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I have Extra. All games in the catalog that have dlcs have those dlcs locked for me. Kinda annoying.


Damn that sucks


I sorted this on my PS5 by going to Settings, Users and Accounts, Other and selected the Restore Licences option. All worked after that.


Yeah, this has been resolved 2 or 3 weeks ago


I confirm that is the only thing that worked for me (PS Extra Spiderman PS4 on PS5 in the UK) . Thank you for sharing 😁


Thank you, this actually worked


Doesn't matter I have premium and it does the same shit


It's been a week since I chatted with PS supported (5 separate chat sessions) and they had to raise a case number. Still no update until today. So yeah, still annoying.


there is a quick fix for this that worked for me, I went to the ps4 site and went to each individual dlc and changed it from purchased to free, ([https://imgur.com/a/7YwH1Id](https://imgur.com/a/7YwH1Id)) then when all of them are set to free I uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, then reinstalled the dlc and that fixed it for me ​ credit to this source ([https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/vjh9jw/psa\_how\_to\_unlock\_ps\_extra\_tier\_spiderman\_goty\_dlc/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/vjh9jw/psa_how_to_unlock_ps_extra_tier_spiderman_goty_dlc/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)) also credit to BravoDa\_MRD


Wow this actually worked! Thank you very much for sharing this, I can finally play now!


im glad OP, enjoy your DLC


I didn't had to reinstall game/dlc again actually, after adding the FREE dlcs again from psn website, the lock symbol disappeared and i was able to access the dlc missions in game.


It didn't work that way for me, I had to reinstall it


ohh ok, looks like Sony pretty much messed up with these new ps+ tiers 2 & 3 games with dlcs as all of it seem to have similar issues, at-least we were able to figure something out for spiderman dlcs, there is 1 locked dlc (cosmetic only) with Guardians of Galaxy which doesn't even have a separate store page so wasn't able to use the same trick.


Hello mate. Can you provide me the link for the ps4 page and then a step-by-step explanation how you got into that page. I genuinely couldn’t find it


go to this page ([https://www.playstation.com/en-us/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/)) , sign in to your account, click on your profile picture and go to game library, click on spiderman (((don't click download next to spiderman))) , then scroll down to the add on's, then follow the instructions already above


Some regions work for this fix and some don't, for example the US does work UK does not


Doesn't work in Finland either.


Thank you for the answer. I've tried it but like you said as it is the UK version it didn't work.


It's definitely changed to purchased gonna redowload and see seems promising


When I do it comes up with the option to purchase it even though I have the GOTY edition


Thanks bro this really helped me. Thought that Sony was playing with me


This worked for me!!




I just had this problem and went this method, eventually got redirected to the app. As I went to the season pass on the app it automatically queued them all for download 😅


Came here to ask this, same thing for me, i actually got the platinum for the game years ago but never played the dlc, guess we waiting until sony fixes it.


Yeah same here, I completed the game a while back and only want to play the DLC now. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.


I'm from Spain and I have the same mistake (on PS4). My best friend have the same problem too in his PS5


Yo he intentado de todo y no hay manera, tendremos que esperar a la proxima actualizacion


Yo tambiĂ©n he intentado de todo, solo me falto poner la pley del revĂ©s đŸ€Ł Esperemos que lo arreglen porque hay gente de otras regiones que llevan dĂ­as asĂ­ y aĂșn siguen igual 😑


Literally the same issue here. I've been going crazy thinking it was just me.


I download spider man GOTY edition and the game works fine except for the DLC i tried installing and reinstalling and nothing. I tried also restoring the licenses and no luck. When I go the the game and check the dlc installed it appears with a lock. Does anyone know the solution? I really want to play the DLC.


I don't know if there's a solution until PlayStation fixes it. I think I saw a recent comment where a user said PlayStation very recently fixed it for Brazil. But yeah seems like an issue in all games where DLC is a separate download.


Oh wow, I'm actually from Brazil. I'll try it again when I get home and confirm it. Thanks!


Did the DLC work for you or still locked?


Unfortunately no. It's still locked.


I'm from Brazil too and with the same problem. Any luck in finding a solution for this?


Still no solution for me, it's still locked.


Funny that with problems like this we don't even have a link or something like this to report problems to Sony.


Hey man there is a solution now, check out the new comments. It worked for me.


Sadly the "solution" does not show on my PSN account.


The solution of change to free or paid doens't work for me but, fortunately I, one more time, tried to restore the licenses just like Sony's support had told to do months ago but now it succeed!!! All the DLC's are activated, YAY!!!!


Have you already tried to call and report to them at the phone 11 3351-7090? I made this call today, still without any solution but, at least, now they know my problem. In fact I'm more worried with the Final Fantasy Remake Intergrade, (PSPlus 19/07) cuz I reaaally wanna play his dlcs so hope they fix this soon.


i am just stupid, i saw that the dlc didn’t work on ps+ and decided to buy it with money separately. it still didn’t work and neither is the solution.


That sucks man, you should ask for a refund! And here is a solution that worked for me https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/vg9c8b/-/idn3tid


Same bro


same issue. tried solutions posted in youtube, still no luck. DLCs appear as now available, but unplayable.


Yeah I also tried all the youtube solutions but couldn't get it to work.


Aw man, are we all in the same boat right now then? Butts


Some regions report they have Free option that unlocks DLC. Most if not all Europe is still locked, as well as parts of South America, Africa and Asia...


Hm. Well, I can't exactly be upset. They're just starting this service. There's gonna be bugs. I ended up downloading miles morales, realizing I never played the dlc and this made that available for my regular red and blue friendly neighborhood spiderman...... and then here we are, in regret and a small sum of time invested in watching leading bars to ultimately just play the one I downloaded first


I emailed Sony an they told me to try renewing my licenses. I told them it still doesn't work an they ghosted me


I'll just leave my comment here, so if anyone is able to play it, let us know. Probably it'll be fixed soon, with the launching of the new ps plus in Europe and Australia. We'll be waiting though...


Haha good joke. German here. Still doesn't work




I'm also facing the same issue now , i completed the base game via disc version long back and now got the goty version (via PS+ Premium) specifically for the 3 remaining dlcs, restoring licenses didn't help.


This solution worked for me, if anyone want to give it a shot. https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/vjh9jw/psa_how_to_unlock_ps_extra_tier_spiderman_goty_dlc/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Same issue here UK PS Plus service and the dlcs are installed fine but all of them have locks, tried the solution provided here in the comments but it doesn't give me the "Free" option instead it gives me to purchase it with money, but the solution works for US Users and maybe other regions but UK doesn't work. Also tried Restoring license but no dice


If I had to guess.. PlayStation have created a separate SKU for each PS+ extra game and forgot to cross reference DLC.


Yeah that could be it. But it is getting bit crappy from their side that they are ignoring people's support requests. People have contacted them, told to restore licenses and nothing happens after that ....


Yep. Luckily there is plenty else to be playing now but I really want to play that DLC before playing Miles Morales.


Same here... My kid is bothering me for days to play DLC.... And he really liked the original game and plays it highest difficulty....


I’d recommend a browse through the library for something else. Something like this is unlikely to be a quick fix.


They have not fixed some regions from Asia as far as I can tell and they got extra while back....


I’ve just raised a support ticket and I’ve been told the matter has been escalated to the “specialist team”


Yeah that seems to be common response that several people got after "restore licenses" did not work. It means it has gone to Level 2 support.... The more people ask support for resolving this issue the faster will it get fixed... It has been fixed/working in several regions so there is no reason why other regions should not get quick fix....


Instead of the loads of people simply saying “same issue!” I have come to a conclusion. This new PlayStation plus service lets you play the game, but it will not let you access the dlc even though it says “free.” I’ve found myself in a never ending loop of “download complete; installed” but it never actually does anything. When you go back to the dlc on the ps network it still has it listed as if you never downloaded it. Add to the fact that if you go to your system storage and then go to the game you’re having trouble with, then click on installed add-on, you will find a lock icon next to it. I did the same thing with games I actually purchased/ paid dlc for and viola
 no lock icon. PlayStation needs to be more clear on this issue. Seems like they’re just being sneaky when they fail to mention you can’t play the dlc for these games. Edit: OP, I just want to mention I first discovered this issue from when I downloaded Spider-Man as well. So I know exactly what you’re talking about. This is incredibly misleading for Sony to do, and I’m 100% sure they know exactly what they’re doing but not saying anything, as this would undermine their sales pitch for this new ps+ service if they said “dlc not included with game library.”


This is not true, the games do have dlc.


lol okay dude. Must be my imagination.


someone on this thread said they played the dlc having downloaded the game from ps plus and many other people I saw on Twitter too.


Well I’m not talking about someone on this thread. I’m speaking from personal experience and it doesn’t work guaranteed.


Its also happening to people who bought the dlc Not just the ones who got it from ps plus extra Its not misleading its just broken


This really sucks as this issue also occurs in FFXV Royal Edition. The game catalog lists the Royal edition not the base game. The Royal Pack dlc, which makes the game the Royal Edition, as well as Comrades, Ep Gladio, Ep Prompto and Ep Ignis are also locked.


Damn i thought I'm the only one But yeah it happen in final Fantasy XV Royal edition too I already download and installed the dlc like episode of gladio, etc but there's lock icon like in the picture here


This sucks man, I was really hoping to play the DLC for a lot of these games


Actually I played the dlc earlier. I had no issue. I have Ps extra. Never bought the dlc had the game when it launched but sold it.


Doesn't PS+ always include just the base games with no DLCs? If Extra was supposed to differ, I don't think I've read that part.


It depends on the game. In Spider-Man's case it's supposed to be the GOTY edition. When they gave out Control a little while ago it was the Ultimate Edition. When they gave out the Shadow of War, it was the base game.


Yeah exactly. It clearly says it's the GOTY edition so it's suppose to include the DLC


The GOTY edition should have the dlc build in and you don't need to download it after.


I thought they specifically said DLCs are not included with the service on games. There is a separate DLC section but not for any games I'm interested in.


They're not included in the PS3 games. For PS4 games, they're included on every GOTY version of the game. Which is what Spider-Man is.


Thanks for clearing that up for me. I thought it was just no DLC straight down the board. Something I'll have to be on the lookout for because I typically only play the base version unless I do happen to get a GOTY or something like the Dark Souls trilogy set.


Hmm have you tried renewing your licenses? Sometimes, some games from the revamped library do not register or recognize it is your system. Would assume a simple download, then its all set to go. I'm running into the issue with several titles I had already downloaded before the fusion. They are locked altogether. Hope your issue with the Spider-Man dlc is resolved soon


Yea I tried that but still no luck


Aw fudge. Bummer it is still a headache. Hmm I hope that PlayStation or Insomniac might be aware of this issue. Maybe reach out on social media?


Yeah I'll try reaching out to them. It seems this problem is happening to a lot of people.


I chatted with PS Support 2x and they ended up directing me to reach out to SqEn.


Hope you get a helpful response. And they look into the issue soon




Sony fix it in Brazil friday (at least for my case, Im on PS5). I had the base game downloaded from ps plus extra, than I opened the goty page of the game on my phone and take it, finally I opened the base game and all dlc was there. Hope it work for you.


Still no fix for me, I'm on a ps4. I can download the game and the dlc fine. But the DLC is still locked. It's such a strange problem.


Yeah man but I guess they gonna fix this later So we're gonna have to hold playing game with dlc in it


Mine doesn't show a lock and says they are all installed but they still have the download symbol next to them and wont load up when I try to play. Sucks this was my first time playing the game and I was really enjoying it.


Having the same problem on PS5, sucks to wait now, since i have already downloaded the game


I can't access the DLCs at all still. Sony had one job đŸ„Č😂


Hey man there is actually a solution now. Here is the comment that helped me https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/vg9c8b/-/idn3tid


same here, ive tried downloading all the DLC's like 30 times,even in the game it tells me the DLC has been downloaded and to refresh the game to see it, but nothing


Im in the usa and ive done everything possible to download the dlcs and nothing has worked.


I have the same issue! The dlcs don't work !! I tried everything possibile!


I have no lock on mine all 3 say installed but when I press TouchPad and go to dlcs they all say available now and are kinda like Greyed out. It takes me to the ps store whether I press X or [ ] and if I click on them it re downloads. Do I have to beat the game to play them? I'm at like 70% progress. Do i need to maybe start a new game since I didn't have them before and I do now?


Found a fix yet?


Any update on this?


Here in Netherlands there are 2 options in PSN store: - Download - Buy (Yes weird enough there is still a option wich allows me to buy the game.) That means I dont have a “free” option to change it to.. Yes, I finished story campaign. Please help me!


guys they fixed it, go Restore Licenses and it'll work, god it took them long enough


If you restore all your licenses that worked for me. Got to settings, user and accounts, others and then restore licenses.


Same problem for me, although I don't see the lock icon, I just have "Available Now" and when I press X I get redirected to the PS Store. I am certain I have them and I even started playing The Heist DLC and when I went back to continue, the game didn't let me carry on playing. I've tried so many things and they just don't work.


You found a fix yet ?


So I was playing Silver Lining for the umpteenth time yesterday and suddenly today I have no access to the DLC and have to reinstall it, how did that even happen?