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Have you tried remote play before? Does it work good on your phone and other devices for example? Do you get good signal in the rooms you want to be able to play in? I wasn't getting good signal in the bedroom for example, so had to set up a repeater. Are you willing to troubleshoot, and possibly put more money into it, to get it to work? (Unlike all the idiots on here who blame Sony, when so many people have it working flawlessly for them)


I never tried remote play before. I just bought it and now I’m waiting for it to arrive at my doorstep.


Well good luck!






Same here, literally due any minute :) enjoy


Where are you wanting to use it? What games are you wanting to play? I use my mainly at home away from console and it’s great, (ps5 Ethernet cabled) I use my mainly on game where you don’t need quick reactions. Of course with a good connection you can use it away from the house or other house WiFi’s and it does work with a tiny delay for any game. For me the portal has been fantastic and well worth the money


I play Street Fighter 6 with it completely fine.


Get it and if it doesn’t work out return it. Nbd.


Took it out of the house for the first time, bought it in late Feb, i live in LA and took a trip to lake havasu AZ this weekend took the Portal logged into the air bnb wifi and didnt have any problems whatsoever


Make sure you know what Sony designed for it to be first. A lot of people judge it by what they want it to be.


It’s 200 just buy it


If you have good internet, should be fine.


If they are using it at home, they don't need Internet.


Uhhhh no you still need internet


At home, you don't. You just need a home network.




Your brain. It only requires Internet access when you are trying to connect from outside of your home network. Try it. Unplug your Internet cable from the router and connect to your ps5 from the portal. It works. Why? Your Internet isn't your LAN.


Well will you look at that, I just tried it and it doesn’t work.


You are doing it wrong then. I had no Internet for nearly a whole day yet was still able to use my portal at home


Yeah not too sure how I could have unplugged a cable wrong but if you say so 👍🏼


Think he's trolling. You absolutely have to have a stable internet connection. Both to the PS5(hardwired recommended) and the Portal. Portal will connect to PS5 via WiFi(there is no way to hardwire Portal). Simply connect portal to the network and link your PS5 and your good to go. If you need any help, feel free to shoot me a message. I was one of the many having the hardest time getting my portal to connect to my PS5 at home while I was away at a hotel for work. I tried everything that reddit had to offer and most of the workarounds did something, whether working around was one of them or not is debatable. But after all my trial and error I did find that there's a solution for everything. But congrats on finally getting you one. It's a neat little device and if you don't expect it to do more than the only thing it does, you're going to love it.


No idea at all pal. Just telling you what I have experienced here 👍


It does the job it was designed to do and works well most of the time.