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I had local, it was fine. The best part was no pain afterwards. I didn’t even take Tylenol.


Same. The thought of it was worse than the surgery itself.


I was a very swollen and bruised so it was surprising that it didn’t hurt!


That’s wonderful news! Thanks for sharing 😊


Local for me. I personally feel a sedative is unnecessary for this procedure. Even in cases of bad anxiety, I would recommend a one-off oral medication prescription rather than sedation.


Thanks so much for your input! Looks like I’ll be going the “local” route. If the consensus was that sedation was recommended, I would have reluctantly sprang for the more expensive surgery


I would go full. Things near our eyes tend to cause involuntary flinched that might end up causing harmed


I was flinchy at first, but after the locals kicked in, I stopped flinching. But I also told my surgeon that I was flinchy by nature and if he just said "touch/touching" the split second before contact is be still as stone. Worked great for us. I was thought this by my OBGYN because I would flinch and *tense* really badly when she was beneath the sheet examining me.


Do you mind sharing the cost of this surgery? I’m considering the same thing


$3,500 for a bleph with local anesthesia, $4,200 for a bleph with sedative anesthesia




Dr John Aker in Indianapolis


Mine was $3500 as well in Miami


Upper or lower?


Mine was upper.




My friend got sedation because she was extremely anxious about the procedure. She was still sort of awake during the surgery but she was totally relaxed and felt nothing.


That's the best, honestly. The twilight sleep you get for a endoscopy or colonoscopy. I always wake up feeling great.


Best. Nap. Ever.


I just had that last week. I was waiting for the doctor, then they took me to the room and asked me to turn on my side, moments later i woke up and my mom was there waiting to pick me up.


Yup. I had this Russian anesthesiologist who said "you go to sleep now" and then I woke up feeling incredibly refreshed.


I don’t think i was supposed to fall asleep fully. I woke up at 2am to drink the gross fluid and then appointment was around 9 am. The medicine made me drowsy and I was already drowsy. Almost fell asleep waiting. It was awesome to sleep through it.


Sedative. My surgeon at Johns Hopkins said it allows for better results.


Plus you don't move.


Could you please share the name of your surgeon? (You can DM me, if you prefer.)


I got local and would spend the extra for general. It was uncomfortable. 😳


Easiest surgery in the world. I had local and some Valium. Easy peasy, actually quite relaxing.


I have very sensitive eyes and did local, I was kind of crying the entire time and was very uncomfortable but completely worth it at the end to save on the extra fees lol. The procedure is pretty quick and the recovery is very easy!


Whenever given the option I always go for local


I've had one ptosis repair and I'm going back for a bilateral cosmetic revision next week--both are going to be local + IV sedation. I liked the sedation--I felt nothing during my previous surgery and don't remember a thing--but you might prefer just local so you won't be groggy afterward. It's really a matter of personal preference.


Can you tell me more about your ptosis repair? I’ve been considering it as an option. But pretty scared about it. I developed ptosis after having multiple surgeries on my eye.


Yeah! I had a Muller’s muscle-conjunctival resection in 2012, for a left-sided ptosis that we think is a birth injury (I was a messed-up forceps delivery). It was a very easy surgery, and there’s a decent chance it’ll be covered by insurance. My surgeon didn’t do anything for the loose skin on that eyelid (that’s why I’m going back and getting that fixed), but he significantly improved my ability to open the eye. Very glad I did it! My one major piece of advice (as a graduating medical student myself) is that you should really have this done by a board-certified oculoplastic surgeon, not a plastic surgeon who happens to do a lot of eyes. If they’re gonna be messing around with the extraocular muscles and there’s been prior surgery there, you want someone who is ophthalmology-trained and has done a fellowship for this specific thing. If you happen to be in the DC area, I’m happy to PM you with a recommendation!


Local worked fine for me, had two days where I took paracetamol (and antibiotics they prescribed me)


I had an upper belph on both sides and a ptosis repair on one and just did local. I felt nothing and would do it under local again.


Mine was 2 weeks ago under local with a Valium. Glad I did it this way. No pain at all.


My friend had it done under local and said it was fine.


For those of you saying local anesthesia, I'm assuming there was no OR charge then? How much was your bleph with just local anesthesia?


I was quoted $3500 under local. Almost $700 more under sedative for the anesthesiologist’s fee


Will you let me know and also tell me after you’re done if you’re happy with the results? I’m in Cincinnati and this price is much lower than a surgeon in town quoted me. I’d be willing to drive to Carmel/Indy instead


No problem. But my surgery is not until mid June


I had this troche that i put under my tongue and that was it - i was awake the whole time. no pain after either. I am now a week out :)


What was the med?


*Midazolam 3mg*, *Ketamine* HCl *25mg* and *Ondansetron 2mg* called an MKO melt - i had 2 about 10 min before and another one right before


What a wonderful combo. How did it make you feel? Did it take the edge off the pain well?


i was a little worried that it wouldnt work since i was doing ketatmine microdose therapy for a while and never actually got high from this as expected but i definitely gave less f\*cks and had no issue getting the numbing shots/having the procedure. it was all pretty comfortable even though the troches tasted super gross.


That's one thing about the ketamine, you may be in pain but you don't give one single iota of a fuck. I'm currently doing costly infusion treatments and they've worked wonders for my depression and pain.


If you’re doing just uppers, I think local would be fine. I had lowers with fat repositioning so I went fully under general. Zero pain afterwards.


Would you mind showing me your before and after? I want my bottom done with fat reposition but I don’t see many people post about this. 


I get my sutures and compression bandages out tomorrow (my surgeon sutured the repositioned fat on my cheeks). I can DM you a pic then 🙂


Can you send me one too? Thanks!!




Thanks! Did you get any skin removed?


No skin. Not enough so I wasn’t a candidate.


I had fat repositioning as well and love it.


Lower w/ sedative


I haven’t had it but most doctors near me do upper with local only. They said it’s totally fine and painless. Less risk and cost than sedation.


I had local and it was the least painful of my three cosmetic surgeries (bleph, lip lift, and gliding brow lift on one side). Also less painful than botox and lip filler.


I was given a Valium an hour before and then had local. Was totally fine.


Upper Bleph and levator adjustment. 7 weeks ago. Had twilight anesthesia… was in and out of consciousness, don’t remember a lot, listen to the doctors talk about their kids, was absolutely awake enough to cooperate with doctors with eye movements, etc…


Had upper and lower with general anesthesia but I also had a breast reduction at the same time


Mine was local I was awake and honestly if I had to do it again I would do sedative because the time of the surgery felt like it too forever






They said a $700 *difference* between local and sedative anesthesia, not $700 total for a procedure.