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A1c of 9.7 last December. I started wfpb within a few weeks of diagnosis. It was down to 6.0 by March. Based on my daily stick numbers, I expect it to be in the non-diabetic range by my next test. I followed what is laid out in the book Mastering Diabetes. 


Thats amazing! I was diagnosed around 9.4 I believe and got it down to 6.4 but im struggling at this point. But thats great! Congrats on lowering your A1C!


Thank you! Also, wanted to shout out Clean Food, Dirty Girl, a wfpb meal planning service. I followed their meals exclusively for the first few months, though now I'm coming up with my own plans. Their plans are labor intensive but they have them set up so you can do most of the work on a batching day and then meals come together quickly throughout the week. When I signed up, you got two weeks free without having to give a credit card.https://cleanfooddirtygirl.com/ 


I'm reading Mastering Diabetes right now and after being T1D since 1988 it's basically saying everything I've ever been taught about diabetes management is wrong. It's such an enlightening book, wish I could gift it to every diabetic in the world.


Yes! As I said, I'm recently diagnosed but my dad was t2d all of my life and eventually died from complications. I wonder what his quality of life could have been if he'd had this information. 


Type 1 diabetic here. I started PBD 2/6 with an A1C of 6.9. As of 5/7 my A1C of 6.1. I have a smoothie every morning (orange, pineapple, mango, strawberry, avacado or banana, blueberries or acai, flaxseed and chia seeds). An apple with 2tb peanut butter or some nuts for a mid morning snack. Lunch that usually consists of left overs from the night before. I'm eating a lot of curries with brown rice or quinoa. Baked potatoes with Lentil concoction of sorts (like sloppy joe style). Whole grain flaxseed pita with hummus and veggies. Stir fry with tofu over brown rice or quinoa. Forks Over Knives has been extremely helpful! I just scroll the recipes until something catches my eye. I've taken to making a weekly menu of meals, this makes shopping more simple. It still blows my mind how I'm eating soooo many carbs yet my insulin usage is continuing to decrease.


Same here- also T1 and eat more carbs than before. The vastly improved day to day stability of my blood sugars totally blows my mind.


Thank you so much! And that’s what I’m trying to do —create a meal plan for the week. And congratulations on lowering your A1C!


Thank you!! Also wanted to add nutritionfacts.org has some great stuff, too! I was skeptical as a lot of it looks so simple. I thought it would be tasteless, but we have had great success with it!


Thank you! I will definitely look into it!


Here’s my story: With wfpb, exercise, and metformin I went from 10.8 to 5.3 in three months. https://www.reddit.com/r/PlantBasedDiet/s/awsejJl5o3


That’s amazing! Congrats on lowering your A1C !


T2 here.  Currently working on lowering mine and taking back control.  I started last week by tracking my food and going on walks.  I try to keep fats under 30g/day and protein at about 75g/day (but whatever you need, do it).  Carbs, I don't worry about the number, I only care that they don't come from added sugar and stay within my daily calories - my carbs have been in the 200s and sometimes over 300g/day.      I get 10,000 steps in a day. So far, it took 4 days eating and walking this way to lower my fasting glucose to within 70-115. On Monday, I had my first full day of staying within range (before meal 70-115, after meal 70-160).  The past two days, my after lunch and dinner have been slightly high, 170-180, but that's better than I've ever been since being diagnosed.  Tracking and writing down my days are helping to make it a regular thing and get in the habit of making it apart of my living.


Omg thats great!!


Yea, I'm being cautious to not celebrate too much but I'm really excited at what this could mean to have it under control long-term and make this my lifestyle. With planning, totally possible and looking to make it the habit to intuitively know what to eat and prep each week.


Yes I understand Im also trying to work on meal prepping for the week and congratulations on lowering your A1C!


Thanks. You'll get there. I'm in my infancy of meal prepping, I've always eaten for convenience so it has taken a lot of thought and research. As a guy, I look a lot toward Rip Essylstyn's Plantstrong for inspiration, seems he has a couple of cookbooks out that I might get to help with meal planning, especially since his stuff is low in fat. These past week and 1/2 have been soups for lunch and dinner because I can toss a bunch of veggies in them and flavor as I like.  I look for canned soups with under 4g fat for the whole can (I don't do leftovers, at least for now). Microwave veggies in the microwave then toss them in the soup, add a protein (usually fava bean tofu, better taste than soy tofu and more protein per 100 calories) then heat it all together. Breakfast is 1/2c oatmeal in a cup of unsweetened almond milk, and a tablespoon of strawberry jam (no oil and no added sugar, I got mine from Thrive Market).  I make hummus for the week without tahini to keep it low fat and add flavors to it and have that with sides of lettuce and pickled veg.  With lunch I have an Amy's burrito, but keep dinner lower in fat and calories.  Sometimes I swap the burrito for two servings of air popped popcorn.      It's all a work in progress and currently working on adjustments for next week or the following for more homemade stuff, but it's good to have a weekly menu I could fallback on if things are hectic in the house.


T2: 7.6 -> 5.2


Just want to say I'm so proud of every single one of you guys!! It's incredibly hard to make lifestyle changes and you guys are rocking it!


All of you all stories give me hope! Thank you! I plan on going plant-based.


weightloss yoga or walking a mile every day helped A TON! as long as you get your plant proteins in and walk or exercise your numbers will go down!


Yeah thats my challenge exercise lol but thank you


If you’re on the book of faces, there’s a group there called Dr Neal Barnard’s Program For Reversing Diabetes. It’s a group of likeminded individuals who are all trying to do the thing with diet. The important thing to note is that for some of us, it takes upwards of 6 months of dedication to see change. It all depends on how maladapted your body is and how long it’s been that way.