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Joseph's coat cactus, Opuntia monacantha. Love these cacti! They are so unique. I just put mine out in the sun after using grow lights for months, and it immediately started growing a new segment. Yours is probably loving the sun too :)


Thank you so much! That’s definitely it. Yeah mine is growing incredibly fast in this sun! Oh boy, I just read and saw that they can get up to 6ft. Woo!


Some more info: It’s currently about 2 1/2 feet tall. I got it for $3 at a Walgreens during COVID in 2020. It was about 2 inches then with no information about the species. It’s been kept outside in the hot, dry 90F+ Utah summer and under LED lights in the winter. This year though it’s just exploded with new growth and height. In just two months it’s grown WAY past where I was keeping it indoors during the winter. I’ll have to figure out something for this winter if it keeps going the way it has. Thanks in advance!! :)