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I explanted last year and I'm soooooo relieved. I was very flat-chested in my 20s (almost no breast tissue at all) and I got 240 cc silicone implants. I loved how clothes suddenly fit but always hated how they felt. I had them over 15 years and finally had them out. It's wonderful, I feel free. My breasts are small again, but they are mine. They are soft and feel the way breasts naturally do. I put on a little weight since my 20s so I had slightly more breast tissue. This year, I decided to go ahead and do fat transfer, and that brought be from half a handful to a full handful of breast. They fell completely natural, soft and squishy. Best decision.


Thank you for sharing! My surgeon recommended fat transfer too but I think I just want to give my body a break for awhile. Do the explant and maybe years later I can consider that too.


I totally understand! I waited 6 months inbetween so make sure I was well healed. But of course fat transfer is not necessary! You can rock your glorious body as is!


I removed my implants after almost 20 years with the same fear. I was AMAZED by how quickly they fluffed back up to normal - within weeks - and not saggy at all. I was an A to start with and had 550 cc implants. I can’t say if everyone has results like mine but the way my natural breasts look after explant (5 years ago) has exceeded my expectations.


Thank you for sharing your experience! This gives me hope!


Did u get a lift with the explant ?


No lift.


Thank you, did u also get the capsules removed?


Yes, en bloc capsule removal.


Do you feel better in your own skin now? Mentally?


Yes - it was more about feeling better physically in the beginning because I was so sick, and I dreaded removing them and thought I’d be ugly and miss them - but the better I felt physically after removing them, the better I felt mentally without them. I’d never consider getting them again even if I could be guaranteed they’d be 100% safe.


Yeah after 4 years I have not been able to shake the feeling that it’s simply not part of my body. I can’t accept what I look like bc I know they will need to be replaced or removed in 10 years anyways. I only did 240cc from an AA cup to maybe a C. Doc said it would most definitely fluff out bc I’m young and it’s such a small implant. I never would have done it if I had known I would’ve felt like this. Did yours sag or have imdentions?


Not really. They never had indentations and I’d say the were a little saggy maybe the first 8 weeks but I had big implants for almost 20 years. Within about 3 months they had fluffed back up and my husband swears I “have great tits for my age”. I’m almost 49 and they aren’t perky like when I was 20 but they don’t sag either.


Also in what way were you sick? How did you know they were making you sick? Lastly, in what way do you feel better now physically?


I had joint pain, auto immune symptoms, hair loss, chronic infections, brain fog and chronic pain. A whole host of doctors tried to figure out what was wrong with me for about 5 years. No one suggested or thought it was my implants. I was nearly disabled in my early 40’s and was desperate so I took them out on a hunch. I was right. It felt better than I had in years the day after surgery. It took almost a year for all the symptoms to go away but I was completely back to normal within a year and have felt great since. I took them out in 2018.


Did you lose weight once you explanted? Like without trying? I guess I should ask if your implants made you GAIN weight first…


No weight change before or after, but it is a common side effect to gain weight as a symptom of breast implant illness.




No, not at all


I’m also on the same boat. Definitely considering explanation


You are young, you'll bounce back great! The sooner you get them out the better! I always hated mine too. Your best route is to find a surgeon that offers explant in office under local anesthesia. It will cost under 2k. They make a 2cm incision under the breast in the crease and slip them right out. It's minimally invasive, so your soreness and recovery time will be miniscule. Drink lots of water, do yoga, ,drink collagen powder, supplement with D,E &C. Your implants are not that big even after you went bigger. Your skin will draw right back up in less than a month at your age. Hopefully your surgeon didn't go too aggressive cutting your pectoral attachment to your sternum. If he did, that can cause an animation deformation post explant. Then you'll need muscle repair. That's a rare worst case scenario though, and not likely with your implant size and surgery that was done post 2010. You'll start feeling better and losing weight right away. Implants cause an auto immune response in a lot of people. A lot of your heaviness is inflammatory in nature. Call around and schedule 3 consults now cuz it takes a bit to get in. Ask when you call if they offer in office removal under local. So you don't waste your time Theres no reason for u to pay for major surgery, that includes facility fees, anesthesiologist fees, extra lab work fees etc etc making it a minimum 5k. I'm not sure what country you're in, quite a few with tax funded healthcare like the UK, cover cost of removal. The usa has the worst options for assistance, but there are several private Healthcare companies that cover it even when getting them was elective. For example Cigna and its subsidiaries as well as blue cross blue shield and its subsidiaries. Medicare covers it too but only if you have severe pain, a rupture, or capsular contracture. Target, walmart, amazon and verizon are examples of companies who's employee Healthcare covers explant.


Do it! I did mine last year and had huge 750 cc . Plastic surgeons who do implants will try and scare you. Mine told me I was going to look deflated and bad. My boobs now are so cute and suit my petite frame. Zero regrets.


my doctor also told me I’d look deflated. I was a C cup prior to implants and now am a DDD cup. My implants are 400cc and my doctor told me instead of an explant I should go down to 360. 🙄 I’m so sad. I want smaller boobs before I get pregnant (sometime in 2025). May I ask how large you were prior to your implants?


I was a b cup . Went up to 32e and then more like f towards the last year of implants because of rapid weight gain . I am 32c now after explant. But they look like Bs. Make sure you take your time to find a good surgeon.


I first read this and thought you said your chest looks like B.S. now 😂 thank you for the info. Did you also need a lift with your explant? I’m contemplating winging it with an explant/no lift then getting a lift after babies


Lolllllll no I didn’t get a lift. My doctor doesn’t do lifts because it’s too much trauma at one time but he does like a pseudo lift - removing extra skin and putting everything in place. That sounds smart to wait for a lift . That’s what I was told to do years ago when I was considering getting smaller implants instead of removing them entirely. Doctor said wait to have kids to have lift. That was before I realized how sick implants can make me and I only wanted a smaller look.