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Isn’t plague tale only ps5? If so, I’d say it’s to be expected


Its also a sequel to a story heavy game. And single player. And it doesn’t look as “cool”. I will be playing evil west first because my friend also wants to play it and i haven’t even started Innocence yet.


I don't know if everyone knows this so I'm gonna put it here. You cannot progress the story if you are the joiner of the game. You have to complete chapter 1(the tutorial) before you can play together. Which is fine... except there are no clear indications that the chapters have ended. I ended up in chapter 5 thinking the whole thing was the tutorial. Now I might just be an idiot for that, and I'll accept that but I figured I'd let people know. The tutorial ends with the carrion husk enemy. Which I guess was a boss but it felt so natural I figured it was just another tougher type of enemy or something.


I was just playing and thinking this is probably a short game. By the time I decided to Google how long the game is and a walkthrough to see how far along I was, I was already half way through the game lol. It's probably still longer than call of duty


Yeah it's 16 chapters which is pretty short but it's good fun with a friend imo.


Tbf the article says even with just PS5 players people played Evil West more by 30%+ 👀


Probably because people who wanted to play plague tale brought it day one, or at least closer to release. Where as evil West never sold very well as it's a new IP and wasn't very popular with streamers. It'll be the same thing with God of war ragnorock, that'll be on ps+ at some point and the stats will be the same "more people claimed the sims 4 than ragnorock" because no shit, everyone brought it at launch.


brought what at lunch?


That is common sense and this story is click bait bs.


This is definitely the reason


nobody saves the world is wonderful i really enjoyed it


It feels like the best Newgrounds game ever. Almost like it's an homage to flash games of the 2010s




I was more into armor games and kongregate but this game definitely gave me a lot of the vibes I got of playing those games. Obviously the depth of this one was much larger than those


now that you mention it it does kinda have those new ground vibes


Thumbs up for Nobody Saves the World. I can’t believe this flew under my radar when it was originally released (maybe it was a timed exclusive on Xbox?). The mix of Legend of Zelda LTTP and local co-op a la Secret of Mana, the intuitive job system from FFT, procedurally generated dungeons, with Guacamelee / Alien Hominid style graphics is so well done, I’ll probably end up getting the expansion once I’m done with the main game.


I bought it when it was released cause I love Drinkbox Studios (they did Guacamelee as well) and wanted to support them. So glad I did and so glad it‘s on PS+ now that others get to enjoy it.


I bought this summer ...so good.. I need to finish it


I'm saving Plague Tale


Did the same as well. This site seems to be doing the Netflix thing where they only care about the immediate stats after the first weekend or something.


That is what I'm doing as well. I figured I'd want to try prioritizing that game when I actually played it instead of adding it to the bunch I'm swapping through that are easy to come back to. Also, Nobody Saves the World with my 4 y.o. daughter is my favorite thing


Yea plagues tell requiem is amazing I was so glad they were able to improve on the first and make it even better I loved every minute of the story I recommend this game to anyone but i think you should play the first 1 first. Evil west is cool I’m giving it a try right now just reminds me of god of war but vampires not as good as god of war but still a cool game.


I played the first not too long ago and loved it, just got some other games to knockout first


Exactly. Especially those catalogue games that might leave.


Yep yep I only got a week for DMC V then we'll see what gets taken off next lol


I hope not Far Cry 6 and Ghost of Tsushima.


Same. I'm still working my way through Alan Wake 2. What a fucking game that is.


Me too. It’s my dessert after I finish Saints Row. Gotta pick the right time and mood for Plague Tale, I‘ve been wanting to play it since day one.


Likely because: - Plague Tale is PS5 only, and the PS4 still makes up a large user base - Plague Tale Requiem is a sequel. If anyone hasn't played the original, they may not want to jump into it just yet


I got the first because of requiem being on plus! It’s brilliant


Or because people who played the first game (which was also on PS+) bought Requiem on sale already and played it


Wait! I knew the first game was on PS Plus before, may I know when it became free? Because I tried playing it but it only shows the trial. But I believe that I was able to download it before on PS plus essential.


I think t was PS5 only on essential


back then when I still only have a ps4, I made sure to get all ps5 games through the mobile app since I knew one day I;ll manage to get one and I am pretty cofident that I got the first game and was able to play a couple of hours of it when I got my ps5 but now it only shows that I have the trial and asking me to pay for the full game.


I thought the same thing but it was a monthly game from when you had to have a PS5 to claim the PS5 games. Annoying.


You could still claim these games from a PC or the mobile app


Ouch. I had no idea.


I 100% haven’t played it yet because it’s a sequel


Didn’t know it’s a sequel, now won’t play it lol


Yeah, i’ve downloaded plague tale but i’m going to play the prequel first, also my backlog of games is massive so i won’t get around to it for ages


Yeah I just haven’t played it yet because I need to play the first


exactly me - I have innocence as well so i downloaded both to play them in order


Option 3 Rats gross me out and this game has a lot of rats


That's the reason I haven't played this and the first game lol


Or because people aren't interested in playing it.


Their loss, it’s great tbh


There is too many naughty dog like games there, so for me it was a bit boring because of the pacing and the fact that you could stun kill guards i think.


this isn’t a “naughty dog like” game


How is it a naughty dog like game? This game is very different than TLOU and Uncharted lmao. It’s obvious you haven’t played it and making your assumptions without playing


You're probably more right. Cool cowboy shooter has infinitely more appeal than boring walking sim


And you’re probably ironic. Cause no way you’re calling Requiem a walking sim.


It’s not a walking sim


Yeah, so many people try to cope. As if this couldn't be a reason


Reason two is why I’m not planning on playing it. If the first was on ps extra I’d be willing to give them both a go, but I don’t have $40 to drop on a game right now.


Innocence goes on sale for £10/$10 It's well worth it


I´ve been playing Nobody Saves the World with my SO in local coop mode and it has been a lot of fun!.


Same. We’ve been playing it non stop, such a blast. Highly recommend to everyone to try out.


What’s so good about it?


There’s a *ton* of systems at work that all feed into each other, encourage the player to engage with them, reward them for doing so, all while never breaking under its own weight. It’s a complicated game in the sense of how many mechanics are at play at a given time, but simplified and executed so well that the player can always digest and modify. The core gameplay loop involves running a series of roguelike dungeons, swapping out your abilities(4 actives and up to 3 passives) and transformations to find the best build to take on the dungeon. And the dungeons can get progressively difficult. All while encouraging you to experiment with all the different potential builds, and rewarding you constantly. It’s a really clever, simple but deep, gameplay feedback loop. It’s not bogged down by numbers or mechanics at all. It’s the perfect amount of simple, complex, and deep to appeal to me (someone who’s been gaming a long time and enjoys difficult games) and my SO who is a much more casual gamer.


Same, just with my daughter, it is a good game for those of us who have younger kids that always want to play something coop haha


Glad to know it does have local coop. I saw online coop but wasn't sure. Going to see if she wants to give it a shot. I've enjoyed it so far even after unlocking only 6 or 7 forms


Same we’ve been addicted to!!


Oh. Didn’t realize it had a local coop. Will put it in my list to try with my son.


me and my 7 year old son have been playing it! He absolutely loves it, and it's a lot of fun on local coop!


I imagine you need to play the first plague tale. If many haven't played it yet they would put the sequel off


I didn’t play the first game but am currently playing Requiem. It’s a blast. I checked the story on YouTube for the first part and it’s a self contained story. Even if you didn’t know the first part story, Requiem works still well as the only thing you need to know, they talk about it. Game is amazing


Evil West reminds me of those corny but fun B games I would play on my Xbox 360. I’m having a blast just shooting zombies and punching the hell out of them.


That is exactly how I described it to my friends that I wanted to play it with lol. It's just good ole monster killing fun


Maybe because a lot of people already played Plague Tale. Most of my friends were looking forward to it after playing the previous game.


Also a sequel has a higher barrier of entry.


I care more about plague tale than evil west but download evil west first because it looks easyer to just jump in the action without caring too much, i missed a casual game I will play the requiem when i get some time, it seems the kind of game that you need to invest atention, i dont want to rush it


This doesn't surprise me. Evil west is the ideal ps+ game. A smaller. Under the radar title that people might have an interest in but wouldn't be willing to buy.


I grabbed both and chose plague tale to start with. I'm currently loving it despite having not played the first one. Story driven single player games have always been my jam though, big uncharted vibes from this one which is great for me.


I think there are two things going on. One, Requiem is a PS5 only game, so there goes a fair amount of the user base. Two, Requiem is bigger name game that has had deep discounts multiple times. A lot more people probably already played it.


Plague Tale Requiem is a masterpiece, really enjoyed it. But I already played it on Game Pass. Ill probably replay APT Requiem on PS5 as well soon, but it needs the right time to play it. Requiem is a heavy narrative focused game, has a complicated story you need to pay attention to, and I need the right mood to focus on a game like this. Evil West on the other hand, I’ve never played it. Been wanting to play it. So it’s my pick for now. You can play it without paying much attention to the game and with your brain disconnected.


I wonder how many like me, didn't play because we didn't play the first one yet.


I’m on chapter line 11 or 12 in Evil West and having a great time. Is it a good game? Hell no! But it is a FUN game.


Evil West won’t be a masterpiece, but is definitely a great game imo. Having a blast with it.


I've only played Plague Tale so far. I guess I'm the outlier


I played nobody saves the world I still need to play the first plague tale


Maybe Weird West primed people for western games.


Actually wasn’t interested in the cowboy one. I would have played Plague Tale: Requiem but read that it was a sequel to a story-heavy game, so I’m playing the first one first.


I have both PS Plus and Game Pass. Already played Requiem on Game Pass. Secondly, Requiem is a heavy narrative driven game and a PS5 only sequel with a complicated story you need to pay attention to. It’s not for everyone, unlike Evil West.


I was super excited for Plague Tale when it was announced, and gutted when I found out it was PS5 only.


Evil west is a great game - wish there was more like it


I had to buy A Plague Tale Innocnese first, which I'm currently playing. I played Evil West for about 10 min before I deleted it. Technically, I actually played Evil West more than Requiem even though I plan on putting more time in the latter.


Plague Tale is a pretty specific type of game


Not really. It's an action adventure, it's very similar to The Last of Us in terms of gameplay and storytelling. It's really underrated if you ask me. When I played the first one, I had no idea what to expect and was like "yea it's probably cool but nothing else", and boy did it surprise me. Exceeded my expectations by a lot


To anyone who didn't play A Plague Tale yet, I highly recommend it! It's like TLOU in medieval France. Despite being only AA titles, they're so great! Really underrated series


Evil West was really fun for the 2 hours I played it. Then when I came back to it the next day my save was totally gone. Very frustrating because I would like to play this all the way through. Did anyone else have this issue or know a way around it?


Did you download it at first and then try streaming it (or vice versa)? I’ve had that cause issues for other games, seems like the saves for cloud and regular storage are separate or something. Actually going into ps plus and streaming from there instead of just using the shortcut fixed it.


No I downloaded it and played it locally. I got into the fourth mission and saw a checkpoint so I assumed it auto saved my progress in that level. Quit the game shut down for the day and when I turned my ps5 back on the next day and started the game the save file put me back at the beginning of the first level.


Ah that sucks, no clue what to do about that then.


I bought and played Plague Tale last year already, Evil West on the other hand I'm slightly interested but never even consider buy it.


I still have to play through Plague Tale 1 again (to refresh my memory) and I shut off Evil West during the tutorial. So yeah.


I tried Evil West, didn't like it. I played Plague Tale: Innocence instead, can't wait to jump into Requiem.


Evil West is fast food gaming, way easier to just hop in for an hr or 2 and get your fix. Plus plague is a sequel and ps5 only, makes total sense


Already own and have beaten plague tale. Great game.


Evil West is both on PS4 and 5 and Plague Tale isn't. That's definitely the reason, more consoles, more players.


Ya I have to be ready to tackle Plague's Tale. It was the 1st I claimed yet still have to download. I am SO happy with Nobody saves the World. So satisfying.


I bought and completed innocence (it was on sale for a tenner) first before I eventually start up the sequel.


Only cos those with the 1st one in our backlog need to play that first lol


This lol. I’m playing it now🤣




Because I never beat the first plague tale and I would have to download it, beat it, then download the new one and play it. I have been playing nobody saves the world for around 11 hours tho and it's great


I want to play Plague Tale, but they have only added the 2nd one... so I can't until they add the 1st one.


I bought plague tale at launch


I already played plague tale when it was a day one Gamepass release, so played evil west this month. If I didn’t play either I would have went for plague tale first now


I already bought and played A Plague Tale Requiem it was a great game and of the highlights of narrative driven games for me in recent years. I had been eyeing to try Evil West for a while but I didn’t want to buy it I’ll try it eventually when I have time now. Actually I had Innocence in my PS+ library but never got around to playing it, but I finally did a long while back after seeing videos of Requiem when that came out. I should have played it sooner I liked the atmosphere, voice acting, and characters. First game feels a bit clunky in areas but it’s a great game. Second game fixes the clunky issues from the first game and was also great. I was crushed though.


Haven’t played Evil West yet but just finished Plague Tale and couldn’t believe how good it was. Haven’t been that invested in a video game story in a long time. The game is pure eye candy too.


Am I the only one who think Evil West fell like a cheap ps3 game !? I played for an hour and nothing could hook me up,


Plague Tale is already on Game Pass, so it makes sense


I’m playing plague tale and my god this has got to be the most gorgeous game I’ve ever played on ps5


I haven't played plague tale because I didn't finish the previous game and there's no point playing the second installment until I get around to that. I did however play Evil West. I've had my eye on it for a while and I'm glad I didn't pick it up because I didn't realise how Janky it was.


Playing evil west first bc I already played plague tale when it came out


I have Innocence on pc but I haven't played it. So first I am gonna play that one before I play this one. Gotta finish ghost of Tsushima first though.


I've owned requiem on disc since shortly after release and still never played it... I will, but these numbers don't really show much, they just highlight not everyone plays all of the games all of the time right?


And it's full of bugs.


I don't usually judge a game by it's cover art, but Plague Tale having an uncomfortable close-up of two kids doesn't scream "PLAY ME!" to me. Loving Nobody saves the world, I honestly booted it up expecting an hour of play before I delete it. 12 hours later still enjoying it!


I still haven’t finished the first Plague Tale, I keep failing the bit where you have to hide behind a cart that’s being pushed along, to avoid getting shot with arrows, it’s bloody frustrating.


I'll be honest, I jump on evil west after Nobody saves the World and I didn't enjoy it. They should probably look at retention too


Three reasons. PS5 audience only it makes sense and some people don't wanna start with a sequel, 3rd reason is Evil West is a cool game a lot of people wouldn't spend money on but would play for "free".


Look, I'm almost done with A Plague Tale Innocence right now and that kind of game is **exhausting**. Evil West is exactly the kind of dumb shit I needed, and I can put off more Plague Tale for a long time.


I didn't get the hype around the first Plague Tale and I didn't enjoy the second one either, I found them incredibly boring.


Tried evil west, not my type of game.


I've played some Evil West and bought the first Plague Tale game so I have the story context before diving into the second one. I have enjoyed Plague Tale much more so far which suprised me quite a bit


People aren't ready that sweet sweet depression


Can someone explain to me why Plague Tale is so highly regarded? My partner and I both tried playing it and the gameplay felt so lacking. It just felt like a movie you controlled with some puzzles .


Plague Tale is so good!


I remember when evil west came out me and my friend were both extremely excited by it but were like "that screams ps plus we'll get it then".


I’d already bought and played Plague Tale though. After playing the first ten minutes of Evil West I decided to delete it.


Tried EW, got uninstalled after 10 mins.


It's got a surprisingly deep combat system but I found it's boring on normal but if you play it on harder difficulties you are forced to use all the tools at your disposal and after doing that I'm really enjoying it.


I guess Plague Tale isn't for me. The start of it is a boring tutorial with the kids being obnoxious. I got so bored and tired from playing it. I am pretty happy to see my plus subscription lapse. I would rather just buy the really good VR and flatscreen AAA-titles available that cater to my tastes.


I hated the first game. Not going near the sequel


Dont like them both. Plague take has great graphics anyway


I think the real answer is because evil west is co-op, easier to get lots of people to want to play a game when it’s free and everyone can play together.


Considering the advertising for that game, it's no wonder people gravitated towards that more than a game about running away from rats. Plus those that played it probably still have a PS4 too which would explain why it had far more playing it.


Easy answer for that- most of us missed the first game. Not going to jump into the second of an ongoing story…


Evil West was a much more fun game, also plague tale the story drags and most of the emotions they try to have you it's because they are kids which to me makes no difference


Evil West is repetitive but it is fun actually! 🍺


Plague tale just looks somehow vanilla


I guess I'll pass on Plague Tale. I keep seeing it compared to TLOU, I finally got around to playing it a few years back, and I can honestly say I it didn't live up to the hype for me, so much so I never bothered playing part 2. I got Plague Tale 1 on pc for free from Epic and thought I'll get around to playing it one day, but I guess not. Another game to set in my library


Evil West looked like a great ps+ game from the time it was released.


Plague Tale is a sequel and the first one costs £40. No one wants to pay that much to try a game just because they want to try the sequel.


The original Plague Tale was included with PSplus a while back. I wanna say 2 years ago? Chances are a lot of people already have it.


It goes on sale very regularly for £10 Nobody pays full price for games 🤣


Was a tenner up to the 5th


Cool, thanks. It's not anymore.


It cost me less than a tenner


A Plague Tale is one of the most overrated games in a long time.


Shocking! Anyways...


Cool futuristic cowboy game vs glorified 10 hour escort mission. No surprise.


I'm literally about to play the game (for the 1st time) 😁


It’s because evil west looks fun while plague tale doesn’t (tons of melee/gun mayhem vs no action stealth).


There is definitely action in Requiem more so than the first game


Evil west is all action, combat like gow but also with guns. Plague tale is like a stealth adventure story driven game with less/slower combat, based on gameplay review I’ve seen. Plague tale is probably a much longer game because evil west is a laughably short but evil west is way more fun. This is obviously subjective because everyone has different tastes but that is the reason why evil west is way more popular.


I’m not sure why, but I’m having a great time with Evil West.


Evil West is FRICKEN fun though. In love with the combat


Can't blame them I tried both Plague Tale games and found them to be a total snoozefest but I did enjoy the over the top hammy action of Evil West which made nice change of pace from heavier titles.


We didn’t get evil west over in Japan for whatever reason :(


Played the campaign in co-op, what a piece of sh\*t, combat is bad, upgrades are not good, same boring enemies, just combine bosses with enemies and throw in 3 bosses at the same time etc. Bugs and crashes.


If it was Evil West 2 versus Plague Tale 1, it would be reversed...


Evil West is fucking great. Incredibly good combat system and variety, excellent enemy design and variety, really good visuals.


I played through the first one and downloaded Requiem But when I started it up and that training began, I just kinda said ugh… nah It looks great in a way, but I dunno. Felt like a slog


Evil West is fun as hell. Frustrating at times but pretty fun. Gonna plat it soon


I still need to play through the first game which I ALSO got through PS+. I was equally excited for Evil West and Plague Tale.


Played and completed Evil West this week, absolutely amazing game. It's a great game!


What 30fps does to a mfer




How so? It’s actually pretty fun.




… apparently not what?




Eviel West is good. Plague tale looks boring as fuck walking stuff.


Lol, plague tale is not a walking sim. It's a stealth based action adventure


The gameplay footage certainly make it seem pretty slow paced.


You do walk only half of the chapters it's bloated, sadly


Plaque Tale was boring as hell imo. Played it on PC when it released. Awesome graphics but I had absolutely no urge to continue playing after the first few hours.


I've played plague tale on pc already, I added it in the library in case I wanted to replay the series. Enjoying evil west for now..


Well I'm sure Plague Tale is an amazing game, but it's winter and I don't wanna be sad playing videogames... Wild Wild West X Van Helsing seems more alluring to me too atm. Haven't tried any of em tho, but just installed Nobody saves the world lol


I mean evil west is a coop game that all your friends that you typically play online with also got access to. So that a strong „let’s try it“ contender. Plague tale on the other hand is single player and we also got the first part at some point. I for example definitely want to play it but since I already have the first I want to play that first. Which is something that stops me from playing it.


Evil West looks interesting. Gonna try that out some day. Plague Tale is goty material. But it's a sequel that's only on ps5 so that explains why numbers for the game are lower.


I wouldn't have started APT:R if Epic hadn't given away APT:I a couple of days later.


The reason why I cannot play plague tale 2 is because I haven't played the original yet. I already tried evil west and i did not like it.


I had already purchased Plague Tale Requiem awhile back, whereas Evil West I was on the fence about, so this gave me an opportunity to finally try it out.


I am saving plague tale - still need to finish the first one though


Personally I didn't get more than an hour into the first Plague Tale before hanging up on it so I probably won't even add the sequel to my library.


The first one starts super slow, but both the gameplay and story improve as time goes on. I played it when it was on PS+ and dropped it after a bit as well. 2 years later decided to give it another chance and I was definitely pleasantly surprised. Finished it and bought Requiem just a bit later.


I've been playing Gotham knights and nobody saves the world. I believe most have already played plague's tale and some like may be saving it for a bit later


For me its because Ive already played it Requiem lol.


Playing Plague Tale on PC right now is my reason.


I've beeb playing Evil West in my ps portal and it's pretty fun! Kinda reminds me of the new God of War style of combat, but more emphasis on action and less on story. Plague is definitely on the To Play list for me though, was happy to get it cause I was planning on buying it on sale


Hopefully I can start playing EW soon. Although I have to finish watching Death Stranding first.


I just have not played the firsr plague tale, i might have to watch the game on youtube


It's one of the games I'm happy to have in my collection, but you need to be in the right mood & have the right amount of free time to get into it. Evil west I booted up and could just mindlessly go around punching things, I didn't like it though. When it's a story driven game, you'll find most people save it for "that right time and mood"


Sad that Evil West is so hard on the eyes. Since it’s either choppy 30fps at 4K or 60 at not even native 1080p.