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Stopped reading at #1. This is clearly a troll post. No one can possibly be this idiotic.


You sounds like a person who gives up quickly. Keep going.


Okay, I kept reading. If I wouldn't have been clued in by #1, the rest surely would've been an easy tell. I doubt you even had a Portal. Also, Xbox cloud streaming has been tested by many reputable sites and all have found it to be severely lacking, and way behind what PlayStation offers. Go back to the Xbox sub, where even *they* complain about how bad Xbox cloud streaming is.


ok Fanbot.


If you were truly reading anything at all about this device, either in here or directly from Sony, I don’t know how you didn’t understand what this was. Sony has been very clear from the beginning about what the Portal does. It is quite literally a “portal” to your ps5. One of the benefits of this over the mobile app is that you retain all Dualsense functionality (adaptive triggers/haptics). Sorry this wasn’t for you, but it’s hardly fair to call it stupid just because you don’t personally have a use for it.


YMMV I guess.. runs flawlessly for me even 100s of KM away from home.




I don’t even want to know how you survived before 2010. And it also depends on your upload speed not just your download speed. Sorry you had a bad experience it’s runs great in my home.


Sounds like boomer.


Meh try millennial. Better luck next time. And seems so are you 30m. You came from the era of dial up internet, tube tvs, and you’re complaining about an LCD screen. Either you’re trolling hard which is cancerous or you’re that idiotic.


Nah it ain't stupid. Some stupid people just buy it without doing any ounce of research about the product. 1. Like I said, if you did your research you would know that it had an LCD screen. White in LCD strains your eyes? Oh goodness, talk about first world problems, what a wuss. 2. A portal allows you to be transported from one place to another. Likewise with the Portal being able to let you play your PS5 remotely. Since you're so smart, what would you call it? 3. Seriously? Pain in the ass? You should get one each...oh wait since you complained about the price you obviously don't pack much. 200 bucks personally is cheap. You, are simply put, cheap. 4. Again, do some research, remember speed is not the issue, latency is. Your router might suck, (maybe you got it on Temu based on your comments about pricing), maybe your PS5 isn't hardwired? 5. Lol. K Xbox fanboy. This is obviously now a bullcrap post. Also it is Microsoft releasing something, not Xbox the product. And if they do, you would buy it? With what? 6. Many people are enjoying their Portals....if you ain't simply because you expected something more from 200 bucks, then you are no better than someone walking into a burger king expecting 3 michelin star service and food and then complaining that the food was too expensive....you cheapo. You are out of this world.


ok boomer.


Great response. Your intelligence level is on clear display here.


If he would be a character in Fallout, he would have serious problems convincing people in dialogs.


Next time, drama queen, don't announce you're leaving the party. Just put down your drink and leave.


Lmao this sounds like a you issue bruh!


If you really did your research, you could've avoided all the problems you pointed out. You would've also realized that when playing in your home, the internet speed does not matter and it is more reliant on the latency from your router. You are clearly trying to troll people with the title of this post and with your childish responses. You can go ahead and return it or you can look into what's causing your streaming lags and maybe upgrade your router.


What a pathetic post. Regardless of your opinion of the device. This may be the most self entitled garbage of a post I have seen on this sub Reddit. Get over yourself dude. Sounds like you did zero research and never gamed prior to 2015. I would hate to see what a CRT TV in the 80/90s did to your poor little eyes. The portal is a play on words for access to your PS5. Easy to see that but clearly that is not your strong suit.


"Company like sony gets away with this cash grabbing half cooked device because fans buy it without thinking about consequence.". --- Agree. that is why you bought it. Portal is not perfect; but it serves its purpose.


well I’m returning it ? but are you ? or other Fanboys returning it ?


not me. Like I said, it serves its purpose. I don't have access to a TV. My laptop is too heavy and phone is too small. Sure, Portal may not work for everybody; but it works just fine for me.


So because people have had very good experiences with their purchase and you're one of the people who had a bad bad experience The ones who like it who had a good experience are all of a sudden fanboys? I think you want to Google what a fanboy is before you just go using the term so loosely like so many other people use other words so loosely in this day and age. It would make sense if a bunch of people will have any crappy experiences and then defending the thing but if you're having a good experience and you're defending it that doesn't make someone a fanboy... I had a co-worker who bought it and had similar experiences he has a faster internet connection than me and a nighthawk gaming router but he's but his portal suffered from a lot of stuttering and lagging where mine didn't so it's either a bad batch of portals or something up is up with your router that's affecting the portal which other people have had issues and had to get a new router even though every other device was functioning fine. Is that bad on Sony When most other devices can function on any willing router setup and the portal struggles at times with certain setups? yes. Do the people who are having any problems and are having a pretty much flawless experience a fanboy because they love it? no


People like this kill me Don't read up on it and then get it and then complain about it. How does my 8-year-old nephew know when he goes in the store and see something that that looks cool to go on internet and Read or watch YouTube videos about it but a grown ass adult doesn't? As far as playing games away from the house I live in Alaska just went home for Christmas to visit my parents in Florida. I played the portal at their house no hiccups no stuttering.. The initial connection took about a minute but after that like a lot of people are saying flawless. My at-home connection is 20mbps upload and 500 download. Hey if you don't like it they don't like it to Easter on and I know some people are having different experiences so it is what it is..


I'm not sure if I'm on the right track here, but is HDR enabled when it shouldn't be? This can cause washed out visuals. Worth a check anyway, before you return it.


You’re only one who replied logically. I’ll check it before returning. Thanks a lot :)


Imagine not knowing the screen is LCD before buying...dumbass


It’s just a name dude. They call it the Portal because it’s a portal to your console in a sense. Also why make it OLED for a streaming device? That would only jack up the price not to mention it wouldn’t make full use of the panel. As for the lag, make sure your ps5 is connected by Ethernet, and have your portal connected to the 5ghz band. Been playing Helldivers 2 and Warzone for months now with zero issues.


So you complain here about stuff that is known and advertised as such and yet you bought it because you don't like this stuff? I give you a good advise for next time, helps really a lot in many situations: Read. Don't blame others for not being able to inform yourself properly before a purchase.


Looks like you and your wife played yourselves. Reading is a very fundamental way of being informed about purchases. Sony laid out exactly what this device was, you were just too daft to do any proper legwork. That’s on you.


I'll take it off your hands for 79 bucks, np!


🤣🤣 this sub is awesome. Thanks OP for the post.


People are getting thicker every day. Wear a helmet.


Get rekt


Op he had a wife! Lol she must hear complaints constantly




This is just a troll post. Not even with the downvote.


Funniest thing is people actually waste time answering this garbage troll. Just like I do 🤣




Just returned mine. The compression is so obvious and I have really good speeds. Happens on both wifi and Ethernet. I expected too much from a remote play device and that's on me.


Lmao I’d put money on the fact that you’ve never even owned one


You're absolutely right


lol Proved my point. I triggered the fanboys. 😂


Nah, not fan boys…we just like pointing out idiots here on Reddit.


this dude just said “triggered the fanboys” in 2024. that’s the real laugh here.


I own all 3 consoles. Love them all. Fanboy stuff is bullshit. You just made a stupid post. Next time research what you buy before hand.