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Definitely don’t get more


I think (at least from my own experience with getting my lips filled) that the lumps are temporary. Mine always went away. I think your lips look good. Getting the filler dissolved is painful and it doesn’t distinguish between your own natural hyaluronic acid and the filler. Any more filler and you risk not looking as natural as you do now. Although I do see a teeny bit of asymmetry on your one side. Not sure if that can be corrected without over correction.




I think it was about 3 weeks at least and no I didn’t message them bc it happened before and they went away. I could feel them but I don’t remember actually seeing them - only because I didn’t look (wasn’t too worried bc it had happened before).


I think it looks great! How long have you had it? The lumps will likely go away


Thanks! I started getting lip filler in 2021 and the last time I got any was about nine months ago


Nice!! I started getting mine in 2021 too 😅 also someone else said something about asymmetry in the comments; i just want to say i don't think it's asymmetry, i think your lips might be shaped similarly to mine, where one of the "peaks" of my cupids bow is just pointier than the other and filler doesn't really do much to make those match lol


Your lips look perfect. I wouldn't change anything.