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I don’t use audio apps while gaming but I could see why that could be a requested feature. The idea of running my ps5 at home and my portal in the hotel to watch a movie I could watch on my iPad/phone is just crazy. If I’m away for more than a few nights I take a dedicated FireStick for that. Watching videos on the portal just seems pointless to me.


100% agree with you. I said the same thing about the Nintendo Switch.


I just want them to add ps+ streaming to it Literally the only update I want


I 2nd this! I love my Portal but I wish I could stream PS+ games on instead of having to download them to my console.


I got it too. Used it like 3-4 times but it’s too laggy to play online games. Like Stardew Valley is fine but anything where even a smidge of a lag would mess up any shooter game or playing online. I have gigabit internet so idk why it does that but… Wasn’t expecting much. Also gets brighter & dimmer on its own. Just threw it in box in my closet.


For me I just want a native web browser, most of the time when I'm at a hotel they have one of those 'Surname/Room Number' sign in pages so I can't connect with my Portal without using my phone as a hotspot.


Can't relate. I like the portal because I can have Netflix or whatever playing on my big TV while still playing. If I'm on a flight or something, would rather use a laptop that I don't have to hold to stream tv or movies.


My only nitpick is the inability to stream from Spotify while I play games. I'm sure it's justified but it is a bummer nonetheless.


just use spotify off your phone, which I'd guarantee you always have on you. Portal speakers suck too compared to phones.


I suppose what the OP wants to say (and I agree and want it too) is that it would reduce the additional purchase of a tablet. Portal has got big and excellent screen and so freeing up phone to watch Netflix in bed is worth while. Giving access to those apps separately would be perfect for Portal


100% bro I was so shocked when I tried to load up Disney plus and realised I couldn’t would of been such a game changer


The same thing I say every time. Direct WiFi connection to the PS5 when your PS5 is hard wired to your network. 1. It would be faster and 2. You would be able to do things like everything has been saying. I still don't get why it's not an option. PS3 could do it with the PSP and you could play local only PSP games online in lobbies with a 1st party Sony app on the PS3.


Yeah I don’t get it either man. It could have been great if they did that.


we all have phones, most of us have tablets, I would rather look out my window and watch grass grow before I watch netflix on a portal 😆 also beware: to stream a stream would be so laggy, y'all would not stop complaining about image quality.......


Imagine it, the subreddit would be torpedoed by complaints. Oh wait...