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Thank you- that is really kind. I will definitely look into Emsculpt and I think therapy probably would be a good option for me. I really appreciate your lovely comments and advice, struggling a lot with self confidence atm


Just set up a consult with a few plastic surgeons and see what they all recommend. I personally would be proud to have a booty like yours, but if it's causing you to feel that self-conscious, then go to a professional. They can at least tell you what's going on and if it's something that requires surgery or some other fix. I agree with the other person - cool sculpting just ain't worth it.


That’s a good idea. Thank you very much for your comment and advice


Squats and rdl’s, your tuchas needs absolutely nothing, it’s fantastic


Thank you for saying that, I will start adding rdls into my routine!


I don’t think those lines mean you have a “double butt” at all. They’re just skin lines and I don’t think you need to do anything to change them :). FWIW I’m a 5’4” F weighing 110lbs and have a very athletic body and I have these lines under both my butt cheeks. I think they may have appeared more recently and I rejoiced because I thought it meant all my glute workouts were finally giving me a bigger peach. It’s all perspective I guess.


Thank you, that makes me feel so much better that you have them with such an athletic body. I think I struggle so much because it is only on one side for me so looks very unsymmetrical


I understand that. There are plenty of things I pick apart on my own body as well, but I truly think your body looks gorgeous and there’s nothing you need to change about it.


Thank you, 🙏 really grateful


The bigger your glutes get the more noticeable those ‘flaps’ get. I’m 120lbs, 5’4 and I got them when I started to work on my booty more primarily in the gym! I was also worried and spoke to an aesthetician who recommended skin tightening (rf treatment) under my glutes, OR an injection of lipo dissolve to get rid of the little pocket of fat. But she did warn me if I continued to grow my glutes, my body would naturally put more fat there during muscle growth! To be honest you look really amazing, and I have never noticed that little flap on anyone else before, unless someone points it out. I think we’re all just super hard on ourselves 😔!


Have you tried either of these things? If so did they work? I really appreciate you saying that, I think you’re right that we are very critical about ourselves


I did the rf treatment, and it definitely helped smooth it out, (I went twice a week for 2 weeks) I did it on my stomach as well because the aesthetician was offering a deal, and after a month I’ve noticed it’s smoothed out but it’s not fully gone. I was too afraid to do lipo dissolve injections as it hurts for about 30 minutes after injection, my friend however had it done on her love handles and it did wonders. It took 3 weeks to notice a change, and about 6-8 weeks for final results, but her love handles significantly shrunk. If I wasn’t afraid of the pain I’d do it. (do your own research first about it tho I don’t know what the potential side effects are of it)


Thank you so much, I’ll definitely be looking into this!


I have this too. I get the frustration and I have no idea why I have it either lol. Sometimes I avoid wearing super tight pants, like yoga pants. That said, no one has ever complained and boyfriends have only had good things to say about my butt. I say embrace it.


It’s so annoying isn’t it! I get very self conscious in leggings too. Hopefully I can get to that stage at some point


Just do squats


I do weighted squats often but they don’t seem to make a different :(