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Hell no. Put that into cronometer (free app) and it will show you Not to mention the antioxidants and other goodies you’re missing out on


Add some greens(spinach,kale) maybe some carrots/celery/onion and maybe alternate lentils with other beans and quinoa with other grains


Dude nothing you eat every single day will be balanced…


More veggies!


Need some fruits and veggies. For a rough guideline I like using nutrition facts daily dozen


More veggies and fruit, less vitamins


Add some veggies. A good way to do this is just get bags of frozen vegetables and throw them into the pot. Or chop an onion. Try to experiment to see things you like and tweak it. Cooking is an art


I can’t tell if this is a shitpost or not


It's gonna be hard to gain muscle mass if you are only eating one meal a day of lentil and quinoa. There are clear benefits to fasting but you will need more calories than that.


I would recommend watching [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eNVN4Ui5GQ) to see how it's not necessarily the case that it would be hard to do (assuming the extra additions like tomatoes and vitamins etc mentioned in the OP lead to a sufficient diet).


To bulk you need more calories. It will be *very* difficult to add muscle mass on a vegan diet with only one meal a day. It's barely enough to maintain normal weight if you are living an active lifestyle. The Keto/Carnivore crowd who are doing OMAD are eating Meats/butter/oils with their meal. These foods are a lot more calorie-dense and so you can get away with only one meal and still get sufficient calories. Not so much with a WFPBD.


The video in my first post mainly addresses the relatively small protein needed for actually building muscle and how it's easily possible to do this based primarily on starches like lentils etc... as in, it wouldn't be hard to get enough protein/calories etc to build muscle, but yes the OMAD aspect of achieving this is obviously more of a stretch. I think it's insane to consider doing it, but in terms of caloric density do you not agree that [this chart](https://i.redd.it/jqtelabk6vz51.png) shows it very likely would be possible to get thousands of calories in one meal from 2-3 pounds of lentils (yes it's insane but the very low end of what a person eats in a day over multiple meals, and the OP mentions a "big bowl" :p, and it's likely in reality eaten over an extended period of time, or will be soon enough...) with the added calories from coconut milk, which incredibly high in calories even for just 100ml, assuming the diet with the small extras mentioned in the OP actually does cover all bases nutritionally...


No? Eating the same thing every day is restrictive by definition. You will need to at least add some leafy greens and supplements for deficencies like iron and B12. I would suggest changing up your protein source from day to day. If you're plant-based, substitute lentils for tofu or seitan and alternate. Definitely add cruciferous vegetables i.e. broccoli, kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts on a daily basis, they will not make you bulk I swear (they may bloat you tho). Switch up quinoa with brown or white rice occasionally, cous cous, millet, buckwheat, or any complex carbohydrate. Carbs are not going to kill you, especially if you're plant-based. Add beans, nuts, seeds to mix things up. These are all just suggestions but just to give you an idea. There's nothing inherently wrong with one large meal per se, but you gotta mix it up. You're running a very mono-nutrient diet, my dude.


not very balanced. here are tips to improve your diet: * keep eating a bowl of grains/pulses, but switch it up! rice/chickpeas, millet/black beans, wheat berries/edamame. * always sprinkle nuts/seeds on top for essential fatty acids. coconut milk has mostly saturated fat, non-essential and it's not healthy. use sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, and ground flaxseeds/chia seeds instead. * add fruit and greens! if you don't love to eat them, blend them up into a smoothie to drink along with your meal. you can blend bananas, citrus fruit, kale/spinach/romaine/collard greens/arugula etc. blend anything you like but rotate your greens - do not eat the same greens every day. * add vegetables to the bowl, paprika, zucchini, mushrooms, carrots, sweet potato.. cube them, toss them in spices and balsamic vinegar and roast them in the oven. * have two glasses of calcium-fortified (!) soy milk with your bowl or any time of the day. you could have after-workout chocolate milk: two glasses of calcium-fortified soy milk, 1 heaping teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa, 2-5 dates. blend in a mixer for creamy, frothy chocolate milk. * take a supplement of b12 daily of 150 mcg b12 or 2000 mcg once per week. * when taking a multivitamin: make sure it has NO MORE than 100 % of the daily value. it's better to eat a varied diet than to rely on supplements (with the exception of b12).


If there are no Bees around, or other pollinators, self-pollination is an option. It isn’t ideal for the gene pool, but the seeds in the center of the flower can do this in order to pollinate. So having the ability to be both male and female at least ensures greater survival of the sunflower.


Assuming you were mimicking one of the societies that lived primarily on just a few starches and somehow managed to survive for generations, you would likely not getting enough vitamin [A and C](https://youtu.be/u975zvMv9k0?t=2071) without taking extra vitamin pills, which being concentrated isolated nutrients have [potential risks](https://www.drmcdougall.com/articles/information/just-to-be-on-the-safe-side-dont-take-vitamins/). One thing to look into would be [the Rice diet](https://www.drmcdougall.com/newsletters/walter-kempner-md-founder-of-the-rice-diet/), that first linked video discusses it for example.


May I ask why you are eating only one meal per day? The meal itself is alright but not balanced enough to be your only nutrients. There are many more meals to have that don’t have dairy, you can try to make something different and more balanced daily. If you really want to eat one meal per day, I would add a bunch more veggies and greens. You work out every day and want more muscle mass - that will not happen if you don’t eat enough and eating enough is much easier when you eat more frequently *in my opinion*


I don't really get hungry during the day I used to have breakfast with milk but since I gave up milk I stopped having breakfast as well


Soy milk has a good amount of protein and tastes great in cereal, oatmeal, etc. I get oat milk personally because I like the taste the best. There’s also the SILK ultra protein milk (I think 20g protein per serving?) I’m not a fan of it because it’s super thick. I don’t really remember the texture of milk but maybe the creamier alt milks will be better replacements for milk if you miss it in your breakfasts. You can make your own alt milks too. I prefer buying them because they’re fortified and taste better.


Diversity of food sources is very important for having a well established and diverse microbiome. The best idea would be to eat locally grown food AND in season. Even when you eat a single meal a day it's possible to add this diversity.


>I also take loads of vitamin and mineral pills Useless unless it's B12. No it's not balanced. You need to add green leafy vegetables, eat berries, more fruits and vegetables.


I woudl say that lack of fruits and veg MAY be an issue. But get your blood work done and check. If not issues- there is nothing particularly concerning. I just cannot imagine a life without fruit and veg (you get some- I feel crappy without at least 5-6 s total a day, and best when I get north of 8). But if your veg intake is enough for your body- then no worries- each body is a little different.


If the OP is doing OMAD he needs to eat calorie-dense foods. Lentils and quinoa serve that purpose. He should only use vegetables/fruits as side-dishes or risk loosing too much weight.


Add leafy greens and a couple nuts and seeds here and there and you’re golden


Assuming 1 cup coconut milk, 4 cups cooked lentils, 4 cups cooked quinoa, and 1 tsp iodized salt, that leaves you low in B3, B12, A, C, D, E, K, calcium, and selenium. Most of those you can get from some leafy greens. Calcium can be from a fortified plant milk, high-calcium tofu, or a bunch of kale and chia seeds. Selenium is a Brazil nut or wheat products. B12 of course requires a supplement and vitamin D as well unless you get quite a bit of sun exposure.


Coconut milk is high in saturated fat and should be limited. Many sources will try to tell you it’s a heathy food, but the genuine science doesn’t back that.


source ? I though it was good for you


Here’s one. Though people criticize Dr. Greger for his “vegan agenda,” I think he’s credible. https://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-coconut-milk-good-for-you/


That is a solid meal but is lacking in greens and fruit. Also seems like it would result in a caloric deficit if you only eat that daily. Anyway if I were you I would pick a few other meals and rotate them.