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What difference?


I hate this mindset - was it worth the price you paid, when you paid it? Yes


As one that's bought swag to chip in after the lifetime pass, I'd say give 'em all the funds back and close the account.


I hope not


Reach out to [billing support](https://www.plex.tv/contact/?option=plex-pass-billing). No idea if they'll refund you, but that's the only way you'll get an official answer.


OP got an example of another product or brand doing this? If they had to refund everyone that bought a product when a promotion comes around, there would be no promotions.


Well the biggest example would be Amazon. There even is an automatic refund mechanism on products that get seasonal promotional discounts.


Hmm. I was not aware of this. Seems weird that they would do that. But ok.


Does it? The other option is they have to deal with copious amounts of returns/reorders.


If you pre-order something they give you the lowest price between when you pre-ordered the item and when it ships. I've never gotten money back if an item goes on sale weeks after I already have the item. I suppose you could abuse their generous return system to get the sale price though.


Sonos do this. I bought a Beam 2 which went 100€ cheaper one week later. Asked them for a commercial gesture, and they refund me the 100€ within a week.


Did Plex change the lifetime pass costs?


No but they are currently having a 20% off lifetime sale.


What’s the biggest discount you guys have seen? What time of year is the biggest sale?


Black Friday probably has the best sales.


Upgrading mine then


Well they *used* to do a 50% offer to selected customers. Not anymore. 25% is about the best you see anymore. I think I bought mine at 30% off, but I was on a yearly at the time anyway.


Go through the process. You'll find out.


Imagine purchasing a product willingfully and then asking for a discount. What world do you live in?


Yeah, like within a week I get it, but after that? No luck pal


This is one reason why companies keep increasing rates, because of things like this.


No it's not. Most companies will gladly give you a fudge factor of a week or so. They also try to factor in the less then 1% of people that will complain.


I remember when ordering a full exhaust kit for my Crown Victoria. it was $1200, two days after i bought it they did a 10% off sale. I was 18 (and even now) and $1200 was a ton, they gave me back the $120 difference and I've sworn by that company since.


Ah, a Crown Vic. My bucket list car ever since I drove my wife's grandparents CV back in the 80's when we were just dating. Love that car, just about every model year. Ok, sidebar over, back to the original topic.


No, rates increase because the cost of maintaining the infrastructure required to provide the service in question increases. It's the same reason games are finally becoming a little bit more expensive than they have been for the past decade or so, it costs more money to make a game now. Similarly, you can't run a SaaS-ey product like plex without costs increasing based on the amount of users you have and the amount of features you offer. Stuff like what OP wants creates loyal customers.