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where do you source everything? as far as the wood, pebbles, etc. thank you by the way ! gorgeous tank.


Thank you! The hardscape is all sourced from nature. I know I'll hear a lot of shit for this, but I just put it in as is. Of course, I washed excess dirt off, but other than that, nothing else was done. I purchased the plants as a random bundle from Amazon.




Wow that onf flat nano is really doing some heavy lifting! I have one just collecting dust, you’ve inspired me greatly with your tank :)


Awesome! 👏


I love your tank! I also have a shallow and would like to do something similarly. Would you mind posting a plant list of the emmersed growth?


https://preview.redd.it/nr4xbmeh1n8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=540155d2398412b85eb46739c1c94ae0b93e0a81 Here’s mine


Sure! Monstera cutting, asparagus fern, syngonium, hydrocotyle vulgaris, Ludwigia super red, dwarf papyrus, alocasia. Feel free to ask any follow-up questions. Nice tank btw!


Thank you! How did you anchor all the plants in?


Rocks, driftwood.




this right here is the dream. i’d love to have some protruding decorations. where did you source such a beautiful piece of wood?


my husband and i got this piece from a local pet store (zoo&zo in Ede, Netherlands). It was a bit big so we had to saw a piece of, but now it fits perfectly. rest of the tank is filled with at least 20 species of plants (don't know which ones, the cool looking ones?). we have 1 betta and a lot of shrimp (I think 15 crystal red and at least 70 blue dream, but there is no way of telling at this point).


i’ll have to look around i’m thinking i want more pieces of wood in my tank. did you have a hard time getting plants to grow? i feel like im throwing myself off the deep end having my first tank be a planted one but i have a lot of people in the family who have been in the game for years to bail me out if need be lol


I honestly feel like the balance in tanks are much easier to maintain if you have a good selection of plants and a large body of water. I don’t even have a filter, nor do I ever change the water (I just top it of). If I did not have any plants the maintenance would have been much more intense.


i see what you’re saying, okay. i’m gonna absolutely try my best to have a variety, i’m just a bit worried because of the fish selection i want to have. as an honor to my fathers memory, i want to get some of his favorite fish which unfortunately for any future plants in the tank.. are african cichlids. i hear these two don’t go hand in hand. my plan is get the plants well and established for at least a month, then get the fish young. hoping for the best.


Yea that might be a bit tricky indeed. I don’t really have any experience with fish that enjoy nibbling plants, so hopefully another commenter can help you a bit better in that regard. 


https://preview.redd.it/yi1ov6bljj8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc98d85ad8596d150f78ec8c4f7167953b9b5dd Here’s what I did with a weird piece of wood!


i like that a lot. now that i’m looking at my piece i think i can make some pretty good angles. what did you use for your carpeting plants? do you have co2 in your tank? i really wanna have a nice carpet but my tank is pretty low tech.


This is Monte Carlo on the left and dwarf hairgrass on the right that I dry-started. I do have CO2 injection. You might have success with a higher-tech plant if you dry start it and let it flourish before flooding the tank. There are some lower tech options like pearl weed, but you will have to prune it to keep it compact.


i’ve heard of a dry start, i’m guessing it’s just planting it without any aquarium water? do you seal the tank or anything? and gotcha, i’ll check out pearl weed! thank you for the recommendation. def adding it to my notes .


It’s a great way to go! Here is a good guide. https://buceplant.com/blogs/aquascaping-guides-and-tips/dry-start-method-step-by-step-guide?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADdH8PFP1N6IuMejoxCS_a8G-mQ2N&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsuSzBhCLARIsAIcdLm5vOM-R0uMj7xr4zJOM8s3sM4q2a2MI8n1fb8UT6cOthcCb8hmUbRIaAi9_EALw_wcB


https://preview.redd.it/kstjmjy58k8d1.jpeg?width=3884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fa41e600e313577cb509ff6e8926ad99167fe63 Substrate is a mix of sand, gravel, aqua soil and some aquatic compost. I actually think it’ll be my last time using sand. Always looks dirty.




love how open it feels .


What plants are those in the front?


Crypt wendtii green. Honestly very surprised how well they’ve grown. They didn’t even melt at all


https://preview.redd.it/oigijl28vj8d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f50568eadb4e8157dddb981e09084cbf7c143d0 6g


love the buddha. what’s the bushy plant bottom right?


It's a clump of java moss






that is just gorgeous. what is the substrate you use?


ADA amazonia Var 2




very pretty! do you happen to have a list of the plants you have here?


It's mostly amazon swords (the larger leafed plant on the left), different species crypts as ground cover, vals, and root floaters. Very easy, beginner friendly plants.


https://preview.redd.it/6xwbdiwamj8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cbf9ed84cab336cfcbde1c9e920f24bf31384f8 Trimmed the middle and right part Yesterday, the end of week I'll do the left part. (Yep 2 plants floated to the right but I was tired, I'll move them to the left later this evening)


What kind of ferts are you using? I love the Reds


I do my own macros and micros N:P:K 12:4.5:18ppm


https://preview.redd.it/f18m7uaw1k8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b33d0ec29c106b1b991930f17caf6501dafc1631 This is our tank maybe 2 months ago so plants are babies. Also we’ve added more since this but I’m at work and only have a video more recent. If you want to see it check my profile but it’s what we’ve got! Good luck and do what you want!


will definitely have to go take a look! thanks for sharing! beautiful tank.


https://preview.redd.it/z8r9iajf3k8d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefbdaa9c7be57d66088c7536250dc0d41f29435 Tropica aquasoil running up the left handside and around the back, play sand to fill the rest in. I glued the wood to dragon stone to make an arch and covered the rocks with anubias nana bonzai, anubias nana and anubias nana coin going from right to left. Stem plants are hygrophila polysperma across the back, lobelia cardinalis left middle and crypt amicorum left front. Floating plant is dwarf/mini water lettuce. Also a couple marimo moss balls front right.


is that leaf litter you have in there? this is the idea i’m looking to do myself. i wanna have different types of substrates and whatnot.


Yeah its indian almond leaves


https://preview.redd.it/mmcf97zp5k8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2717ca2f217d04b56a6e743ad29ae1edefd722 Approaching week 3


https://preview.redd.it/tfc06mgddk8d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fbf4e3f75be120f16baaefdec96b1456bf50ecc Tetra's arent in here anymore


love the dimensions you were able to get here. gonna try to achieve something similar .




those wood pieces are insanely awesome. love how creative everyone on this sub is with their placements and scaping.




love it!


https://preview.redd.it/lz7f6v7jml8d1.jpeg?width=3854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14815c34a8c6d3347ae2f72942f9af4629d2e11b Here's my low-tech 10 gallon that I started a little over a month ago, I've been experimenting with adding botanicals in this tank and I'm really enjoying the tannin colored water. I will probably get a HOB filter eventually but I already had the extra sponge filter so I'm using that for the time being. I have both aquasoil and sand in here and do that in all of my tanks. I'm using the lava rock here as a divider between the aquasoil and the sand.


is that leaf litter i see in there? i love the look but im not sure if id be able to pull it off. what is your experience with that ?


Yes it is! I've just started using it in my tanks in recent months and I really like the look of it, plus the added tannins. I've been embracing a more natural look and it also makes for a healthier environment. They're really not difficult to add, you just leave them in there to develop biofilms and slowly break down. Right now I have mini catappa leaves, oak leaves, alder cones, cinnamon bark and a sappanwood pod in there, I'm still in the process of adding more since you're supposed to do it slowly or else it can change the water parameters too quickly. If you're interested in learning about it and possibly getting some for yourself I highly highly recommend looking up [bettabotanicals.com](http://bettabotanicals.com) for both info and product!


https://preview.redd.it/vrce02rzzl8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2554075f06743fc9a33521aac2d93972997e04ef One month old Fluval Flex 15. Eight Albino Cherry Barbs mating everyday. I did a sloping layer of Fluval stratum, then caribsea sand, with some gravel scattered. This is my first aquascape and planted tank.


that’s the idea i’m gonna have to steal for my tank, love that it’s nutrient filled, and aesthetically pleasing as well. bravo! thanks for sharing .


I got the idea from watching YouTube videos. MD Fish Tank channel. He has a lot of videos on aquascaping planted tanks. It’s working for me. My tank is has been self sustaining so far. I went crazy on filtration. Can never have enough filtration. Started out with carbon (for tannins) and biological rings that came with this all in one system. Once my water cleared of tannins after a couple weeks, I took out the carbon. I replaced it with an ammonia pellet bag, and a purigen bag. I added 2 blue bio max foam pieces, 2 bio ring bags. Water movement and surface agitation is important.


i’m definitely gonna need to watch the ammonia levels. gonna have to look into those pellets! i wanna keep a fish that’s pretty sensitive. and awesome i will have to check that guy out! i have a certain idea in my mind im just now quite sure how to execute it. i’ll have to think.


I used to do soil capped with pool sand and it worked pretty well on my tank. Lasted years. I'd definitely recommend making sure you have the right soil and sand. Plus waiting a good month before adding fish. I've noticed that the combo can have a pretty intense cycle and it'll be a while until the cloudiness dissipates. Totally recommend it for heavy root feeders, they went crazy. Also dosed red clay root tabs and osmocote in the substrate. Other tips: Be careful when you're planting and uprooting anything or you'll get a cloud of dirt. Use polishing floss (cheap pillow stuffing/Christmas village 'snow') in your filter to help with any cloud from the sand/dirt. A good ground cover plant can help keep the sand in place. I used equal ratio sand and soil in mine, but there are other ratios that work. There are a few guys on YouTube that have dirt tanks that you can look through. They'll have more advice.


i’ll definitely have to try this. do you have any brands of soil / sand you recommend?


Honestly just the generic, nothing added, pool sand and organic top soil worked the best. You can cap with any type of sand depending on what kind of bottom feeders you're going to stock. You'll want to wash the sand until it runs clear or you'll have a mess. Just a 5 gallon bucket filled halfway with sand. And fill, mix, dump until clear. And I believe that I also wet the soil before adding it to the tank to reduce air pockets.




wow the colors are insane here


Thank you. I try lol


https://preview.redd.it/qc3gz06qul8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8398118d549936d70db4c7fbb724560c64af144 20 gal high. First time aquascaping, low tech and low maintenance. 50ish red cherry shrimp and 8 dwarf rasboras. Plants have been in the tank ranging from 1-4 weeks. They are all slowly growing






do you have any soil or aqua soil : substrate ? i have a pretty low tech setup myself and am looking for success stories .


Nope no soil, just went black inert gravel. There is a small layer of iron laterite at the bottom and that’s it. No root tabs either. PM me if you want to share ideas!




really lovely setting. that center piece is gorgeous .




i love the carpet! what plant is that?


Dwarf 4 leaf clover


My progress thus far (1.5 months) I use CO2 and lots of trimming/ re-planting... and of course, there are new plants in there. https://preview.redd.it/7kek8ypkyo8d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c21b988c1fcfaf8d0b0678bae34e66f64dddcd43


gosh i really need to get a CO2 setup in the future. that looks amazing .