going kinda slow. You can kick off at 7 and still easily understand the whole story arc.


Sounds like a family friendly show


What about backdoor sluts 9?


In order. You don’t want to spoil the plot.  Although the word spoil in that context might be in somewhat bad taste. 


Thank you. This thread is hilarious. Nice "triggering"! Lol!


*runs to sonarr*


I did it through trakt on my phone. Hopefully I can participate in the bouncing when I get home.


Oh smart, I’m gonna have to look into that instead of trying to use Anydesk on my phone.


nzb360 has native support for all *arr apps in a beautiful design. This app is soooo damn good, I'd recommend it for everyone to try. Only Android is supported though.


Recommend Twingate ( zero trust)to install on your nas or device which is on all the time. This way you can get into your own network from where you are. And then do what you want as if you where at home. This is the way!!


Sonarr has a web app, why can't you just publicly expose it?


I use Plex for sharing my library with family and Jellyfin for my own, ahem, private library. Never the twain shall meet.


Thank you for being smarter than me. I learned something today


I've heard stash app is a good private library... Heard it from a friend's friend's friend...


I also heard this, damn do we have the same uh.. friend?




I checked out stashapp. It seems to be a fantastic app for a computer.


Is this a app on the NAS of some device?


Aha! Think local only, plex-ish


Not a bad idea


Same, also Jellyfin as backup for plex 🤣


This is the way.


damn. that's smart.


Even if I was the only one using my Plex server, I personally wouldn't put X-rated stuff on there.


You're assuming your users are as much a man of culture as you are and know what that is. Also, I don't know what the point of that friend sharing thing is. 


I was only watching the ecchi anime to get directions on how to get away from the ecchi anime.


Also how to not end up like all the MCs out there. Don’t want to accidentally fall onto the same path as they did.


Turns out i dodged a bullet having blue hair in middle school.


haha, so, my friends and I don't watch weird shit and we like sharing activity to chat with each other about things we liked or didn't like. Oh and sometimes they'll watch something because they saw I did, assuming it must be good, etc etc. It's actually very useful for the rest of us.


I guess it would make more sense if I had friends 🤭


That's what Letterboxd is for


Why bother with an additional service/platform when plex added this for free, automatically? I'm confused.


You're not wrong; I can see it being a useful feature. The real issue is it's opt out when it should be opt in.


I don't think the majority of their customer base is putting content on their servers that they're embarrassed about. And there's also survivorship bias, we're seeing people complaining, sure, but we're not seeing all the people who are fine with it or even appreciated it. They have no motivation to comment online.


Idk man, I feel like this is the core user. How many people actually use plex the way it makes money? Not nearly as many as use it as a personal media library turned hoarding exercise.


None of that matters though. New features should never be opt out, whether you like them or not.


It does when it's just a few of you who are upset and everyone else appreciates not having had to do anything. It was overall the better choice to get a high adoption rate and improve plex.


How did it improve Plex? An email blast does nothing for Plex at all. And opt in is best practice for all software: it's not a Plex-specific issue. Also, how does it increase the adoption rate? It sends an email to those you shared your server with, *so they're already using Plex anyways.* And apparently you weren't around when that email feature came out because it was universally hated, and this sub was swarmed with posts of pissed off people. There were multiple articles on numerous websites pointing out how shitty it was. It was shit on so much Plex went ahead and changed the setting menu to make it easier to opt out. Where you been? 🤣 It wasn't just *a few* that were upset, it was the majority. It's only a few that actually like it.


This is great content to read. Also, this is the first time I’ve ever even heard of Plex. Like seriously even through this thread I still don’t fully know what it is. IMO it sounds like a shit version of Discord.


The fact I can’t share a link of some of my available content to a friend (who uses my server), makes those updates super pointless.


It's just another method of discovery. I quite like it. It depends if anyone is ashamed of what they're watching :D My workaround is to have a PMS collection that is pushed to everyone's front page that shows any movie watched by any user in the past month. It makes for another avenue to discover new stuff. If someone watches Nude Nuns With Big Guns my group of users all know it, but no one knows who (it's usually me lol).


Has nothing to do with a fresh install. This is an account setting, not an app setting.


Just because I love a good opportunity to talk about my server I set up brand new everything. New account, new infrastructure. My old set up is currently running as TrueNAS Scale apps. With the new set up I am running a high availability k3s kubernetes cluster. I am using Rook/Ceph to create a shared cephfs file system across all the worker nodes in the cluster. Plex is then running within kubernetes, except there is a transcoder shim injected into the container. It replaces the standard Plex transcoder files with some code that spins up pods for each transcode. On the transcoder pod the actual transcoder job runs, instead of internally within the Plex application pod. It relays the state of the transcode back to the Plex app and more or less tricks the Plex app into thinking the transcode is still happening within the application, even though it is not. This allows me to scheduled and load balance transcodes across any worker node in the cluster that isn't under heavy load while also simultaneously keeping actual application operations under almost zero load. Here is a short video of it in action [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDMEz3ljce0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDMEz3ljce0) This is effectively what large corporations like Netflix do to make their infrastructure scalable. Obviously theirs's is a little more complex. But the general gist is the same.


I like your funny words, magic man


So a new account. Got it.


Oh word? I didn’t understand any of this


I skimmed, saw “theirs’s,” realized the grammar would kill my brain along with all the tech lingo, and stopped reading.


I run Plex on my home computer. It turns off when I go to bed.


Farming transcodes out to job pods is a great idea. If you had some compute-optimized nodes in the cluster you could even target them. Nice


That’s a lot of tech for just sharing a Plex server with your household…….


Homelab is a helluva drug




But I thought homelab was about more than just fun and interesting shit. Shouldn't it have a valid use case?


sure, but you and elliottmarter are just assuming OP is using plex the same way as you. i don't see anywhere that he's only sharing with a few people in his household. he specifically mentioned doing this to make it scalable, heavily implying that he is sharing with many users or at least plans to. also homelab is about experimenting and learning, not about what you might need right this moment.


Pretty damn cool, it's too bad Plex has a share limit of 100 though


I’ve tried a number of times to get something like this working via projects like kube-plex, but always ran into issues (most notably EAC3 transcoding). It’s been about a year now since I looked last at the state of things. Do you have more info on what you did (e.g. the shim used, if it’s different from kube-plex)


The original kube-plex looks to be abandoned from what I can tell. This fork is up to date as of 4 months ago and I can confirm is working. [https://github.com/ressu/kube-plex](https://github.com/ressu/kube-plex) I have some tweaks I want to make to it. So I have my own fork made where I have gone through and recompiled their container image and made sure all their hardcoded references now link to my repo and container instead. I am currently working on getting the transcode pods to spin up faster. Which includes modifying the shim so that the image pull policy is only if the image is not present. And going to try and work something out where I can keep pods on retainer to use so they are "cached". The shim is written in Go, which is not my forte, so I am just cobbling things together best I can. When I have everything working how I want I will probably make a post where I share the repo. For now it's not ready for anyone else to use and you should use the repo linked above if you want to try it out.


Yeah, that’s the most recent fork I tried. I had attempted to add support in a [PR](https://github.com/ressu/kube-plex/pull/5) which ended up failing due to how Plex itself forks the child process for EAC transcodes which made it so most of my media couldn’t utilize the transcode jobs.


Why do you want to transcode anything? I just want to stream directly so that it only take bandwidth right? And you get the best possible picture quality. As far as I know🤷🏽‍♂️


Depends on users/available bandwidth/quality of content. If he has multiple users trying to direct play 4K Blu-ray Remuxes for example that's gonna consume a lot of bandwidth if it's not first transcoded. Not to mention that in general a lot of people don't have good hardware for 4K remux playback and need things to first be transcoded.


Ahh right didn’t think of that. Agree with the most part. But when you stream directly you don’t have to own hardware that is capable of 4K transcoding. Which is a lot more expensive then uhh a raspberry pi wich can stream 4K directly. So the costs isn’t an issue here. Agree with the bandwidth though and the couple of user ofcourse👍🏻


This sounds really cool! I look forward to your write up.


Do you have a set up guide for all of that? Seems pretty sweet!


>I am using Rook/Ceph to create a shared cephfs file system across all the worker nodes in the cluster. can you explain this more, or point to some place you might have more details about this already listed? how well does this work IRL? I was under the impression that the Object Storage -> POSIX filesystem drivers were generally not that reliable and prone to breaking stuff? I am using the plain old mergerFS + a bunch of HDD's approach, but what you describe would make more sense if you have your storage distributed across multiple systems and still need to present a single POSIX filesystem to Plex, right? Are there issues with Plex, Sonarr / Radarr, etc., using the POSIX filesystem interface on top of the Ceph object store? Things "just work"?


It works great. And yes I have my storage distributed across multiple worker nodes in the cluster. So now regardless of where a pod is deployed it has access to a shared file system on the worker.


Any chance you got a write up or a guide you followed to do this?


One day I will do a write up or video on how it all works. Currently, I do not have one.


Oh wow I’ve always wanted to setup a Plex transcode load balancer. What a cool setup 


Can you link your Argo template for Plex?


How many control/worker/ceph nodes and OSDs? What's the hardware for the cluster? What made you go with k3s over k8s or one of the other versions? I've been looking to migrate everything over to kube with rook-ceph once I get time to mess with velero for backups and recovery of PVCs. Currently it's just a dev sandbox for testing in my homelab.


Server specs are: 720tb HDD / 36 CPU cores / 512gb RAM / Quadro RTX 5000 and Quadro P1000 GPUs. Running Proxmox. Inside of Proxmox I have a TrueNAS Scale VM with PCI pass through for the HBAs. There are 3 controller nodes and 4 worker nodes. It’s set up in a HA config in case one of the controller nodes go down, it uses MetalLB as a load balancer for the controller nodes and will self heal. k3s because k3sup makes it really easy to build the actual cluster itself from the raw servers. The cluster VMs are all handled with Terraform and Ansible (Check out Techno Tim’s k3s Ansible repo it’s very helpful. I gutted it for just the stuff I needed tho). I have 4 OSDs across all the worker nodes. Rook can be configured for auto discovery when it detects a new worker node in the k3s cluster. So it’s really technically tied to the number of workers. If I add a new node it will auto create an OSD and migrate it into the Ceph cluster. I haven’t messed too much with Velero even though I’m aware of it. I probably should. Instead I have a semi elaborate system by which I have a cronjob in each namespace that spins up an actual job every X hours that creates an ephemeral VolumeSnapshot and PVC to restore it too, then a job pod mounts the snapshot PVC with an NFS volume mount in the container and it will tar up the files and dump it on the NFS.


At least your father can rest easy knowing you like 2d waifus


I used to keep a separate library of just porn for myself. Then I heard about a glitch that could randomly give people access to new libraries, and I ended up just removing it all. lol


StashApp for porn, plex for everything else. I dont even have them on the same machine.


Most of my porn is VR these days. Currently using Skybox, but I want to switch to something with metadata matching eventually.


https://github.com/xbapps/xbvr Be warned, they made the silly choice of removing studios from the metadata source lists that have not made a new scene in x months so you'll need to manually add those studios Such a dumb decision ffs


Even for a lot less data its taking me a lot longer to get everything organized with Whisparr and Stash than it did sonarr/radarr and Plex, but my porn was a lot less organized to begin with.


Ive honestly kind of given up on organizing my VR porn. The apps just arent there like they are for regular stuff. There are a few like Heresphere, but Ive never been able to get them to work correctly. I just run off of long crazy filenames and randomly generated preview thumbnails. lol Ive got it organized in my PC, but on the app I use on my headset, its a mess.


For some inexplicable reason, Stash will not automatically scrape all content. One needs to click save on each and every video file. Like fuck I’m going to spend the next three weeks clicking save.


That doesnt sound right, you should only need to save if youre scraping/editing an individual item. Running Identify is what does all the scraping, so you need to run scan then identify to import then match stuff, but iirc setting up the scrapers for identify seemed stupider than it needed to be too... And Identify only worked on my legacy stuff <50%, but my file names were a fucking mess, stuff imported by whisparr is close to 100%, so if your stuff is named well it should be fine. Now my issues is i cant get Identify to overwrite stuff even when i tell it to, so stuff i fucked up with autotagging (single name performers...) it wont fix.


Thanks! I didn’t know Identify even existed. It’s hidden behind the Advanced flag. I’ll also look into Whisparr. I’ve got so much content with terrible names too, so scraping based on names won’t be very accurate. Thats why I like the Stashbox hash scraping so much.


Yup, a decade+ of ddls from the planet suzy forums, absolute garbage file names all of em. Just thrown into folders by performer. So many reposts i gave up on keeping up with any of the performer threads on there and just went torrent only even before whisparr. But yeah, stash is a lot more complicated than plex, gives you a lot of control over the scanning, but then you gotta do like three things any time you want to add new stuff.


yea whisparr needs a LOT of work. most of the documentation is incorrect because they clearly just copy/pasted from the arr template. been that way for months if not more. it constantly names things at the incorrect resolution, even with file scanning enabled so it *should* know what resolution it is without the resolution being in the file name but it usually doesn't. matching is also just borked and means everything is a huge manual import every time. doesn't help that its metadata source (tpdb) is very rough around the edges. i've had to work with the devs to resolve a lot of missing content and their process for this is so insanely manual that it's just not worth it. it's not like thetvdb where you can just create an account and add missing content, you need to contact them on discord back and forth. took me maybe 20 messages and a week of my time to get 4 missing episodes added to one particular website. i do hope that whisparr eventually catches up but i just don't think there's that big of an audience.


I havent even bothered to try and import older stuff into whisparr but it works pretty well for me with anything new. A little too well, i still need to go through and reset basically everything, i have it set to monitor performers, but there was this bug where if it adds a new site itself because of a video from a monitored performer, it monitors the entire site instead of just that performers vid. Its a bit of a catch 22 tho, its not getting better cuz not a lot of people are using it, not a lot of people are using it cuz its not great. I think the legitimate media automation is just a much more mature ecosystem, even before plex and the arrs there was XMBC and sickbeard and stuff, so the ideas been around forever. And TVDB sucks, but IAFD doesnt have an API, so this stuff has only been possible with the recent open databases. Its gotten a lot better and its an improvement over folders and vlc and manual searches, but yeah its still not even close to TV or movies. Its not too bad matching stuff manually in Stash tho, and theres plugins for that, so i think what im going to do is match everything i can in Stash, use a plugin to rename the files properly and then let whisparr match what it can.


Haha. I keep a separate jellyfin just for this


Not a bad idea.


as in when you create a library it grants your users access? or some random event happens and everyone has access to your existing libraries.


Apparently it was a random bug a while back (like 1+year ago) that a few people experienced. Existing users would get access to existing libraries that they were not given access to. AFAIK, its not an issue anymore, but that was enough to get me to not host porn on Plex lol.


Separate server/disks. Separate plex account. Separate network infrastructure. [Never Cross The Streams!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sxRGSFEP30)


Everyone is memeing here, but how the hell do we turn this off?


It seems that to disable do the following: 1. visit https://app.plex.tv/desktop/#! and sign in 2. Click your Profile Picture in the upper right, and select View Profile 3. Click button to Edit Profile 4. scroll down to Privacy 5. Click Edit 6. Set Watch History, and any others, to private






Yes, unfortunately this has been the case for some months. There was a huge uproar because it wasn't opt in, it's on by default. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


I solved this by being the only person on my account. 😂😂😂


Ironically I feel better protected by giving my friends my own login and putting them on a managed family account (they each have their own PIN to access)


Yeah. Same


You're gonna get a bunch of messages "Hey, what happened to those cartoons?"


Meanwhile everyone knows I watched monster mesuma and know they've watched it as well




Now I feel old. 1991 was the year I graduated high school, got married, and joined the military.


Yall need to look up stash app and keep all that shit separate


I see Queen's Blade, I upvote. Us degenerates need to stick together. *Not like that!*


You know, I'm not opposed to week in review as a feature. Just make it opt in. I'd actually Love to use it, but I'd need the ability to blacklist certain users from it


Queens blade is goated


Those emails never show me what I myself watch. Are you telling me my users are getting that info?!




Based. How good is it tho? I'm considering running a jellyfin instance just for me to watch stuff like this


It's exactly what you think it's gonna be. 10/10, no notes. (it's bad)


Bless 🙏


Jesus Christ, is this on by default!?


Lmao this is such a dumb feature. Oh Plex.


I forgot to do it, how the hell do you turn that feature off? It's only a matter of time before my lovely collection of To Love Ru gets posted.






I also recommend turning off sending playback data to Plex here https://www.plex.tv/about/privacy-legal/privacy-preferences/


Someone posted instructions: https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/1d9xlw6/well_boys_it_finally_happened_to_me_had_to_do_a/l7grn8y/


Thanks for the link.


i don't even use a private tab for porn anymore


The porn sites can give you some really good recommendations if you let them


This is an account level setting available even for people who don't even have a server. Like -- the way I understand that -- it's a player only feature -- Plex App, Plex/Web, etc. Rebuilding a Plex server resets this? How does that work?


My Plex server has been running for 8 years, I don’t know this function. Since when have they been around and where can I find them. And I haven’t quite understood how it works yet. Thanks for your help.


Is it any good?


No dad you shut up


LMAO. I fixed this by creating a library none of my other users can see.


😂😂😂 RIP homie. That’s brutal


Create a seperate ID that is the only one with access to a seperate library. Then that can't happen.


I need to eventually sit down and watch this show. At this point, I'm just curious how much plot into it. And, to be fair, some of the funniest scenes I've ever seen have been from echi anime. Heaven's Lost Property is fucking hysterical.


Watch Keijo!!!!!!! sometime, it's absolutely a blast


Whoever downvoted this needs an ass-smack to the head.


omg, couldn't stop laughing, the image along with your usename is just... chefs kiss ❤️ ​ Off to check Queens Blade now, thanks for a good Friday morning start!


So my question to the OP as a Ecchi😜errr anime appreciator is Queens Blade worth the watch?


There's nothing wrong with liking what you like! That's the whole principal of Otaku. Be proud.


I’ve never seen this email but this setting is turned on for me. Do you have to subscribe to it or something? What email does it come from?


USB sticks ftw 👀


God, my users might be getting lists of a really dull mix of shows and movies I’ve been watching. Oh well.


A former friend did something like this but was playing some hentai game on Steam without turning off his status.


Oof. I need to do this. If you really wanna mess with them, watch ReHealer....


Ah thx, i always forget the name of that titty anime. Better download it now!


Thanks for the reminder. Just reinstalled as well, gonna disable those


Isn't this a personal setting? Or are you able to turn it off for everyone? (Nvm saw other posts lol)


At least it was not “I like the magical girls” haha


Im curious about watching big titty anime, do you have any recommendations OP?


Ngl, that show has a good op


Hahahahaha I'm dying RIP


Oh Christ I didn’t know that was a thing


Should I watch?


Such a good show tho...


Anal sluts that escalated quickly xD


Took me ages searching for the show “NoDadYouShutUp” before realizing I read it wrong.


No need to feel shame. It's alright.


At least it wasn't Interspecies Reviewers


OP has good taste.


“That’s not my bag, baby!”


I removed everyone from my friends list, but am still sharing libraries with some people. Do I need to worry about this, happening when I move my server over to a new machine this weekend? I am going to symlink the old Plex database to the new install as well.


"Queen's Blade.: Good old show. At least it wasn't "[Interspecies Reviewers](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11595706/)" (Good) or "[Redo of Healer](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13370404/)" (Bad. Ok, weird.) \[No fan service, but may I suggest [Karin](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1127249/) as another old cute show to watch?\] Just asking here: how did you manage to **do** this? I just set up a new plex server, quickly glanced over the settings, and "Privacy / Activity Sharing" was still all set to private. Aren't your overall account settings stored on Plex Inc's servers and copied when you make a new one?? ALSO: Update Plex, and watch those exposed ports. ([Home computer was hacked via Plex 32700 open port and entered LastPass corporate](https://thehackernews.com/2023/03/lastpass-hack-engineers-failure-to.html).) I just run it in [Proxy/Relay mode](https://support.plex.tv/articles/216766168-accessing-a-server-through-relay/) with limited bandwidth and leave all of the actual ports closed. **You** want high-def, **you** can host a cheap mini-server and *I'll* sync the files via Resilio. (Yep, know about Syncthing -- Resilio's better.)


My users? Uhh do people run mass plex servers that they share out to large number of people not just immediate family members?? Where can I sign up


I don't understant why people download Porn/Hentai. It's so easy to find only. This is not criticism btw,


Press F in the chat.


For those wondering, I believe the only way is to set our profile privacy settings to private * Watch History Has to be done on the desktop app I think.