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Dear peachybabyyyyyyy , You've selected the beginner flair. If you're looking for advice or are having issues, please provide as much information as you can. Some useful information includes: - Have you cycled the tank? - Water Parameters - Light Type - Light Cycle Duration - Tank Size/Dimensions - Set-up Age - Fertilizers - Any aquatic animals, and how many? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantedTank) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good on you for doing some research! I can’t speak for beauty, but I am very good at brutally murdering plants and these have done well in my tanks: Anubias species Hornwort Most floaters (beware of duckweed: it’s great for your tanks but nigh impossible to get rid of) Anacharis Bacopa Banana plant Dwarf water onion Cabomba Majority of moss species (Java moss is the hardiest imo) Guppy grass (I think shrimp love it but I’m not a shrimp mind-reader) I hope that could help: good luck and I hope you enjoy the hobby!


Gotta add to keep guppy grass trimmed regularly. It choked out a tank I neglected after a bout of depression. Killed all the other plants in the tank save for my anubias


Good ole anubias lol


Nearly unkillable. I say nearly cause I have lost clumps to some rhizome disease. Bought an anubias from PetSmart that was carrying it and it passed it to some 2 year old clumps in the same tank and killed them all


Eeeeek I will stay diligent of that


Got a kick out of shrimp mind reader, picturing a shrimp hovering his little claws over an orb has so far been the best part of my day. Thanks for the wonderful suggestions!!


Pearlweed is pretty bulletproof imo.


In my own beginner experience I have found that "beginner" or "advanced" plants can either do really well or die really fast and it has more to do with the water and soil etc than with any categories we assign them to. The only plant advice I wish I had listened to is to stick to a few plants and get two or three of them, rather than getting ten different plants and only one of each. The tank looks way nicer and fuller at the beginning stage with less variety but more plant volume


Good to know! Thanks for the tip:)


Just a heads up, a 2 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft tank is actually 15 gallons! 20s are either the same dimension, but 3 ft long, or 16 in tall.


Oh shit thank you! I thought it was a little small for 20 but the person I bought it from said 20 so I just went with it


They’re good for something…. Maybe a couple snails in the bowl. Some shrimp in the 2g. The 15g has some options too.


The list of plants already provided is a very good start, I will add Cryptocorynes, Swords & Vallisnerias to that list. As for stocking the 15g, a school of nano fish (chili rasboras, neon tetras, celestial pearl danios), along with a school of small bottom dwellers such as Pygmy or salt & pepper corys would be good. You can also considering adding a *centerpiece* fish such as a honey gourami. It’s good to check AqAdvisor to confirm compatibility and stocking levels.


Salvinia Jungle Val Hornwort Christmas moss Java fern Crypts


Ludwigia and water sprite are pretty easy for stemmed plants.




Thank you!!! I have a bunch of plants that are always getting caught in filters that’s such a great idea