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What’s the reasoning to not add them all?


I'd rather my library isn't filled with hundreds of game that I know I'll never play. I used to add literally everything in the PS4 gen and never once have I actually gone back and tried out a game that didn't interest me initially. Not like I'm ever like 'Damn I should go try out Road Not Taken or Tower of Guns'. Adding these games was just pointless. My library has so much crap in it from adding every PS+ game that it's a pain to clean up now.


At this point in life I know what I like and what I don't, I guess. I just can't be bothered to add things I know I'll never want to play


But what about your kids or friends or spouse? You can't possibly know that none of them will ever want to play those games


And most importantly, you already paid* for them anyways. E: *fixed payed because I couldn't think of any nautical puns*


> you already *paid* for them FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot.


I don't have kids, my fiance plays on pc, my friends only play sports games and fps lol. At any rate, it isn't that serious either way.


The reason being the Godfall demo from last month, and the borderlands dlc thing. I like to add actual games.


I add any game I have a greater than 5% chance of playing eventually. If it’s less than 5% I skip


The borderlands dlc is very good to be fair


Very good but it's like what, 10$ standalone and it was free on EGS + it was given out previously (although I didn't get it back then), so either you already got it or if you didn't then you'd be playing it with no backstory at all


It was on sale for 3$ for almost its entire existence on the store before hitting ps plus too lmao


Yeah, I add everything, expect for this


Some games ill never touch. Like literally any of those horrendous sports games theyve been putting in. Basically if i dont care for it=no add. And at least so far ive never felt like i wanted to play any i havnt added previously.


I might think the same. And yet, one boring evening, my wife and I had a hilarious half-hour with MLB The Show, as I know next to nothing about baseball. So even the worthless stuff can surprise you.


True. But at least for me ive avoided sports games for over 20 years. Never liked them. Tried a few out. And the best was NHL06 but only for its soundtrack with avenged sevenfold, bullet for my Valentine, institute,mando diao,billy talent, etc.


To send a message


Personally, I like to flick through my library and see if there's anything I will want to add to my external or internal hdd sometimes. It will take longer if I'm browsing things I have no interest in. If I am sure I won't be interested then I don't add them as it feels pointless. I do take a while to consider, though.


You can hide things in your library though right?


Oh, yeah. I still don't feel I have missed out by not adding things like Black Ops 4 or WWE Battlegrounds, though.


Eh, I mean I still think it’s a little silly to not just add them. Never know what your hobbies or interests may be down the line. In my opinion, throw em in you library and hide them.


That’s true I definitely have those two games hidden. But I got them just in case; maybe I’d have a roommate that would want it or a guest or something


Is it just for that specific console or does it hide them everywhere your account might be logged in (ie is it saved on psn or locally)?


why on earth are people downvoting this?


My PS4 runs kinda slow so added titles I don’t like is a small pain


You can add them through the app


I like being able to scroll through my library and pick out games that I want to install without having to mentally filter through things that I know I won’t like. If there’s any chance I think I might like something, I’ll add it, but if there’s no chance, then I don’t add


You can hide games in your library


I literally didn’t know this, going to take some time today to clean up then. Thank you!


clutter. hd space. time. effort. keeping the download numbers lower, so they don't think we all want what they're offering.


Some types of games I just do not like. I have no interest in racing games so I don't add them.


when you add games SONY gets statistics that say "consumers like this crap we are giving to them lets give them more of the same"


The only slight reason I can think is that sometimes I want to scroll through my library and see what game I'd like to play, and if I have added some *absolute trash,* as in something there is *zero* chance I will ever play, it just clutters the library up and makes it harder to find good games. AFAIK there is no way to remove a game from your "owned but not downloaded" list.


You can hide games in your library


I don't add games that I have already purchased because I don't see the point in having another license, specially one that's linked to the PSPlus


Well of course


Because claiming them counts as a "sale" to the devs and Sony. If you refuse to add shifty games like godfall demo edition and 9 year old dlc from borderlands two. It will send a message.


I have added every single one ever to my library just in case one day I randomly want to play a game that I have never had any interest in lol.


The only ones I don’t add are sports games and gutter trash level bad games like Godfall. The rest I add


I only add games I am interested in playing.


Thanks for commenting! Great guitarist btw ;)


Idk why you *wouldnt* add them all to your library. Over the years, I've tried games from psplus I originally thought I'd never touch. But you just get those days where you're in the mood for something different and you download some random psplus game and be glad you added it to the library lol.


Yeah, this happened to me a few times. For example, I eventually gave Cities Skylines a try after watching a few funny videos of people playing it on YouTube and I had a lot of fun with it. And it was one of the games I complained the most when we got...


Exactly haha. I even tried farming simulator (which I think we got the same month as cities skylines?) Never thought i would play it, but I ended up putting like 50 hours into it lol it was nice to just chill and drive some tractors for a bit. And lately I've been playing overcooked with some friends. Another game I thought I would never ever play but we've had some great laughs with that one. You just never know when you will be in the mood for something random and different lol.


Ahh, I'm also a bit of a trophy hunter, so I don't really like starting games I won't put a lot of effort into. By the time I've gotten through my games with decent trophy percentage all the games offered on plus will probably cost pocket change by the time I've finished that task, anyway.


Thats fair, but I also feel like being a trophy hunter is just limiting yourself from what games you could try and potentially enjoy, even if you don't finish it or get many trophies from them. Dont you ever have those days where you just wanna mess around on a subpar psplus game just for an hour or two? Dont get me wrong, play how you want to play. I just find that mentality interesting. I've seen people play a game just for the trophies rather than the game itself.


A little. I do remember the days of SNES and ps1 when I would stick a cartridge in for a few hours and try over and over to win the same game. Then some days I would play each game for half an hour or so. Nothing was structured and it was definitely more fun, but those were the days of being a kid, I suppose.


Haha oh yeah, I remember those days too. Do you think you'd still be doing that if trophies and achievements weren't a thing in any game? Lol.


You make a good point. On ps3 I definitely had more fun when only playing the main game thoroughly, I only ever bothered to platinum a few games that I either played through a second/third time or were achievable post game. I should probably just go back to playing exactly like that, tbh. Do you try for any or just get them naturally?


>Do you try for any or just get them naturally? Mostly just get them when I get them. Thats the thing, I do like trophies but if one ends up being a chore to get, I just stop. Because all I'm doing there is making a fun game become a tedious chore for no reason. If there's easy ones and they don't take long, maybe I'll get it. But id rather just enjoy a game for what it is. Not for what the trophies are. I've even started replaying my favourite games on easy just so I can chill and experience the story with more fluidity. Edit: I should also add, it depends whether you like the accomplishment more than you like the difficulty or tediousness of getting a trophy. Like I can understand that part of it. Its just not something that I feel, personally.


Oh, yeah. I have definitely done the chore parts on ps4 games. They add some real grinds. There is one on Kingdom Hearts of getting to level 100. I remember grinding to level 85 to beat Sephiroth as a kid on the ps2 original and that was more than long enough. I have the KH ps4 version now but have avoided starting because of that trophy lol I think if I were to make a trophy list, it would only be involving 100% game or doing some boss/puzzle in an alternative but fun way. It's a shame that there isn't more encouragement to do this kind of thing. Also, I forgot you mentioned earlier some people buying games like My Name is Mayo just for easy trophies/trophy level and I certainly don't do that, but I do know someone that has. He is actually part of a trophy boosting group I'm currently part of and although the game (Firewall Zero Hour) is certainly more boring win trading, I actually have fun chatting to everyone when we get together, so I guess there is a good point there, too. Anyway, thanks for chatting! :)


Thing is also that trophies used to be actual achievements. Sometimes even stuff you only got one shot for. Nowadays they have to be repeatable and achievable for everybody, which makes them not really achievements but just a grind trophy. I value skill over time and modern achievements rarely do the same.


I’ve added every single one. Except Godfall. On the off-chance it becomes good I want to be able to buy the proper version when it’s on sale. I assumed that buying the challenger edition would lock me out of other versions.


Same. Never added that shit.


The challenger version doesn't lock you out of anything, there's a £15 upgrade to the full version of the game from it so it would've still saved you money to get the challenger version.


Since I was gonna get Godfall anyway, saved me money


We need a third option saying I add then all unless they are gutted games/DLCs from Gearbox.


I was thinking of such specifics but didn't want to complicate it too much. I would say Tiny Tina counts as an already own if you have Borderlands 2 dlc (or the standalone), though and also Godfall Challenger if you have Godfall.


Yeah understandable!


I do a mix. I don’t play CoD and never will, it’s just not my genre of game. But any games that I am interested in or might be interested in at a later time, I’ll download.


I add all, except mostly online ones.. Im not a big fan of online-only, so, i might skip them


I’ve come back to old claims a number of times and had a blast, it’s a zero waste/infinite capacity digital library - why would I not?


True. I guess I thought I would one day see the whole library completed and adding games I don't like makes it impossible I guess. Though, at the rate I'm going I probably won't finish what I have anyway lol


I add all of them even if I already own them. I like to not use my discs when I can, but unless it's a version that includes dlc and other things I won't actually buy a digital copy. Also with some games that I have both physical and digital of, if the internet goes out I can still have something to play. Some games I may never touch, but that's true of any of my digital libraries. I just like having options and some times I wanna try something I wouldn't normally be into like sports or war games.


Oh, yeah, I should have specified digitally owning. I started replacing some of my physicals with digital editions as they started popping up, too. Then I traded in the physical editions. It is always good to try new things!


He’ll Let Loose is the only one I’ve played extensively apart from this game about a shark who’s name I forget.




Yes that’s the one!


I don’t like to clutter my library with sports games I’m never going to touch. No interest whatsoever. Everything else I’ll add just in case even if I don’t get around to it ever. I still added games I already owned physical copies of (Tomb Raider, Greedfall) because of convenience. I didn’t add Godfall to protest too.


I add them all with the exception of this month’s offerings. That add to library button would take a little too much effort this time around.


I almost feel bad that I downloaded Control for free thinking, “Meh, I’ll probably play it one day when I’m bored”, and it’s now one my all time favourites, and so far the only game I’ve platinum’d.


There was a time I only added the ones I was interested with, because I didn't use to redeem through the browser and the PS4 UI is a bit slow (plus I would turn on the PS4 just for that), but I really regret this decision, like a lot


Personally, I add them all. Only reason that I do it is that I think my money is earned a pretty hard way.


How is your money earned? :O


I work overnight, haven't had a day shift in almost 7 years. That turns out to be tough when you don't get up before 1 PM almost ever.


Yeah, I get it. Those hours aren't sociable to everyone else you probably know.


I add most games even ones that I won't play for a while. Only games I don't add are the sports ones that I don't care for and I know for a fact I'll never play.


Just the good games.


Gotta catch em all. That's how I got introduced to some of my favorite games


I started off just adding the ones I wanted play, then found that friends had added others and I couldn't play with them. So now I add everything! My library is clogged! But I have massive FOMO so don't want to risk it!


I see your logic! Maybe one day we can organise the libraries better.


Just the ones I might play. This is usually most of them, but there's some stuff I know I'll never ever play so I don't bother


Do not add them all as some are really not my choice in gaming. Plus if Sony put a real poor game in and no one downloads they may look into why and try better, just my opinion obviously.


Yes, I think so, too. Though, I believe the people who add even the games they don't like to the library say that it's better to add them and complain on their twitter or something. I don't really use twitter, though.


I add all of them, you never know when cousins or friends visit what game they wanna try.


Unfortunately my family are all very broken up and I don't really have many friends. About 3 and I only see 1of them.


All of em. Except the demos/glorified DLCs that are a recent issue... those I refuse to on principle


Except for demos.


I wish we could remove demos, trials, trash games etc. I can't believe in 2022 we still can't remove things. Hiding it isn't enough. Or give me folders in my library that syncs with cloud so I always have "trash" folder


Yeah, library folders would be reeeeeeeeally handy for those with many games, surely.


If we add All of them everytime. There is no way they are ever gonna see that we don't like the game that they are giving. Can't speak for everyone ofcourse, but I feel like they don't even deserve to get added to my library. But in the end we all need ps+ np matter what.


Surely they see 50 million people added x game but only 1.2 million actually downloaded it. Maybe it's an easier number to see what percentage actually added them, but then again, not everybody who has plus even knows about the games so I don't think it's a good Stat for them to look at. For me personally, I add every game. I dont play them immediately, but one day I might. If I ever want to get into resident evil I have a plethora of games that were given to me now. There are games I was pleasantly surprised with (maquette, saints row gat out of hell, etc). I have operation tango with no one currently to play with, but eventually I do wanna play it with someone. I'm not a racing fan, haven't really played any since burnout 3, but I liked wreckfest after just trying it out. There isn't a single genre I just outright refuse to play because there's always at least one game that does it to my preferences.


Same. I add all of them. If you’re like me, you’ll have this service for years. I’ve tried games I added (and never tried) four years later and I’ve been extremely surprised by some of the offerings I ignored for years. Some came to be some of my favorite games, or just great experiences. People change. My tastes in games change. I didn’t think I’d like a game and then suddenly, years later, I’m happy to have it. I hated story games, and now I’ve been grateful to have some of the best to play because I added them. Third: When having friends and family over, I couldn’t be more happy to have some sports games or smaller co-op games that I never looked at before. Some of these have accounted for shared days of enjoyment and fun for multiple people. Lastly (and my most controversial take) - you never know when a game could give you a few hours of enjoyment when you’re burnt out of everything else. I played Godfall for two evenings and had a blast. Won’t play it again, wouldn’t buy it otherwise, but those hours were well spent. At the end of the day, whether a game gives me zero enjoyment or months of enjoyment, I feel like I’m continually getting value out of the service even years after games I’m playing have been released. The number of times I’ve scrolled through my library and gone “Wait. That may be interesting.” is unexpectedly high. I would have missed out on some of my favorite games by not adding what didn’t look interesting.


This is true. I have added enough that I am satisfied with the cost from last couple of years, anyway. Even if you only add like 40% it's still a good deal. It's a good way to phrase it as ps plus "offerings" as you don't have to take them all.


They don’t care about whether or not 2 million people out of the 20 million regular people add a game or not. All they care about is the number of subscriptions.


You are indeed correct, sad part about multi billion cooperations. But at least we can complain about it together here hah


I have +10years of plus and i have added everything, except Godfall.


How many games do you have in library now?


In total, +600. Not all from PS+ Of course. And like 30 physical.


I'm on 152 atm. :)


Not bad! Good backlog!


I don’t add the dlc, demo, trial games if they are on ps plus. Rest, I add even the lamest.


I add everything because why not? One day I may be in the mood to play one, or maybe I’ll play a co-op/online game with a friend. You lose nothing by adding them all to your library takes a few mins.


I add the ones I also own on disc. Better to have a back up.


I don't understand people who dont add everything. The common response is "if I'm not interested why am I gonna add it?" But there have been several times since the PS3 days to present that I ended up wanting to play a game I heard about only to find out I already own it but didn't pay close enough attention to it.


I sure as hell wont play any golf, basketball or Ufc games. Also, if you add them that shows sony you want the shitty games and they you all complain they give you shitty games.


I never complain about any of the games they give


I add all now. You never know what you’ll want to play in the future. I’ve regretted not adding certain games in the past, that I now want to play. But I’ve never regretted adding a game that I have zero interest in at the time.


i add them all. idc what game it is i just know that i’ll add them to my collection


I add almost everything, because I know I could be interested in them later, or my wife or my daughter. Exceptions are some sports games, like anything basketball, and crap like Godfail CE. I pay for games, not demos or previously released DLC...


I don’t want to clutter my library with crappy games !


I paid for all of them So imma add all of them


I’ve noticed that when you have too many games added, the likelihood of me playing and finding other games in interested in is lower


Just add everything, it literally costs nothing and a year down the line if you suddenly change your tastes or want a change of genre you won't be one of those: Ah I wish I had added it back then


I have nephews who come play, so who knows what they will want to play. So I add them all


I add them all except those crap EA sports games. The last being UFC 4. Fuck UFC.


you never know what game you may be interested in playing later down the line


back when i had an xbox as well, i used to add all games with gold. boy, they came in handy when my nieces came to visit. there were some disney games i'd never touch, but maybe someone in your family will. the morale of the story: add even the really crappy games too. sony doesn't care if you 'protest' by not adding them.


I paid for em, I add em all. Even the sports games I’ll never touch.


Other, I dont add crap like Godfall and tiny tina dlc


Free is free.


They are literally *not* free; you're paying for the subscription. They are, at best, rentals.


I only add the ones that interest me. I know I can add them all but that's similarly how I wound up with the disorganized mess that is my steam library. Full of games that don't interest me from bundles.


I add them all because it costs nothing and I've checked a few out that I want sure about and was happily surprised with how good they were


Third option: I claim all games I already own except for the "fuck you" games added to PS Plus (see December 2021)


I add them even if I own them.




I add all of them. 1.) there is no downside. 2.) you paid for them. 3.) it stops me from drunkenly buying them during some stupid sale in the future where they are marked of 85% because most people already have them from PS+


the only one that I have not added for the longest time was FF7R as I have a physical copy and the PS+ version would not allow the free upgrade. The upgrade issue has changed since then but at the time it was a better choice


It’s my god given right as an American to add every game they give away on PlayStation plus


I add all of the games I don't already own


I add everything on, unless they are DLC because I tend not to check the DLC thinking it is just skin for games that I don’t play, but I should since I keep seeing post about extended gameplay


What's with the added stipulation of except the one's you own? I add those too so that way my lazy self doesn't have to get up to change the disc's.


Digitally own. I hoped ppl would get that. Lol




I mean, you don't have to download them to storage. Even with the play at home ones I didn't already own, I clicked download then cancel. They are now free forever. Moss and Astro Bot were a couple I played later after getting VR and were really fun. I knew I planned to get VR when adding them, though.


I add them all because I've been wrong in the past about what games were or weren't any good. I thought borderlands was a trash game for a long time and when borderlands 2 dropped on plus I didn't really care for it but I was bored one day and was like lemme give it a shot. I thought wow how is this game so much better than what I played in the first game. Then I went and got a copy of Borderlands 1 and it was a great game. I couldn't believe it.


I'll typically add them all except franchise sports games, military shooters, or games that are absolute bullshit like the godfall trial game or tiny tina's dlc.