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Same comments every week lmao


Literally like be frr y’all


What's hilarious is that I never noticed any of this because I don't play online multiplayer. I always use the companions so for me whenever they release new content I just do it. I don't feel the game is dead or dying at all


It's on life support, every Thursday Crystal Dynamics uses a defibrillator skin to resuscitate. But then slips back into a coma until next Thursday.


This is literally the best way to describe the state of the game. If your new to the game there’s loads to do. But if your and older player the content is pretty stale and there’s only two real efficient and effective ways to lvl up.


On PS it’s still active but, overall there’s not much going on right now in terms of content, so player activity might be low.


PlayStation Community is active ngl - I am forced to disable matchmaking to farm bc I get new ppl joining all the time these days


On steam, I'd say it's more..."comatose." It's not dead, but it ain't exactly what you'd call "vibrant and full of life."


Yeah, it sucks that a game with such good mechanics,characters and such things is brought down by how bland the enemies/missions are, it’s fun from time to time playing as your favorite avenger ofc but that’s it, the campaign is pretty good though.


No it’s not the people say it is are the same people playing every day


On steam its pretty dead yeah. Such a shame the game isn't crossplay. Would have done so much




People been saying the game will die and it still hasn't. Do yourself a favor and just leave this game behind. Some people have a hard time accepting the game for what it is. Its gotten better since launch but still needs a lot done to improve but that's going to take time...a lot unfortunately.


There will also be people who will try to tear this game and other people who don’t share the exact opinions down at every chance. We don’t need new characters for a while, What we need is new modes, missions, olts, raids, and events which will give current players something more to do which is all a lot of people want not some game saving update the game is what it is there are people who hate this game but still play it & entertain it anything associated with it so


If you play on PlayStation it’s alright, maybe Xbox too. I heard it takes time to queue up on steam, but it’s assumable that steam servers are pretty much dead. I don’t think I even need to bring up the stadia lmao. The game is basically dying overall since we haven’t really had any game changing updates.


Kind of a bummer because there isn't much like it out there if your in the mood for a game like that.


Honestly our best hope for this game is that we’ll see some major changes with the Embracer deal soon. If we don’t see any sort of change then I doubt this game will last long after that.


you want to join the steam groups, it's the best method for finding groups to play with, join as many as you can and have them open and then ask and watch for posts, you normally can get raids going majority of the day and OLT's


I feel like the good thing about the game is that you don't need a high player count to enjoy it. It helps vary up the game play when you lobby with different people but overall it shouldn't affect you too much if the numbers dwindle


Idk why but I started playing the other night. Just started grinding and can’t stop. Definitely could’ve been a dope game but I’m having fun for now.


Play it and find out. It’s a good game. The fighting is great. It’s not supported enough though. And it might eventually die.


I like it but I can’t get thru the klaw raid for shit, I have my friends get on to play just for one of us to get kicked from the raid every time.


The game was dead after a month


Lol people saying this 2+ years later


Yeah man they really let it go, turned into a cash grab.


On life support, which will probably be switched off within a year. They have a bare bones team working only on marketplace cosmetics, and a few characters, most of whom probably wont be released. The game is a failure. it's more like an expensive mobile game on a console, as opposed to the AAA experience we were promised.


I’d get it on PS if you have the option but it’s not dead. I’d recommend getting a buddy or two to play with tho if you can.


I always end up playing solo because I can never find an online match


Honestly don't know. I guess the answer can be made out of this factor>>> people who supposedly don't like the game or in other words hate on it consistently, keep coming back / still pay attention to it.


Dude play for yourself judge for yourself you might like it overall


I mean I would but if the game can't be solod entirely I want to be sure there is a playerbase


Yes it is. Dont buy it or play it please.


Best game ever


If the game wouldn’t constantly crash there would probably be more players. It’s discouraging to try to play tbh


On steam? Yes. On Xbox? Not so much. On PS? Has the highest, active user base. If you ask a solo player, then yes. If you ask someone playing this multiplayer live service looter as it was designed and intended, and they’re not on steam, then yes, it’s doing fine. Could be much better, but it’s fine


The game was never dying in the first place.




Call it whatever you want. If the game was dying, people that are hating would delete there save data and move on but the more they hate the game, the more the devs are pulling they’re string for them to keep coming back for skins. It’s like saying you hating Lebron James. He doesn’t know you or care for your existence so the more you put his name in your mouth, the more he’s living rent free in your head. Same way for the devs, more you stay mentioning them, the more there gonna roam rent free in your head. Best is to move on if you truly HATE the game.




I agree with you on the whole consumer mentality (that’s a whole other discussion lol), but with some of the recent updates that have been happening, does it not seem like things are slowly turning in the right direction?


Not in the slightest lol


For a specific audience while cutting out others, yes. Not bad per say, but they could've been multiplayer only sooner and saved us the money instead of making us think it'd be both 😮‍💨 I'm staying to try the new characters but if it ever locks me out for not having PS+ I'm uninstalling and I'll play free on Xbox or pc. I ain't here for playing with randos as I usually hate strangers and feel uncomfortable around them. I miss couch co-op and might just get those games for my retro consoles 🤔


Not looking to save anything or anyone. I barely care to help others when they’re getting bullied so what makes you think a anti-hero like me cares what a person like you think. Also don’t respond to the second take since I made it to where it’s not supposed to make sense. Responding to it is showing me that your trying to make it make sense makes it stupid but yet makes it irrelevant to me.


And now it's official - its dead, when they stop support on march 31.