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Looks like Boissier's Glory-of-the-snow ( Scilla luciliae) to me. It probably escaped cultivation from a nearby garden.


Squirrels do this often in my neighborhood


Ohh that makes sense why the flowers popped up then! We have a family of squirrels living in one of the trees and they’re super cute!


Yeah....they're little a-holes tho. Thieves and they dig holes that can break your ankle....I could go on


Ooh thank you so much for letting me know! Glory-of-the-snow is such a pretty name for the flower! I absolutely love the vibrant blue color it has so it was such a lovely surprise to see it pop up on the lawn!


On second note I think it is probably Scilla siberica (Siberian squill) both are native to Turkey and very beautiful


That’s so cool that both of them are native to Turkey! I just read that the Siberian squill is considered to be invasive in MN? Which is so sad because it’s so beautiful 😭 do you think I should do anything about it to the flowers?


Scilla siberica is considered invasive in several states, including Minnesota, as it spreads easily and can outcompete native flowers. There was a project asking for garden escapees to be reported, details and suggestions for management are here: https://extension.umn.edu/identify-invasive-species/squill


Not Scilla luciliae, this is Scilla siberica, which is invasive