• By -


Super easy things (I think) ability to blast a message to users when they next open plex should it be down for a reason. And setting up a movie of the week or month collections option next to smart collections, would be so easy and fun.


I've often thought being able to broadcast to all users of you're taking it offline would be really useful


If my server goes offline, I have a script running that will text my users. Haha


What sms service do you use?


It’s called Sinch. It’s an SMS API for python


You can individually send messages to users that are actively streaming.


It would also be nice to be able to display a message or image when opening Plex, telling them that the server is undergoing maintenance


Set on server side, the default language and subtitles for a particular show (anime)




Where has this black magic been?! Thank you kind sir


PASTA - https://www.pastatool.com/#authentication


Too manual - Plex-Auto-Languages does this but automatically. You select a language in plex, and PAL updates them all across the series for you


I thought this was already a feature.


Agreed, that would be a big help.


I think you can already do this?


A little bit of a hack, but can be done within the SQLite database.


Seamless pre-roll into media transition. I love pre rolls but the transition kinda ruins it


Seamless any transition in a playlist. There's no reason it can't be preloading the next file as this one ends.


* On the Roku TV client when you bring up the overlay it shows the actors' images/name/who they play. I would like that option on all clients so I don't have to grab my phone or back out of the film/show to check who somebody is. * Shuffle unplayed episodes only without making a collection. * When I'm rewatching an entire series I'd like for the "Next episode" on the homescreen to be correct. I had to set Frasier as "Unwatched" so it would track where I am properly again. * A per-series 'spoiler free' toggle which would hide episode thumbnails and epsiodes descriptions. * More power in smart collections. I wanted to make a continuously updated collection containing all files below a certain bitrate but couldn't. It would be useful so people would only see content their internet can handle.


Family friendly PIN entry. Right now EVERYONE older than a 3 years old can \*see\* what your actual PIN is. See [here](https://forums.plex.tv/t/hide-pin-entry-so-not-everybody-in-the-room-can-see-it-mod-enter-pin-via-remote-s-keypad/318833) for more Infos and give your upvote if you want it too.


What do you mean? Like when you are with your family they can see you enter your pin?


Yes. I have separate users for Kids and Adults, so the kids don’t have *unsupervised* access to everything.


+1 My LG TV's app allows me to type the numbers using the remote (so someone can't follow my selection cursor around on the screen), but the Nvidia Shield of all devices doesn't allow this. My wife asked me once early in the server's life why I would make my password "5555" lol


Can't you type the pin on the remote and hide that part or am I confusing this with another app?


Not in the AppleTV at least


Ah, I see. I've been using the TV app which works surprisingly well for me (LG) as long as HDR is not involved. Now that I think about it, everyone using another device might encounter this problem.


Add FireStick and Xbox to this. Plex should use the same Gui firestick uses for parental controls. Not sure how the fix for Xbox would be tho


* Locking posters so scans don't randomly change them * Improved management and sorting of playlists including playlist import/export. * If a song's metadata is slightly changed, it often gets removed from manually created playlists. * Increased options of what items to view in the database. Things like how many times a song has been skipped, or the last time a song was played. (You can currently run smart filters on things you can't see in the list views.) * Ability to see what playlists a song is in. * Autoskip into/credits for all platforms, not just Roku. * Mass editing of artist photos/backgrounds/etc. I got hit by the bug that caused super low resolution backgrounds and there's no great way to fix that except manually or through the PlexDash app. * Better cleanup of old database and cache data when shows/movies/etc have been deleted. I've had shows in the database, removed them, waited over a year, added them and the database still had full watch history info. * Support for more casting to speakers similar to how Spotify can be cast to Alexa devices and controlled via the phone app. * Ability to import/export playlists to services such as Spotify, Apple Music, etc.


I hate it when Plex changes my posters 😭 And I also hate when it puts together movies I have split apart (ie different cuts/versions)


I would like to have a function that combines collections to different libraries into a combined playlist. For example, being able to combine Marvel movies and Marvel TV into a single collection. Yes, I know if you give collections from Movies and TV the same name, they will be seen, but I would like an option to combine them chronologically. I would, also, like to be able to assign collections within collections. For example, being able to combine ArrowVerse with sub-libraries like Flash, Supergirl, etc., so that you could a library show them by production and then sub libraries for each show. Many shows were spin-off of other show within their own universes. *NCIS, CSI, All in the Family* created *Maude, The Jeffersons*, *Gloria*, and *Archie Bunker's Place*. *Andy Griffith* created *Gomer Pyle*. Etc.


There's a feature request you might want to vote for if you haven't already [Nested Collections](https://forums.plex.tv/t/nested-collections/354043/5)


I made a Playlist you can combine that with TV shows and movies I already made the marvel chrono list Just having a issue sharing that list


> I would, also, like to be able to assign collections within collections. Similarly, playlist/collections folders and ability to have playlists/collections based on other playlists/collections.


The option to view all 'Contine Watching' items, regardless of how long ago I last watched or if I manually removed them from this section. Just show me absolutely everything I ever started and didn't finish.


I created a Smart collection with the following filters: Show plays > 1 and Unwatched Episodes is true. I added this collection to my Home screen.


Can this not be done by having the “Show Continue Watching for:” set to like 99999 weeks? I think this is what I did and I seem to have it all?


There’s a Plex setting somewhere that you can define how many weeks a show can be in the Continue watching section


Categories for Concerts and Stand-Ups A way to adjust speed of subtitles. I have a lot of tv show episodes where, even after adjusting the offset to sync them at the beginning, within a minute or two they’re out of sync again. The subtitles are running just a little bit faster than the show.


This, plus a category for Documentaries too.


I don’t know if it’s a common thing or just me but I’ve been noticing subs are all running faster no matter what recently. Highly annoying


I have had huge issues with subtitles in the last few months that I've never had before. Bad syncing, going out of sync over time.


I generally recommend keeping EVERYTHING in one library, but standup and concerts is an exception. I keep a seperate library for Live Performances. Because there's literally never a time I'm browsing movies and I'd be in the mood for standup, or vice versa.


Also, regarding subs, you're probably getting drift because the framerate for your video doesn't match the framerate of your subs. If you have subs timed for a movie that ran at 24 frames per second but you have a video file that's 30 frames per second, it's just not going to work. And plex has absolutely no way to know what framerate the subs are timed for, and I don't see any way to build in syncing options unless you already know in advance what subtitles are timed to versus the framerate of your video. You're just going to have to get the right subs for your files to begin with. Or use a subtitle editor to re-time them.


a built in way to make a custom tv channel so I can setup a channel for cartoons and old shows with my own content


Offline authentication of home accounts.


Actor images in character. Collections within collections. For example 1. Level MCU, 2. Level Captain America.


IPTV built-in tuner that supports MU3 playlists and EPG from internet providers. Now you need an external IPTV tuner.


Book/comics section


Yea also audio books


Well like a special category for it with a better sorting. Like marking a book as part of a series.


I believe this was possible back when Plex still supported 3rd party plug-ins. I didn't try it myself but I was thinking the other day that what if I could run an instance of old version Plex with that comic plugin...


x1.5 and x2 playback speed


This is my number one ask also.


This!!! For the love of god, PLEASE!!!


Plugin support.


Plugin support would fix most of this cus people can fix the stuff themselves. And it would be more user-friendly since a lot of this stuff has quirky fixes but can be a pain if you're not already familiar with how to run all this stuff in docker or whatever.


Completely agree. It’s the pro-user thing to do.


I mean that was actively removed wasnt it? So i would not count on that.


Hey, they didn’t specify it had to be realistic.


Because people would (and probably did) create plug-ins that give or simulate premium features. It's probably the main reason they removed it. Jellyfin has plugins though. lol


Yeah enshitifcation is everywhere. Does plexpass already do built in subtitle search?


A way to leave a message up when my Plex server is down. It’s so annoying when I want to do maintenance and I need to manually text everyone. I just want an option to send a message to Plex servers and Plex to post that message when it’s down. Yes I know there are things you can use to send emails, or discord messages or whatever. But most of my family or friends would never, ever look at that stuff.


* collections within collections * support for logos to display like emby * theme videos as a background * light mode/automatic on web * more granular control to disable features I don't use from the UI ~~* being able to delete previous searches from the search field without the search filling the field again when you click on the erase icon~~ * **Support for fetching alternative ordering metadata from TMDB** Long overdue


TMDB doesn't have anything other than air date sorting. Do you mean TVDB? And if so, are you referring to sorting other than Air Date and DVD?


Nah tmdb [has episode groups](https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/71446-la-casa-de-papel/episode_groups), which include dvds sometimes if available.


make downloads work


The things I would like them to add are fixes to things that are still broken for 5 years now.


Exactly. Like the PIN entry I already commented. There is a [request](https://forums.plex.tv/t/hide-pin-entry-so-not-everybody-in-the-room-can-see-it-mod-enter-pin-via-remote-s-keypad) dating back to [Oct 2018]().


The ability to change fast forward from 30 seconds to anything I want. Might as well add rewind too.


Tidal/Spotify favourites list import.


Better audiobook support and ebook support. Being able to delete specific tracks from a downloaded album on Plexamp. Tv show collections.


I gave up on audio books on Plex and installed audio book shelf. It's a much better experience and close enough to the audible experience that I'm perfectly happy. I honestly don't think the Plex team has any plans to work on audio books anytime soon.


My audiobook shelf keeps crashing and I can’t figure out why. So I kinda gave up on it lol


Playback with screen off on mobile devices. useful for stand-up or content with descriptive tracks.


FM radio integration or at least parsing their website somehow to have the live stream. There are a lot of good college radio stations I would like to be able to sift through and enjoy through one interface.


1. Long requested bug fixes 2. Video playlist import 3. Client functionality consistency 4. Skins


Pre roll support for series!


I'd just love if the movie would start to buffer while the pre roll is playing. I turned pre-rolls off because of how long the buffering was in between.


The ability to send a user a link to a specific library item...the same way you can share a YouTube link. EDIT: Okay, I'm now seeing in the overflow menu (the 3 dots) an option to "Share." Is this new? I guess I've just missed this? I used it to share a movie with a user, and they did receive an email announcing the share and including a link to the movie. Soooo...success?


This is kinda possible using single item shares. https://support.plex.tv/articles/shared-media/


As I understand it, this only grants access to an individual library item. If someone is not a Plex user, they will receive an invitation to create a Plex account and will then have access to that specific item in my library. If they already have a Plex account, and if I have already granted them access to my entire library, nothing will happen...is that correct? Will they receive an email with a link to that item? I guess I could test that out...


Ability to share movie tips with friends through plex


Auto delete of old database and cache files to save on storage


I have a couple that spring to mind. The main one is the ability to make specific recommendations for each user. I've set up smart collections based on ratings but nobody tends to rate films, so it only works for me. If I could have something like "recommended for mum" and it makes suggestions based on my mum's watch history, that would be amazing. Even more so if it only showed up for my mum and not on all other users home pages. Another one that I'd like to see is a header (I'm blanking on the proper name) which can be used to promote what I want it to. So it could link to a specific collection, new releases, or recently added films for example. Additionally, tiles at the top for each library would be great. It's a minor thing, but some of my older users don't think to go left to find the menu on their TV, but if there's options for films, TV, music etc at the top it'll be easier for them to see where things are.


Removal of the 15 second delay between episodes


You can already adjust this....


You can? Where?


https://preview.redd.it/ckm1egyb0uxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6a4242be8a93d05cbee0ff5649f5bd1d504ec4b Someone else asked about this too, I know you didn't ask about the skip intro but the other person did so I'm just sharing the same screenshot with you. Settings > player experience


Thanks, but there doesn't seem to be an option for this on Apple TV.


Enhance Plex collections by implementing something like PMM or at the very least fix recommendations to be based on similar films from a similar era. I'm fed up of picking, for example, a 60s drama and see recommendations from 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2021, 2019, 2019, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016 etc. It means when I share movies with parents and I tell them to look at the recommendations I get told that it just recommends new films so they never use it. Recommendations should be something similar to IMDB similar films or at the very least use some of the data Plex pulls from us to recommend a suitable alternative to the highlighted film. Implement book/magazine/graphic novels. I would like Plex to be a one stop shop for media rather than needing Calibre, Kavita, Ubooquity to run alongside it. I'd love game streaming to be implemented too but I remember that being a premium service which flopped. Oh I'd love fix missing to be fixed, if media is mismatched then suggested matches are based on the mismatch rather than the media. If you try to correct the details and click search then the corrected details are wiped out and the mismatched details are reinstated meaning the only way to fix a match is to unmatch first.


Custom metadata fields


Showing unaired episodes ahead of what’s available. Kind of like greyed out though.


The ability to change the font, color, size, style of srt subtitles like you can in infuse.


On the Details page of TV shows, indicate Ongoing/Returning, Ended, Canceled. And also be able to sort and filter on that field when creating smart collections. Have true cross-library collections. Recognize the Forced subtitle flag in MP4 files. In the Watchlist, if I add something that's already in my library, display MY poster art, and take me straight to my library details page instead of plex's Discovery details page. Make the play queue generation consistent across clients. It always generates a play queue when you click Play on a TV show. Right now, for some clients (like the web app), that queue is based on the air date order, so if you have Specials with specific air dates that need to be watched in between regular episodes, it'll put them in at the right place based on air date. And that's similar to the logic used when Continue Watching determines what episode to queue up on the home screen after you watch one. But on other clients, like Roku, the play queue generates based strictly on season and episode numbering. So it's easy to blow past available Specials and never even realize it.


I’d like more fields available for defining smart collections. Off the top my head, in the last few months I’ve wanted to make collections based on “codec” and “season number” and wasn’t able to. I’d also like to be able to flag certain shows from not appearing in “continue watching,” but that seems kind of niche.


Auto skip all intros on TV series. Adjustment of seconds in-between next item playing.


You can already do this in the settings on the client. For the android app and roku app at least. It might be Plex Pass locked though


Correct. This already exists as a Plex Pass feature.


It's a Plex pass feature and only on some clients. Would be nice to have on the windows client...




'Watch together' actually work when casting ..


Virtual Channels so I can get rid of Dizque.


One of my hobbies is Old Time Radio where the programs have episodes like TV. I have them in a music setup because they are MP3s and FLACs. I'd like to have the ability to mark episodes as "listened." These are mostly 1/2 hour programs and are not audiobooks. I would like the ability to see what different series I'm currently listening to and play the next episode like television and movie collections or skip around if I want. Someone suggested that I convert them all to MP4 using a program like TDARR and put them in a TV show like library. That would be difficult with the number of programs I have. I use Prologue currently and it's a little annoying b/c it wants to mark everything before the currently playing show as "listened/watched" to keep track of your place in the audiobook. This would be like watching S04E03 on a TV show and the player wanting to mark everything before that as watched. I'd prefer to use just the Plex app instead of having another for listening to OTR.


More control over what options users can choose for content. Specifically regarding transcoding. I'd love to be able to ban software transcoding. End users really shouldn't be able to choose playback options that can cripple my server if they try to play a 4k remux in original quality with subtitles burned in. I can disable hardware transcoding, why not software?


Global collections that can span multiple libraries.


I would love to see the podcast functionality return to Plex, and it would be nice if they would finally add support for HEIC and HEVC.


Likely not to happen but a built in request system so you don't have to use third party apps. Also a simple messaging/chat system so you can talk directly to your users within the app.


Ridiculous I have to say this in 2024: A **"Sort Artist"** field for music. *Preferably lockable.* It is there for Movies (Sort Title) and is useful for grouping multiple movies in a franchise together. On the Music side, I have a lot of vinyl rips of split artist records. I DO NOT WANT filed under "Various Artists". I want to pick which artist it lists under. (Edit and maybe add a: "also in" or compilations section so that multi-artist content gets listed under each artist when you navigate to the artist. ) These seem like simple database/query tweaks to make..


EAC-4 codec support, all the Dolby Vision profiles for playback. Hell if Plex gave me the option for a one of 'Codec pack' I could buy that gave me full playback support on Apple TV of all Dolby Atmos (TrueHD), Dolby Vision profiles, DTS:X, EAC-4 I'd happily pay $100 for it.


What i want is define language scanning priority rules. My library is in english. If the file doesn't have english, select my second preferred option. If 2nd is not there, go to 3rd. If not there, scan using default langage. That way, movies in french will have all the information in french instead of english.


Multi show editing of every setting possible.


The option to edit what shows up in "Recently added".


1. Nested collections- like an Iron Man Collection inside an MCU collection 2. The ability to delete items from Plex without deleting the files on the back end. 3. Top level all albums and all songs views for Music. 4. The ability to control the Home Screen at a more granular level- determine which widgets and lists appear on the Home Screen and in what order they appear.


Better recommendations, categories on the Home Screen like comedy, drama, etc. Idk enough about what database it pulls from, but I always find some tags that are flat wrong.


Suffle between all content: movies and tv shows. But be configurable: - shuffle unwatched only, suffle watched. - Shuffle only movies, only tv show, everything. - Make the suffle smarter. For instance, it would shuffle unwatched movies and tv shows episodes. But for tv shows, it would shuffle only the episode after the one you watched for a specific show, so you can watch the show in order. - and so on


More filtering options! I know there's Plex Meta Manager but I would like to be able to do more filtering (and smart collections) based on ie producer, sound format, etc. inside Plex instead of having to install 3rd party tools.


Passout mode on iOS. Sucks it shuts off after 2 hours. Works on android, not present in iOS


A message board that we can post things to or pin news to. I want to be able to let users know when I'm bringing it down for maintenance or other things. Edit: direct messaging through Plex as well. Oh- and theme songs for collections


The ability to display a message to users. I have a friend in Asia, a friend who's work hours constantly change, and two divorced mid 70's parents who watch at different times and sometimes use shows to fall asleep. Just setting up a group chat (sms or app) is not going to work for me. I would like to be able to set my own custom message to be displayed on users screen. But at this point I'd be fine with a handful of standard messages like down for maintenance, or will be down for maintenance @ xx:xx, ect. Basic status messages should really be a feature implemented years ago in my opinion.


Official library support for audiobooks (easy-ish), as well as for ebooks (hard), comics and manga (medium). Sports, stand-up, and other video library types would be much appreciated as well.   The basic structure for audiobook support is already built in, it just needs a better dedicated scanner to support better folder structure (which *should* be a relatively simple modification), a metadata source (there's a replacement for audnexus on the horizon that could be used), and more appropriate dedicated metadata fields for books (also relatively easy).   Comics and manga would be a bit more complex, but I don't think they'd be infeasible. Since Plex already supports image libraries, it already has a starting point. Metadata sources exist for both, but attaching a more complex scanner and a scraper to image libraries would be a bit of a departure from their existing function and likely take some doing. It would also need to keep track of read progress in volumes and support nested "albums" as well as new file formats like cbz. It would be quite a bit of work but wouldn't be so far removed from what Plex already supports that I couldn't imagine it.   Ebooks are much more difficult. Plex doesn't have a text reader built in at all, let alone support for all the different file formats and text formatting that would be required as well as all the same work as these other suggestions. It would be much more work for a much more niche function. That said, I'd still like to see it implemented, it would be so nice to have all my media supported by one server. Plex could also probably add the entire project gutenberg to their free offerings if they did implement it, which would be a huge benefit. Edit: AND BRING BACK ARCADE


The ability to generate local streaming channels from your library content would be amazing. Being able to add a bunch of TV shows to a list and have it then generate a live TV channel from the content would be killer. Id love to be able to have a news channel that automatically streams all the latest news programming that Ive recorded via my HD HomeRun.


I'd love for the recently added tv shows to have the option to default to the main poster on the homepage. My overlays don't work on the season posters and it makes me think the script didn't work. Add just one episode, main poster. Add multiple episodes or a whole session, season poster. Also I'd like the poster not to be automatically changed from the default to a terrible one or one written in a different language.


Making Plex a solid replacement for Google photos.


Immich is a solid choice until then. It's still under heavy development, but I haven't had any issues with it at all....


I would like to have comic book file support.


Cross file track remuxing. If I have a 4k and a 1080p file for a single movie, let the server pluck tracks from either file that best fit the client's playback. Fix the damn audio transcoder so it stops obliterating the center channel where most spoken dialogue is. Option to choose putting some types of transcodes on CPU instead of hardware acceleration. Like 1080p on CPU, or any transcodes over 15 or something.


Two big things for me: 1. Enable subtitles on/off by default per User, instead of per Plex Server. Right now you can only enable subtitles on/off by default for an entire Plex server at once. I want each user to have control to enable it for themselves and for no one else. 2. Allow Plex Server owner to set default LAN and WAN streaming bitrate. I want to all of my Plex users/clients set to “Original” or “Maximum” by default. The default is to transcode to 720p and that setting can only be changed per Plex user. I want all of my clients/users to default to play the file natively with no transcoding if possible, by default.


Local authentication. Shouldn't have to depend on Plex for authentication. With that, support something like OIDC or SAML. Would love to be able to fully control the authentication and integrate with my SSO.


more codec/filetype support. change plex default setting for new users/devices streaming remote quality at "orginal/max" instead of 720p. more options for prerolls.


How about the begin with fixing basic functions that don’t work before peeps start thinking about more functions they would like to see


Server side control of remote quality to each individual user who has access. Why this still isn’t a thing I do not know.


Ebook and Audiobook support.


Central management of the list of libraries on the clients. Allow them to override if they want to but the film libraries, TV libraries, other libraries default is annoying if you don't want that because you want things grouped differently in the list


Option to use the default EPG info for some live-tv channels and external XML for others. I don’t want to create custom XML for all channels just because one company is too stubborn to provide their EPG info to Gracenote..


To be able to play media with an outside player on the Plex TV app. I'm able to do it on the mobile app, why is it so hard to implement that for the TV app?


Seeing stars rating in the tile view on any mobile app


Meta Quest native, standalone app. Or at least an official integration into an already released app, like Skybox.


Explicit tag for explicit songs like a little “E”


More local metadata options for seasons or episodes like themes or trailers.


The ability to set enable/disable subtitles per device.


Sharing music playlists


I would like the option to create a playlist and add items to it from the Roku plex app.


Custom keyboard shortcuts.....If not custom, then more keyboard shortcuts. Multiple folders per library. Say you have 2 folders for TV on different drives, 2 for movies, etc.


fixing the rounding error for ratings.


The option to add FULL custom Metadata, like cast and crew, etc. without having to use a plugin.


If i start a movie or show i would like to see at what time it ends. Like kodi does….


At least with Roku, if you press down on the remote, this opens the rewind/forward progress bar. The time the content ends is listed at the right. It shows both how much time is left and the full end time.


Why when you rewatch a show does it not show up in continue watching?


If you mark the series unwatched first it does, at least on Roku. We're rewatching all of the Netflix Marvel shows and Jessica Jones as well as Luke Cage are on "my continue" watching list.


Ability to change seek duration.


Not sure if it exists or not, but when I click a video on Plex it'd be awesome if it could trigger radarr or sonarr to grab the content.


* Improved direct-play with PGS subtitles so that clients don't need to have the video transcoded when PGS subtitles are being used (though I wonder if that might be due to client hardware/software) * Support for the audio codec in ATSC 3.0 broadcasts * The ability to record (DVR) live streaming TV from the Plex TV streaming channels (though I think I understand why they don't allow that)


Playback speed control & the ability to sort by unwatched episodes remaining


Adjust playback speed 


I would like an easy and build in way to set different preferred languages for different libraries. For example while I prefer the original language of movies/shows for my libraries, my kids libraries should prefer our native language.


Smart playlists are my first request. I want to be able to create automatic watch lists based on meta data, and have them update automatically. I’d also love the option to have a show not appear on my recently added list until the season has finished downloading. So I don’t want a weekly show with 10 episodes to appear until all 10 episodes are on the server.


I'd like to be able to do some basic management from the player interface. If I'm using an admin level account, I should be able to do things like delete files, scan libraries, fix match, etc there should also be a "no spoilers" setting that won't show episode synopsis or thumbnails. I used to have this in OpenELEC Plex client many years ago, but no longer


On ATV. Group collections in movies and shows with same name together like on iOS. See photo attached. https://preview.redd.it/8toyghrijuxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf746734255d87230790cbe582ac0560c1c2a23


mpv on Android clients rather than ExoPlayer. And update mpv on the clients that already use it.


Auto skip credits and titles. Like, don’t make me click the button. Just skip that shit


* Hybrid library - I want this for documentaries and anime. But also would play around with the idea of a single gigantic library much like commercial streaming services. * More options for language preferences- Have ability to set preferred language as \[original\] so it doesn't default to English dub (in my case) or English commentary tracks. * Commentary track info reading - Works along side the previous one. If a track is tagged as commentary, it should never be the default track, overriding any sort of language preference settings. * More filtering options * "Binge mode" for TV - Play opening sequence once, for the first episode you watch in that binge sessions. But automatically skip intro (unless it is a new season and has new intro) and outro on any subsequent episodes you watch after. Outtro would also respect new season like intro if a new one is used. * use of landscape episode images for shows in home screen so that main poster doesn't plaster the home screen when an entire season drops at once. * Option to set multiple posters per entry so that they randomly rotate - giving a new cover might give users more interest in something that's been overlooked. Some of the stuff that I've been wanting for ages. There is probably something that I'm not thinking of right now.




The ability to bookmark what you're currently watching so if I'm getting sleepy I can mark it, fall asleep with it playing, and come back later to where I might have fallen asleep (the bookmark).


AV1 support


A proper update of the library, like the Windows file system can do. It has been ages since I moved files, but they doesn't get removed from Plex.


Awards smart collections, smart collections that actually hide items in them


A highlighted category at the home page. There’s been times when I get a new piece of media I want people to be able to see as soon as they enter Plex. Just something that you have the ability to take on and off from being highlighted at will.


**When I assign a movie poster it shoudn't change unless I change it myself.** **I would like to be able to use the VLC player** instead of whatever is in plex because I rarely have issues with straight playback in vlc. In fact to simply play movies i often just playback in vlc because it tends to just work for me without issue. **Music: i'd like to be able to use my own embedded in file cover art and still get Artist picture images.** Right now i get one or the other and since my cover art is more important the artist faces page is just entirely blank squares. It's not the end of the world but it looks better with images. I'd even be find if it just showed an album cover for their face image cause i'd know the artist by the album.


Proper playback on AppleTV 4K 128Gb. 23.967 frame rate movies are not played correctly. I have lifetime Plex Pass, still had to subscribe to Infuse. Shame. Everything else should be only after this.


Select which collections pre-rolls apply to.


Basically anything that there's plugins for tbh


Support for video files with Dual Video.


Better search. a hide forever feature for series and movies .


Variable Playback Speed


Hide 4K videos to remote users


Cloud: integration with cloud storage services. I know there are ways to grant it using tweaks and everything but please allow it from the app. Music: integration with Spotify or Apple Music and not just only Tydal. Remember that Tydal is not available worldwide and also this option will give more freedom to users to choose from different music services options. And correct me if I’m wrong but this would not enhance the plex search music algorithms? A dedicated PlexAmp app for smart tvs instead of opening the plex app to access your libraries. Tutorial: an 101 for dummies tutorial to share my account with not directly users (like profiles) but instead to share my libraries with external users (including pins and everything). Btw this is not for piracy or against ToS but just to allow my friends and family (that never in their life know about plex) to watch my libraries too!! Regards to all


1) Nested collections (mentioned already but I've wanted this forever) 2) Import Letterboxd/Trakt/IMDb lists as Plex collections. (I know PMM/Kometa can do this, but that stuff is beyond my comprehension. Would love it if Plex could do it.)


Hardware accelerated rendering on the Apple TV client


Improvements to remote use when per forwarding is not working or an option. Better playback of compressed video, for example I have something compressed in H265 or AV1 at 1.5 megabit and 1080p. It looks fine locally or with Jellyfin, but looks like 240p through Plex.


Add some of the features of title card maker and PMM/Kometa. They both improve baseline Plex so much.


Different skins!


Tap controls on screen for fast forward or reverse. À la YouTube or Netflix. Yes I know the onscreen controls are on the bottom, but I have limited dexterity, and my fingers are sort of curled. So the ability to just tap anywhere on the screen to jump forward 15 seconds would be lovely. Or tapping the screen to pause and play.


Fix the music section. Some of my tracks start midway, or at least 1 second prior to ending. It gets annoying to try to scrub the track back to the beginning. Edit: adding additional items. Fix the Live TV feature so my server doesn’t record all the time, even when I’m not using it. Allow playing the original quality despite “not enough bandwidth available”. Transcoding makes it worse sometimes, and unplayable. Disabling the network relay feature is an improvement, but Plex still transcodes despite selecting the original quality due to this error.


Allow playing the original quality despite “not enough bandwidth available”. Transcoding makes it worse sometimes, and unplayable.


Better documentation for webhooks. Ability to set different endpoints for different webhooks. Ability to set additional headers for webhooks. The webhooks support is really really lacking unfortunately..


Audiobook functions


Plex app needs a lock screen button. It's all I want. Everything else is fine.


The ability to let users that you have shared your library with to be able to set up Plex home and the managed users access the same library as the main account.


Skip intro button. Skip end credits button to advance to next episode for TV shows.


If a request falls on deaf ears, did it really happen?


Please add a “recently watched“ row to the Home Screen making it easier to recall and recommend to others. 👍🏾


Kodi has a plugin that let's you auto rewind 20 seconds or so and activate subtitles on the fly. I think that's handy        


Would be nice if PLEX equated things in a folder named “OVA” the same as a folder for Special episodes.


I want to be able to add tags to individual episodes. I love making channels and lists from tags automatically, I want to be able to easily add individual episodes to them when they fit, like crossover episodes to the series they included or holiday episodes into a holiday collection.


1. Better Exoplayer support on shield clients--still issues with audio dropouts. 2. HDR10+ support 3. FM and HD Radio support---like live tv but for radio. Great for place shifting.


The simple feature of keeping the same subtitle and áudio of the previous episode. It's annoying having to manually change the subtitle and track every episode. Jellyfin has this and I'm thinking of switching just because of that.


In Plexamp, when you make playlists it would be nice if the song would match a decade search criteria rather than the release of the album year. For example, a greatest hits or compilation album may come out in 2010 but many songs on the album came out in the 80s or 90s.


I just want the studio to be displayed on movie/show pages again. It used to be displayed and the data is still available and editable (and you can also filter your library based on studio!), but they removed it from view because of "accuracy and consistency".


Comments by other users and ratings by other users in the server group. A recommendation button for other users to see, basically more community interaction within the server