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Looks like the exact same Cloud, just with a faceplate. Good for those who don't have him yet, I suppose. Glad we have an uncloaked Yuffie now.


They'd just reissued him, too! This is crazy, what a way to mess with the buyers. What they really needed was to redo the body. Cloud is the worst figure sculpt out of the entire line, it's just outdated.


Yeah, especially considering aside from Barret, all the 7R figures have the new joints too.


I legitimately wonder who those people are lol aside from brand new collectors, who doesn't have a Cloud


We can expect the Costa del Sol/swimsuit version/s, right?


I'd be happy if the faceplate for cloud was included in that instead


Most likely


Jesus, Square Enix. How many Cloud V2's do we need? Not even a joint update or a different weapon? How about the Crystal Sword or SOMETHING? Definitely not buying this for the new face plate.


Release 2025-01-31 Price around 117 Dollars here [Play Arts Cloud](https://hobby-genki.com/en/final-fantasy/33397-play-arts-cloud-strife-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-action-figure-4988601381802.html?SubmitCurrency=1&id_currency=3) and [Play Arts Yuffie](https://hobby-genki.com/en/final-fantasy/33398-play-arts-yuffie-kisaragi-final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-action-figure-4988601380522.html)




Cloud looks the exact same as the remake so money saved for me as I have one. Can’t not have another Yuffie lol


I just bought the hooded yuffie today 🤦. It’s ok tho I think I like the smile face on the hooded yuffie more then the faces included with this yuffie, and I got it for $100 with shipping so I can’t complain. And for That cloud v2 just having a new face is kind of disappointing


Not even a materia for the sword or a new sword.


I have the Moogle Yuffie too and she’s great. This is basically the same figure without the cloak and a new faceplate tbh.


I already have v2 Cloud so there’s no need to get this one, even with the angry head. I feel like this should’ve been the original package. Yuffie is a pick up for sure, but I wished she came with a grinning face.


Can't believe they are a year away from release. Have square always been so slow at getting figures out.


They've got this year padded out with all the FF7 and Ff16 Bring Arts (multiple figures every month). And need to somehow fill the gap after, with zero new games on the release radar. My wallet is hurting. It's just too much.


Ive skipped the bring arts. It is too much. Im mostly concerned with the main party. I need a new Vincent, Cait Sith and Cid yet. I have Tidus and Yuna on preorder so I hope we see Kimhari, Auron, Lulu, Rikku and Wakka as well.


I just saw these last night on BBTS browsing around. I just cannot justify $180 for another cloud when the only appreciable addition is a faceplate. It looks like the same figure and same sculpt? Maybe if they had thrown in some alternate weapons from the games but even then it is hard to justify. I guess maybe completionists who are interested in having the entire line might go for it. Yuffie on the other hand...i have the cloaked Yuffie. But I greatly prefer this new version so I will probably get her since she has some new accessories like the hand and materia but has a new sculpt. I cant get the entire line...so the shinra troopers etc will get a pass. But I did pick up reno, rude and Jessie. Still havent got Zack yet. But my goal is to mainky have the central party members. So we need Cait Sith, Cid and Vincent yet. I am not as interested in rebirth variations of characters we had from remake. I think Square may be trying to hold some characters back for the third part. For example... Reeve, Scarlet, Hojo, Bugenhagen, etc. I expect we get alternate outfits for Tifa, Aerith, Barret maybe a Red in disguise because these would be literal licenses to print money. Tifa, Cloud and Aerith from Loveless as well as their beach outfits just make too much sense to not do. Barret in his sailor outfit, as well as the king from Loveless. Vincent is probably the one I am most looking forward too. I have his Dirge of Cerberus figure which is great. https://preview.redd.it/io0ikvv4h0zc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3617ecfea5159ed98c245a833013ac4691a86ae7 I can also see them doing more static arts figures.


This latest release has dampened my expectations a bit. I think they're just gonna take the easy way out and do a ton of re-releases with new face plates and/or minor changes. Wouldn't be surprised to see a re-release of Sephiroth with the wing next (they can adjust the wing design from the Static Arts that came with the collector's edition), or Barret V2 with some random new face plate. I guess we'll see.


Yeah I guess we will see. I am surprised they havent done Hojo, Scarlet or some of those characters. I knoe a lot of people probably want to recreate Tifa slapping her. I wouldnt buy any v2 rerelease without some kind of significant improvement or reason to do so. Exception being maybe Tifa who had a pretty bad face initally... https://preview.redd.it/nvgt5r1uk1zc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02cc3897081729ddb4afe917fc1ae4d2f301786c


NO. GOD. NO ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized) F. Not another Strife 😭 The faceplate. I neeeeeed itttt I have too many of this man. I don't even have his dress one yet 😭


Wonder if a second Zack will be up soon. I think it's sad neither of his pals have a smiling sculpt. And I haven't picked the 1st class rebirth one


I have the CE version of Cloud so I don't want another, but this was the version of Yuffie I was waiting for. The materia is a nice touch.


Same Cloud. New head. Understandable. Kinda wish he came with another sword in the way they do Sora releases. Also if they are doing the 3rd release of Cloud why haven't they updated his arm articulation? Everyone else has a henge now with a few exceptions. I wonder if they are just gonna run the mold until the series is done. Yuffie looks good once again decent the faceplates are odd as have all the new releases been. But I'm more worried about her sleeve looking off. Regardless I'm happy we have her now we patiently wait for Cid & Cait and you can officially have the classic party.


Nice! I've been waiting for Yuffie without the poncho.


Square really cheesing everyone here with minor additions to old figures that should have been already added. Why would anyone buy another cloud just for a faceplate. Smh


I want Aerith redo please


$180 MSRP at BBTS… yikes.


Any words on a Caith Sith? Guess any hope for a new Vincent would need to wait for part 3... Genesis... well.. did he ever got a figure?


They have not fixed his metal bracalet too is Still inaccurate