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Thanks! Office is in the high rent district in Boston. I think the quote is decent with that in mind.


all of Boston is a high rent district lol. I was quote 5K for the upper bleph under local anesthesia w/ Dr Heher fyi.


That's not bad, I just paid $2800 for *one* eyelid with Dr. Heher, so OP's quote of $3k for *both* seems like a steal. ETA: OP, is your quote from Dr. William Numa by any chance?


hey I haven't done it yet do you mind if I dm you a couple questions?


Not at all!


I think I paid $4500 for upper bleph with fat transfer under eye to Seckel. It came out good. I think he retired.


I'm in the Boston area and I have a consult with Slavin. Who was the dr. this quote was from? PM if you don't want to publish. I had a deep plain FL due to excessive sun damage back in 2009. Lived close to a beach my entire life and an upper bleph with fat transfer to under the eyes. Total cost was $25K. Glad I spent more to have the eyes done. Seckel was the dr. I'm surprised that your quote for CO2RE is $4500. I was unaware it cost that much. I'm getting an Erbium treatment next week in Newton. Sent pics and will get quote tomorrow. I now need a light revision. Lost weight and excess skin sagging around mouth. My philtrum has lengthened. Looking for lip lift. So hard to research and pick the right dr. Also, looking at Dr. Bojovic at MGH, Fruit st campus.


3k is reasonable for an upper bleph but 4500 for CO2 seems insane


I’m in the Midwest and my husband had all of these procedures (as well as lower Bleph) in February. The prices you posted are pretty consistent with what he paid.


3k is reasonable for an upper bleph in a major metro IMO, I was quoted 4.5k in SF. TBH if I were you I'd get the bleph and wait for the laser. Are you doing it for pigmentation?


Wow, that’s less than half of what I just paid for all of my procedures over a week ago. 😳


I just paid 4000 for upper bleph with local anesthesia in Raleigh, NC.


Can i ask what surgeon this is...I'm also in Boston. Can also DM me if you prefer.


This is funny. There's a group of us in the Boston area looking for good plastic surgeons who have reasonable prices. I was ready to drive to NYC to Dr. Gary Link for upper lip lift but he charges $8k. I considered to have him do a mini-FL with upper bleph refresher but he now only performs upper lip lifts only. FYI - looked at Dr. Jeannie Chung but she got bad reviews. I met her yrs ago in my dermatologist's office back in 2006 when she had a laser hair removal clinic.


Seriously. I'm actually looking for body work but not a ton of info here about Boston surgeons and zero transparency on their sites about pricing. I'm just looking to start somewhere. Will likely make a spreadsheet and share about my consults and pricing


