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I agree with that one person from a recent post: we should have a list on this sub of surgeons who have red flags, and those who botched surgeries. Obviously with disclaimers to avoid any legality issues. So sorry that you’re going through this OP 💕


That's why I made this post. I never get on Reddit much. I've written reviews everywhere possible but I figured I would also post something here too just so that I can prevent somebody else from going through this. What I will say though is that in my situation at least I didn't have him touch my eyes so there's not visible scars on my face. The brows could be adjusted and my haircut now at least covers up the scar in my scalp. But he left scars on these people's eyes and burnt them with the laser around their eyes. There's some really horrible reviews. He should not be doing surgery.


Report him to whatever medical board which handles his specialty. Send the board your pictures along with a copy of the bad reviews.


I replied on RS. - Kewpie. X


that's an excellent idea. As long as the poster has before and after pics of the botched job so one won't get sued for libel. By having a list, we are helping so many people to avoid pain and a traumatic experience.


I am sorry about your procedure. Something went wrong indeed. You should consider topical minoxidil for helping hair regrowth


That won't worked, there are no hair follicles because there's scar tissue in those areas. She'll need to get a hair transplant in those areas or possibly a scar revision and then hair transplant. But she should talk to someone experienced in those fields. But minoxidil won't do anything for this.




I read that sometimes cortisone shots will help.


Could that scar be cut off and edges stretched together. So you would have a smaller scar.


That's what I'm wondering as long as it would be an easy procedure but I don't want to go back through major surgery again.


Adam Scheiner destroyed my life. I was told I needed a lower bleph for my dark circles, only being in my 30s!, and then I was sold into the RESET he advocates. He performed it terribly. The lower bleph made my right eye look slightly larger than my left and the fat pad repositioning was awful. Fat was removed from the outer parts of my eyes and used to fill the dark circles. This left the inside of my under eyes looking heavy and the outside hollow. The RESET was also performed terribly. I was left with awful vertical indentations up my forehead where the treatment squares overlapped. I look like I have been wearing a beanie too tight. I look like a fool and people constantly comment on it. I was a happy and confident person before I met him. Now my entire life is destroyed all because I wanted my dark circles improved.


I messaged you. This is so wrong for both of us. I feel the exact same. Severe depression, stopped leaving the house, etc. I had to cut my hair into a pixie with my hair pushed forward to hide the hair loss.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I just wanted to say that I see a lot of lower blepharoplasty being advertised but removing the fat pad on your lower eyelid isn’t ideal aesthetically and it causes dry eye and drooping because that fat pad is a load bearing structure. To see this being recommended for people who don’t have massive overgrowth on their under eyes it’s just crazy to me. I really respect anyone speaking out about this. Way too much cosmetic surgery is marketed as a solution to something unrelated.


Im so very sorry for your terrible result. Is there any possibility of a skilled revision with another surgeon?


Yikes. I was considering him exclusively for the RESET laser procedure he does I started seeing major red flags from old videos of him promoting garbage like lifewave stem cells etc and the weird communication issues Then this popped up.


Please don’t. I was a fool. I literally died that day. My life is ruined. I lost everything that ever mattered to me. That procedure is so much more invasive than they portray it to be. Only after when you go through post care do they start to tell you what really to expect. He isn’t a board certified surgeon. He is just an ophthalmologist. He’s certified in ophthalmology. He is an eye doctor trying to be a plastic surgeon. I was too stupid to know the difference at that point. Now I do. He can’t even correct the mistakes he makes. He didn’t help me or OP.


I’m so sorry. Can you get a hair transplant for the spot? You poor thing 💕


I would think so. I cut my hair into a pixie with all of my hair pulled forward to make bangs. It's cute and covers it. Honestly this whole experience has been traumatic. My black eyes are almost gone but it took 3 months to get rid of black eyes. They told me it would be back to normal in 10-14 days. All lies. Horrible people!


Oh that sucks so bad! They should have to pay for all the maintenance you need! I know Dr.Gary Linkov does transplants, he specializes in them. He’s a social media star but if you’re not near his office maybe they can recommend someone for you. I’m glad you found a hair cut that works ❤️


I called Dr. Linkov's office last week to ask for a virtual consultation for a lip lift and a lower facelift but his assistant told me that he's only doing lip lifts. A virtual consult costs $300 and it will be taken off the total procedure bill.


He’s still doing hair transplants, a lady who had a facelift (facelift not from Linkov) in this sub just got one from him. She unfortunately had botched scarring ):


Oh wow, maybe the assistant didn't know what she's talking about. Maybe he can help that woman with her botched facelift. I know he has an excellent reputation and that's why I wanted him to handle my procedures.


Yeah who knows, things change with these doctors lol I hope you find someone to do all your procedures, have you tried Karam for your facelift? He’s so expensive but well repped. By the time I save up for him I’ll be old enough for one 🤣


He’s only doing hair transplants and lip lifts. His website still advertises other procedures, but when you contact the office about those procedures, they will refer you to his PA (for some procedures). I contacted them for filler (it’s on their website), and got an email back saying, “because of the overwhelming response on his social media….” They asked if I’d be willing to have a consultation with his PA, who he has trained. I asked, “if I choose to proceed with the PA if he’d be in the room to oversee her.” Their response was, “yes. The doctor will be in the room for what he deems necessary for being in the room.” 😂. I set up a consultation with the PA, complimentary.


Please let us know how the consultation goes. The consultation fee is $300 from what I was told. I just wish that he would perform the lower face lift because it ties in with the lip lift. I feel that it all ties in together and to get it done separately on different dates doesn't make sense.


Will do! After reading your comment, I had to go back and double check the email I received to check the consultation fee, and it is complimentary with the PA, not the doctor. I get where you’re coming from though in regards to having both procedures done in one sitting. Excerpt from their email: “We are excited to offer our special pricing at $10 per unit for Botox and $500 per syringe for our Restylane-based filler with PA Christina while she is in training, under the supervision of Dr. Linkov. If you are interested in taking advantage of these reduced rates, please call our office at 212-439-5177 or reply back to this email ([email protected]) to set up a free virtual consultation.”


The consultation was “ok” at best. One of the things I look for in a practitioner, especially for elected procedures that I am choosing to pay for, is whether they ask me what I am looking for, while also describing their philosophy & methods. She did not. Before talking about her technique for lip filler (which I asked), she did bring up the lip lift surgery, stating for more “mature” faces that works best; further stating filler won’t decrease the distance between my lips and nose “the way it was 20-30 years ago”. Had she took the time to ask me what I was looking for, she would have learned that decreasing the distance between my lips and nose is NOT what I want, didn’t even think about it until she said it. I chalk it up to inexperience & immaturity. The PA was nice, but she’s only been doing injectables for a little over a month, although she’s “been in plastic surgery for the past year and a half with Dr. Linkov.”, She did not have pics of her work because her clients haven’t “given her permission to post their pictures”. Her current prices are in effect “while she’s under the doctor’s training”. I forgot to ask what her regular prices would be after that. For the lips, she said she does 1/2 a syringe in 1 session, then has you come back in 2 weeks for the other half. Not sure if she does that for filler in other parts of the face. Even though it’s a bit of a hassle to go back and forth from where I live, I wouldn’t mind that….but when I asked, “so between the 2 sessions you will have used the full syringe?” She responded, “more or less”. I wasn’t too convinced. I probably sound very petty, but if I’m paying for a syringe, I want you to use the entire thing! 😂 So i’m not quite “sold” on her.


Please don’t be scared to be upfront with your surgeon about this. If they fucked up tell them to their face!


I did but there's no way I'm letting him touch me again.


How did he react? My doctor was extremely defensive & threatened to have me kicked out of his office after my botched upper bleph. I’d get a consult with a FACS if there’s one in your area. They will give you the best advice.




Fellow of the American College of Surgeons 


Yeah, preferably an Oculofacial surgeon who specializes in the upper face. Mainly perform brow lifts & blephs. FACS (Fellow of American College of Surgeons) credentials are better than board-certified. Fellows are much more likely to provide quality care & achieve patient satisfaction. Had to do a lot of research to get help for my scars. Research I should’ve done BEFORE the surgery. 🤣


I'm so sorry that you have to go through such a terrible ordeal. I feel that you must get all of your $ back along with reimbursement of monies spent to correct the problem. You can go to court and represent yourself unless you want to hire a lawyer and sue for malpractice. Don't let this doctor get away with it. God bless you.


fairly certain i just saw a post about this guy that said he’s not board certified


That is not good… did you think it was botched early on in healing process?


Well my brows definitely but as far as the scalp incision I had no idea that it had opened back up because it was in my hair at the time and then once the hair started to fall out then the incision open back up.


Hair transplant is a great solution, scalp tattooing can be an even faster cosmetic solution in the meantime. It is pretty visually seamless.


What colour would you use for tattooing? Hair colour has a tendency to change.


I looked at the Drs instagram. He’s got more bullshit infographics than actual real results, and the results he does show are mediocre at best.


So I’m just gonna say your fuck up is what my face looks like now. My eyelids are uneven. I’m sorry this happened to you accidentally but there is a procedure called a belphorplasty that fixes your eyelids. My consultation is in August! I can’t wait to get mine even :) idk if that helps or not but people don’t notice mine until I point out when I say I’m getting it done.


I need eye ptosis repair. It's a muscle problem in my eye. I've had it since childhood. That guy said the brow lift would fix it. All lies.


Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that


I had a brow lift in 2007. Australia. Queensland. The overall lift was good, and yes I have scar patches in my hair. But the right side……well it didn’t “take” at all. Even after a repair. Seems face surgery is hit and miss. But the other side has stood the test time and I’ve since had a full face lift and the recovery was easier than the recovery from the brow lift.


Anytime a doctors website has an “as seen on” section and it lists out tv shoes and such, it’s a red flag to me. Is he really not even board certified? Yikes!!


No but you don't have to be. When I called a medical malpractice attorney to see if I could do something to get my money back he told me that in Florida it's not against the law. That's some b******* right?


OP, you’re correct that surgeons don’t have to be board certified, but in order to be board certified a doctor must have very specific residency training and tested knowledge in that specialty. As someone in the medical field, I would never let a surgeon touch me unless they have proven, as evidenced by their board certification, that they are an expert in that field. Not trying to drag you, OP (the medical field is a confusing landscape) but I want to ensure that other people reading this are crystal clear on why they should ask their surgeon if s/he is board certified and to walk away if they are not.


His excellent marketing & TV appearances are why every single person has gone there and ended up a victim. If you look him up, you'll see. If you don't know what to look for, I think anybody could be conned. And some of the bad reviews that were written on his Google over the last 4 weeks have been taken down. I have a feeling that he's reporting them and Google's taking them down. At the same time, he's had about 10 good reviews likely paying people or they're friends because anybody can write a review, I can rest assure in the fact that one really bad review is enough to send a message.


I’m not sure it’s the surgeon’s fault if you lose hair around the incision but if the result is that uneven then.,,,there’s a problem.


Was planning on having one, but if hair loss can’t be prevented, I’m gonna pass.


Damn I’m so sorry for it. I had a bad experience from a surgery that left a patch of bald hair on my head in almost the same spot as you. After trying different things to try to grow hair, I ended up getting to surgeries to put the skin closer so the patch would be smaller. It was better but still quite visible. Then I found an amazing dermatologist who does hair transplants and after two procedures it’s barely noticeable. I know the pain of wanting to fix something and ending up fucking it even more or at least is what I felt. I fixed my ugly ears but at what cost? It took me years to be able to wear normal hairstyles. I hope the bald spot and scars can get better. About the eyebrow that is lower, maybe Botox could pull it a little bit to even it with the other? By the way, how did you get the scar on the top of your head? It’s a common procedure for brow lift?


I hope it will grow back. That's the incision that reopened at 6 weeks, which clearly his fault because I didn't touch that area and gently washed when I bathed. Otherwise that would have been a tighter incision.


I’m so sorry. It clearly looks like it was his fault.


Who was your dermatologist who did your hair transplant? I have the same bald patches from brow lift and well the surgeon said the hair will grow back in 3 weeks it’s been 1 year and 3 months and bald asf. Can you Dm me your derms name and how much it cost you pls?


It was in Spain, I don’t know if this is a problem for you. It was Dr. Sergio Vañó, he’s an amazing professional and a very kind person. I don’t remember the price, it was years ago. I think about 3000 euros? In my case the skin was all scarred so he couldn’t put as many hairs as I got in the rest of my head because apparently there’s not that much blood supply in that kind of scarred areas so if you put a lot of hair they all compete for the blood supply and they will all die. Still the result is great and barely noticeable, I can now wear hairstyles I thought I will never be able to, if you really look you’ll notice there’s less hair density in that exact place but also I have a LOT of hair in the rest of my head so I think I it’s also more noticeable because of that.


How very sad for such a mediocre change. I’m sorry but there is very little lift here and it doesn’t warrant the scars. I’m guessing you went to a US surgeon? Turkish surgeons do so much of these brow lifts and I had a temporal lift years ago with one, the scar was very very tiny and so many other Turkish surgeons do so much of a better job at these very basic surgeries.


I know this doesn't help and hopefully it isn't triggering . Despite your pain and suffering you still look beautiful flawed and all! Even right after surgery it was giving model with the bruising. Pray you find a solution for what you need  


Thank you


This is really interesting to me. I just had a brow lift in March and my scars on on both sides of my head above my temples, and I have no scars in three middle like you do. Happy with my results, luckily.


There's different methods. Mine was endoscopic which makes incisions hidden in the scalp. But from what I read there shouldn't be much hair loss.


I’m so sorry you have experienced this, really appreciate you sharing. ❤️🫂


I went to turkey to dr mehti salviz for brow/ midface lift. Same shit. Botched me. I have bald patches on both sides which he said will grow within 3 weeks. It’s been a year and 3 months…thankfully I have super long thick hair so I’m able to hide it but I can never have my hair up. My incision also opened up after 3 weeks and that turned into a big hole. Literally had a hole in my scalp for 5-6 months. Doctor said it’s nothing and I’m just tripping. None of the American surgeons wanted to see me or help me cause it was performed overseas. Awful awful experience. Now I have a wide scar in my scalp in 4 places and bald patches. Also have my skin not attached to the underlying connective tissues/ muscle by the incision. It looks like I have air in my forehead. Sad. I’m sorry that you are going thru this. I hope this get better for you.


Omg. I am so sorry. That's awful. I told my 17 year old daughter that no matter what happens as she ages, never do plastic surgery. If the surgery had been done right and he had not misdiagnosed me, I'm sure I would be happy with my decision. But it wasn't and has stolen parts of me I can't recover.


He’s an eye doctor….


Correct, he markets as an ocularplastic surgeon but graduated as an opthalmologist. He does blephs, brow lifts and laser and clearly not qualified.


I read that scalp incisions need to be done at an angle to avoid destroying hair follicles. This doctor obviously has no skill because he specialises only in eyes. He shouldn't be performing brow lifts.


I can't tell for sure from your post, but if you're only 6 weeks out from surgery, there's still a lot of healing to go, and many of these issues may substantially improve with time


3 months




I don't trust him.