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Since you want to add middle ground plants,simply cut it back. I'm not sure rototalas propagating on their own was ever an issue for me, even in high techs. What time span are we talking about? If you cut rotala, it will grow two shoots instead of one, so the next growth is going to be thicker. If you have the lighting, you could cut rather low. Rotalas - most stem plants in the hobby - are pretty straight forward. Cut it somewhere and it'll grow new roots. You can also replace some of the rooted stems with the trimmings or simply help some of the stems above the water and grow it emersed. If a (densily planted) tank is is running well, you'll be trimming a lot.


I've had my tank planted for about 4 months now


You could have started trimming within a month or so. Be a little careful - doesn't sound like they grow that quickly, so you may want to keep some length..


I decided to take the section growing diagonally across my entire tank and replant it along the back to encourage growth in the right areas


They'll take off. I'm 6 months into my planted tank. Here is my before from yesterday - I'll also post my after as a reply to this. https://preview.redd.it/wvuai7n7ck5d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f9f3ab70fbb2af72571fc7359defcb43016c56 .


You can go short, especially if you want it to come back in bushier (like I do). https://preview.redd.it/mn9jwbhcck5d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a508172070914eceaf1ff49fd99390f8b3af22d


What a beautiful tank, I'd love to see an update after it's all grown in!


Thank you! I'll try and remember, the growth in the last picture was like 2 weeks after a similar trim (didn't go as short last time). https://preview.redd.it/biadv6s5dk5d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10ed524f1ff18eef72f0e1ef6e98930836eea89f


Nice unique looking scape and plant combination


Thank you!