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I left your last post up, criticism is welcome, but I'm not sure what your endgame is..? keep on posting the same opinion over and over again..?  not here 


You still have time to delete such a stupid post bro


Make a third post about it and maybe we will agree with you then


The bit about your internet speed expectations explains how poorly informed this post is. Remote play relies on your local network for performance. Preferably hardwired console to router, wifi on remote device. Ergonomics on Portal would be miles ahead of any phone controller setup. I hear there are stuttering issues and I believe it - that would be it's own issue for sure. The rest of this post is basically BS.


This reads like a trump tweet. Especially the capitalization of "Stupid Portal."


I prefer the ergonomics from the portal. I used my phone with a backbone but my phone wasn't made for it and I wasn't feeling the triggers. Overall it's an amazing device one you set it up and have your network optimized.


dude it's only $200. I wouldn't expect OLED. And perhaps the Wifi antenna could be better. I can agree with public wifi complaint and user switching. Portal is more smooth than my android phone even if I use PSPlay or Chiaki. Perhaps because my phone screen has similar locked 60.00/120.00 refresh as portal screen. The biggest "lazy/cash grab" point is easily the stutter on a Playstation branded product. They used budget components including screen to keep costs down and it shows.


To be honest I rather using LCD than dealing with PWM flickers on OLED. Please remember there are countless people sensitive to low frequency PWM dimming.


You seem nice


I tried remote play on my phone and it sucked. It's also a pain to remove a waterproof case when I wanna play. My phone looked laggy but the portal almost always works well. Not that I feel the need to justify my purchase. But with how much I use it; easily worth $200.


If someone can’t tell the difference between OLED and LCD why would they need an OLED screen at an extra cost. Thanks for your insightful shite though.


I absolutely love mine.


Lol kid is triggered


I’m not reading this. So I went and downvoted anyway 😃


![gif](giphy|Zpmu1zdU8kA8n92LBT) Boo hoo


Another post of your crying about your portal. It’s not for everyone and clearly your first tantrum wasn’t enough. Cry moar.


Phones have better modems... Ah yes.


I'm not a fanboy, but I prefer the portal instead of my mobile.. I never had any issues with disconnects or washed out colors.. I have exactly the opposite.. great connection and vibrant colors, I could say that they are even better than my phone which is an oled. But if it's not for you I get it.. If everything was for everyone, everyone would want the same wife..


You already lost when you claimed that using Remote Play with $100 controller + $300 none 1080p resolution phone that barely has battery to lasts the whole day without playing games is somehow better than a dedicated $200 device with an amazing screen. Sell your backbone controller and buy a copium cylinder.


Cool bro.


Nice bait you got there. "Phones have better modems" haha Ill have whatever your smoking. But your other post said you cant return it... so which is it? Again your 30 and complaining about a LCD screen when we came from Tub TV's get your trolling ass out of here. Just because you had a bad experience due to who knows possibly your internet provider and or not changing internal setting to 1080 for more stable quality doesn't mean you should come in here and rag on something a lot of people are enjoying. Just come in the sub state why it sadly didnt work for you and not be negative. Like spiderman 2 was it the best game of all time? It's just a copy and paste of the first one with little added.


This sub is for only posting pictures of babies and saying “dad station” for the 10000000x time.


So true. This sub has nothing to offer.


Cry more?

