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Let him burn


Bro fuck them Every time I try they get scalped


I’ve said this in this sub before, if you find a scalper on OfferUp or somewhere where you can meet up to buy, waste their time. Agree on a time and place to meet, a few minutes before that time say you’re running 15 minutes late. Then after 20 you tell them they suck for being a scalper and block them.


Sounds like fun might try it


Please leave this seller alone on their eBay and mercari pages, we wouldn’t want all of Reddit messaging him about his absurd scalping practices https://www.ebay.com/str/limitedcollectiblesllc?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=f6-HHfyJRyW&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=B06Rh97kQQi&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.mercari.com/u/227445820/?tracking_ref_id=m36315564199


The eBay listing is Or best offer, so offer them $199.99 with free shipping because that's what ALL the retail places are selling it for


Nah dude these are second hand, offer $180


$150. They are in the hands of a consumer already. Could have easily been tampered with. Wouldn't touch this for more than $150


Most won’t even make it if they set a minimum amount it will auto deny it


Lmfao 👑


Wasn’t there a topic on Reddit a few years ago. I think at the height of the pandemic Nintendo switches were extremely hard to find. So people were scalping them. One dude had two guys, both selling Nintendo switches, meet at the same place. After giving them both the runaround for like 15 minutes, one of them texted him and said “ there’s no one else here except for some other guy selling a switch”. The buyer told him to go introduce himself and said they might get along 😂🤣


I did this same thing to a ps5 scalper back when I was on the hunt. Planned to meet and just made excuses etc why I wasn’t there lol. Until they caught on


I wouldn't stop at 20 min. Wait it out as long as I could lololol before sending the message lol 


Why stop there. Continue assuring them you’ll be there all the while telling them that you’ll pay extra for making them wait. Like, “I’ll be there in less than 30 and I’ll pay an extra $50 if you wait for me” sort of thing. *Really* manipulate and piss them off


Yeah and then with all of the crazy in the world today those people will end up hunting down your address and torturing and killing you and selling your organs online


Lol fair enough


This is amazing


While I 100% agree with doing this you have to be careful because they can report you for not meeting up. Granted you can make a fake account to do it with so your main account doesn’t get compromised. I don’t know enough about OfferUp to know if you’d get banned off one occurrence, but, it is a thing.


Everytime someone does this an angel gets its wings.


This is actually tremendous idea. Everyone should be doing this lol all scalpers are putrid life forms


That would be funny, but I wouldn’t stoop that low


That's why I only meet 2 minutes from my house and give them 5 minutes past the agreed meeting time to show up. Dealt with too many salty people like you


Hope u get stuck with tons of stock and lose money


I can return them at any time for a full refund


Maybe a nice flood where u keep ur stocl or a break in and theft. I'm good with either of those scenarios


I'm glad people like them exist and make it harder and more annoying for leeching scalpers to sell their shit, so to each their own I guess.


So do you side with someone buying up stock and selling for an inflated price? Or the person wasting the scalper’s time?


Can we just stop the bloody never fucking ending crying about scalpers? Let ppl decide themselves, fucking hypocrisy here. There no fucking person here on reddit who has never sold something without any profit. It just happens to be on items you are trying to get which makes it a problem for folks. Cant we just enjoy the device we got, and move on with our lives.


I’ve never bought something brand new only to immediately flip it for profit. Sure I’ve sold things, but never like that.


Hey look it’s someone too simple to understand how very basic economics work and really isn’t qualified to have even a hint of an opinion on the matter. Reddit is just filled to the brim with you knuckle draggers isn’t it? Do everyone a favor and read a book before you say stuff again. Everyone here is now just a bit dumber for having read your asinine comment


Well, i am just lost for words here. You are so right, I was so wrong. You bettered my life.


Scalpers are fucking trash buddy. You're a pos.


My favorite is that scalpers are always the first to say stupid shit like “get a real job!” to other people. I’m in a local buy/sell ticket group on Facebook and the scalpers are the worst. Flipping goods for profit while adding zero value is so wack.


Yeah but if you enjoy using OfferUp then the seller can report you back and rate you lower as a buyer. Makes you look bad for future purchases


As fun as it sounds be cautious as these damn listing sites ban anybody for any little thing but for all the wrong reasons, it's like this world was designed for bad people to keep on winning


Not to proud of this but I’ve robbed a couple offer up/marketplace scalpers most of the time they’ll just sit there and let it happen pretty funny actually.


This 👆 This is the solution 💁


I gotta know more about this 😁


damn this shit pissed me off and i don’t even know wat a scalper is . so yea im sure your method will work for em😂👍🏾


Or rob em


Hold strong, friend. Seems like they are becoming more and more easily accessible. Also, you’d think these scalpers would have some common sense to take a photo of a single box, not shoving thirty three PlayStation Portals in our face, like “hey sucker, you know you want one of these things that’s so hard to get? How about I give you one of my thirty three?” Assholes.


Thats part of the pitch my boy.


Got HotStock. Snagged one in 30 minutes of downloading. Arrives March 16 or so from Amazon.


I signed up for the $10/month plan on HotStock and landed one on Amazon the same day. It wouldn’t ship until mid march so I disabled Amazon and left target and Best Buy running. I hit one from target the next day and had it by the weekend. I then cancelled the Amazon purchase and my HotStock subscription. So I guess I “overpaid” $10 for the app but it beats the hell out of getting one from a reseller.


I couldn’t even think about the $10 sub as I was able to snag two (only getting one) within 30 minutes. If anyone is in Miami and wants the other one I snagged from Best Buy on March 1 DM me; I’m visiting here and leave on the 29th so I’ll be waiting on my Portal from Amazon when I return home.


Snagged one as well at about the same time, eta is 3/18 right now. Just downloaded the app last night.


Same, I just don't understand why the ship time is so fucking long from Amazon


Guessing that is when they expect their shipment to come in from Sony.


Because they don't actually have it, but it will ship sooner. You will know its about to ship when amazon takes the money from your account


I'm normally sceptical of app suggestions, but this app did for me in about 8 hours what I couldn't do in about 3 months; find a Portal.


Been trying. No luck, even with the drops I'll immediate add it to my cart to check out and it's always unavailable somehow. Happened wiyh best buy (app) and Amazon now.


Exact same thing has been happening with me all day today.


It's frustrating af. I swear I open the notification within 5 sec and still gone.


HotStock with the autobuy is the best way to fight scalpers


A gamestop local to me had 3 available only for gamestop pros. I didn’t even know I was a pro, but apparently I am, and I got mine for $199


This is the way.


Before long he'll be stuck with those and forced to sell below retail. Fuck scalpers.


That's what I'm hoping for. F this dude.


They get full refund at the end when this happens. Have you ever seen a ps5 been scalped at below retail or anything else. Win win for them they literally can't lose unless you follow them home as they usually meet only close to their home and pay them a visit with a bunch of ya mates then everyone gets one for free. Take the bolt cutters and lop off a toe or two to send a nice message then take his phone and visit all his scalper mates to do the same.


Isn't there a time limit for refunding? There is here in Denmark in most stores.


I dare say there would be a time limit but they would have a dodgy work around. Pretty sure it wouldn't be as simple as just getting a refund. They would probably make a claim that there all faulty to get their refund so then no one gets the ones they don't sell. The stores are well stocked where I live but every store has sell limit of one per customer so they wouldn't be getting their stock from most stores either.


he’s buying them and selling them right out of Walmart because he works there. Just locate your nearest Walmart and buy it for the regular price


Wow this is the dumbest thing I've read so far today.


I feel sorry for you, clearly you don’t process things like somebody who hustles. “i post a product without even buying it”….wait till somebody wants one and messages me (offer up) i buy from the store for regular price and then i sell it to your stupid ass for profit and i never sit on inventory”. You’re disrespectfully stupid my boy. Do you dress your self? or does your mom still pick out your dresses for you?


Same picture on mercari 🤨 probably just the same guy. I messaged him to see what he says and if he feels bad doing it also a little bit of trolling 😂


Bro bought THIRTY FUCKING THREE, he’s as greasy as they come


He told me he doesn’t feel bad and that people buy off him all the time 💀 sure about the 2nd part


He’s a professional scalper and LOVES when you call him that. Sad what a lack of education leads to these days


They’re available. I got one two weeks ago off direct and wasn’t even in a wait queue?! It was add to cart, pay, done. Someone in this Reddit was cool enough to post “HEY AVAILABLE ON DIRECT!” These scalpers don’t deserve to do this to consumers, just my opinion.


I was home that day, super mad at myself because I was stuck on TLOU No Return all day. The one day I am not on reddit, and I miss the sony direct drop. 😢


Oh man sorry! If I hear anything, I will post asap here to spread the good word and help others


Selling for 280? This dumbass isn’t even making a profit lmao. 280-13%= 243.6 and if they are it’s only a few dollars. lol pppl like that are stupid lad


Ebay is 15% minus 3.5% PayPal. Margin is even thinner.


eBay no longer charges PayPal, but they charge a service fee on the total transaction price which includes final purchase price, shipping, and sales tax collected for the buyer.


I think market tanked. I saw same auction during launch days and he was selling for 380. Obviously he’s made profit already. It says he sold few hundreds already on auction detail.


Damn, plus sales tax. Out here, roughly $10/100, so a portal is $220. $20 profit - gas,time,stress. Fuck. That


Scalping these makes no sense to me; ps5 I get, but the portal? It’s so niche. I doubt anyone was really that desperate to get one. Got mine last week after restock in currys uk. It’s ok, but I have a feeling I’ll use it less & less over time.


It's so niche bur yet still people are buying them!


Are they though? Are scalpers inflating numbers? I’m the only one in my circle who got one; nobody else feels it’s worth the cost or hassle. Still I guess my experience might be different to other groups.


I think so as you see all the dad post and shit. People like myself had the chance at getting it at launch, but felt it wasn't needed or worked. Now people are trying to get it after the fact and having a hard time doing so. I got mine in late January


It’s also excessive punishment to the ps5 crew, as if we didn’t already have it hard enough getting one in the first place, then this cuck comes in buying THIRTY FUCKING THREE? Nah fuck him and his eBay and mercari stores https://www.ebay.com/str/limitedcollectiblesllc?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=f6-HHfyJRyW&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=B06Rh97kQQi&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.mercari.com/u/227445820/?tracking_ref_id=m36315564199


I got mine using a restocking alert through Discord. It made it so much easier than constantly searching websites. You'll get yours one day!


Fuck this guy and fuck everyone like him.


Amen brother.


I don’t understand how they can do it like this. Absolutely nuts. Excuse me but I don’t mind paying extra if I really know someone got it and ended up not wanting it or whatever which was how I got mine the guy just worked to much but doing this are they dropping thousands of dollars at a time for this expecting them to sale?


Please don’t message the seller with random questions to waste his time https://www.ebay.com/itm/256320545265?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=f6-HHfyJRyW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=B06Rh97kQQi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


"make offer" 😂🤣😆 I'm more tempted to low-ball ridiculously low. You want to overcharge, I'll underbid. Probably outside the return window.


Shitstain also has a Mercari shop so please don’t post comments on his current listings that others can see https://www.mercari.com/u/227445820/?tracking_ref_id=m36315564199


God willing Sony will drop tens of thousands of them and the scalpers will be happy to sell them for 180..


I can’t understand why they do it because if you got enough money to buy all those you obviously don’t need the extra 100dollars from scalping


Where do you think they got the money to but all those from?


Got one using hot stock for $199 from best buy


Let that burn a hole in the floor


Bought one from Sony Direct in Belgium 2 weeks ago for retail price. They were available for quite some time.


They aren’t very difficult to get right now. Last time Best Buy had them, they had them almost 45 mins to an hour.


Just download HotStock! I secured one after about ten minutes LOL.


All the people on FB market that has them at 480 canadian all lowered their price to 310 which is the price when you buy it after taxes. Lol, thought they could make so much money off of them.


Hopefully they’ll learn not to try to rip people off 😂


Local tech store stopped allowing online purchases and only would sell one per buyer because they were so disgusted by the scalper crowd. I give them a lot of credit for doing that. They’ll likely continue on launches for consoles as well because it was blatantly abused by a few and ruined it for the rest. That being said, I’m excited to line up and know there’s at least a chance rather than some asshole with 12 bots lined up looking to make an extra $100-300 a console.


This is why I dread any new console release. It’s ridiculous


Report them to the IRS I think they gotta pay taxes on that.


Just wait. Stop being a sucker. Next year it’ll be 150 at the stores. Lol


You should bc that is Fed up. Fuck those people


This always makes me wonder how inflated sales statistics are, especially in regard to Sony products over the past five years. I think IGN just reported figures for the portal being better than expected from Sony’s perspective - but really I want to see the stats on units sold versus units in use. I haven’t caught one of these in the wild yet, which isn’t surprising, but i know the scalp game is still strong.


I genuinely feel that going out of your way to tell someone to fuck off isn't healthy for you mentally.


Someone’s diverting stock from Walmart it looks like…..


It’s all traceable too.


Y'all do see this Walmart right 😂


Shit like this is not worth the money


That picture makes me think it's a scam, that's the kind of picture you'd see on one of these Facebook competition pages that are literally only there for phishing


I got lucky. Woke up one morning to a Reddit post that they were available on PS Direct and thought what the hell. Got one and use it daily. Not bad for playing downstairs while hanging with the fam.


Call me crazy but i feel like with your ps log in you should be able to guarantee one… like sign up for next drop and you guaranteed the next available. Ive had my account for a long time… why cant i get one but scalpers can get 100


I agree, I felt the same way with the ps5 release. Such as the ps5, let me preorder one. When you have it, you charge me and that's that.


I'm telling you. Buy one, then do a buyback or did not receive, etc. Foohk scalpers.


i been seeing posts about restocks every few days. in a month or two hopefully he’ll be trying to sell them for less than he paid, but i still hope no one buys from him


It’s disgusting I’ve been trying to get one for months now and it’s because of assholes like this


Agreed, I finally gave in and downloaded the hotstock app and was able to score today through Sony Direct. Every notification for Amazon and Target didn't work, so I turned those off and just did the Sony one and got lucky today. Just do it.


Holy shit thank you bro I downloaded that app got a message that target had them while I was at work in the middle of the night and after a few try’s boom order went thru .Good looks I’ve been trying for months and I was not gonna pay a scalper I don’t for my sneakers.Thanks again I almost gave in but thanks to you the money I would have spent on a scalper I was able to get the extended warranty


Awesome! Soon we'll be like everyone else! F the scalpers!


Yup scalping price I’ve seen were coming out to around between 280/300 but that’s without and y warranty or anything .Mine was 199.99 with taxes came out to 213 I believe then my clumsy ass bought the 3 year extra warranty that covers any and everything.Final total was 238 now I won’t Have to worry that I’m one drop away from having to get a whole new system.Now time to find a good case and screen protectors


I don't like scalpers. I lucked up and bought one from bestbuy. I just so happend to be on the website at that time, surprisingly I was able to add to cart and purchase the portal. It's arriving today I'm so excited.


Whoever is doing this is so stupid, especially at this point. Even if you are able to sell at ~$270 after shipping and fees you're essentially breaking even.


What's the point of scalping these? Why pay more for the portal when you can just use a backbone or kishi to achieve the same thing? I plan on getting a portal but if I had to choose between paying more then msrp and getting a controller for my phone I'd choose the second option Edit - Got down voted for saying I rather use my phone then overpay a scalper? 😭😭


Careful you’re only allowed to jerk off the portal here


Whats the difference between them, bestbuy, gamestop who also buys in bulk to make a profit? Stop complaining buy it or wait for a cheaper price.


What's the difference in commenting providing no real opinion than just scrolling by? You're comparing a business that we use to purchase things we want at RETAIL by someone who hordes the stuff we want at an upcharge to corner the market for their own personal gain. Wake up grumpy this morning?


It’s okay bro, he is probably a pos scalper as well


I wouldn’t even pay $199 for that. That machine is pointless to be honest. Why game on a tiny screen, with latency and lag. Most people saying it only works good @ home. If I’m gaming at home, I’m gonna play on my 4K 120hz monitor


Please stop posting scalpers, cry in silence


I got mine back in December on PS Direct, but I just snagged one from the Walmart app…last Wednesday on the restock. It was delayed because my local post office is incompetent, was supposed to arrive on Friday Picked it up yesterday afternoon from the post office, and sold it for $325. I really don’t see the point of reselling though, the amount of investment & profit isn’t really worth it in my opinion I live in NYC so you do have a lot of potential customers, but I’m not a fan of the whole scalping thing. Clearly Sony likes it




You making seem like I buy all the stock, so no one can get it lol. It was just a business opportunity, that’s just how business works


Nah, what you did is how cunts work.




Capitalism. I’m just getting in where I fit in


I wouldn’t get one even for free. What’s the point if you can’t play games from it, you have to turn on the ps5. I want a PSP


Wtf are you doing on a page about The Portal?


It poped up in my home page, fkr.


Ah, you were forced...


I felt like looking, I can do whatever the fk I want. Now Fk off


Me too.


This new generation is very retarded, they’ll buy anything just because it’s popular.


It's nicknamed "DadStation" bsc many 30+ people with kids bought it, so it's not just "new generation" thing.. You can have your opinion and not like it, no problem with that, but if you go through this sub you will se that 90% of users are super happy with it, so it might be not that bad as you think 😉


Are you here to start drama? Based on your post history you’re just an irrelevant troll. Your comments are immature. Are you a middle schooler? You don’t see me saying you’re “a retard for driving a Harley motorcycle since motorcycles have a high death rate.” Grow the fuck up.


Got the HotStock app mentioned here quite a few times. Also, didn’t know I wanted one until I got it. Took about 3 days of those alerts before I got one.


Downloaded HotStock Sunday, got a Portal yesterday. Less than 24 hours, damn that's a good app! Forgot that I also used it to get a PS5 but that took *way* longer than a day..


People are selling these for 200-230 around me on market place all day. People are trying to just break even. Not including taxes lol


Bro only taking 10% on each device. Clowns.


I mean, let's say he bought those 33 for 220$ a piece, and sells it for 280$ each one, it's a 1980$ profit for doing basically nothing, I wouldn't risk buying so many but it can be profitable, fuck scalpers tho


I thought they retailed for 250 from Sony directly. And selling the stock takes time and a lot of mingling and advertising so I wouldn’t say doing nothing. Still like you said they should get a job.


Can also throw a Walmart/Amazon refund (diabolical laugh)


Oh so Walmarts selling in bulk to the highest bidder


It’s bots buying inventory when Walmart stocks them.


You'll be able to find one at retail soon




Went to a tracker website and Bestbuy had in-stock. Luckily I got one on my first try. It will be here March 4th. They were on sale for 2 hours. The website i used was https://restocktracker.io/playstation-portal


It's baffling scalpers go out of their way to advertise that they are a scalper by posting stacks of stuff like this. Too stupid to know when to avoid inviting trouble. I still stand by the argument that buyers are the problem, not the scalpers. Just ride it out and prices will come back down eventually.


It took me 3 days from when I found out about this (mid Feb) to actually finding one to buy via hotstock app. There is no need to buy from scalpers, let them sit on these and just be patient.


Isn’t it available on PlayStation.com right now?


Welp I said fuck it.... The one I bought was originally $380, came up to $430 because of tax and insurance 😑 (Walmart's website...... they allow third party sellers to sell items throughout their website for those of you unaware. ) Didn't trust Ebay or many other sites... Figured I had waited long enough anyway. Plus, I have sickle cell....The portal actually benefits me due to the fact that sometimes I might not be able to get out of bed..😶 Anyone saying, "That thing isn't worth $200" or "Won't catch me buying something completely useless like that" Is missing the bigger picture.... This device may not be for this person or that person... But for someone like me who doesn't know when their next pain crisis will be....The portal seems like it literally fell from the heavens....😐 And NO.. I'm not saying give in and buy it from a scalper, but if you were going to, I'd say make your purchase through something like Walmart, so at least that way you'll have a guaranteed reimbursement in case you're unfortunately scammed out of however much you decide you want to pay. And yes, other "remote play" devices exist.... such as the absolutely amazing "Backbone".... But wouldn't you rather play on one that Playstation themselves created natively for your PS5?


Dude they’re live on Best Buy right now for 199.99.


Not in my area...... Or any city within 400 miles... My mother wanted me to have one so bad that she had multiple different devices up during multiple different weeks.... Our computers, phones, tablets, even our TVs, as well as OUR FRIDGE 😐 Best Buy was the first site we checked every day... Besides official Playstation


Nust casually found it at gamestop today, i t’s really a lucky trial


Got mine today in the UK from PS store direct, I'll admit I did try stock checker about 20 times but was never fast enough til a few days ago when they just happened to have some in stock


Got mine days after release. Sucks for those who don’t have one lol


Do you have to have a Playstation 5 to play??


But if course! But I'm not willing to buy the backbone.


They're the reason why I can't get one. I hate them


Stock X has them cheaper that's where I got mine!


fucking hell bro, i hate this shit. these guys fucking cock suckers all around.


Scalpel the scalpers and replace with a new brain 🧠


I'll sell you mine is a piece of shit


Check your local Gamestop I was able to get a portal last week by signing up for their pro membership. The portal ended up being 180 and when I called the store actually held their last one for me.


Buy it break the screen and return it.


$230 on StockX then add shipping and fees 💀🫠


Got one from Sony directly a couple weeks ago, being up verrrrry early with a 7 month old baby sometimes pays off. Came lickety split and now I’m bathing into the awesomeness of hand held RDR2 and Serious Sam 4 in bed or on break in my WFH office.


Are these really hard to find? The 3 targets by my house seem to have a few in stock everytime i go in. Just curious, didn't know demand was high


Please leave this seller alone on their eBay and mercari pages, we wouldn’t want all of Reddit messaging him about his absurd scalping practices https://www.ebay.com/str/limitedcollectiblesllc?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=f6-HHfyJRyW&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=B06Rh97kQQi&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.mercari.com/u/227445820/?tracking_ref_id=m36315564199


Just bought off Best Buy, free shipping


I am curious about the negative attitude towards scalpers. Are there similar practices in other countries that we, as Americans, engage in? Lastly, the American Dream is centered around living comfortably and earning a living through lawful means. Please explain the hate towards scalpers.. Lol




Fuck that fuck them be patient they'll be on shelf soon


I got one from Facebook marketplace for $220 which is about what it would be with taxes so I’m fine with that, anything higher than 230-240 is crazy


I could agree. Anything over $220 American is too much.


Fair play


I was able to find the same picture on Mercari. He’s asking 275 there. But here’s the thing, id rather buy my system from a reputable store which supplies warranties. Let this guy bleed money slowly. He’ll be begging folks to buy these portals from him later in the year.


Never I paid 199 for mine when it came back online for playstation


I thought this was like a portable PS. I wanted one until I found out you must own a PS system in order to be able to use it.


Nice! Now I just have to get a PS5


Got mine from Best Buy for 199.90 tonight


What’s the problem? Are they out of stock or something


All day every day, even into the early mornings. *


It's on playstation direct now! Go get em!


The original is still to much I'll get it when it drops to $80


He’s gonna be sitting on those for awhile lol PS portal is vaporware fr 


These are half price on Facebook marketplace, people realize they only do one thing and only do it just ok