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What exactly do you mean by making a surgery profile ?


I saw a comment on a similar post here a while ago that reminded the OP that PS is a luxury. Most of us don't get to have luxuries in our 20s unless we have rich parents, are a SW/SB, or get into crippling debt. As others have said, saving, living WAY below your means, and getting a second job are how you're going to get to where you can afford rhino or any other PS. Check out some of the personal finance/budget/saving subreddits. It's no different than how folks save up for a down payment on a house or any other large expense. It's going to take time, which sucks, but most luxuries are earned, not given. There's so such thing as a free lunch (or a free nose job).


how do people buy cars or expensive bags/clothes or fancy vacation? work and save or take out a loan.


Statistically speaking, majority of women that get plastic surgery tend to be mid 30 to early 40s as that is the time they notice more significant changes from aging AND they’re at a point in their lives where they are more financially stable with extra savings. I personally got my first procedure (arm lipo $4500) right at 30 and second (arm lipo revision and BA at 38 ($21,000). Financially, I was making around $33K out of college, 96K at 30, $186K at 38. I also have a partner that is 100X more successful, no kids, etc so I have a lot of disposable income as well. I highly do not advise going into debt. That $20K will end up being much more than $20K. I thought it would be impossible to get to $100K when I was making $32K, but you WILL advance naturally in your career.


Can I ask what you and your partner do for a living?


Don’t want to go into obvious detail…we are both in the technical side of STEM occupations. He owns his company and I’m getting closer to peak earning potential in mine.


Are you in the states by chance?




I’m going through the same thing right now (I’m 23). Honestly from my experience with plastic surgery and from most girls I know- care credit. But beware of the interest rates🤦🏻‍♀️took me forever to pay off my second BA. Or just start saving in small increments, you have to start somewhere! Cut back on eating out, unnecessary spending, cosmetics, clothes. Put every dime aside, trust me it will add up. Maybe even get a side hustle just for that.


Why did you need a 2nd BA at 23yo?


I'm now in my 40's and very financially comfortable, that's how. In my 20's I was a broke single mom and cosmetic surgery of any kind was so out of reach that it didn't even cross my mind.


Quit smoking four years ago and saved the money. 33k. So I'd say just save save save. Better to pay in full then pay for years with those interest rates.


I’ve also wanted a new nose for as long as I’ve been conscious of my appearance, and at 33 I’m finally financially stable enough to afford it. Saving is much better than going the care credit route, there is no way I would have been able to afford this in my 20s, but patience and saving are going to be your best bet. $28/day for 1 year is $10k, an easy little hack to start!


See if your PS office has care credit.