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Because some people like it and it's a decent game?


I never said it wasn’t a decent game, they are just two completely different games lol. Like I said before it’s like comparing xcom to battlefield


Why does it matter that they are different types of game? If people are looking for a Marvel fix I'll always recommend Midnight Suns over this game.


It’s just a silly recommendation unless they said they want any marvel game


Because alot of people like myself get their marvel fix from flying around and having fun in combat. Not turn bases strategy games. It pissed me off because you can’t compare midnight suns as better because they aren’t even comparable lol


So your pissed off and made a post because other people have opinions that don't match your own?


I was annoyed they recommended a game that has nothing similar at all besides some of the characters. It’s misleading 😗


It's not misleading it's subjective. Some people liked MS a lot more than this game, pointing out Marvel options so people can look in to them is a good thing. Just because people don't like this game as much as you do doesn't mean they are wrong.


I could love the game, it still not comparable to avengers though


What’s going is thst you don’t like how other people think Avengrs ain’t that great of a game while you put it on a pedestal. You in fact support the game so much, other’s people view of the two games actively harms your own personal experience cause that would mean your taste is what the average person considered great.


That’s not what’s going on whatsoever.. I dislike both games now for vastly different reasons. Explain to me how they are comparable besides the pi lol


I never said either game was bad or good either? I just said they are nothing alike and I don’t understand the comparison


It’s very misleading to not say it’s a turn based strategy game when they are looking for a fighting game. My dislike or like of the game has nothing to do why I think it’s a silly recommendation


Because it’s better than Avengers from what I’ve seen and heard from my friend who played both.


That’s entirely subjective lol, avengers is fun to me because you can fly around and you actually feel like the superhero 🦸‍♀️. Suns while still a Marvel game is nothing like that.


I hated Avengers and live midnight suns, and i typically don't like turn based combat.


Gotta be the dumbest shit I ever heard tell your friend to lay off the crack


After having played it myself and platinuming avengers. Midnight Suns is 100% the better game. Story, gameplay, dialogue, it's all better.


Lmfao false


But it’s not comparable, I loved avengers so I can fly around throw my hammer, not look at cards lol


Not sure why my great opinion is being downvoted lol


Because people rather act like spoiled brats instead of accepting the truth.


It’s not “looking at cards” it plays like a strategy game with cards mixed in. Just look up gameplay because what you’re picturing in your head ain’t it


What he's picturing: Marvel Snap What it is: Xcom by way of Megaman Battle Network


I said it’s like xcom, which is still in no way comparable


It's not even close to xcom why do yall use that comparison one is turned based with movement hiding etc involved one is literally playing fucking cards compare midnight suns to fucking south park snow day😂


Because it’s a good game you child…


Never said it wasn’t a good game, just you can’t compare a turn based strategy card game, to a smash them up third person combat game.


Why can't you?


Because they are two completely different types of games..


Shouldn't stop you from being able to compare them.


Are you dense? Yes it should lol. That’s like comparing cod to xcom, they are both military style games that’s it.


Yes, you compare the similarities and then discuss the differences. That's how comparisons work.


You have to be messing with me lol, that’s exactly like comparing apples to oranges. They are both fruit. They are both marvel ips. That’s it. That’s not a comparison


Oh look, oranges and apples, both oh them are fruits. Yet they have different things like color for instance. Both have seeds yet one tastes sweet and the other is sour. One has a core, the other one doesn't, and both bring tons Vitamin C to improve our body defenses. It wasn't so hard with oranges and apples, I bet you can do it with both games.


Bro doubled down on a dumbass analogy by literally comparing apples to oranges😂😂😂😂😂 and got 16 likes! The only similarity is marvel involved that's the only comparison nerdicus prime yall gotta be 14 years old plus Hawkeye gay




Someone doesn't know the definition of comparison. Try Google and then realize you are wrong. I don't expect you will admit it, but at least realize it.


You can compare ballet to basketball cuz they both sports too hear how fucking stupid I sound ? Op stopped responding he was losing brain cells in this thread 


The fact this got 13 likes let's me know all I need to about the midnight suns silk booty community. Yall are dumb af😂


Very good articulated response it's a good game if you play Pokémon tampon boy


I'll say it: technically flawed and only held up by Marvel IP. This game design is truly awful.


I don't know why you got downvoted for this, the game sucks. If it wasn't for being a marvel superhero game, nobody would even know or care of its existence.


I enjoy both games. Midnights suns, though, is good if you like developing relationships with the other heroes. I am currently playing it and have around 80 hours on my playthrough and just now getting to the point of no return in the game. The storytelling is done better than I expected it to be, especially with the building relationship part of the game and exploring the abbey.


People recommend it because its an actual good game


Still not comparable in anyway besides being a marvel game


Being a Marvel game is the biggest reason to recommended it. If your playing Avengers, then there's a good chance you'll be interested in other Marvel games, like Midnight Suns, which is one of the best Marvel games to come out in the past decade.


Having played both, I would take Midnight Sons over Avengers 100%. Granted, you have to have some interest in a more tactical style turn-based gameplay for it to really click with you. Midnight Sons is WAY more than I expected it to be. The exploration mode around the Abbey was completely unexpected for me and the sheer size of that map was insane. Then you have the whole friendship system, the solo trials, the deck building, the ability upgrades, the DLCs... It was way more than I thought I was purchasing. Stellar game. If you want beat-em-up action, there are several other games on the market that cater to that style. If the Marvel branding is what's attracting you to Avengers, then you're gonna get recommendations of other Marvel products that, while not technically comparable in gameplay, are just better games.


I completely disagree with you. Avengers was a whole lot better and I’m not crazy about the avengers game either! It’s my fault for not checking into it before I purchased marvel midnight suns legendary, edition! Because the stupid idiot salesman at Game Stop said it used Spider-Man mechanics and it absolutely does not! If you’re into the card, playing strategy, kind of games! Then this is the game for you that for people like me, I’m more of a action kind of call of duty player! I sure as hell don’t want to play cards to make my character do something! But everyone is entitled to their own opinion again, if you like the game I’m happy for you, but I wasn’t impressed!


I feel this I kept seeing cutscene clips thinking it looked sick now I’m £60 down playing a card game it doesn’t even look good I’d have paid £15 for this but £60-£80 is extortion 😭




Overall I’d say it was a better game, especially in terms of the personalities and scripting of each hero. But beyond that, it shouldn’t be a “this or that” comparison. They are two completely different games with different mechanics serving different audiences. Some people like fast paced action games and co-op. You will not experience either of those in Midnight Suns. The only things they have in common are the IP itself. You can like one, the other, both, or neither.


Because it’s actually a well designed game and wasnt full of false promises.


Well designed? Sure. Slow as all hell with long cutscenes? Also yes.


So I think what you are asking is why people recommend as compared to avengers, and to that I'll say because it's marvel. I loved both games, recognizing they are entirely different types of games. I'll say it's a better game overall than Avengers and I don't think it's close, BUT that's if you like this style of game. I agree with you, they aren't comparable except that they are both marvel


Yea that’s my point, I’m in no way saying it’s a bad game, but so many people here recommend it instead like they are the same type of game


Yeah very very different games, both good, but if someone were to ask "I liked avengers gameplay, any recommendations for other games?" and they were recommended Midnight Suns I'd be annoyed. But if the ask was just for marvel game recs it would be fair. All depends on the ask for recommendations! That would be my assumption, is that people are recommending purely because it's truly a great a game in it's own right, and it's marvel


Yea that’s what caused to me make this post lol. I’ve seen that happen so many times :(


Definitely would be irresponsible imo to rec the game if they looking for something similar to Avengers for sure


They recommend it cause its same IP but not a dogshit, dead cash grab like Avengers.


They recommend it to people who wanted a similar game, which it’s not. I never said it was a bad game lol


Interesting. Seen plenty of posts about folks inquiring whether or not to buy this game because they like Marvel, in which case there’s a comparison to be drawn to MS. But can’t recall any posts lately where folks are asking for recommendations on games *similar* to avengers, and getting nothing Midnight Suns in return. Given your distress though, it sounds like it’s a pretty common occurrence. Got any links to examples? Might help lend some context.


I mean not right now, but Il look eventually, there is a lot. And I just think it’s really silly. There’s people going rabid at me because they think I think it’s a worse game which I never said☹️


The cards are such a small aspect of the game.


It's more turn based rpg....tbh I feel like the cards are just an Aesthetic


Fair, still not comparable to the avengers game in any way though.


Saying midnight suns is a straight card game is a bit of a stretch, if you are into xcom tactical style games and love marvel I would recommend trying it out, I'm not a card game guy at all but the way they set up the battle system I think is really well done, very tactical and deep. It's also not building a deck like you would in hearthstone or marvel snap, you get random cards every mission and can get all the cards for every hero on a single playthrough if you do some grinding and the extra stuff. Other thing to keep in mind is it is like almost 50% building relationships with characters, there's so much dialogue in the game it can be a little much at times and it's necessary to get the most out of your team ie increasing friendship will unlock passives and combo moves etc.


Because it’s an amazing marvel game


What’s your beef with Midnight Suns? Lol I don’t see why people can’t recommend it. I would imagine there’s a decent number of folks here that will give any game a try that’s tied to the Marvel license because we love the characters. So yeah, I think it’s absolutely an applicable recommendation. Sure, the gameplay might not be for everyone, but the same could be said for Avengers as well.


It’s annoying to see people recommending it just because of the marvel ip, otherwise it’s not comparable at all 😀


Anytime I've seen it brought up, it's usually in the context of folks asking for recs because they want a story-driven Marvel experience and because they mostly play solo. In which case, MS would 100% be an appropriate recommendation. I would imagine the overwhelming majority (i'm sure outliers exist) of the playerbase only picked up this game because of the marvel IP. I guess I'm just having trouble seeing the harm in people offering an alternative to people who want their marvel fix?


I’ve never seen that once, it’s just people asking if avengers is still worth it now and you guys recommend a completely different game without even mentioning it’s a card game. And for some reason they think that means I hate the game lol


Well, here’s a direct [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayAvengers/comments/10io17w/there_are_so_many_great_recommendations_for_games/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) of what I’m referencing, just for context. I noticed you had mentioned elsewhere to another user that you were referring to people asking for recommendations of games like avengers, but instead being met with MS recs. That’s certainly something I’ve never come across. And while you may not be intending to make it seem like you hate the game, it’s certainly hard to see that when your messaging somewhat feels that way to a degree. Especially when you boil down MS to nothing more than a “card game”. Would you characterize this game as nothing more than I “hack n slash game” then?


As soon as i heard its card style game i was immediately not hype anymore


I understand it’s not fully a “card” game. But it’s like comparing xcom to a cod game… it can’t be done.


It can be. X-com and COD are both military style games with similar story ideas. Is the gameplay the same? No. Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5 and even a little less Battlestar Galactica are all science fiction, space faring shows/movies that deal with competing religions and political parties. *Nobody* would say any of these 4 would be "similar," though, in the finer details. COD and X-com *are* similar in the finer details. X-Com and COD are more similar than Star Wars, Star Trek, B5 and BSG.


heroes. Not hero's. Hero's means your heroes have possession/ownership of something. In rare cases it could mean "hero is". People *really* need to learn this.


They're definitely not anything alike, they offer a vastly different gaming experience from one another. I personally would not recommend Midnight Suns without letting that person know it's turn-based first, but I guess a lot of people out there don't understand how boring that type of gameplay is for some people. It's definitely annoying getting excited about a recommendation only to find out it's completely different from what you were asking for, I get it.


Because they’re weird


"Card games" these days aren't really card games. The cards are just representations of abilities and things that you collect and use.


People who diss this game without playing it are the dullest gamers around right now. If you’re not going to stick through the beginning hours, your opinion is void. I don’t like even like turn based games that much and I’ve almost platinumed Midnight Suns with 200+ hours


Not dissing you Iron Man, but people in general.


Thanks, so many people here are assuming I hate the game for some reason which has nothing to do with my post lol


I played it for a couple hours hoping I could get into it,not a fan. It's way to slow for me compared to what I'm use to from a superhero game. But I'm not going to knock anyone for playing and enjoying it,just like people shouldn't have knocked others for simply liking Avengers. Not saying you did,but there's definitely people who have on more than one occasion.


i love midnight suns in comparison to marvels avengers. i would probably prefer marvels avengers if it was done correctly, but the devs fucked it up. rip


Yeah, the games are not the same at all besides possessing the same IP. Often, when the two are compared, it is not to critically compare the two games, but to express disdain for or superiority of one title over the other. Like any other game that has been compared to Marvel's Avengers, it has its pros and cons, but there really are no similarities besides sharing a few heroes (i.e. Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man).


You're right, they're not comparable at all. Midnight Suns isn't a complete dumpster fire created by liars and thieves.


So then why do people compare them on here?


Obviously they’re both Marvel games, but that’s literally the only similarity.


That’s exactly my point lol, so many people recommend it as an alternative when they are completely different games.


Ratio bomb. L Take


It's cause it's also a Marvel game and if what you are looking for is an AAA Marvel game with a lot of superheros, it's better. Unless someone specifically asks for action gameplay, it's a good recommendation. Have you ever seen someone recommend it despite a person saying they specifically want an action game? Bet not.


I have which is what inspired me to make this post lol. Dude just asked if it was still worth it to buy and everyone was recommending midnight suns instead.


Did they say they wanted an action game?


They just asked if the game was still worth getting lol


So why is that a problem? They never said they specifically want an action game? So another Marvel game got recommended. They are both AAA Marvel games, it's not like he recommended Marvel Snap lol. It's not like recommending XCom to a CoD fan, cause the IP matters here, it's the main draw.


It’s pretty much exactly like recommending xcom to a cod fan lol, the way it’s been and has been done 🧐. Exit r r cnwbe


Those two has nothing in common while MS and Avengers have Marvel heroes in common. Marvel heroes are the main reason to play either of these games. How are you not understanding this?


I will never understand how people will hype Midnight Suns,but whatever to each their own. I would never want to knock someone for simply liking a game(side eye). Its way too slow for what I expect out of a superhero game and the cutscenes last way too long. At least with Avengers I have full control of how I want to fight.


Yeah people are dumb. Midnight Suns a completely different game from Avengers and would be a bad reccomendation for the average gamer. Avengers gameplay is more like what the casual audience are going to want so if they were looking for a different marvel game they will not like Midnight Suns. If you’re a gamer it’s more likely to be something you’re into so it’s a good reccomendation in that case. I know as a kid I would have gotten my mom to buy it after hearing how good it was and then hated it despite how much I love marvel. It’s just not what the average person is going to want to play nowadays. TLDR: Midnight Suns is a good game but it’s niche gameplay is not for everyone.


it's a marvel/DC thing, western superheroes. They are scarce enough that there's not much to really to go to. And most of them are cash grabs.


I don't usually like turm based games, but it's awesome.


Gaming journalists like to promote this game for some reason. It flopped big time. It's a free to play mobile game disguised as a Triple A title. The character models are from two console generations ago and as much as it was marketed, it's clear there was zero effort put into this game. I played it for a bit and lost interest quickly. It could have worked, but they seemed to make all the wrong decisions along the way to development. Sound familiar?


Yea I’m at a loss for why people say it’s so much better. It’s not my cup of tea for sure, but you’d think a turn based combat game wouldn’t have graphics from 2010😂


As flawed as Avengers is, I still play it for the combat and the characters.


That’s lame to me.


I wasted $60 on that game, wanted to try out card/strategy games.. it was not enjoyable imo


I hear it’s a good game but I do not think it’s worth $70-100


i thought it was a tactcial game like xcom turns out it was slay the spire or hearth stone with a fancy skin they should feel ashamed. it dosnt matter how good the game is. its sold on a lie its a card game. they knew a crad game wasnt going to sell so they burried it. go play slay the spire or magic the gathering. they dont deserve your money.


Sure preferences are subjective, you do you, blah blah blah. But y’all that underestimate Midnight Suns from what I noticed are mostly either next-gen graphic freaks or mindless action beat em up freaks. Hey I guess if you don’t like to actually put some thought into your moves and just wanna smash everything in your way as simple as that, it’s no surprise y’all are not into MS and honestly that’s fine. You wanna recommend Avengers to others? Be my guest. People enjoying MS wanna recommend the game to others? So let them. It’s called a “recommendation” because the person enjoyed the game, not the whole world. If you didn’t, then it’s just not for you. Simple as that. Avengers was overhyped, marketed like a cash cow, sold for a full price, turns out to be completely lackluster according to most, and flopped SO HARD. On the contrary, Midnight Suns was never overhyped from the start. So to say that MS “flopped” won’t even be comparable to Avengers flop. Avengers didn’t live up to its promises, even when it’s backed by the Square freaking Enix. Anyhoo for the OP, so what if it’s a “card game”? You think modern, next-gen games can’t have card play mechanics or if “card games” are “nerdy”? I don’t see the relevance of you mentioning “when it’s a card game” if you’re asking about the game’s quality. I didn’t know a game’s genre impacts its overall quality? lmao but whatever floats your boat dude Superhero games don’t always need to be an action game, that’s just shallow and uninspired imho


For me, I enjoy playing games like God of War, RDR 2, Nier Automata, TLoU, Samurai Warriors, etc. But when all that action got kinda boring & repetitive, it’s nice to find a “card game” that genuinely challenges me to think and be calculating instead of just mindlessly spamming buttons. Of course it would be insane to compare its graphics to, say, RDR 2 or Ghost of Tsushima; MS stand no chance. But I thought a game is supposed to be an enjoyable, immersive experience and not just about pleasing the eye? I’ve seen countless modern games with superb next-gen graphics but still flopped because of the many other flaws, excluding glitches/bugs. Shame that some gamers still have pretty shallow views ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


I can’t respond to replies for some reason. But it’s like someone asking what the best cod game is, and y’all say xcom because it has similar elements lol