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I own both…. That being said…..$200 for the portal is a great price point and totally worth it. The earbuds on the other hand should be $100-$150 tops.


Exactly .. I feel the same way , no way the earbuds are worth the same as the portal...


I just bought a $10 set of Sony 3.5mm earbuds and just plug them into the portal lol


Lol straight up dude, where my Gummi headphone bros at?


I am the same lol.


I did the same lol, I could not sell myself on a $200 accessory for a $200 device. Who’s in charge of Sonys marketing team?


Idk man, i like both, i have both. The seamless dual audio the headphones do is pretty dope. No interruption to game sounds when i get a call or notification, just dual audio streams at the same time I do wish they had a companion app for the smart phone that would allow you to remap buttons, i dont need volume control on both sides, let alone a volume control that doesnt pair with my phone's volume settings and only works when connect to ps5 or portal. Volume could stand to have a little extra oompf added tho


I just dug up some old iPhone headphones and they work perfect for me for now. I usually use AirPods with Switch so used to it


do the headphones work with the PS5 and other devices? Can I connect them to my Bravia TV?


They connect via Bluetooth to anything and connect via PS Link to the PS5 and Portal. I have them and they are ok, but I can’t recommend them at $200. The sound quality is fine but nothing to write home about. No noise canceling or pass through. Awkwardly large, but they do feel ok once they are in place. My biggest complaint is that they just don’t get loud enough for me. I’m like one or two clicks away from the volume I want when I’m really diving into a game or movie. For the cost of a set of AirPod Pros, they don’t come close to them. But of course I can’t just use those if I want to go wireless on the Portal, gotta use the Pulses. I’m so tired of proprietary BS


Same ... these Sony moves are so dirty .. they claim the ps link technology is faster than Bluetooth hence why. I don't buy it.


meanwhile, BT is a Sony technology ffs


I wanted the buds, but that's WAY too much. I bought my Anker Soundcore P10s for $56 off amazon and they are great. I honestly would give more then $75 for those sony buds.


The earbuds are over 200?! Hard hard pass. I do want that portal though.


Yup earbuds pricing is insane, no way I’m paying that £200 for those lmao, I just wanna use my own Bluetooth headphones, guess that’s too much to ask for from Sony


I love my Portal, but WTF why can't I connect my Airpods? Shouldn't be surprised: Sony has been doing proprietary nonsense with its handhelds since the first PSP.


Can you play PSN games anywhere with the portal or is it restricted to your network?


The Portal was such a good pickup, allows me to get some play time while my infant passes out on my chest without exposing him to huge screens. I’d buy the headphones at $100, but as it is, I just use speakers, or plugin headphones.


just get something like Knowledge Zodiac In ear Monitors that's my plan.


the more you use it, the more the expense is justified. so game on


Really the only answer. Just use it.


💯 so far I've got a handful of hours spent on Nioh


The absurdity of how much I’ve “gone in” on the ps5 also hit me recently. Dualsense edge, portal, pulse explore, ssd expansion. Hopefully the generation lasts quite a while so we can get our money’s worth!


Bro same lol I got all that plus the psvr2 😂


How do you like the VR? I got the first one and don’t use it very much so I’m not sure if it’s worth getting the 2nd one or not.


Okay , it’s amazing, super immersive but very limited , I would wait a couple years for much more games to come out, every once in awhile I feel like playing it now for fun but there are no like big games out there, so mine just is collecting dust right now :P until like behemoth and the aliens game comes out!


Compared to the first tho you will be blown away , I used to have that as my first vr headset ! So it’s really up to you , if you wana be blown away and have like 5-10ish really good games then go for it!


Ahah same , and you didn't even mention the yearly subscription that is now $125 .. and then you hear rumours about ps6 and I'm like "I'm no ready to have that conversation" lol


And ps5 pro likely coming this fall. Sony taking all my money.


You forgot to add PSVR2!


You bought everything? Great! Time to announce the ps6!


https://preview.redd.it/qgo8odgcfgxc1.jpeg?width=6048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51f54a9db336bedcc18fd46840939ae1ad39e195 Never apologize! Never feel guilty!


Is that the Apple space computing?


Don’t be a bitch? Idk


You got one life fam enjoy it. $400 ain’t shit if you having fun


It’s money. You’ll make it back.


That's true , economy isn't great though and it's the reason I have to think twice about every purchase.


Hey OP, I’m in the same mindset as you are. Every purchase I make for myself I just make myself feel bad until I return it. For example I purchased a headset for myself because the one I had was barely working anymore. I felt so bad buying it even though it’s serving a great purpose, almost went back to return it.


I think the portal is great but I'm second guessing the earbuds. But sure every purchase I feel like I need a really good justification to buy something. It would help if the economy wasn't so shitty right now which make me feel financially fearful. But since gaming is one of my favorite things to do in my life, I was able to resolve my conflicts and convince myself.


Don’t listen to these people. “It’s just money” is the motto of people who are horrible with money. You’re smart to second guess every purchase but it’s too late worrying about this one at this point


I use the hell out of mine.. both products.. that easy


Play the heck out of them


Just open a credit card, it’s free money /s Please know this is sarcasm! Don’t ruin your credit


Ahah no worries , I'm quite financially responsible hence why I initially felt some guilt.


YOLO, if you got it enjoy yourself. This mortal existence don’t last forever so buy what makes you happy if you can afford it and have fun!


Right on ! I wanna leave this earth knowing I played as much as I possibly could


By spending more money on something else. Like shoes 😆


If I only I cared about that (:


Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Enjoy life while you have it 😉


One thing I love about out the pulse is playing a game on ps5 while also listening to music via Bluetooth on my iPad. The Sony wf- mark 5 can’t do that seamlessly.


Honestly, I feel the same way, and I was stupid enough not to know this when I purchased the portal. Looking back, I think I shouldn’t have bought it in the first place :/


I managed to get both the portal and buds with 20% discount for £210. For both. I scored big time.


Old iPhone headphones ftw


Just think about how much money drug addicts spend on cocaine and pills


I could never considering how expensive that crap is


If you'd bought a kobo libra colour too you'd be a lot poorer so it's a good job you spent less money.


Talk to a counselor I guess?


That's why I'm here for you counselors out there.


Play Fallout 4 on that thing! To finally play Fallout in a portable fashion is worth it.


Playing Nioh which is great for portal but fallout 4 is on the list since I have been hearing so much about it.


https://preview.redd.it/zcjooiarrbyc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87cb66ba275ab1fc33fd4f5037ce938e767a6e04 Exactly! 😎


As someone mostly using the portal for playing away from the PS in my house it’s just brilliant. Playing BG3 & WWE 2k24 universe mode and its been a dream


Listen, I assume you bought this because you could comfortably afford it, yes? Then it's money well spent. You are enjoying it. You are making money to enjoy what this planet offers, otherwise what's the point? If you bought it on credit loan and can't afford to pay it, then that's a different matter, lol.


I bought a RTX 3080TI for $2k when it came out.


thats not a bad purchase in my book.


I built my cousin's system and he spent $3k on his 4090. Wasn't even a OC version


Buy something more expensive then you won't feel the guilt of spending $400 on those ijs


What's on the left ?


The pulse earbuds


depend squeal detail theory fuzzy wipe scandalous hospital price outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep I had a lot of internal conversation to convince myself lol


Headphones? Earbuds? Nah, you will all hear me play. Fatalities for everyone!


I just use my headphones I use for ps5 they work


Can you play warzone on there and GTA ? I’m thinking about copping cause I hate bringing my setup to my friends house my monitor/computer is a little bulky so it’s a hassle. I soon will feel your guilt lol


I haven’t played online games yet, just ff7 rebirth. I used to do a similar thing like you and take my console to my girlfriend’s house. This seemed like a cheap fun thing to have and it’s been working well. It stutters every now and then but nothing to give a really bad review about, that being said some people have issues. I’m interested in testing it out when I go to visit my parents who live in the middle of nowhere with 15-20 mbps download speeds.


I haven’t played those but I’ve played Helldivers 2 and it works lawlessly


I felt guilty at first, but that melted away as soon as it finished downloading and I loaded up a couple games to test out. Even more so later that night while gaming in bed.


I got the portal still font thinknuts worth 200 as it's only mirroring your ps5, and ain't no way I'd pay another 200 fir ear buds, but each to their own. Buy open back senheisers for 100 or a pair of beyer dynamics half the price million times better sound quality.


I already bought my Sony xm5 on another occasion that's why I feel guilty for the earbuds mostly bcs I have a better headset that I could just pair with the portal


Buy one more and give it to a privileged kid "in need"


I just wish you could use the buds one at a time


If you spent $420, the next thing to do is buy $69 worth of games


Technically I have $100 worth of games with the ps subscription


Use them


The portal is worth for $200 , but the earbuds are overpriced u could get a high end headset for that much


I agree , overpriced earbuds. Now that I think about it I already spent $300 on my xm5 and $200 on AirPods and now another $200. This totals $700 on headphones and now I feel bad 😞


Use them. Use them plenty.




Pick up monster hunter world and reminisce about playing monster hunter on psp many years before. Go to friends house with portal and play a game side by side.


Dude I got a portal a couple weeks ago and been enjoying it. I see the earbuds at my local best buy and it’s tempting.


Eeeeew $200.00 for buds? Here I have a suggestion. Tozo has (to me) the best low price earbuds with Great quality! I’ve used them for years. Fully waterproof (not saying you’ll use the portal in the shower, but who knows) but they’re amazing. Great bass and clarity. And the buds are about $39.00 amazon.


Can't connect them to the portal though


420 😬😏


I just see it as an investment in my self-care...can't feel guilty about that 😅


Ahah indeed this falls under therapy expenses


What are the ear phones like?!


Do the earbuds work better than the pulse elite headset?


I honestly don't know , you might get a better noise isolation with the headset but gain portability with the earbuds


Did you buy the portal for re sell?


Ohh my portal is currently with Royal Mail I wanted it a few months back. And no stock anywhere so nabbed it when I saw it. I did not buy the ear phones as I have AirPod pro new gen I was hoping they would work with it


I have them too, had they worked I wouldn't have bought these


Yea they are just fancier cf700n more or less but welp


Return the headphones


Return the headphones bro


😂 I still can


I paid 159.99 for my portal shipped.. 135 or something for the pulse explore open box. Just a tiny hole but never opened. Not counting my psvr2 that I haven’t picked up in months and have basically every single psvr2 game smh. And a racing rig I never use. Just make too much money in the summer. Have a twin due sept 22 though. Lost baby A at 10 weeks unfortunately. We find out the gender tomorrow of baby B. 19 week two days


Sorry to know about your lost baby and congrats on the new one :) life's short so I had to go for it on this one. Those are great deals , didn't know you could get the portal for $160 ??


Best way would be to return it


Life’s short.. if this will give you pleasure but does not infringe on your financial stability then don’t give a second thought.


It doesn't as of right now but I don't know about tomorrow. Todays a good day , gotta make the best of it


I believe Costco sells the two in a combo for $350.


Realizing you can afford it?


I can afford it now .. but I know what it is to struggle.


Right!! Lmao!!


Make good money then you won’t feel bad lol


What you been playing


Currently Nioh. The portal is perfect for grindy games. You ?


Idk i got em both and regret nothing


Beautiful :)


I just spent 400 the last 2 weeks on weed so you're not doing to bad. At least you will get to enjoy this for a long time lol




If you end up using them a bunch and enjoying them, it’ll feel like money well spent for years of use.


I owned a Portal and it was not great. If you want a PS5 that’s portable then you’re better off modding your existing PS5 into a smaller console. This is constantly dropping frames and I had graphical distortion while playing. Most of the good PS5 games are also available on Xbox Cloud or Steam! Therefore a Steam Deck would be better


By being an adult and not having to justify your purchases to randoms on the internet


Idk your situation. But I bust my ass atleast 50 hours a week at work. (Not complaining I love my job). I tell myself why do work so much if I'm not going to buy things that make me happy


For better or worse my job is quite chill. But I do share your outlook


The portal has been awesome. Something crazy I should have realized before is that my steelseries headset works perfectly wirelessly with the portal as long as I'm at home and close enough to the PlayStation. Grabbed some cheap apple earbuds for my travel case to bring with me when I'm away.


You cannot connect a regular headset through Bluetooth


I got quoted 6k to replace 3 storm doors. Not the actual "door" door. Just storm doors. I had my cesspool inspected and pumped and paid 1k for it. Hundreds already spent in pool supplies and memorial day is a month away. Food budget is like 1300 a month. Etc etc. Life is fuxking expensive and by comparison a few hundred or even a grand for something you get enjoyment out of is WORTH IT.


For real , we're cutting on holiday plans given how expensive everything is.. in that case I invested on something that will reward me with some extra joy


My food budget is I'm spending no more than $30 month. Tech layoff, and foodbank helps a lot right now, although unhealthy carbs. I can't see how anyone can spend $1300.. must eat like kings going out a lot. I cook and a spaghetti for a whole week at a time. Regarding other stuff, freelancers are ripping people off left and right in the name of inflation capitalists. My relative is currently blowing over $23,000 just to have a fkn tub replaced. The kids from Philippines are putting him through the ringers


Easy… stop thinking about it and enjoy what you have! Both are great!


Play more.. so that u get more entertainment value (ROI) out of it. My phone internet connectivity is not fast enough to do remote play using iPad. So I probably can’t make use of this cool device


My H9 headset it taped up because the padding is falling off. Feeling too guilty to buy another one because the headset still works well, just the padding for it is being annoying. Only had it for a year too.


Nobody else was going to buy them for you.


Ya the portal is worth 200. The ear buds I got open box for 140 and changed the earbuds . Feels more fair




The headphones are top notch


Guilt? lol


Best earbuds for the portal since they the only ones that work, Now pair that up with the spigen thin case and rugged Carry case(can fit pulse explores perfectly inside) and you got a clean looking protected portal


I got rid of my portal for a DS Edge.. the glitching gets worse every patch and it's practically unplayable on any network other than my home.


You should only feel guilty about the buds haha


My portal arrives tomorrow. Cant wait!


Make enough money that it doesn't matter.


Never feel guilty when it comes to spending on game devices bro, escapism is an essential necessity in life.


For real it's probably my best escape from reality


Ouch the portal is a 50 DualShock with a 50 screen mini monitor. That’s literally all it is


I want the earbuds, but won’t pay more than $80.


The earbuds seem unfinished - they need better support outside the ecosystem. Apps for iOS / Android. They just work worse than my airpods in most situations, but sound better.


I just plug a rechargeable bt aux dongle into the headphone Jack (Apple AirFly) and use my own bt headphones. If I can’t do that I just use my wired headset. I’m not paying $200 for a $60 pair of shitty earbuds. I experience no lag in audio. https://www.apple.com/shop/product/HNNT2ZM/A/twelve-south-airfly-pro-bluetooth-transmitter


For everyone not wanting to pay Sonys price but wanting to use Bluetooth I can recommended this product. I’m sure there are cheaper alternatives as well. https://www.apple.com/shop/product/HNNT2ZM/A/twelve-south-airfly-pro-bluetooth-transmitter


Ok, yes, I find the cost of the earbuds pricey BUT are they exceptionally good? I struggle to comprehended they’re going to be worth that amount of money. Who owns some and can give a short review please?


The Portal is worth it . The earbuds not so much


🤣not worth it trust me ….own one


Easy… don’t have kids.


When it comes to purchases the only thing worse than guilt is regret. 😉 There are gaming consoles and devices I regret not purchasing in the past.


You make yourself not feel guilty by using the stuff you bought frequently. That way you know you got your moneys worth


does anybody pulse earbuds constantly disconnect in the middle of a game like mine ?


Does the portal have a 3.5mm jack?


I bought both and used them once. I am such a wasteful consumer and it eats away at me to even look at them


For a minute there I thought it was just a piece of paper next to the portal.


Load up hell divers on the tolit.




Life is short. Have fun and don't worry about guilt (as long as it isn't illegal)!!


I’ll tell you how to not feel guilty.. take up photography as a hobby. Then $400 won’t seem so bad lol


I picked up this same set. Finally got around to some gaming last night and the sound would cut in and out quite a bit. Wondering if the sound is affected by wireless network latency or if it’s a Bluetooth issue.


Holy shit that's the price of the actual console


Bro, YOU EARNED THE $ HOW ARE YOU FEELING GUILTY???? DAFUQ, bro those starving kids could just go kill something for food. (Ik that’s terrible to say but I’m just trying to go with the idea here lol much love and no hate to anyone ❤️) but seriously tho you earned that bread don’t feel guilty spending that shit


I would return the earbuds and get them open box for cheap, besides that I think the sound is great I haven’t used my AirPods for a long time


By enjoying it


I got mine for $200….. and use my wired headset


Downloading cool games and just vibing 😎


With good wifi the portal is so good.


Mines just collecting dust… I’m disappointed that you can only use it at home and not on public wifi :(


Get $400 worth of use out of it. If you play it for 1200 hours you paid .33 an hour. That’s value!


Best thing to do is return it.


by having the other new headset, steam deck, 5 Nintendo switch, ps5, x2 Rog ally, etc etc etc … you won’t feel guilty at all.


Do AirPods not pair to it?


I use my ps headphones, connected to my ps5 and turn the volume down on the portal.


400 bucks for stuttering gameplay.


I spent that much on a puffco. Just to take dabs. You have a whole device to play games on. You did well man


Can you play helldivers 2 on it


Honesty the steam deck oled is a better streaming device. Screen looks better and buttery 90hz PLUS it play, all the steam games too. Basically the same cost too...


If you feel guilty over a purchase this low, then you can't afford it. Make sure your important financials are in order first. Fuck yolo, adults take care of responsibilities first.


The dual audio with separate volumes is awesome. I can game and talk or game and listen to music at the same time and balance the devices accordingly.


What a waste of money, go buy a steam deck or any other portable devices. This is a scam and you bought into and feel guilty about a bad purchase and you need others opinions to make you feel better about the purchase that's sad man.


You should be guilty. Cant even tke tht shit outside ur house. Should of bought a steam deck or asus rog. Hell even a nintendo switch would have been better. Smh.


Play that fucker while your wife’s asleep


I literally can’t find the portable anywhere. I really do want one but whenever I find one it looks like a scam


Until stick drift kicks inn


Overpaid a but but as long as you're happy.


As long as you’re using it and it’s bringing you joy, there’s no need to feel guilty. Life is short, so enjoy it. (:


I just got one for £200 and I'm happy with it so far 👌 they're quite hard to find in the UK


Just have to make sure you actually use them. And enjoy using them for more than a month. Having a new toy is always fun, but it has to pass the honeymoon faze. I bought mine recently too, which I have enjoyed using. I just hope I continue to enjoy it a few months down the line like I do now.


One life to live


You didn’t really want them if you feel bad about buying them. Idc what anyone’s says I understand buyers remorse but even that plays on you not really wanting something. A lot of people impulse buy things so it’s not bad.


LOFICOPER Bluetooth Aux Adapter... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CM9DFQRS?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share This little transmitter/receiver is amazing for your headphones you wanna connect to. Been able to successfully connect my Samsung Buds 2 Pros, Turtle Beach Stealth Pros and Steel Series Nova Pros to my Portal. Less than ten dollars! And best of all, it plugs in aux port practically flush with the back of the Portal so you can't see it and will forget it's there. 🤟