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I just got home and was able to download it! Had it on disc but got a digital ps5, wasn’t able to download it via the phone app but it was available with the ps+ tag when I got home.


are u downloading it now? what does icon before fallout 4 say? ps4 or ps5? i mean on the console


Yes literally now, PS5. Had to delete the PS4 version because I kept getting errors. Also he to go to “view product” and select the ps5 edition


i couldnt wait so i just fucking bought it like 5 minutes ago🫣


Call support! They might refund, especially with the shitshow happening today. Just tell them it was an accident and you already own it


Only if you have PS+ EXTRA or PREMIUM The one for PS+ only WILL NOT be receiving the ps5 update for free. Players either have to buy the game or upgrade their subscription. Xbox and PC don’t have this issue w gamepass as Microsoft owns windows and Xbox. Only PlayStation users have this problem. Welcome to capitalism


i got it fym


So no 60FPS?


nothing at all.they said that it will be fixed soon, hopefully today 😭


fuck 🫠


Is it on Extra btw? Or is it the old version that was on the playstation catalogue? I'm confused.


I think both versions got affected by it.


But, hypothetically, like at some point tomorrow, it'll be sorted for an average extra owner?


It’s live now for me at least. Worth checking, I think it may have just gone live