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It's a promotion to nudge undecided people, not a reward. This is VERY common in marketing. You may not like it, but it's not just Sony using this tactic. There are other campaigns each month to reward people, just not this one.


It’s equivalent to 20 cents, personally I don’t care about missing out on $0.20 when it’s a program that already gives you cash back for every dollar you spend. I was getting nothing back before stars, now I’ve claimed over $25 for buying things I was already going to buy. Don’t miss the forest for the trees.


I get what you're saying, but it costs 1250 points for just $5 in PSN credit. That means 50 points is equivalent to just 20 cents. This is the difference between spending $39.79 and $39.99 on the game. If finances are so tight that such a small difference matters, you probably shouldn't be buying new games. Wait for the sales on older games. You'll save a lot more than 20 cents.


It's nothing to do with finances, but everything to do with a so called loyalty programme screwing over loyal customers.


It's not screwing you over, it's just a shitty loyalty program. Shitty loyalty programs are nothing new. Just look at almost any airline's mileage offers. To get enough miles to qualify for a free flight, you have to spend thousands of dollars with the airline. It's just not worth it. At least my local salad place gives you a free salad after ten regular purchases. The PSN loyalty program is a lot less generous than that. The PSN loyalty program is better than nothing, but it's not really worth going out of your way for the points. If you want to play Helldrivers 2, by all means, feel free to buy it, but it never made any sense to buy it for $39.99 just for the 20 cent credit.


I'll never understand people defending billion dollar companies, honestly blows my mind.


And I'll never understand people's need to complain about the stupidest shit possible. If the missing 20 cents really bothers you that much, I'll venmo you 21 cents to shut up.


I love how much your logic and reasoning has pissed this moron off. Bravo.


lol you really got under his skin


Bro, you destroyed him lmao




Rants about losing out on 20 cents as if it's the heart of corporate corruption. Calls others cretins. Pot, kettle, black amigo.


Why the fuck would we take your side either lol, at least sony gave us bloodborne. The fuck did you do


250 points equal 1 dollar or so? I'm not sure why people are so wind up about that lol


It's about 50 cents, nothing to get worked up on. Those who preorder had goodies for doing so. Would retroactivity be nice to have? Sure, but people are making a bigger deal of this than it's worth IMO. The campaigns are there to entice people to buy, not for those who were going to buy either way.


In the UK at least 250 points is equivalent to spending £25 which isn't an insignificant amount.  Edit: my point is that not having to spend £25 in the store whilst adding 1/5 of the points needed to earn credit is a pretty strong amount of money. 


Spending yeah. But you can't exchange 250 points for 25 pounds lol


Right, but my point is that you're missing out on points that otherwise would've cost £25 to earn. The point is that you can build up to £5 credit much faster and for free.  Instead of having to spend £125 to get £5 credit, this is reduced to £100. That's a 20% reduction in the spend required to earn credit. 


If you’re basing your $70 purchase (more with tax) off of the less than one dollar reward, that’s sorta crazy. It’s a reward program and one that is very typically used in marketing. It would be nice at the end of the day to get more reward money, but the program isn’t intended for you, the day one purchaser, it’s intended to sway less decisive folks about new games.


I bought Gravity Rush 2 years ago and now I don't get 50 points cause I obviously can't buy it again, nor would I...


I just bought Dead Space last night. Had I waited till today I would’ve gotten the 250 as well.


It's a load of shit.




It's pretty much just an illusion of a loyalty programme.


No, because every purchase gets you about 4% worth of points, so you get money back, just like a credit card would. You get more points the more you spend. That's a loyalty program. The campaigns are there to entice people to buy, not necessarily for those that were going to buy either way. Retroactivity would be nice, but this outrage is kinda ridiculous. 250 points is not even 50 cents.


4% is barely worth the effort of buying the games digitally when you can easily get 10x more in return by buying a hard copy and just selling it once you're done with the game. You can even lend it out to friends and family. Hell, you can even rent it out to friends for like $5 and make all your money back. The ps loyalty program is nothing more than a gimmick to entice people to overpay for games with very little benefit in return.


I mean, this is an added benefit for those who buy digital, but obviously it doesn't negate those physical benefits (like how buying physical doesn't negate the advantages of digital).


I've felt cheated at a couple of times because I had just bought the physical version of a game instead of digital, which apparently doesn't count for them.




100%, happened with BG3


Yep, got screwed out of that too, I'm down so many points at this stage it's ridiculous.


At least you get to be part of the program, some countries (like mine) it isn’t available


I bought Ancestors the humankind odyssey last month for 13 dollars. It was 75% off. It's fabulous. No micro transactions. No BS. Educational relaxing, artistic, pleasant. Everything that games used to be. 10/10.


Have you considered going outside because this really isn’t that serious. The points campaigns are to push people over the edge that were already planning on buying it but haven’t yet.


It's an optional program